Adrian College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time, I would tell my high school senior self to get my nose out of the books and go out and try different things. My first semester in college, I did not step out of my comfort zone and I ended up paying for it. I lost out on connecting with professionals in my field, I missed out on meeting some great friends, and most importantly, I did not learn anything about myself. In my second semester I was depressed and wanted to leave Adrian College, but my roommate convinced me to give it one more chance. That semester I tried anything and everything that I could fit into my schedule, and while there are a lot of the experiences, I only tried once…by trying them I learned insurmountable pieces of information about myself. It is through these experiences that I found out who I truly am. While studying does come first, and is the most important part of coming to college, I learned that it is not all that college is about. It is about finding your passion, and that is what I would tell my high school senior self.


Don't slack off on class work and work harder to achieve a higher grade point average. Be careful of who you befriend and the decisions you make.


Dear High School Sarah, I am writing to give you advice as you start your freshman year of high school. I know how nervous and terrified you were throughout freshman year, but I am here to let you know that once you break free of your shyness, your experiences in high school will be unforgetable. Have a little bit of confidence in yourself, walk through the hallways with your shoulders back and head up, letting everyone see your bright blue eyes and contagious smile; this way they will find you approachable. Take advantage of the friendships that you are enjoying right now, because believe it or not, you will lose a lot of them. If there is one thing that i could stress to you, it is this; do not wish the time away so fast. Take advantage of the time you have in high school, because once it's gone you cannot get it back. And trust me, you will want it back more than anything. Have fun today, and make every second count! Sincerely, Sarah Lombardo, College Freshman.


I would tell myself do not rush and do not become stressed about choosing a college,


I was more then ready for college. But I wish I could have convinced my parents to let me go to the school I wanted out of state. I got excepted to every school I applyed for but money was a factor. I wish I would have worked more because I was the one funding my own education. I made the right choice with Adrian, even though it wasn't really what I wanted. The professors when I went to three different visits to the school sold Adrian to me. They are friendly, and they have and continue to help me with anything I might need. Also would have told myself to take German and Japanese insted of Arabic and Japanese. Arabic sounded intresting and fun, it was but my passion was German. I did make the right choice with Japanese, but I am currently trying to catch up with German.


College does not suddenly turn the challenging-volume up to 11. It is simply the next step after high school, in difficulty and general environment. Make friends, branch out. Home will always be there, spend this time away from it growing and learning. Ask questions in class, speak up when you have something to say. Don't assume everyone already has all the friends they need, you might just find out all they've been missing is you. Join a club. Go to a party. Study. Study some more. Finish work in advance. Don't procrastinate. Try your best, don't give it the minimum amount of effort, even if it suffices. Step outside your comfort zone. Try new and unfamilair classes on for size, you just might find your passion. Call your mom. Send letters to grandma. Keep in touch with your friends from home. Stand out, be who you are because no one knows you as the person you were in the past. Take the time to make smart, adult decisions. Save your money. Have the time of your life.


Out of my college experience I have learned many life lessons. I have learned the importance of friendship and being apart of a team. Participating in groups in a classroom environment as well as a team member in athletics, I have been able to develop many relationships that will be life long. I have also learned that it is important to work together and accept others for who they are in order to succeed. From my college experience I have discovered what it takes to make it in the "real world." Attending this college has been valuable in a sense that it is preparing me for life after school. It is relieving to know that once I graduate, I will be ready to take on anything that comes across my path. With hard work, determination, and a good mind set, it is possible to achieve anything.


My college experience consitantly evolves with growth over time. For instance, knowledge is like an orange growing on a tree. Usually the orange grows until it's fully ripe, but I feel like the orange needs more nourishment before it can become fully ripe. With a little help of this scholarship it can help nourish the orange, so I can keep attending college in the future without any barriers to battle in my life. I've battled many barriers in my life to get my assoicate's degree, but to keep attending college for another two years can be troublesome by balancing my family's financial situation. I really want to fulfill my dreams and finish college by recieving the next degree. That's why attending college is so important and very valuable to me everyday.


My college experience has taught me much more than the book smarts that everyone believes college will teach you. Throughout my time in my courses I've learned what the institution insists is learned as well as many, real life, experiences that I couldn't possibly have gone through without my professor's and my peers around me. In addition to learning my basic core subjects in my time in school, I've developed a greater understanding for the real-world application in which college will teach me. My classes have ranged from the science department, to the math department, and all the way to the communication department. Each has taught me something new that I will be able to carry on with me for the rest of my life into my career, my home, and my overall life in general.


I have recieved a lot of positive things from Adrian College. The people in the Academic Services are awesome people that are willing to help any student with any type of Academic need. They do not discriminate for any reason and everybody is equal. I have also recieved the ability to manage my time better as Adrian offers up to 18 credit hours a semester and over 35 varsity sports. I think Adrian is the best school for young student athletes who wish to continue their dreams of playing college sports, but most importantly to get an excellent education. Adrian's classes are not only challenging but they are extremely interesting. I have not had a class yet where I have sat there in sheer bordem. That is the positives that I have taken with my experience at Adrian College.


Knowing what I know now about the college transition I would?ve told myself to be prepared. Most problems of the college transition can be solved by being prepared for future situations. To do this, one must anticipate situations and develop a plan to overcome that obstacle. Develop plans that you are comfortable with, and be able to react with them. I would have also told myself to know the professor?s expectations from the beginning, so it would be easier to succeed in the class. Teachers are much more ruthless in college, so I would say to come to class ready and on time, because it?s a good idea to be on the professor?s ?good side.? Also, I would say to talk with people who have taken the class before and figure out the best strategies to doing well in the class. Finally, I would have told myself to arrange my dorm room to optimize comfortableness, because most of your free time is spent there. It is also a good idea to be able to schedule your meals accordingly, because no longer is there a pantry of food to snack on!


While applying to Adrian, I did not recognize the small print that stated that my cost towards Adrian would be decreased only if I was applied and was hired for a work study job on campus. If I were to receive that advice I would have applied to a job during the fall semester, instead of having to pay the mysterious $1000 for that semester. Even though my high school classes were very difficult for me to successfully receive above average grades, they proved to be very helpful because I found that college was not far from the level of difficulty I experienced in high school. I would assure myself that high school was a great preparation and practice for college, and that I would do just as well and without much difficulty at all receiving above average grades; this semester I received a higher GPA than I ever did during high school. Each person I was introduced to was unexpectedly very friendly and inviting. I would advise myself to befriend them in the same way that they would me, and to realize that these people are just as nervous and lost as I was.


Looking back on my senior year, I realize that I had no idea what the transition from high school to college would be like. I would tell myself to concentrate on my time management skills, as well as improving my study habits. I would also tell myself to look into alternative options when it comes to studying. It would be important to inform myself to broaden my horizons and be much more opened minded when I get to college. The most important thing that I would tell myself, not dealing with school, would be to concentrate less on the issues at home and concentrate on my schooling because, at the end of the day, my schooling will better my life and everyone around me.


Well hello Megan at age 17, getting ready to graduate soon. College is a new place which can be pretty tough to transition too. Don't be too upset; you're going to get a not so great roommate this year. Be ready to feel as poor as a bum on the street because even if you have tuition paid off, those books will lower your checking account faster than you can blink. You think you enjoy your mom's cooking now, just wait till Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks when you get to switch from Easy Mac and pop tarts to some nice homemade cooking. The classes aren't that great either. They are much different, and even though you never had to study in high school, you better learn how to study now. Professors can grade you how they want, it's their choice. Put school first, but still have some fun in the mean time. Don't forget about your hometown friends and family. Oh, and if you want to transfer, apply for as many scholarships as you can find because you won't be getting the ones you got when you were a senior.


I would give myself advice about the college bowling team and how much it is like high school bowling other than the shots we bowl on. I would also tell myself that it is good to live on campus and to grow up a little more than to living at home and commuting. I would also tell myself that I shouldn't be scared about being on my own becuase I will make alot of new friends. I also would say not to worry about your room mate because we get along great. The only thing that is bad in the winter time is the way the ground crew clears the pathways. I would suggest to myself to bring good traction shoes and because it is so cold outside I would bring some more layers.


I would tell myself to make more friends freshman year and be more open to new things. I would say dont fall into the procrastination and get your homework done ahead of time. I would tell myself to try and read my text books more because they actually do help most of the time. I would also tell myself to pick classes that double count for different requirements. That would free up a lot of time and I could take other classes I need. I would also tell myself to take summer classes at my community college because that would free up time for other classes here and I could get done faster. I would tell myself not to sweat the small stuff and take things one little part at a time. But mostly, I would tell myself to have as much fun as I could.


If I were to go back in time to my senior year, I would tell myself- A. Don't take that Online Psychology Class, the Professor will lose your project, B. Don't take the Online Forensics Course, the School internet will cause you to fail. C. Don't be such a Jerk to everyone, it's not their fault that you had no social life, it's your Parents. Then I would relay to myself that I should not stop my workout routine, it'll cost you big time. Don't join a Fraternity until you after your first semester, you ned to adjust to your new location first, and don't coop yourself up in your room, it'll cost you some amazing Friendships in the end. And finally, To my past self- Remember, your parents didn't go to college, so yes, they have unreasonable expectations. When you fail a course, it's not the end of the world, and they need to know that, because the harsh threats of not cosigning are a lot of pressure, and practice your trombone as much as you can during your Senior summer, it'll save you quite sime trouble.


I'd tell myself to relax and enjoy the ride. Your parents will be there for you when you need them, friends come and go so don't fret, and just have a great time. It's not as bad or scary as you thought it would be. As long as you grow moderately and mature steadily, you'll be ready for anything that awaits you in life!


It is important to really research each school you maybe be considering to attend. Once you make that decision, get involved. You should be outgoing, get to know people, and have fun. You should try new things and experince different activities.


I would say that in chosing the right college you want to look at how far it is from your family and the kind of education the student will be getting there. In order to get the most out of your college experience as a student you want to participate in extracurricular activities around campus along with doing your studies. For the parents, let your student have some freedom at college. If they are good kids they will stay out of trouble and the rough crowd.


My advice to parents and students trying to find the right college would be to first find one with the major you are going in to. Next you will want to explore how the college works for helping you be the best you can be. Going on campus visits to see how the college is worked most successful for me. I thought I wanted to go to a bigger school until I realized the perks of going to a smaller school and realized how much colleges are there to help you become all you can be. Also meeting with staff on campus who are there to help you is a great idea. Stay connected with people who help. College experience is very important when attending a college. You do not want to go to a college if you are not going to enjoy it. Finding a campus that is very involved in school spirit is a great idea. Attending sporting events and other activities on campus is a great idea. Also any clubs you can get involved in within your College is a very good idea, meeting people and becoming involved are great ways of having a successful College experience.


My advice to parents and students looking for the "right" school would be to find a college that has a large variety of opportunities as far as majors, activities and services (unless the student wants to go to a single-field based school). First of all, I had no idea about which career direction I wanted to take. In fact, I've changed majors twice. A helpful and experienced career services office is crucial to any institution of higher learning. Just having that extra push can mean a lot. Also, finding a campus that provides a large amount of activities is crucial. I am a commuter, so I don't have the opportunity to live in the dorms and meet people there. However, I have been involved in two sports, numerous clubs, and classes that have made me feel like I'm part of the school. Finally, make sure the price is not too high. Look for a school that is willing to offer scholarships to serious students. Once it is time to graduate those loans that were taken out freshman year start to look a little more intimidating. Most importantly...make sure a good education will be obtained.


My advice to parents would be to support their kids. College is a chance for your children to grow and shape their minds. Don't worry so much about the costs. You can't really put a face value on a quality education. The prices may seem a little daunting for parents with 1st generation students, but you rarely have to pay the full value at your institution. My advice to students is to be yourself. You'll fit in a lot better if you don't pretend to like something to join a clique. Most colleges are very accepting to anyone who wants to join a club or extracurricular activity. Also your high school study habits will not work anymore. You will spend many hours studying for exams, writing papers, doing homework, etc. Finals week can be your time to shine on a class you had been struggling in, or time to fail. If you do the homework and study, you should be fine. There is always tutoring available if you can't grasp a concept. And before you even attempt tutoring, talk to the professor. They will be glad to help. That is what they are paid for.


This is sort of brainstorm writing, no organization, I'm writing as it comes to me. One thing I notice is that college students find themselves at college, everyone knows that. But a high school student needs to analyze themselves before going to college, if you try to find yourselve earlier, you can find where you best fit. Education levels vary from school to school, but they aren't all that different, unless your deciding between Harvard and Eastern Michigan University, the education levels won't be too far apart. So what i believe is important is to find a school where you can feel you are most attracted to. A school where you believe you will gain the most knowledge as well as have the most fun. Half of college is education, the other half is being away from home, learning to live on your own, and learning to socialize and interact. If you attend a school you don't enjoy, you may still get the education you dreamed of, but you will miss on half of the experience.


Find one that fits you both academically as well as sports wise, don't chose just for the sports team, its not a good idea. And remember learning is the most important part but finances are also important to consider.


When telling parents/students how to find the right college and how to make the most of college experiences I would just say to follow your heart. Of course you need to go on visits. A day visior even overnight. Visits help a lot because you get to feel out the campus. You should also talk to the person who would be your advisor or the head of the department that you're majoring in. It helps a lot to know if you are going to be able to connect with the staff in your field of study. But like I said before, just follow your heart. It is a very hard time trying to choose where to go, but you will always know inside where you really want to be. You should never let anyone influence your decision or try and influence someone else's decision. College can be the best days of your life if you let it. It helps to get involved on campus to get the true college experience. Once you do that I am positive that you will be talking about the college you choose for the rest of your life.


College is definitely an exciting time in a person's life. The right atmosphere can make the difference in the end. I would strongly encourage individuals to search for something that they feel interested in at first, then go and visit the campus. Get a feel for how the college works and make a comfortable decision. Do not feel pressured into choosing a school because of what other people want you to do. When it comes down to it, people have to remember that they will be the one attending the school. There are so many incredible schools out there, that all offer the opportunity to succeed later in life. One of the best pieces of advice that I could provide is that there really is no right college for an individual, the individual is the right person for the college. When I say what I just mentioned, I mean only that a person has the power to get what ever they want out of college. They have the power to make the college work for them and have the simple choice of making it the right one if they want it that way. The choice is always yours.


When you are looking for a college, you have to choose the place where you feel most comfortable. That can be defined in many ways (ie, scholarships, reputation of program, distance from home, ect). It is so important to go with your gut and choose the best place for you. The student is going to be spending a lot of time there. Go visit campus on a day when it isn't cleaned up for visitors. See how it really is. Don't be afraid to ask questions to students that go there. They have the best anwsers for you. The admissions people can be helpful, but getting questions anwsered directly from the current students is a great way to get a feel for the atmosphere of the campus. College can be a great experiance, you just have to find the place that suits you best.


I chose a college that had the major I wanted as well two other majors I was also considering. People change their majors a lot and if you?re going to a college that has everything you are interested in you save yourself a lot of trouble. I would also recommend taking a quick test to find out what type of learner you are. You can find one online if your school doesn?t have one. It only takes a couple of minutes and it?s really helpful. For instance, I?m a visual learner, which means I learn things by seeing them. I have a harder time understanding lechers than I do taking notes from the board. I can talk to my professors and let them know how I learn so they can help cater the material towards my needs. Never be afraid to ask a professor for help. It?s part of their job and it can really benefit you. If they tell you to get a tutor, do it especially if their services are free. Even if you?re not struggling tutors are very good for just reviewing information and that helps a lot.


Have fun but study hard. Don't forget why you are going to school. Come with a goal and try all four years of your college career to accomplish that goal! Be safe and have fun!


When you are looking for a school, make sure you visit the campus and, if at all possible, take advantage of opportunity for an overnight visit with a student. Doing both of these things will allow you to know if you feel comfortable on the campus and with the students at that school. Take advantage of any scholarship, and apply for all possible. When you are at school, make sure to get to know your advisor, and use any opportunity possible to have help making your schedule and planning your 4-yr (or whatever it may be) plan. You are on your own, plan your time appropriately. Do not completely forget about your social life, but make sure that you always put your academics before your social life. Keep your parents involved, and they can help you make a smoother transition into life on your own.


For parents and new students trying to figure out what school best suits their lifestyle, personality or religous views, they need to visit the campus and town during regular hours and ask questions. If a student can visit overnight or for a weekend to see what campus life is like away from their parents, they can make an unbiased judgement for themselves about the college. The person or persons trying to establish a feel for a campus need to understand also that things change between seasons and from dorm hall to dorm hall. Parents and new students should ask a lot of questions and expect an answer, do not hold back! If a parent is concerned about drugs and alcohol, ask the safety or security office; a sophomore alcoholic will deny any problems on campus to avoid the angry R.A. Students also need to research every aspect of the campus, from dorm life, to night life, campus activities and study groups. No question is too small or too big. Dig for any and all information possible that may one day affect the college experience. Again, feel out the campus, learn everything there is about the college up and down.


When selecting colleges, SHOW NO MERCY IN APPLYING TO COLLEGES!!! You never know what may happen to your dream college/university and you want to have an alternative place to go. With that being said, certain colleges/universities have scholarships that involve your elective classes or your outside activities in high school. I'm not saying apply to every college in America as well as Canada, but do not be lazy when applying to colleges/universities because you might not want to stay in your state; you might want to go to a private college; a small college; trade school or anything less than a community college. You want to pick a campus that will scream out to you when you step on it. Don't settle for anything less and don't have any regrets. The biggest goal is go beyond the requirements of the school and never get SICK! Your senior year is not a game take it as seriously as your freshman year of high school and that will carry on into your college years.


Visit the campus. Sit in on classes, and find out the most you can. Do not go somewhere for sports; unless that is what you want to do with you life. Take your college life seriously, and do youself a favor, STUDY!


Make sure it is where you want to be. Go for a campus visit. Don't go or apply somewhere because you have friends going there. Go and meet new people, it will change your life in a positive way. Also, get involved. Dont' be shy to try new things.


It is very important to visit the school that you would like to attend, and find out everything that you can about it.Find out about the classroom size,find out about the population of the students that attend the college that you are asking about,and also find out about the educational programs that they have available.It is important to keep in mind that there is no such thing as a "perfect" school.There will always be things about the school that could potentially be "better," so it is important to make the most out of it.Classroom size is important because it determines the type of education that you will be receiving.Students are more likely to go to a class where their attendance is important and mandatory,rather than a class where the professor isn't teaching it and no one cares. Although it is important to love the college that you are attending,it is also important to keep in mind that the reason why you are attending college is because of your education,nothing else.Everything else just comes along with it,such as making friends,etc.