Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


A diverse group of people, intent on learning and growing in our fields and in ourselves.


My classmates are mostly serious and friendly.


I have not met any of my future classmates at Anderson University yet ( I am a transfer student).


My classmates are encouraging, helpful, wonderful study partners, and engaged in listening and helping with any problem I may encounter.


My classmates are determined young men and women who are willing to work hard inside and outside the classroom so that they are the most prepared when they pursue their desired careers after college.


My classmates are friendly, smart studnets who enjoy, not only our school sports, but the spiritual aspects of our Christian college.


My classmates are mostly very friendly, supportive, and involved in the classroom discussions and projects.


My classmates are very different from me and have many different interests.


Everyone is generally nice and friendly, willing to help each other out if you've missed class or just need help with anything.


My classmates are fun easy going people, who love to laugh, and enjoy a good time in a good atmosphere but still have time to do well in their classes.


My classmates are reliable and focused.