Antelope Valley College Top Questions

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Antelope Valley College is unique because it is a great stepping stone. It has many opportunities and you can branch out and really find what you are interested in. It is also a lot cheaper than a four year university, so it is great just to get your feet wet in the world of college.


Antelope Valley College is different from other colleges in the aspect of diversity. One can find people from all walks of life in each of the classes, from seniors to recent high school graduates. And the backrounds of people are very diverse as well, from the pits of the lower class, to the middle class. We can find a little bit of everything on the campus. In addition, it offers many services to the students. I never felt alone since I walked in to register, unlike many colleges where the students dont feel important.


Avc has defintly shown be how to learn and feel secure in my learning, but not only that , this college has allowed me to experiment with different classes so I can pick the right career for me, which happens to be Interior Design. I went through atleast two other majors before I realized this I must admit but if it wasn't for this schools freedom to explore different fields, i might be in a career that would just be the complete opposite of who i am. So thanks to AVC I can be who i'm meant to be.


There are so many opportunities for students to succeed if they take advantage of them. It is a fairly small community and one can therefore get to know the faculty on a personal level. The faculty give the students 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and their primary goal is to help students succeed, they go out of their way to make themselves available to students whenever they may need their help.