Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.


ASU is for Barbie and Ken.


Great place to get a high quality education, meet lifelong friends, form relationships, and find yourself and your direction in life.


ASU is an active university in the heart of Tempe that offeres students a remarkedly broad choice of areas to study. Albeit the unversity doesn't rank high as a whole, each college individually compares well with some of the best colleges in the nation.


ASU has a fun, engaging atmosphere in order to expand knowledge, hard-work, dedication, and life-long skills and friendships.


Being at such a large university, it surprised me how small it felt once I selected a major because I started having classes with the same people which made the campus seem smaller and more comfortable.


Arizona State University is a place filled with academically motivated students, dedicated staff, and has a variety of activities that students are able to participate in - it is a university I am proud to say I attend.


The most fun, open environment.


Arizona State University is a vibrant, diverse, academically-based university that students feel proud to go to.


My School is very BIG.


ASU is a great place to get a quality education, prepare you for a career, meet lots of friends, participate in clubs/sororities/fraternities, and to enjoy your learning experience.


Arizona State University is money-driven at the expense of the students, but has taught me to be a critical thinker and a businesswoman.


Arizona State is very large and in charge of sports.


It is resourceful; the expectation is high to graduate in a respectable field of study; it's exciting - yet challenging.


ASU is a great school to attend due to the fact that it is technologically advanced, decent professors, and overall a great attitude of school unity throughout as a whole.


I believe that Arizona State University is a fun, diverse, exciting, and extremely educational school with many very experienced and exceptional teachers.


A report on ASU's security.