Arizona Western College Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


My classmates are very supportive and helpful we usually make group work, so we can all understand the material.




Although there are many great students in my college most of my classmates are either really unmotivated or they have way too many challenges that inhibit them from doing any school related things.


It varies with classes, yet far from sterotypical, as in most if not all classes I recall, everyone is quiet and hard at work.


My peers are mostly children of migrante workers who want eduaction so they can take care of their families, they have high educational goals and I am proud to say their my classmates.


My classes are suprisingly filled mostly with older people, who wish to obtain either a new degree, or work on their current one. One would usually assume that the majority of a college's students would be young adults, but this is not the case.


Arizona western college students are ridiculously hilarious and entertaining; we may play hard but we also work hard by commiting ourselves to our educational goals.


They are enthusiastic about learning and make it an easy learning atmoshere.