Baylor University Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


My classmates are from all different cultures and financial backgrounds looking for a stellar education, spiritual foundation, and social activities.


My class includes the Baylor Bettys and Beaus, the traditional and the explorer, and even the notorious Noze Brothers who satirize Greek Life.


Many of my classmates are studious. It is not uncommon to find them in their rooms or at the library studying for a test or doing homework assignments.


Most of classmates are very hard-working students that know how to balance thsier study time and realxation time. Some classmates are helpful while others are not, making it uncomfortable to approach some of my peers. There is alot of diversity in the class as evryon has different opinions, stlye and hobbies.


My classmates are dependable, competitive, honorable; in short, they are like me.


My classmates here at Baylor University are some of the best I have ever had; never have I found a school with students who are genuinely there to help you.


My classmates are driven, compassionate, and wholesome.


I'd have to say that on the whole, my classmates here at Baylor care; about their future, about hard work, and about each other.


All are very determined and cooperative in the classroom, and very open to helping fellow classmates when things aren't entirely understood.




My classmates are dedicated, hardworking, kind, funny, understanding, and eager to learn.


The classmates here are remarkably friendly and eager to get to know other people and be involved in events while putting their heart in their studies.


In my opinion, majority of my classmates were prepared for college; Although a lot of my classmates were naive to the fact that we were graduating, and are now responsible for our success or failure in life.


They are friendly and always willing to help others.


They are friendly, but if you are looking to become friends with them then you should talk to them first. they will help you out but they do not just volunteer the help, you have to actually approach them and ask for it.


My classmates are extremely diverse. The people range from athletes to greeks to students from the Indian subcontinent to students from Africa to students from right in Waco. There are students majoring in all sorts of fields like fashion design and international studies. The kids are friendly and excited to be there; they're helpful and very involved in class.


Some are shy, most are very nice.


Friendly with an intense passion to learn about the subject, themselves and others


Determined and driven individuals. Most want to have a good time in college, along with becoming successful in their career choices.


There are over 300 different clubs and organizations here at Baylor so if there is something that you are interested in, it's pretty easy to find a group of people who like do that thing as well. We have several national and local sororities and fraternities, but they don't have an overwhelming presence on campus so if that's not your thing, you certainly won't feel left out.


They are dedicated and extreemly friendly, also intelectually engaged


My classmates are very supportive of each other and share a fondness for not only their school but for those in the community. The school spirit felt here is unmatched on any campus I have seen.


My classmates are encouraging and helpful.


As a nursing major, most of my classmates are female but they are not only all pretty and fun but also smart and willing to work hard and help each other out when it is necessary.


Eager to please.


They are very religious.


They are intelligent, enegetic, confident, and passionate.


Everyone at Baylor is very driven and goal-oriented and strives to achieve high grades and works very hard for everything they try to acheive.


My classmates are for the majoiryt very much like me in the sense that we all have fairly similar beliefs and views on how things be. One of the main reasons I went to Baylor was for the sense that I would be with people who were very similar to my way of thinking.


My classmates are generally friendly, but not extremely outgoing. They'll talk to you, but unless you reciprocate it, they won't generally try to make any study plans with you.


They are a lot of white, wealthy, conservative business majors.


While many Baylor students are stereotyped as bible-thumping, hicks, in reality, Baylor students are a caring and intelligent demographic with conservative values and a desire to learn.


My classmates are very intelligent, intellectual individuals


Most of my classmates are passionate about what they are studying and have different styles and political views, but it makes for interesting class discussions over controversial issues, like stem cell research and whether evolution should be taught in schools, for example.


My classmates are different in many ways. Some are quiet, other are social and participate in school activities.


Students at Baylor have broad interests. Walking campus, classmates are tossing frisbee, teeing off campus golf, and buildering. It's an activity orientated student body. Most are christian and serve a broad range of interests from science to theology.


My classmates seem to be extremely friendly and helpful when I need ithe most.


Trust fund kids with matching prada purses and bleached blonde hair.


They are exciting, fun, ready for the challenges the future holds, full of school spirit, and most of all, very bold in their walk with God.


My classmates are a diverse, determined, focused, and intelligent group of people who have earned my respect.


My classmates are young, friendly, easy-going, yet opinionated.


My classmates are conservative, friendly, and very outgoing and seem to be very similar to me.


My classmates are friendly and helpful.


My classmates vary greatly in their attitudes toward education, priorities, and life in general.


My classmates are very rich, but some are still very friendly and nice.


My classmates are diverse. But for the most part, everyone is from Texas. But that didn't stop anyone from accepting me, being from TN and all. My English class was very interesting my freshman year because everyone was different ethnicities, genders and even majors. My classmates are mostly Christians, but that doesn't mean that they aren't accepting of other religions. My classmates are very accepting of diversity.


Fun but a little shy.


Classmates are friendly, smart, religious, and with a desire to give back to the community.


students are friendly and eager to share notes and form study groups. i've often made friends with students in my classes.


Baylor has a pretty homogenous crowd, but where there is diversity there is usually segregation as well. If you're a minority, you'll usually join a sorority/fraternity for that minority. If you're liberal, you'll usually hang out with the more liberal crowd. I wouldn't say that the students have anything against each other, but that's just how it usually works out. Most students would probably find their niche on campus, though if you're not Christian, you might find it difficult to put up with chapel and the religion classes. Students usually are pretty casually dressed for class. Many girls wear Nike running shorts and t-shirts or jeans and casual shirts. Sometimes girls will wear dresses and skirts, but it's never a big deal--there are a lot of different styles in one classroom. Most Baylor students are from east/central Texas and there's a good chance their parents went to Baylor as well. A lot of girls even stayed in the same room their mothers stayed in when they were at Baylor (which I always though was kinda creepy). Most students are also middle/upper class, but there's diversity in that and most (but not all) students are okay with students from different backgrounds financially. Students aren't too politically active--we don't ever have protests or rallies. We're pretty conservative though as a whole, though maybe not as conservative as some would like to believe. For some reason, a lot of people from my city thought that I'd be coming to a school with a lot of gay guys, but I really haven't seen to much of it--I may just be naive about that, though. Most students plan on living a charmed life of wealth and importance... and their kids coming to Baylor, too.