Benedictine College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Never settle for less than your best. College is a new frontier: no local family, challenges like never before, and situations you've never been in. It's up to you to let these situations mold you into a better version of yourself. It's not up to your teachers or classmates to make college a good experience - it's up to you. Strive to do your best. And when the going gets though, you know what? Get going. You're tough. Just do it. Excuses don't cut it and you were made for more than procrastination. Don't fall for that. Be the change you want to see in your school and you will insire people around you. It's the little things in life that make all the difference, so be sure to reflect on how you are balancing your time. Know that in the end college is a small part of your life so enjoy it while you can. Take the time to savor the little things. You have years of life after college, but you have one chance to create lifetime memories. Make them unforgettable.


My advice, I would give would be to just be yourself, but also be open to new things. College is a lot different than highschool. It is also a lot more fun but here you are treated as adults and it is only your responsibilty to study hard, make good grades, and graduate with a major that you truly want to be able to use in your life!


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school there is a lot I would want to say. For example, it does not matter what people think or to just live in the moment cause it will be over before you know it. But most of all I would want to tell myself to be kind to everyone and enjoy yourself. High school can very difficult but it is a lso a place where you will make best friends and memories that will last a lifetime. So make those memories good ones and have fun. I would tell myself to stop worrying. All the hard work will pay off and everything will be ok. You will go to a great college and will miss the people you became friends with in high school. Study hard and have fun.


If I could go back in time to visit my skinny, chlorine stained swimmers hair, friendly yet highly distractable self I would give two pieces of advice. First, the door to success and happiness has the ability be opened with a variety of keys. At this time in your life you can open that door with self-compassion. Yes, that means it's okay to take it easy on yourself. No, taking it easy on yourself won't make you grow soft. Second, I'd tell myself that there are things worth working for and believing in. To curb the youthful directionlessness I'd say that it's possible that you can find a career, interest, or relationships that are worth time, effort and sacrifice. Sticking ones neck out for something is a risk that also comes with a reward: satisfaction won't appear without it.


If I could go back in time and talk to that senior who knew everything and said college would be a breeze, I would have a lot to say. First, it is going to be a lot of hard work – more than anything you’ve had up to this point. No matter how good you were in high school, studying will become a necessity. If you choose not to study (and it seems that almost every freshman chooses not to at first), you are setting yourself up for a rude awakening. Just remember, it’s better to study and not need it, than to need it and not have studied. Despite the difficulties your classes will create (and they will) you will have a lot of fun too. Make yourself go out and meet your fellow students as some of them will become your life-long friends. Being away from your family will be a new experience that takes some getting used to but you will adjust in time (and making friends makes it all the more easy). Study hard and know that it will all pay off (although there is no way you can make yourself believe that initially).


What I would tell myself if I was a senior, I guess to get up off your ass and do something before its too late. I was late for inrolling in college so I didnt get the classes I really wanted; I was late to fill out scholarships and grants so It lead to a bruttle struggle paying for books and intution. I would do a lot of things over but I would tell myself not to waste so much your time. Between work and school and trying to have as much fun as I could before adult hood really stared, I forgot all about the future and that led to many other mistakes down the road. I have messed up a lot but I could have easily prevented this. When the college people would come to my class I just brushed them off; now I constanly regret it. I would tell myself "Zack your too talented to struggle like this. So go out there and don"t stop intill you realize what you can be." Thats what I would tell myself knowing how I was I still probably wouldnt have listen. But now I am ready . Thank you


If i could talk to my high school self, I would tell her that it's okay to not have everything figured out. When I headed to college I was set to get a degree in Biology. I thought I had to go into college with a degree in mind because I didn't want to be one of those people that was undicided. I did not want to fail. After changing my degree twice and finally deciding to double major, I realize its okay to change your mind or be undicided about things. When you are 18, everyone tells you, you need a plan for your life. I thought I had one, but I discovered my love for journalism my sophomore year of college. You don't know who you are at 18, people change. You discover new things when in college. It took me an extra semester to complete my journalism degree, but it was worth it. At 25, I still don't have all the anwsers, but it's still going to be okay. Most people twice my age still don't have their lifes firgured out. My advice try everything, learn from the results.


Dear Clare, Congratulations, you're almost there! This is your last year of high school, and next year you will be going to Benedictine College (spoiler alert!). I know Kansas seems like a random place to live for the next few years, but you'll have fun! Enjoy your last months of high school and being familiar with your surroundings. Things change when you go to college, but most things change for the better. The first few days away from home feel surreal, and college won't feel like home right away. This is okay. Soon enough, both home and college feel normal. Your family and friends will be there for you even though you are hours away. Don't be afraid to call home when you need to, but also remember to continue your journey toward independence. Branch out and meet your awesome new friends! God loves you very much, and He will never give you more than you can handle. Benedictine College is the right college for you, and you will not regret coming here! Love, Clare P.S. Thank you for taking those AP classes; they were worth it!


As a senior in high school, all I did was worry. I stressed about my grades, agonized over scholarship essays and college applications, fretted about my future roommate, and constantly feared all the various changes that would inevitably come with the transition from high school to college. Looking back, I can't help but laugh at my anxieties from a year ago. Here I am, with only a month left of my freshman year of college, and I am having the time of my life! College has already taught me so much about life, I have made some amazing friendships, and I have discovered that all my worries were quite ridiculous. So if I could go back in time, I would smack myself upside the head and tell myself not to worry. I'd say, "Self, chillax. Seriously. It WILL be okay! Worry will only make it worse. Instead, give God your stress and He'll do the rest. Then buckle up and get excited because college will be the most exciting ride of your entire life." If I had the chance, that's what I would say. And hopefully I would listen, because worry is just not worth it.


If I were able to give my high-school self advice about college: Train yourself from the beginning to wake up to your alarm, because the more times you hit snooze, the deeper you dig your hole. Join as many things as you can freshman year, and meet as many people as you can, but DON'T let that stop after freshman year. Never stop learning. Find something you are passionate about and chase it. Take leadership roles in clubs and sports you enjoy, they will pay off later. Never let anyone make you feel like they are better than you, but don't make the mistake of thinking you are better than anyone else either. Don't be afraid to get to know your professors--they will be the ones writing your letter of recommendations. Don't be afraid to try new things, but remember that you are forming yourself, so form yourself into someone you can be proud of. Above all, strive every day to live life more fully, to continuously grow in knowledge and spirit, and to never let a day go by where you can't honestly say to yourself you did the best possible!


Dear Eileen, You don't know me as well as you should, but I know you better than you'd like. I know everything about you--your strengths, your weaknesses, your hopes, your fears. Everything you like and dislike about yourself. Including the things you won't admit even to yourself. Thanks to this wealth of knowledge, I think I can make a fairly sound judgement on what you need to hear before you leave for college in the fall. Don't close yourself off, thinking you've heard it all before. I can guarantee no one's told you this. Guarantee. You need to trust more. You're hurting yourself more by not trusting than by closing yourself off to the world. True, you won't feel pain, but you won't feel love either. Yes, love really does exist, and it's just as good as they all say it is. And yes, there is such a thing as true friendship. But you'll never get either of them if you don't trust people. You have to take that jump. Trust that you'll land on your feet. It's worth it. I've been there.


Dear SeniorME, Relax and enjoy this time you have been given. I know at times classes will be stressful and you feel like this will never end but trust me; the end will be here before you know it! Do not be afraid to be yourself! Let your light shine and the right people will come into your life. Never try to be someone you're not. High school was filled with drama but if you don't want that then you don't have to have it! This is the time in your life when you determine who you are and who you want to be. Don't let anyone or anything stop you. The sky is the limit! Take your studies seriously even though there are days you want to throw your books out the window. How is is life right now? Reading books, drinking coffee, and learning! How fun is that? Don't be afraid to meet new people. This is a time in your life you will always want to remember. When the stress seems to be at a max take a deep breath and remember this is the time of your life! Good luck! FutureME


I would advise to myself to never stop believing in a better future which comes with a better education. I would of never take breaks in between the schools. And, also, I would of told myself that I should appreciate time, because it can never go back.


My high school self was innocent of the intellect and social rehlm. Together these things caused me to have a judgemental attitude toward all my peers. College is a time for personal growth and materity, but that often comes from falling and making mistakes. The thing is is that I am not perfect. My life is full of sin and challenges just like my peers that choose to drink underage and subject themselves to morally questionable situations. If I could go back to my high school self and give advice it would be to look at everyone with love and non-jugdemental eyes. As the saying goes every person has a story to tell and that story is what shapes and forms them. The world is fully of hate for those who spread the news that love is all around us and in us. Knowing now that I am not perfect, my friends are not perfect, and my school is not perfect allows me to see that I am here to grow not to cement myself into the pavement of this university. I would tell myself to love, forgive, and to allow everyone around me to have their redemptive story.


I would suggest looking at the types of internships that would be available to me. I would also decide whether or not I was okay living in that area for years after college if I were to get a job there.


I would tell myself to calm down and not to worry. As a senior in high school I was very nervous for college and that transition but now that I have been in college for a year I know how amazing it is. I am a huge worrier and I like to know what is going on in my life with little or no change. College is a huge change and it was hard but I know that it is worth it and it all worked out so I would tell my self to trust my decision in school, do not worry about the transition it will be okay, and to enjoy my senior year and get ready to move on.


The advice I would give to myself is to be more decisive. Decide what you want to do with your life and just do it instead of waiting. Even if you decide later on in your college career that it isn't what you really want to do it is a start and you can always change your mind. If you have some college it is better than having no college to many employers and will therefore help you obtain a higher paying job. College life is hard but it is easier to obtain an education when you do not have a family yet, as I do. If I had gone to school before having children and before the economy had gone downhill I wouldn't be so worried about paying for it now. Being decisive will help in all areas of life, not just deciding what to go to college for.


Don't underestimate how much tuition costs should play into your college decision. The idea of student loans may not seem like a big deal coming out of high school, but it becomes a much more real concern once you have to think about paying your tuition, room and board, book costs, and inevitable other fees while also trying to plan for your life after college.


I attend/have attended college for the purpose of learning things I did/do not already know. I have studied Automotive Technology for a few years and have gained a much deeper knowlege in this field. I am going on to a four-year college in order to study more and to earn a four-year degree. Diesel is a topic that was not covered much in my community college, but it will be covered better at my four-year college. College has also caused me to mature and become much more responsible. I pay for my own schooling which makes me work hard to keep my grades up and learn what I am studying. Scholarships have been a big part of paying for school, but applying for them and keeping up with the requirements have been my own responsibility.


I have met and befriended great people. I have madfe relationships that will last forever. I have been a part of a larger family. I have gained a great and revered education. I have grown as a person. My spiritual life has strengthened. My social life has benefited. I have learned how to communicate more effectively with employers and instructors. I have been a part of a varsity sport. I have supported my friends in their activities. I turned 21 here! I learned more about myself here than anywhere else. I played golf, video games, watched movies, and had all kinds of fun here. I have been blessed to find this place and call it home. The value of an education here is priceless. You will have earned a valuable and sought after education when applying for work. You will have gained precious resources and networking alliances here. You will have beome a part of something bigger than yourself, but that not everyone knows about. It's not like claiming a huge university. It's more like a close network of people who have all experienced the same thing. Your time and money are well spent here.


After only one year at Benedictine College, I have grown more intellectually, emotionally and morally than I have from any other experience. I began my liberal arts education by being introduced to a variety of subjects and possible career paths. I was opened to a new perspective and gained a greater understanding of the world. Yet, as I learned new facts about the world, I was also educated about my role as an individual within it. Through this, I was also able to learn about myself, which greatly assisted me in choosing what would lead me to the most fulfilling lifestyle. I was challenged to take responsibility for my future and the impact that I can have on others, and through this, I learned that I truly can make a positive impact in the world. However, I never would have gained this great understanding if I had not also been challenged to take a step further in my spiritual life by my peers and educators. Benedictine College challenged me in many ways to intertwine my beliefs, knowledge, and individuality into my daily life, and without these challenges, I never would have made the considerable growth that I did this year.


After a year of college, I've learned that I really don't know who I am and that's okay. Going into college I had this vision of who I was, who I wanted to be, and what I was going to do. I seemed to forget that life happens along the way and hits you hard. I thought I was a very disciplined student, but I quickly learned that just when I think I've given enough effort in whatever I'm doing I need to do twice as that to be succesful. I 've also learned that you should never be too sure of who you are, that doesn't give you room to grow intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and in every other way. I've learned to be open to new experiences and things, but at the same time stay true to myself, who I was and who I want to be. Also to be flexible because no matter how much you plan or want to determine the outcome of things, you simply can't. You just need to be open to things not going your way and learning to accept whatever God blesses you with instead.


I know you?re tired of hearing about college, but pay attention. I?ve come back to help you transition into college life. First, Verizon lied. There is no service in Atchison. Don?t buy a cell phone. Second, look for a job on campus ? it?s just too hard to find one close enough in town. Don?t worry: you?ll definitely be able to handle that and your schoolwork. Actually, that?s what I really came back to tell you: you can do more than you think. You will have so much more time in college, so don?t worry about spending lots of time with people. Go ahead and strike up conversations with strangers in the cafeteria, and chat for hours with your friends. You should go to the sports games; I regret missing the soccer and basketball and volleyball games. Don?t get stuck in your room. I know you've heard it a thousand times, but get involved! On a side note, when you create your Dungeons and Dragons character, be unaligned. Trust me. Oh, and nag Emma, or you?ll never get the books she borrowed back before you leave.


If I could go back to my senior year of High School I would tell myself a number of things. Most importantly I would tell myself that High School is not nearly as hard as college is, and that college is not a place where you party and have fun all the time. I would remind myself that college is like having to work and when you have a job you can't slack off. I would tell myself to take a full load during my senior year so that I would feel more prepared when coming to college. I would have challenged myself to take more advanced courses and increase my study habits so that it wouldn't be a big adjustment when I started college. I would have spent more time with my family because you seem to miss them, especially during your first semester. I would have spent more time working so that I wouldn't have to take out as many loans. Lastly, I would have tried to be friends with people that I had a hard time being friends with because it helps you to adjust to people with different attitudes and perspectives.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the first thing I would tell myself would be to focus on school as much as possible. I didn't realize that college work was going to be so labor-intensive, and I was used to being lazy and still managing to get by in high school. I would tell myself to take better notes, and to force myself to study even when I didn't feel like it. I would also tell myself to practice my self-efficiency skills, because college professors don't baby you like high school teachers do. The final thing I would tell myself as a high school senior would be this: apply for scholarships. I knew that college was expensive, but I guess I didn't realize how expensive it was until I had to take nearly every penny out of my bank account just to pay for one semester. Had I not been so un-motivated my senior year, I could have found a few more scholarships to help cover tuition. Unfortunately I learned this the hard way, which is why I'm applying for this scholarship.


If i could go back i would tell myself not to wait untill the last minute to start making the big decisions about college. It helps to know as much as you can about all of your options. I would also tell myself that i cant be the shy and quiet girl anymore i need to be confident and outgoing. Getting out and meeting people is very important in college.


If I could go back in time, and talk to myself as a high school senior, and I could give myself advice, then I would tell myself to search more for scholarships so that the payments would be easier. Scholarships are a very necessary part of paying for college unless you want to have a lot of debt when you graduate. Also, if you take a long trip the summer before going to college, it will help a lot with the home sickness. It is nice to be able to be far away from home first with people you know than to just be thrown into it. It is a little bit nicer to be eased into living on your own than just left to it by yourself.


If I could go back to my high school self, I would say that you should apply your head off for scholarships and not wait around. I would tell my high school senior self that you should have made the best of your high school years while you had the chance. I would go on to say that going to Benedictine will be the best thing that could have ever happened to you. The friends that you will make will be the kindest and funniest people you will ever have the pleasure of knowing. You will have the best time in college and do not take it for granted.


Carefully consider your needs, goals and personal traits. Make a list of these in order of importance. Then use them as a criteria for conducting your search for the right school. By doing this you will ensure yourself of finding a college where you will recieve the best possible education and experience. Do not sell yourself short by going to a school which does not meet the criteria on your list - you will not be able to make the most of your college experience. Once you find the college which is right for you, then create a plan for maximizing your college experience. This plan should include time for academic, physical, social, and spiritual activities. Your college experience should be the time to build the foundation for the rest of your life. Make the most of your college experience; work hard, build friendships, and enjoy this exciting time of your life!


When it comes to college, it is true what they say, you get out what you put in. Still, it is important to choose a college that not only suits your academic needs, but your personal needs as well. There are many colleges that offer a great education, especially if you are willing to put forth the effort to attain it. Therefore, make sure you choose a college that you will be comfortable at for the next two to four years while you finish your undergraduate studies. Also, make sure to spend a good deal of time researching the surrounding area, especially if there is going to be a drastic change in location or climate (i.e. big city to small town or year round sunshine to harsh winters and cloudy falls). Believe it or not, this could be a deciding factor as to whether you finish your degree at that institution. Moreover, get an honest opinion about that school's financial aid and general administration. This may not seem important during your first year, but eventually it will matter a great deal. In short, be sure to perform a thorough cost-benefit analysis of the colleges you are considering.


There are many colleges out there so the process has to be one that is thoughtful. The first thing I would tell the students or parents would be to look at a decent amount of options for schools and pray about it. After some thought and pray, paying the campus a visit would be a very wise choice. You have to know that you will fit in and like the campus you will be on. After picking the right college, know that you don't have to be involved in everything on campus. You have to leave time for yourself and friends. College is a time where you will meet some of the most wonderful people in the world that will be your friends for a very long time. You don't want to always be on the go and alter that from you finding your best friend. Make the most of college by getting involved but not overdoing it. College is also about getting a degree, so don't forget to study!


I would advise parents to allow their son or daughter to chose where they want to go to school. My parents allowed me to make the ultimate decision for where I wanted to go. At first, I was nervous! But now I realize how respectful my parents were being in allowing me to handle such a huge decision. Parents' opinion is important and helpful, but it should ultimately be left to their son/daughter to decide. It is their son/daughter who is going to attend the school for the next four years of their life; it should be his or her decision where to spend those years.


Find a college with an environment that suits your child. You must visit the college WHILE STUDENTS ARE THERE. Small colleges have a closer community and it will be easier to get a feel for them. Larger colleges have many communities within them and it will be more difficult to get a feel for them. Keep a journal as you visit colleges, because campus visits will begin to run together in your mind and you won't remember specifically how you felt at each college. Students tend to lose their identities in college. Find a college that will actively foster your child's identity -- religiously, ethnically, and socially.


Research! Visit colleges... make sure you're making a choice that will be most comfortable for you!


If there is one thing I could change about my decision to go to Benedictine, I would have visited more colleges. It is very hard to make such a huge decision from looking at a website. When it comes to making the most of my college experience there are some things I would do differently. First off? No drinking.... I got caught up in the "party scene" and lost track of the real me. It was really hard getting back on the right track. I would also try to hang out with people who are more like myself!


The only advise that I can offer is to make sure that the school you pick provides the programs taht you are interested in. Also make sure that you visit the campus and attend some of the classes so you can get an idea of how the professors teach in your consentration. Meeting the professors is sometimes one of the most imporatnt factors. Don't be afraid of picking a smaller school because you don't think that it will be socially diverse . Don't under estimate the graces of smaller class sizes; smaller school usually means more one-on-one time with the professors and gives you a better chance to get the most out of your education.


Take your time, visit as many campuses as possible, and pick a school that you really like, regardless of what recruiters and coaches pressure you with. Listen to your high school teachers, coaches, and counselors regarding your decision--they can offer valuable insights into what colleges with which they have had personal experience/known people with experience.


Trust your intuition when visiting campuses. It seems like that impression beyond words is usually the best indicator of how a potential student will feel there.


I feel they need to visit the school on a school day. Visit the dorms, and sit in on classes. So they feel comfortable and will feel co mfortable at the particular school. I think they should talk to advisors and get class list and know how hard it will be to graduate in 4 - 5 years. When I was selecting Benedictine I visited 2 other similar size schools. When I walked on BC campus I felt a connection. This was before I was given a Soccer scholarship. Choose by size and size of classes. I believe smaller is the way to go as there is more accountabilty. I would choose Benedictine again and hope my future children will attend.


I believe that the first thing parents and students should look for when it comes to finding the right college is that it offers the academic program and other activities that the student is passionate about. Find what you love, and go for it. Also, the size of the school makes a big difference, no matter how good the programs are. Personally, I am not the type to do well in a big state school, which is part of the reason I chose Benedictine; that community aspect helps me to flourish. No matter what school you pick, however, the only way to really make the most of it is to get involved with things you're interested in and try to get to know new people. Everyone has something to offer to the college community, and you've just got to try to find it and push it to the next level. The most important thing is to love where you're at, though. Otherwise, no matter how good the programs, the activities, professors, and students, you're not going to get what you need out of your college experience.


Find the school that you feel most comfortable with. The school is going to be your home for the next four years and it's important to go and visit and make sure that you feel comfortable at the school you are attending. If at all possible, take somce AP courses or classes at a community college nearby when you are still in high school, it's good to have a head start when you go into college.


Visit plenty of colleges to gather information, such as campus life, classes, faculty, and the lay out of the college. Your first year there, students should join some extra curricular activities to meet new people.