Berea College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend this school?


People with drive and determination should attend this school. It's not easy academically and it takes a strong person to make it through the full four years.


Berea College is a school that accepts students from the Appalachian region who are from low income families. Berea seeks the brightest, most talented, competent, mature, and dedicated students and rewards them with a 4 year tuition paid scholarship. The type of person who attends this school needs to be committed and hardworking as they must work 20 hours a week every week to receive the tuition scholarship and also must attend weekly educational convocations. The classes at Berea College are harder than state schools so students must be willing to put time into studying


Someone who academically focused and possesses the desire to enter the real world and become an influence in the work to improve, not only our individual communities but the entire world around us. Internationl students are a higher percentage here than at most colleges and so we learn about many countries conditions, and gain the desire to help out.


Someone who is not concerned with partying and being really social. This school is mainly for people who come from low income families which, despite their upcoming, have great promise to excel and succeed in whatever they so choose to pursue. This school is for individuals who want to learn and step out of their family's low-income economic history and lay the new foundations of success.


Any type of person can attend this school, as long as he or she is willing to work hard.


The kind that needs a school willing to take care of them financially. One who has no where else to go and no family to help them out.