Bob Jones University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Make sure that you can pay for the school that you want to attend and be proactive about scholarships. Don't focus on what the social life will be like, people are the same everywhere you go. Instead, focus on learning what is expected from an adult, and then do it. One important thing is that homework will take more time in college then it did in high school. Also, don't let the busyness of college keep you from doing community service and getting involved in extracurricular activities


Try harder. Manage your time better. Be willing to learn who you are. So much about yourself changes through college years. Be open-minded and love other regardless of their situations. Be the best you can and don't let others change you. Fall in love with who you want and encourage others. Be the best you can be. Life is short. College matters. Don't give up on your dreams. Conquer obstacles thrown at you with confidence. And pray. Pray hard. Because without God you're nothing.


Your high school social status, in the long scheme of things, was and still is irrelevant and unimportant. Sticking with one particular social crowd or striving for the approval of the "cool kids" is not worth it, because having an elevated social status in high school will count for nothing at a school with 15+ thousand people where no one knows your name, who you are, or cares that you were apart of the "in crowd." Instead, immerse yourself in the variety of people at your school. Take time to learn something new from every person you meet and build a well-rounded social and cultural horizon. Be a friend to those that need one and continually strive to be generous, accepting, and intelligent, not popular. The sooner you implement this, the better your transition into life after college will be. Trust me, your future self will thank me for it.


If you have the opportunity to take an AP class, go ahead and take it. Most importantly actually put in the effort to study for the AP Exam. If you receive a high score, you may be able to exempt that class and move on another class needed to complete your major. Three credit hours truly make a difference in GPA, scheduling, and work load. There are many fun classes offered in colleges and universities but if you slack off during those AP courses, you will find yourself repeating those classes in college and not having enough time for a fun class. Learn to manage your time even on vacation. High school and college work loads are not the same. The 30 minutes you take to study for a test in high school in order to receive an A takes a week's worth of studying in college to receive an A (if your lucky, if not a B- tops). Managing time is extremely important in college since your classes don't run straight from 8am to 3pm. Yes it is nice to have an hour break before a class but that hour break can make or break you.


Enjoy it. It only lasts so long. Make as many friends as possible. And make time for your social life as well.


As a high school senior, the main priority was to pick the "right" college for one. I was quiet new to this, but I followed the flow. Once I graduated, I was lost. I knew the general facts about college but not quiet the whole outline. If I could go back into my last semester of being a senior, the main priority would be to educate myself about the "college world." Being an ignorant in that aspect detained me from having good choices into entering college. Eventually, the college staff gave my family and me a good insight and informative session about the college itself. I would have prefered to know by myself, but from my mistakes I learned.


I would love to go back and tell myself to first of all calm down. I came into freshman year just like every other incoming student thinking that I was going to utterly fail at everything and it brought a lot of stress on me. I would also like to go back and tell myself to work harder at my school. If I knew that one simple fact, my academic career would be so much better because of it as well.


Dear Caitlyn, I'm you; but one year from now. We've just finished our first year of college. Your roommates were amazing! You made amazing new friends. You passed Bible (but you will have to repeat En 102 Sophomore year.) You will fall in love with your major and a very special friend. You'll sing Verdi's "Requiem" with 400 other musicians. You'll realize it's hard to trust the unknown, but at times, that trust is all you'll have. You'll lose your first love and make a life-changing decision. Don't let what I'm telling you change what you'll do. You learned from those mistakes, and they made you strong. This fall, you'll learn how much you don't know. The next three years will be about gaining the new knowledge. Right now, focus on finishing senior year strong. You have so much potential and you're not using it right now. If it's any encouragement, you do pass Pre-Calc. You are going to have an amazing year. But right now take it one day at a time. Trust me, I'm you!


I personally would inform myself that taking the ACT again, and actually trying my best would be one of the most valued things that I could do at that point in time. I would give myself a pep talk through the classes that I took in highschool and let myself know that I can do it, don't freak! I would also talk myself into saving some extra money, so that I can have a car in the future to drive myself back and to school because riding the public transportation isn't as simple and comfortable as most people make it seem these days.


Take more time in deciding a major. Have an idea what you would like to do as a career, not just something you like. Take your classes seriously and do all of the reading assignments. Work ahead as much as you can and have a plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail


You can do anything you want to do as long as you work hard at it. Many people think that you have to be the brightest and best to get anywhere in life. Bright people can do great things, but only if they work hard. Average people who work hard get farther than bright people who give a half-hearted effort. Many students struggle with choosing a major. That's completely normal, but don't let that stop you. Do your research. Go online, talk to people you know, take career placement tests, and perhaps observe some professionals you know. Declare your major and work hard at it. If start a major and find out that it's not the right one for you then you can change, but don't sit around waiting for the right one to smack you on the head. You take the first step. School is not all about hanging out or burying yourself in your books. There is a delicate balance between the two. Take time to care about other people and spend time with them. You are developing life skills that you will use along with your academic work. Pursue your dream.


Pick a school that is a strong one in academics as well as socially. There needs to be a balance between the two in order to get a well-rounded education. Pick one like that and you will finish well-prepared for the life & career ahead of you.


I would tell myself to not worry so much about grades. Worrying did nt help anyway. Spend your time wisely and effectively when with friends, homework, and work.


Girl, study harder and CRACK THEM BOOKS! I know you will do your best, but as you age, good isn't good enough. Go ahead and finish your Secretarial College next year, then while you are working, take night classes and become the person you know you want to be. Do NOT let yourself be swayed by guilt into doing what someone else thinks is right. Go for the gusto and do what YOU want to do with your life. You have only you to depend upon so make sure that you are the person you CAN depend upon. You know that family members will try to knock you down for going to college, but be the duck and let it roll off your back. Don't worry about getting their respect, if you respect yourself for doing what YOU think is right, then that will guide you through. Be steadfast in your studies, but have fun as well. Love, ME PS: GO TO'll be fine


I’m incredibly indecisive. I never even like to make simple decisions like what movie to watch or what to eat for dinner. So, when it came to picking a major, it was extremely difficult for me because of this inability to choose. I spent two years of college taking useless classes, fulfilling the requirements to obtain my Associates Degree, but never experimenting with courses that really seemed interesting to me. I took the easy road, and signed up for classes that seemed easy, rather than bring me closer to figuring out my interests. As a result, I am now beginning my third year of college, Associates Degree in hand, with virtually no idea if I’ll actually like my chosen major or not. If I could go back in time and give advice to my high school self, it would be to make a list of subjects/professions that interest me and to take classes in my first two years in those subject areas, to see which courses I enjoy the most. I would tell myself to make sure I had more of an idea of what I want by this point in my schooling than I do now.


Spend more time scholarship searching and saving more money


If I could go back in time and give some advice to my high school senior self, I would remind myself to not let the stress of college life blind me from the many great opportunities and people that it also brings into my life. Sure, the homework load is sometimes insane and at times can seem almost unbearable, but that's why I have to study and PLAN AHEAD! If I spend a little extra time to schedule when, where and what to study during the day, it actually saves me loads of time and spares me from unnecessary anxiety in the long run. College only happens once, and I want to use my time here to the fullest! Take advantage of the opportunities it offers me and build life-long friendships. Two more quick pieces of advice: don't study in my dorm room! There are too many distractions that WILL negatively affect my focus the quality of my studying. Last of all, make healthy food choices! Don't succomb to all that processed food at the dining common. All those calories DO add up, and the freshman 15 just isn't worth it.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to focus on my current position in my education, and to prepare well for college, both academically and financially. I wish that I would have paid more attention to my studies during high school, as it would have helped me greatly in the college setting. I was not focused at all during high school, and that made it harder to adjust to life at college. Regarding preparation financially, I would tell myself to work more and save more. It's easier to go through college if you don't have to worry about how to pay your next school bill. I would also tell myself to not be a social idiot. I have done so many socially awkward things that I should have learned not to do during high school. So in a summary, I would say "study hard, work hard, and be cool."


The only advice I would have given myself as a high school senior is what I now consider one of my biggest regrets. If I could go back in time, I would have attended Kent State University my freshman year instead of attending a community college. I turned down the opportunity to play intercollegiate volleyball because at the time, I doubted myself and my future. Since the fourth grade, volleyball has been my passion. However, by the end of my senior year, I found myself fighting to keep that passion alive. After being constantly degraded and pushed to my limit by countless coaches, the will to continue playing slowly died. I began to take for granted the once in a lifetime opportunity I had been given; to play in college. After I had time away from the sport, I realized the saying, "You don't know what you have until it's gone" is very true. Although a terrible cliche, it made me understand for the first time that I was put on this earth to play. If only I could go back to high school, I would be sure to never make the same mistake.


Don't worry about relationships in high school. They will most likely not work out, and you're just hurting yourself. Also, apply for more scholarships. Money is tight, and you need the help. Study harder. You need to get and keep you GPA up.


After one semester of college education under my belt and possibly a lifetime of new experiences, I could write a book with all the things that I could tell myself about making the transition to college. Probably the most important things I would tell myself would be to take the best notes possible in class because that will translate into easier studying, also get out and have some fun every once and a while. College life can be really boring and energy draining if all you do is go to class and spend time in the dorm room studying. I would tell myself to dive into the diversity of the entire experience one can recieve at this college but make sure to keep education the most important thing on the agenda.


Dear 16 year old me, I know it seems like college is very far away and you don't need to start preparing now, but you do. Start establishing good study habits and learn how to balance social life, extra-curriculars, and homework now. In a couple years, you will graduate from highschool, take your dad's advice and go to community college for a year instead of sitting out, it will make the transition to a big, out-of-state university a lot easier. When you do get to the university, jump in with both feet, don't back out of auditioning for choir because you think you aren't good enough, by the time you're a junior, you will regret it. Take every opportunity to give up your entire Saturday to go volunteer for a community service project, do it even if you have to miss the big football game, it will change your life. When deciding on a Greek society to join, go with your first instinct, don't second guess yourself, and participate in every activity possible. Don't live to regret not being an active part of your school. Sincerely, 22 year old you


What makes me a good college student is determination, drive and my desire to learn. I want to further my education so I can give back to my community and be a productive member of society. I am currently on dissability for a number of different reasons but I am willing to do whatever it takes to overcome my dissabilities to succeed at my dream of being in the medical field.


College is a "betterment" of myself--an experience that is making me a stronger, smarter individual. This experience is benefitting my future, but also my present. Yes, I am enrolled nat an instution for learning, but I am enjoying the ride. I am meeting friends who are just as passionate about my field of study as I am. I am enjoying some independence without being thrust out into the world before I am ready. And yes, I am learning a trade that will turn into an occupation with a little more hard work. As a member of society, I owe it to the world to be the best I can be. For me, that means being well trained and developing my skills to their full capacity. It would be near impossible to squeeze that big goal into my junior high and high school years (not to mention that it would take all the fun out to those years). College is an extension of my education to give me ample time to reach that goal. I know that with my diploma comes the satisfaction of hard work, and the fulfillment of my years being a "student."


My professors pour their lives into us as students. Not only do they help us succeed academically, more importantly they invest in our lives by showing us how to live in a morally upright and God-pleasing way. One of my professors who excells in all that he does particularly demonstrated patience and love, especially to a student who was intentionally trying to irritate him. I have learned that education is highly important, yet it is not an end-all. Taking time to invest in other people's lives is always more important than success. I must make the choice to love all people, even the seemingly unlovable, through not only my words but more obviously through my actions. Life is not all about myself; it is about living to glorify God which will, in turn, be evidenced in my love for others.


I have recieved the foundation of what will make me become more than i have ever imagined. For years i have been in the work force going from job to job. i was unhappy, i felt no challenge as i seem to wake up every morning and go through the normal routine of going to a job i didn't want and i felt didn't want me. For years I blamed the job till i realized it was me and i needed more and college has provided that to me. College has shown me that i am worth more than 30 minute lunches and working below where i should be at. I hunger for education like nothing else i have had before. I have always made excuses on why i should not go to school and how i thought school was a waste of time just to get a piece of paper. It has helped in a way to where i not only learn but i help others learn to. i have been able to take the things i have learned and pass that down to others that have needed help.


It has been a great learning experience.


I have gotten valuable experience while attending BJU. Not only did I receive a great education academically, but I learned what is truly valuable in life. It's so much more then money or a good career. It's loving others and living a life that pleases God. That brings complete satisfaction. BJU prepared me well to work in the business field.


College has provided me a better exposure to working with deadlines. It has also given me greater knowledge in my area of study so that I can better perform in a career. I have made many friends at the school, and have had the opportunity to meet potential employers and future coworkers. They have shown me a glimpse of what I could be doing in that profession. The classes I have taken have helped to prepare me with the specialized knowledge necessary for a profitable future in my career.


I've learned new facts through classes, not just the kind that you put away in your head & store for another day, but the kind that help you in life. The teachers are caring & helpful & give real-life examples in class that help us to apply the material to our own lives. I've made dozens of new friends, many very good friends, that I hope to keep in touch with after college. I've learned the value of time & how to budget my time to fit in everything I want to do while in college. I've learned to make the most out of my college experience by being involved in many activities outside of the classroom such as being on the University yearbook staff, working on campus, being involved in my literary society, & going on weekly extension ministries & outreaches.


What i have gotten out of my college experience is a deeper love for my Lord God and a better understanding for the work-field that I am to enter. The reason why it has been valuable to attend is because I was able to mature on my own with the guidance of the college and the programs that they give to the students. Another reason why it was valuable to attend is because of the teachers. The teachers have such a desire to make sure that the students are able to understand the material and are willing to accomodate students who need help in that class.


I would tell myself to get better study habits because I would need better ones when I come to college. I would also say not to be to shy and step out of my comfort zone and get to know the people around me better. Get more scholarships because your going to need them. Don't be to nervous when you walk into your dorm the first day they are going to love you. Dorm life is not bad you just have to get used to sharing a room again. Enjoy homecooked meals while you still can. Don't bring so much stuff!! Get better score on your ACT. Get your homework done a little early so you can have some fun with friends. Get a lot of sleep. Have fun at work it will make it more enjoyable. The teachers are great don't worry about it. Mom and Dad will still always be there for you.


Find something that you want in life, and focus on it. Whatever you do, don't lose sight of your dream. As soon as you lose sight of your dream or your goals, it will make the classes harder, it will make the days longer, and it will make becoming a second lieutenant in the army a whole lot tougher than what is needed. Already half of my class has dropped out of my academy because they could not take the pressure of the school and the work load given to them. I am one of the half that stays strong mentally and physically, but the only reason why I am still here, is because I haven?t given up on me or my dreams yet. I have stayed focus and active while I am here, and that has kept my nose clean and my grades up.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are a couple things I would say. First I would tell myself to work hard and don't slack off. The workload only increases in college and preparation is important. Second I would tell myself to trust God and draw close to Him. He is always there and always will be. There will be some tough things ahead but God is in control and is the only One who can carry you through. Do not rely on your own strength but on His alone. Last, I would tell myself to enjoy the end of high school. Things will never be the same again. Spend time with friends and family because once you are in college, there is not always that time to spend. Above all look to God, trust and follow Him, and He will lead you in the right path.


Knowing as much as I know now about college life and making the transition, I would not only visit the school but take time to be part of all activities palnned for the prospective students; take time to be part of the classes offered, seminars on various topics pertaining to the expectations of the school , and talk to current students. I would go prepared and ask pointed questions about student life, dorm life, academics, student organizations, etc. Most importantly, I would go with an open mind to get to know people who are not like me and with a willing heart to be involved in the lives of others.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are a couple of things that I would tell myself. First, the classes are challenging and require students to be diligent and to work hard. It is fun to spend time with friends and to do fun activities, but the ultimate purpose of going to college is to get an education to prepare one for life. Next, there is a diversity of people at college: ethnicities, backgrounds, familiy lives, beliefs, and personalities. Take time to get to know people and appreciate what they have to offer to the world. Finally, the time at college passes so quickly. Make some time for getting involved in music, sports, community service, or other extracurricular opportunities the school provides. One learns many valuable lessons outside the classroom as well as inside. College is an excellent opportunity to expand one's horizons in multiple ways. Embrace it.


Don't be the overachiever at first. Just take the time to get familiar with campus. Digging in less during your first semester is exponentially better than getting yourself in over your head before you even know where the Alumni building is. Take your time. Take a decent courseload and make a sane schedule for turning assignments in - on time. Checking to see what's due at 2am for classes that start at 8am is NOT a good idea. But it will be your only option if you sign up to work too many hours at first. Your job off-campus will pay for a good chunk of your tuition and rent that loans and financial aid didn't cover, but don't work too many hours, and don't work the late shifts. You need more than four hours of sleep each night. Really.


Anyone can succeed in completing a college degree. Anyone can adjust to college life. It's hard at first, but don't let it bother you so much. Never quit! You can make it! Stay focused on your classes. Study hard. You may not know how to study well at first, but you will learn. Get someone who's good at it to help you. Don't stress too much. If you get a bad grade on something, it's ok. You'll do better next time. You learn from your mistakes. Don't be afraid to talk to your teachers. They are the ones that can help you the most. Don't be shy. Get involved in one or two extracurricular activities. That is where you'll most likely make your best friends. Be outgoing. This is a time for you to mature. You're going to learn a lot, but you must remember to never be arrogant about your education. Most of all, love where you're at and what you're doing. A cheerful spirit makes all the difference.


I would want to tell myself that college is going to be a big jump in responsibility, there is no cruising thru college. You must work hard if you even want to pass classes, let alone excel in them.


If I could go back to myself in Highschool, i would tell myself to start college right away, and not wait almost a year. I also would try harder my senior year to gain a better understanding of the curriculum, and not take it so much for granted. I would tell myself to take another math and science, it would be worth it to have a better understanding now. I als owould tell myself to make more friends, and to make amends with old ones.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself 3 major pieces of advice. The first piece of advice that I would give myself would be GO FOR IT! For me, college seemed like such an impossible dream that I never thought I could actually attend college. I did not believe in my own abilities as far as academics were concerned and college seemed like such a lofty ambition that I held back instead of pursuing my dreams of becoming a nurse. The second piece of advice would be to save money for college. College was also an impossible dream for me because I knew the tuition costs for college. Although I was a hard worker, college tuition was beyond my modest salary and saving for college seemed useless and overwhelming. The final piece of advice and my biggest mistake would be to listen to the naysayers who only told me how incredibly difficult college is and how high tuition costs are. I realize now that I can succeed in college and in life because I have vision, the ability to see a task through to completion, and I will succeed.


First of all, the transition is not as bad as most people make it out to be. If you are committed to working hard in High school, you will be fine! Secondly, while you want to do your best in your studies at college, make sure you are friendly to others. You will be much happier if you are outgoing and kind to those in your room, your society, your classes, etc. Thirdly, get involved! This is a once in a life time deal, and you don't want to spend your next four years in your room studying all the time. It is possible, with good time management to do well academically and have a social life. Make a schedule for yourself and command your own time. Enjoy being on your own, and as a result, take ownership for yourself! YOU are responsible for your actions and their resulting success or failure and for your enjoyment.


As a freshman going into college, I did not realize how many things I needed to bring with me! I almost felt like I was going to camp or away for some time. College is a new phase of life. Pack as if you are moving! On a more serious note, I wish as a highschool senior, I knew how important it was to have good grades. The sooner you get into the routine of turning papers in on time, getting above 90's on tests, and doing homework, the easier your transition will be into college. College is a great time of your life and it is often said that it's the best time too. The way you make good memories and good character traits, is to set a goal and meet it. The only way to get somewhere in life, is to know where you are going. And do anything to get there.


Expect to work very hard on you r school work and do not slack off at all.


Don't think that you're going to be some phenom. It's a bigger pond than high school. Be ready to accept people as friends who aren't 'cool'. They're great people too! Keep studying hard! It will pay off. Save some extra $ because you're in the band and going on tour!


I would tell parents and students to check out the campus and get the "feel" of the school. Sit in on some classes and definitelty ASK QUESTIONS! Part of the learning experience is to ask questions. You won't know the answers unless you ask. If you, a student, like a specific school, then talk with your parents about it. Make sure you listen to your parents' advice and opinions. (Parents do know a few things;). Since I am a Christian, I prayed about the decision. If you know God, then I would suggest praying to God. You will know what school you should be at.... that's how it was for me. As far as making the most out of your college experience... I believe that it's up to you. How willing are you to get involved? In all reality, your attitude plays a huge role on your college experience. Will you be optimistic, or pessimistic? How you view life can impact your college experience more than you know. So... get involved, be optimistic, and keep your priorities in line, and you'll have a great college experience.


To find the college that's right for you, visit the campus. That's the only way to see what's not on the brochure or in the viewbook. My personal campus visits were what made the choice for me. If the college was your parent's alma mater, don't just take their opinion of what the college was like--colleges change a lot in a few years! Go check it out for yourself. To make the most of your college experience, take college seriously. Please tell me you and your parents did not really pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for you to party every night and flunk your classes! You have four years to get ready to be the adult you want to be--after that you're on your own. Take every opportunity to grow up and develop character. And above all, enjoy learning! You won't regret it.


It is important to find the right college that shares the same beliefs and emphasises that you have. Once there it is up to you to make the best of your college experience. Get involved with extra-curricular activites, especially community outreach programs. Even though it may seem too much at times, learning to balance life, college, and work is a great learning experince.


When choosing the right college, you first consider the quality of education offered. But although this consideration is important, I think that there is another consideration that is just as important. Parents and children often make a college decision on the ease of the student, whether in terms of travel, finances, or social life. While this may seem logical at the time, a college choice is so much more. With the the choice of a college you also choose the quality of education, the respect of your colleagues, and most importantly lifelong friendships. The friendships formed in college are the most important of your entire life. It is thought that the professors are ones who determine whether you succede in your education and later in your career, but they are not. While the professor serves a vital role in the educational experience, the friend determines whether you finish your degree. The friend determines where you will go in life. You see, your friends are merely a reflection of yourself. So when you look for a college, don't just look at the teachers or the education, but look at the students because soon you will be just like them.


look to see what the particular school offeres accademicaly and pick the one that most pertains to their field