California State Polytechnic University-Pomona Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell myself to go to a communitee college and really explore many options by taking various classes and figure out which one is really for you. I would also tell myself to pray and ask the Lord what is it that He wants me to do in life because where ever He directs me He will always have doors open for me and make a way for me to accomplish what I need to accomplish.


Dear Beverly, Study what you love not what you think would make your father proud. Research carefully the course of study you are interested in and be sure to include where you have to live in order to practice your new profession. It is a tragedy to spend hard hours of study; graduate at the top of your class; and then learn that in order to do what you worked towards, you have to live in an location you hate. Nearly thirty years after high school, I have finally learned that I am in control of my own destiny and I can create an environment in which enjoying going to work can still put food on the table. Please don't waste time trying to please someone else. In the end, you will be stressed out or do a job that has nothing to do withthat little piece of paper titled "Diploma". You are bright and have talents in many areas; feel free to explore them. There is no rule that says you must decide today on the field you will work in the rest of your career. That probably sums up my advice in one word. EXPLORE. Sincerely, Beverly


To keep going at it as hard as you can. Everything is about the choices you make and one bad slip can lead down a slippery road that can be very difficult to climb back up. But you can do it if youbelieve in yourself and in what you want ,ost out of life. To not be scared to try new things as in life is almost just like high school. We learn new things every day that can help us along the way to out path that we have chosen. College is the beggining to a better you and a better oppurtunity to succed in life. The change would be a little bit more harder for you will be facing diffrent faces of people you dont know but just like on school you get to know them and make a diverse set of friends. And work along with the ocasional outing might help with dealing of school and aid that you might need.


Dear Past, Follow your heart. Taking notice of your passions and putting them into actions is the first step to a successful college transition. When leaving high school you can be anyone you want to be. The people who once knew you are now part of the past. This allows you to no longer be discouraged from trying something that you have always wanted to do. The pathway to college leads towards your future. Think about who you want to be ten years from now. Keep that image in your mind and never let go of it, because now is the time to become that person. At times it will difficult, power through it. When you feel like you want to give up keep on moving straight ahead. Nothing is more rewarding than knowing you have accomplished your goal. Follow the map your heart gives you and at the end of the road you will have become who you have always wanted to be. Sincerely, Your Future


Begin school sooner rather than later. Instead of waiting until being in late 30's to go back to school for a job field I want to study in. Enjoy life can be short and there are some things you can't change.


I would tell my past self to relax and know that in the future I will be happy and wnjoy the college experience, at times it can be stressful but everything you learn and all of the friends you meet are well worth those few stressful moments where things may not go your way.


The advice I give myself is remember the acronym RET, which stands for responsibility, effort, and time. In college, its your responsibility to attend every class, and manage your schedule wisely. If you need help its you responsibility to search by going to a professor, classmate, or tutoring. There will no longer be any remainders or obligations. Your professors want to see that you have interest in their class, and including time and effort assures good quality work. The assignments are at a higher level, be prepared, and ask many questions. Each professor is different, so don’t underestimate their expectations. Finally, starting early on an assignment will eliminate the possibility of having to rush through an assignment. Don’t ignore an assignment, because its due one month from know. The most important advice is no procrastinating, and having a planner to organize lets you visualize you time. College involves responsibility for your education, which means putting your greatest effort into every assignment. Finally, procrastinating with time would be like the air in a popped balloon, once its gone there is no coming back. Even though our education comes first, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy college life.


I would give myself the following advice: - Upon arriving to school, contact the Disability Resource Center to schedule an appointment with a counselor to discuss your learning disability and the resources available to you - Do not register full-time your first semester - Research all career options that are applicable to the degree you are pursuing in Animal Science beyond Veterinary Science- Do not become overly invested in the relationship drama that occurs between your roommates- Attend as many on-campus activities as possible: sporting events, plays, musicals, dances, etc. - Schedule appointments with your professors to seek their advice regarding career possibilities and course direction- Register for one fun class a semester as a means of relaxation and to meet individuals outside your regular circle of friends- Do not be afraid to take advantage of financial aid options- Do not underestimate the amount of study time necessary to succeed at the university level- Make conscious effort to maintain relationships with friendships from home- Keep an open mind; explore new places and points of view, to become a well-rounded individual- Listen to the advice of your mentors; in retrospect they were correct more often than I gave them credit- Sleep


My college experience has brought about a different perspective of life. Truthfully, I was a slacker in high school and didn't feel motivated to learn. I chose to go to college, but was unaware of what was in stored for the future. As I entered into college and took classes, year after year the motivation was set to become a teacher. The knowledge that poured out of each of my professors was fascinating and caught my attention. In addittion, it made me appreciate the opportunity to be able to attend college and I realized, how lucky I was to be were I was at. Overall, the value of having attended college has brought about an opportunity to become a teacher and have the same impact in my students life as the professors in college had on me.


Attending college has opened up many possibilities in my personal, educational and professional life. I have learned how to interact with many different kinds of people. People from different backgrounds and different life perspectives. I have discovered how much I truly enjoy learning and that I wish to continue my education after i graduate. It has better prepared me to enter the professional world. It has given me a solid foundation to stand on.


Although I initially expected college to have the greatest impact on me academically, I have found that my most enlightening experiences have had little to do with stereotypical academics. For example, through interaction with diverse classmates, I have realized how selfish my thinking and analysis were prior to my enrollment in college, which led to becoming more culturally aware and accepting. I have come to appreciate and recognize the need for diversity in organizational settings in order to promote problem-solving and critical thinking. The most rewarding and profound experiences have been those that made me uncomfortable in the process. In essence, I have acquired a better understanding of myself and the varying individuals around me, all of which has helped me to master effective communication with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Considering my pursuit of a degree in business administration with emphasis in accounting, I cannot ignore the fact that I have learned a great deal about how to control a company’s finances and conduct business. Overall, I am excited about the fact that my college education and experiences are not only preparing me for a successful career, but also successful leadership.


There is nothing more than I want in this world than to be able to provide a GREAT life for my son. For years, I have been trying to get into school, but haven't had the funds, or the time to allow me to do that. My mom died in 1998, from cancer, and I have no other parents or grandparents. I have been a single mother of my awesome boy, and between him, and working, there was no way that I could go back to school. However, I have taken a few classes, and did quite well. I have a plan, and part of that is going back to school to get a degree in Dental Hygiene. I want to be able to give my son everything that he deserves, without stressing about bills, and work. I know that I will feel accomplished, and that it will make me feel like a better parent, being able to provide for my son. I DO deserve this scholarship, and know that it will be put to GREAT use, ensuring myself and my son a better life. Thank you for considering me.


i learned a lot from my school and having a llit of new friends


“Get ready to hit the ground running. You‘re not only competing with everyone in your major, but tens of thousands of students all across the country.” an animal science professor warned me after I inquired about the competitiveness of the college’s pristine animal science program. His cold, blank expression drained the warmth and comfort that my high school teachers had once instilled in me. Although attending college has exposed me to the harsh realities of life, I have a clearer understanding of who I am and what I want. I learned that privileges are no longer going to be handed to me. I am going to have to work harder than I ever have before in order to get what I want. Instead of being discouraged, I am more determined than ever to earn my doctorate degree, no matter how many years it might take. I want to be a zoo veterinarian, and I will do whatever it takes to reach my goal.


I have learned that the education system currently in place is extremely flawed and is in desperate need of reformation. I have learned that most professors want you to memorize and regurgitate and to not take those professors. I have learned that there are still a few professors who want to expand your mind and to take these professors but be prepared to recieve no higher than a B; they WILL challenge you. I have learned of the corruption in our society and I have learned that people never really grow up. I have learned that even in class, everything is political so speak your mind and shake a few worlds because even though the immediate reprocussions may be harsh, the gain in the long run makes it worth it. I have learned that an education in the American system is useless as we learn one thing in school and another at our job; this system is primarily made to help the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and theoretically stimulate the economy. And the biggest thing I've learned, is that your opinions don't matter; just get a paper that says you've graduated and move on.


What i have gotten from my college expirience is that studying should be taken seriously. I live in a dorm and it's very sociable so it can be hard at times to concentrate but iI learned to manage myself so I am doing quite well so far. Time management is very important. While I was in Highschool I never did much like getting involved alot in school or ask for help when I needed it. Here in college if you don't ask for help in class you'll never get it and therefore won't do good in class. Now I ask for help when I need it and it feels good to know the material. As for getting involved I' trying to get more involved by joining clubs on campus. This expirience has also helped to be more independent.


From my college experience I have gain tremendous knowledge in the field I would like to pursue my future career in. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona is a college that always emphasizes learning by doing since the first day of orientation. In every science lab that I have taken over the past five years of my college career I always got my hands dirty. I believe that having a school reputation of learning by doing is a great way for students to learn from their mistakes and help them remember what they learned. This college experience is something that I would never forget. I have met a lot of new friends in the classroom and on the tennis court as a student athlete. This school has taught me a lot about myself and has made me who I am today. And I am proud to say that I am going to be a future alumni of Cal Poly Pomona!


I have gotten a lot of of my college experience. I have gained new knowledge and learned a variety of interesting things that i would have never thought of. I also gained a new view on life by thinking about and looking at things in a new perspective and a new light. I've met interesting and new people that have taught me a lot about the college experience and they have given me an insight on life that I did not have before. My college experience is a very positive one and I encourage everyone, who can afford it and want to further their education, to attend college because it will, in the long term, change you life.


So far the best thing I've gotten out of my college experience is being able to find and pick a major. When I first entered college I was undecided. Because of my professors and councilors I've been able to pick a major I'll be able to enjoy. Without attending college right out of high school I wouldn't have been able to decide a major so quickly. Taking community college classes was an essential part of meeting the professors and councilors who helped me find the major that was best suited for me.


My college experience taught me a lot. I learned better communication in a professional and personal setting and to not be afraid of my hopes and dreams but to embrass them. I was shown real life situations to apply to my understanding of course materials. I was given the chance to work with others in an learning environment to discover the process of how business transactions work and progress. Learning what I did and being in the work force igntes my passion to become a business owner and strive for greatness and profitablity. My college experience helped me to become more outspoken and confident in the things I knew and wanted in life and business. I am now able to recognize situations I want to be involved in and ones I need to walk away from. It is also a great honor to add my bachelor's degree to my resume. I am proud to show it off, others recognize it as a great accomplishment. It shows dedication, determination and stregth to follow through with a commitment and that you can overcome obstacles to obtain your goals. Therefore, it was invaluable, and am lucky and greatful for my college experience.


Attending college has allowed for many wonderful opportunities to arise in my life. Becoming more educated, has allowed me to become more aware of the world I live in. No matter what the discipline or study, I have learned to utilize the concepts it has taught me to better my thinking, my career and my lifestyle.


Pursuing education and ataining knowledge are extremely important in life for me. I not only furthered my education by leaps and bounds, but attending college was my first opportunity to be on my own and to start learning how to be an adult. Living on campus was an amazing experience because I got to pursue that journey with many peers my age. I made life long friends and there were a lot of lessons we learned together and the hard way!! I had always had it drilled in my head how important a college degree was, but I truly realized it once I was there and saw the future that I could have. I'm excited to attend nursing school shortly and then move on to my masters degree. My passion for medicine has only been heightened by my general education classes. I can't imagine what wealth of knowledge nursing school is going to bring me. Most importantly, this new degree is going to be my vehicle for my passion so I can volunter with non profit organizations in develping nations. Being able to hold someones hand and give them hope for the future will be my ultimate reward.


Being able to experience something much more intense than high school that also determines my future will always be valuable to someone who attends college. College can have so many guarantees and opportunities for students in the future. It is the foundation to a good start in your upcoming years. Being able to attend college, I have been able to experience the difficulties that college has to offer and also the different circumstances along with the different methods that teachers use to teach. Everything is unique in its own way and being able to attend college helps me get another outtake on life and helps prepare me for the real world.


The best thing I've gotten so far from college is a sense of responsibilty. Not only do I know have to take care of my own needs, but also balence them with school. As a kid going through highschool, I was often at home alone. I thought I had bounds of freedom and responsibility. And I did, for a child. I often managed my own meals, laundry, schedule, and much of the house. At least I thought I did. Much of the time slacking off was an option. Being in college I now see that it can't be anymore. Going to college opened my eyes in the sense that even though I had quite a bit of responsibility as a child, this is a whole new ball game. I never really paid for everything. Not quite in the sense that I'm forced to now. I pay for school. I pay for meals. I pay for my home and bed. Managing that and even more showed me that I have to get myself under control in order to survive, much less succeed.


so far i havent had the chance to have a full on college experience, but from the time that ive been there i can say it has been amazing. ive had the opportunity to meet many different people and make friends which i would never expected to meet. Cal poly has also showed me how there is many helpful resources around campus that i can use. i am very grateful and i value this life changing opportunity to attend this school. it has brought me one step closer to my dream. in order to fulfill my dream i must set myself to many challeging tasks and i know that with the help of this school i will get there soon.


I am currently pursing a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Hospitality Management at Cal Poly Pomona. This is an excellent program at the Collins college of hospitality. Given the opportunity to learn about different cultures through food. Cal Poly offers many exciting classes along with great internships for students. I am currently applying to scholarships to pursue my degree, and to help pay for books and tuition.Each college class offers something different and teaches me how to be better prepared for the future. College has taught me skills that I couldn’t have learned otherwise. Time management, responsibility and discipline are all things that I have learned through experience. I have taken classes that have taught me about the preparation and safety behind food as well as the business aspect. I hope to achieve a successful position as manager and move up through promotions at a well established restaurant or hotel, maybe someday even own my own hotel or restaurant.


Attending Cal Poly Pomona has shown me what it means to be a part of a team, an independent searching and striving for her goals and an individual that genuinely “learns by doing”. Had I not attended this school, I would not have been able to say that I posses these traits. Like most colleges, each day brings the opportunity for us as individuals, to mature, expand our knowledge about ourselves, and create a positive impact with the talents and skills we posses. At Cal Poly Pomona, we build relationships with our peers, teaching assistants, staff, and professors; it is with these relationships that I am able to better understand who I am and the kind of future I envision for myself. From this "college experience", I have gained an insurmountable amount of knowledge, new friends, and new professors to whom I look up to for advice and knowledge. It is with this education and experience that I can confidently venture out into the world as a more well-rounded, educated, and self-aware human being.


My college experience has been different than most, I first attended school in Chicago at a small private art academy. Attending there was an awakening for me to the lifestyle and diversity of the big city, it enriched my character and broadened my view of the world. Unfortunately my stay at that school was cut short because of finances and I returned home to community college. I would not consider this a bad experience, though at first I was troubled with the idea of living in my home town. I soon realized that this provided me the opportunity to rediscover my community and to learn the responsibilities of living on my own. I began to seek out friends and hobbies that were a good reflection of my character. This allowed my artwork to bloom into new realms. Now as I plan for the future I am pursuing a state university to attend and finish the art degree I started in Chicago. I am sure that this new environment will yet again influence my life to change and adapt making me into a stronger more diverse person. I have college to thank for my valuable life lessons.


I got way more out of college experience than i ever expected. I go to a local community college, and i know that people tend to look down somewhat on them. But, this happens to be the best and most interesting change in my life. I actually learn, emjoy it, and look foward to rach day. So im here to say NO ONE should ever be embarassed to br attending a community college brcause they are VERY mch under estemated. And, i am going to transfer ir i come across enough money, but i will still always be happy to know i made the decision to attend El Camino College. It's no joke, it really teaches you life.


What I got out of my college experience is that being a top student in my major is great, but it is even better when I make friends with different groups of people that are also in the same department. I didn't get to know my classmates and professors after the class until my last year in college, and I found that they are such a group of wonderful people that do care about what others are doing, and they support each other like a family. I'm very proud to be one of them and being able to share what I know with them academically and career-wise.


I've gotten a lot of friends out of college. Friends that I presume I'd have all my life. As well, I learned my limits. Back in high school I was bored, but here in college everything is a challenge and I can't allow myself to challenge myself too much or risk being over loaded with work. I found my true passion while in college, Plant Science. A major I enjoy greatly now, and is more tuned to what I want out of life. As well, I'm finding out about the real word. I'm no longer provided for. I found out that no matter what your status is, you always have to work to get what you want, which is exactly what I'm going to have to start doing. I'm glad I learned all this even though I'm still 18.


I received the education and skills I needed to launch my career in Veterinary Technology. It allowed me to explore about my passions, interests, and what fuels my desire to succeed. I learned far more than just the lessons in the textbooks or the lectures in the classrooms. I learned how to work with all kinds of people and how to coexist and positively affect those around me. I also learned how to care for animals and that no matter how small my task is, if done right, it could help change the world for an animal and their owner.


The most valuable lesson that I had learned with my college experience and degree is not necessarily the knowledge that the degree offered but rather the fact that the experience taught me that in the real world everything revolves around deadline. Attending an engineering college meant that there were alot of projects that had to be completed in a timely manner continuously. In the work place those study habit translated into a work habit that is extremely valuable. It gave me the mentality that I can complete the task given to me by my supervisor or boss in a timely manner with less stress. Having accostumed to that habit, finishing a deadline is second nature in the workplace. The five years that I had to endure during college also taught me that it takes time to build character, learn from my mistakes, and most importantly to not give up during difficult times. The work place is full of uncertainty, the college experience has helped in tackling those uncertain circumstances and deal with them with patience and persistence.


Mostly what I've gotten out of my college experience is simply more life experience. I'm away from home, in a new environment, and learning new things about life and myself. I feel that my university is really supportive of personal growth and development. It provides a very safe environment for students to "Eat, Meet, Study, Play", as the motto of our student union goes. Students are comfortable here. I have always loved to learn, but in high school subjects are limited to the standard curriculum. In university, I am able to expand my learning horizons by taking classes such as "Magic and Shamanism" or "The Grizzly Bear". These courses may not have a great deal of practical relavance to my life, but they make college so much more enjoyable and satisfying. I have also really enjoyed working towards my degree. The courses I take and the projects I work on as a Food Marketing major are so engaging and worthwhile. I feel that when I graduate I'll already have some work experience under my belt, because the projects we did in my coursework could easily be taken from the classroom into the real world. I feel prepared.


I am a sophomore in college and in my first year I have done many things that are extremely valuable to the person I have become. I have made all new friends that are interested in the same things I am, but as a group we also bring new things to the table that some of us have never experienced before. In just our first year we learned how to do archery together, attended concerts on campus, held weekly movie nights, helped each other with our studies, joined intramurals and learned how to play volleyball together, and much more. On top of that I have also taken classes that changed the way I am used to thinking and acting. I have learned to be more outgoing and speak up for what I believe in, which I never could achieve anywhere else. I look at things in a completely different way because I see symbolism in everyday notions that I never saw before. I feel like in my first year of college I have grown more than ever before and I look forward to growing that much every year for the rest of my life.


There are many reasons what I have gotten out of college. To begin with, I learned to study with proficiency compared to high school due to being that there is much more material covered in two class days compared to five days in high school. There is also a lot more homework just for attending four classes at full time compared to six classes in high school. Next, I stay up late in the evening to finish papers in one day. I notice that I have been eating less to finish homework all at one time. I also have less personal time due to the amounts of homework. College has been valuable for me because it will help me fulfill my dreams of being a pharmacist. I want to be a pharmacist because I have been always interested in how medicines are made and how they interact with the human body. I also want to help people to relieve them of their illness or pain. Another reason college has been valuable to me is because I have been learning more about myself. For example, I learned that I am a diligent worker that believes homework comes first before personal time.


I have worked very hard in this last 1.5 years to get where I am today. I started this journey to become a nurse almost 2 years ago. With the help of adult education and family and friends, I have made it through college algebra and all my accuplacer scores are good and I have been accepted by two colleges for nursing. I have selected one and now my dreams, passions and desires are coming into view. Now at 52 years old, Im ready to begin my career! Dedication and desire of a lifetime have brought me to this point.


I've learned what it means to work hard and push forwards towards your goals. In order to excel in college, you cannot be weak minded. I have experienced what it is like to see my kids look up to me as a role-model and know that I am benifiting their future by showing them that an education is important. I've learned what sacrifice means, when I have to deny my children the attention they ask for and day after day stay diligent in my studies without break. Unable to give my family any of my time and for 84 days non-stop I ignore the entire outside world except for my studies


There are many great experience I have learn from all the college I've attended. The most important experience is knowledge to become a better person in every aspect of life.


I am from a very small town that almost no one has heard of. I decided college was the best choice for me post graduation. The majority of teens from my hometown become pregnant before or shortly after they graduate, leaving them unable to continue their education. I know there are few employment options for teen parents. I am very thankful that I was smart enough to attend college in hopes of bettering my future. I am in my second year of college, and although it's difficult, and I push myself each day, there is nothing else I'd rather be doing. I want to open my own orthodontic practice one day. I want to be able to support myself financially in any situation. I believe that everyone should attend college, even if its just to figure out what t to do in life. Its important to just get a foot in the door, and start getting experience.


Being at Cal Poly gave me the strength to really pursue my passion in art. Random events while being a student there has led me to pursue my interest in advertising now. If I had not gone to Cal Poly, I would not have rediscovered my love for art or have been exposed to advertising like I did in my last year there.


As a senior in high school, I would have first convinced myself to stay in the honor classes I was enrolled in in order to receive college credit. I would have told myself to be more serious senior year, study more and to take college prep classes in order to transit to college more smoothly.


When I was a high school senior, I had many doubts about college. I heard a lot of stories saying that college was extremely hard and that only ?smart? people succeeded. Since I didn?t consider myself a ?smart? student, I was terrified at the thought of me going to collegeIf I had the privilege of going back in time and being able to talk to myself as a high school senior, there are two major things I would tell myself. First of all, I would tell myself that college is only hard if an individual chooses to make it hard. That is, if students are out at parties and procrastinate on their assignments of course college will seem hard and un-achievable. However, if a student is dedicated and serious about college and their field of study, they will achieve an outstanding performance. The second thing I would tell myself is to never ever give, but rather strive to achieve the most I can. I would want myself to never listen to others who try to put me down and make me feel ?dumb?. I would tell myself that I am successful, smart and over all a prominent student.


High school may seem like the hardest years of your life, but starting now prepare yourself for much more. Starting now do whatever you need to do in order to get where you want to go. Stay focused, and most importantly be prepared. College is where you would be able to define yourself. Whether that may be as a failure or as a success, you have the oppurtunity to comitt and make that choice right now. The road to success truely begins the moment you recieve your high school diploma, however, that path never ends. There are no limits to what you can achieve, so do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Stay true to who you are, and never disregard your own morals. Learn from your mistakes, and from those around you who are in a position to help you. In truth, put yourself into your work with great effort, and never give up even if the odds are against you.


The first thing I would say is to get started as early as possible! I would tell myself to devote every day to looking for the right school and to scope out any and all options. I procrastinated a little too much and it cost me a lot of potential opportunities. Also, I would tell myself to focus on classes specific to my major. When I went to school for my associate degree, I failed to really concentrate on the courses that could have been valuable to my intended major. I would definitely tell myself to get focused and committed. The last thing I would tell myself is save, save, save! I had a problem with spending my money and did not save enough. I was always running out of money. I would tell myself to prioritize and save every penny I earned. That spending habit also cost me dearly. Planning for college wouldn't have been so stressful if I had done the work that needed to be done. I know that now and would tell myself to work hard and not procrastinate.


Never quit. Whenever you are attempting something and the chances of success seem low, keep at it. Even though you may not recieve the credit due, or it wont boost your grade, do it anyway. You will personally recieve the benefit. A college education is worth more than what a piece of paper said your education is worth, your education is what you take away from it. Utilize every resource and spend every second making yourself better. You have the rest of your life to mindlessly go on in life, use THIS TIME to put your brain to work.


i would advise myself to just go with my heart with making any decisions i come upon. starting college has opened many doors of opportunity to making friends and persuing your career, so taking chances and trying new things is greatly encouraged. staying postive and active towards your education will lead to success in the future. don't doubt your abilities because you never really know what you are capable of until you try. i believe that coming into college with an open mind allows you to find excatly what it is that you are looking for career wise. no matter the length of time it takes you to graduate, just remembering to make the journey count is what's going to matter most.


Focus more on school and get the A's in the easy classes so when the actually difficult class come up your gpa isnt hit that hard. Also only compete in sports for only two years because its really no fun after your friends leave. before you leave to college learn to cook a little so you wont have to live off of ramen and rice.


If I were able to travel back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have advised taking more Advanced courses. In high school, I did not understand that Advanced courses would allow you to skip out on General Education courses in college so instead of taking Advanced courses, I took the easy way out on numerous occasions when I was more than qualified to take at least some Advanced courses. I wish I had understood that by taking more advanced classes, I could have saved myself the grief (and money) of taking General Education classes. Also, I would have advised to be more involved in school in terms of joining clubs and taking part in extra curricular activities. As far as extra activities went, I was only involved in the Swim and Golf team, but did not bother looking into other clubs. Had I joined a club, I think I would have learned valuable teamwork, leadership, and management skills that would have definitely helped in my transition to college.


As a high school senior one doesn't know much about what to expect for college. It's not until you're there and you know now what to expect. If i could go back to my senior year I would give myself a couple advices before going in to college. The first one would be, since now I now that I don't qualify for FAFSA, I would fill out as many scholarships as I can to help me pay for school. Another advice would be to look for a part time job over the summer that way I can have some money on the side for my school supplies, like books. Something else can be to be prepared for the placement test at college. That way I wouldn't have to be behind and start off in the remedial classes, like now. That gets you behind later on. The last advice would be to not lack off in college and to take everything serious. It's not like high school anymore where someone from school is pushing you to do good in college, its all on you. That's why take the advices that they give you now.