California State University-Chico Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


Everyone at CSU, Chico is so outgoing and different from one another. Since my first day here in August, 2014, every single person I have met has been so accepting of everyones unique differences. In class, we work together and push each other to our limits to learn the maximum information we can handle each and every day. I would say that the students and even the professors strive to encourage everyone to be the best that can all be and I'm so glad to be in a community as accepting as Chico State's community.


Classmates at Chico State are always friendly, helpful, and eager to achieve success.


People who work hard but party harder.


Fun and friendly.


The majority of the students in my classes were smart, motivated, and hardworking, with a keen interest in the field of psychology.


They are pretty smart. A lot of people are nice to everybody and the overall experiance is enjoyable.


Engaged and open-minded individuals. Great to be around and learn from.


I must say, my college classmates are a lot different from my college classmates. High school days were filled with distractions with the weekly drama of who’s dating who and of course the class clown. The students I have in my class now are attentive and interested in learning. This makes for a great learning environment for not only them but for me too. Being surrounded with people that actually want to be there helps me stay excited to come to class.


Full disclosure, I'm bisexual. With that out of the way, Chico is beyond welcoming and amazingly diverse, both in terms of sexual identity and racial differences. The only student that i can see feeling out of place is the bred-and-raised bigot who legitimately hates everyone not like themselves. Conservatives work with liberals and vice-versa, straights work with LGBTQA and everything is actually rather peaceful here. Students are rather relaxed in their dress for the most part. The NorCal weather does not like people who walk around campus like its a runway, I'll tell you that right now. The relaxed dress goes into the culture at chico, where classes are difficult at times but there isn't a lot of gogogogogogogogo rushing about. Most of the students are from the Bay Area, with a few like myself from SoCal and quite a few from either Chico itself or neighboring towns. Mostly, financially-speaking, loans are prevalent, but there are many who either were gifted with parental help or ork through college. The tuition is comparably low in this state so it's not too difficult to manage in these ways.


All my classmates are respectful to both the teachers and students. No one speaks without being called on. Students and teachers are considerate of feelings and opinions.


In my major, Health Science, most of my classmates were women. There is usually a variety of people with different GPA's. Some students were more motivated then other, but my major classes tended to have the same students in each class every semester. It was nice and by the time graduation came, most of the graduate from the Health Science major knew each other.


Friendly alchoholics.


A wide variety of kind genrous people, many are partiers and many aren't.


They are hardworking individuals from middle-class families.


My classmates were some of the coolest people I have ever met.


Most of my classmates I associated with were driven to succeed.


My classmates at CSU Chico are very helpful. Whenever someone misses class and didn't get the lecture notes or needed help with studying, my classmates here would always help out others by emailing notes or have a study group in the library. They are always there for each other and help one another get through class together.


For the most part, my classmates do the most minimum amount of work possible, and do not make studying a priority.


I find the majority of my fellow classmates to be friendly, organized and driven individuals.


Haven't met them yet.


Students are Chico are fun-loving and adventerous, involved in school and the community, very social, focused on their career goals, like to be in nature, engaging conversationalists, party animals, but overall genuine and nice people who love what they do, where they are and who they are becoming.


My classmates are well-rounded, intrigued, and are not afraid to voice they're own opinions and feelings.


My classmates are very determined, hard-working people who have similar personalitites to mine.


The majority of the students care very little about academic performance and put partying ahead of their education.


My classmates are determined, caring, intelligent, come in variety, and very supportive.


Most classmates are friendly and willing to help when you ask. People here are very open to forming study groups and helping one another rather than competing with each other. You will find some of your classmates are more serious about education than others, make sure you surround yourself with possitive influences and people will be there to help you succeed.


Really interesting and ideologically diverse.


My classmates like to party and have fun but when it's time to sit in a classroom or stand up during a lab they take their work seriously and they still have fun while working.


The friendliest, nicest, most outgoing and fun people to be around compared to any other school I've ever ventured into.


My classmates are very diverse, personality wise, and culturally. There are often times study groups and meetings outside of class to work collaboratively with others.


My classmates were friendly, outgoing, and spirited.


Most of my classmates are driven in their schoolwork, while still being very social.


My classmates have helped me to fully develop both intellectually and emotionally during my educational journey at Chico State University.


artistic, hipster, intellegent.


My classmates are usually quiet and rarely interrupt.


In genral my classmates, for the most part, are very driven and ambitious in persuing thier goals and careers. Being surrounded by egar willing to learn students helps me and many others stay focused. However, when the weekends come around in chico expected the students to release thier stress and get wild because chico students do not hold back when it comes to partying.


Obviously, it varies by department, though i have found most people here just want to learn, they are friendly, and engage in class discussions, or they keep quiet to avoid bothering others if they dont want to participate, overall however, most classmates just want class to be over so they can move on with the rest of their day.


The majority of my classmates are charismatic and down to earth.


They are fun, helpful, smart, curious, and most are party animals!


I go to class with wonderful classmates there is so much diversity in just one classroom, and everyday you are learning more about others and about yourself, it is a wonderful experience to associate with those that have a common goal of becoming a teacher, and we all truly believe that education are of great importance to our success in life.


Students take both thier studies and their social lives seriously.


always helpful