California State University-Northridge Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time I would not change much. I am very grateful for where God put me today, I go to a wonderful college and I enjoy every class that I have taken. The one and only thing that I would have changed was taking advantage of the pre-college courses offered at the Philadelphia Community College. I was so focused on going straight to work at my part time job after school, rather than taking classes that would have better prepared me for college. Coming from a Philadelphia public high school, sometimes teachers had to focus more on disciplining children than teaching them. I know for a fact if I would have taken the college prep classes for FREE I would have more college credits completed right now, and I probably wouldn?t have to take any remedial courses for my first two semesters of college.


I feel as a senoir in high school, my teachers and family tried to scare me. They told me how much more work I would have and that I would be up until 1 or 2 in the morning. So far it has not been quite as bad. So here is what I would say to myself. "Charlotte. College is not much different than high school. You get to plan your own classes and schedual and decide what classes you want to take. Sure there are the requirements, but there are always options. No matter what class you are in there will always be someone you can try to buddy up with and study or talk to on breaks. If you have any doubts just remember its four years spent working toward your dream life. Don't forget to have fun, learn, ask for help, and experiment. Your first thoughts of college may turn out to be less exciting but just think of the career you are going into and friends you already have. Four years seems short but it gives you plenty of time to make every wrong and right descision before heading into the real world. Good Luck."


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to learn to better manage my time. Although I may have felt that I already knew how to manage my time, once college started I quickly realized that I did not know how to manage my time at all and struggled during my first semester. Being able to manage my time is very important because as I continue to be in college and get older, I will have many more responsibilities to take care of and I need to able to have time to do all that I may have to do. I would also advise myself that college is not as hard as it may seem to be, that I can have fun while being responsible, and that I will make friends easily and do not have to worry about being alone. Additionally, I would say to my high school self that continuing to be determined, self-motivated and responsible will pay off in the long run and to keep it up.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to work hard in every class, finish every assignment, and to become more independent. Going into college was a reality check to me because living on-campus is a challenge. I don't have parents there to tell me what to do, to check up on me, to wake me up in the morning, to make me food and buy my groceries. I had to make my own choices for myself, and I had to be responsible in choosing to do the right thing. I don't have my parents there nagging at me to do my homework or anything at all. I could sit around in the dorm and do nothing, go out and party every night, and spend my money on useless things. But no, I had to learn to make smart choices because I am in school for a reason, not just to hang out and throw it all away. College is expensive and shouldn't go to waste. Some people would do anything to be in my position and I should be grateful to have the opportunity. College is a challenge, so be prepared.


The advice I would give to myself would be that college is a big responsibilty and it isn't as fun as people say it is. College requires a lot of focus on school work and in the future money is becoming less expendable everyday so use it wisely. Take advantage of this opportunity because there are many people that would like to go to college but cannot so do not take it for granted because the future is uncertain. Even though you are the first in your family to go to college don't be intimadated and make your family proud.


Dear Devin in the past, This is Devin in the future and id like to give you a little advice that will benefit you in the future. First, your going to be writing alot of papers in your English class so pay attention in your high school english class so you can be a master at MLA format and will already have experience with creating a well written thesis to base your essays on. Also your going to be doing more reading so you should prepare yourelf by reading more so you wont have to worry about keeping up on class readings. Now this is VERY IMPORTANT, I want you to forget everything you know about taking Cornell Notes because they will do you no good in your psychology class. When you take notes for a test i want you to use the ENTIRE piece of paper because there will be one page quizzes. Make sure you dont sleep during class because the little unimportant facts are the ones that show on your tests. Dont procrastinate! Just DO THE WORK WHEN TOLD and you should be fine. Also DONT DRINK AT PARTIES AND RIDE YOUR LONGBOARD! Good luck. Sincerely You =)


I would sit down with myself and decide what I wanted to do in order to complete the 2 years at a community college as expected instead of taking 3.5 years. I would then devote more time to do school work, instead of procrastinating in certain areas. Overall I think that i made the better choice with attending a two year college and then transfering becaise it made me feel like once I finished the community college I accomplished something more and that in two years I will accomplish something even more by obtaining a degree from another college.


I don?t regret my path through life. There are things that I?m proud of and not so proud of, but I wouldn?t take away any of my life experiences while at college because they help mold the person I am today and the man I am still evolving to become.. College has given me true substance and opprtunities to express myself creatively. I belive everything is perfect! If everything weren?t, there would be a rewind button floating around with me everywhere I go, but there is not. I get the blessing of making mistakes so I may become a better individuale. But, if I could go back and give myself advice before I went to college, I would reinforce this to myself, ?Love MORE, Live MORE and Give MORE. PRAY! Keep a positve attitude and outlook on life because there is always someone who has it worse. Be a light and never hesitate to brighten someones day. Stick to my vision! Be grateful and always find the GOOD in everyting. Don?t sweat thing you can?t change. Know the only time you fail is when you fail to try! Have integrity. Be your best! INSPIRE.?


The transition to college life was very hard for me because I was someone who came from a very small school were everyone knew who I was, to a gigantic campus were some of my professors' didn't even know my name. I am also the type of person who didn't have to try really hard to understand or get things done; everything came easy to me when I didn't even try. But in College the work was harder, the days feel longer, and if you have no one to experience it with, it becomes lonely and exhausting. I would tell myself that sometimes nothing in life goes the way you planned it; and in college you should plan to be suprised. Plan to be Independent to the greatest extremes, and plan to be the most dilligent, most responsible version of yourself. Encourage yourself to go beyond your bounderies, and to do every piece of extra credit that is offered to you, even if you have to pull an all nighter. Believe me extra credit doesn't come around very often, and one day you may need it. Do not be pressured into anything that makes you uncomfortable.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take the exact same steps that I have taken. I am very pleased with the college I attend and with my selected major. I am doing very well and would be more than happy to give myself and others advice about going to college and pursuing goals. Education is a gateway to success in life and I am glad that I took the right path to being successful.


Encouraging others to not be passive bystanders is possible. Don't have any doubts because of past mistakes. The high school student who barely made it out can go on to college and be an honors student and graduate early. In order to help others you need to first realize the potential in yourself and what you strive for. Encouraging others to not simply go through the motions of life but rather alter and shape their future is possible. The world is in need and we are the ones who are ultimately responsible. We can change for the better and help others along the way. It is vitally important to encourage others to not be passive bystanders and to be living proof of what is possible when you make a commitment to make changes for the better.


I would tell my high school self to not be disappointed that I was attending a community college. Although the majority of your friends will be attending a four year university there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of in attending a community college. Financially you will be better off, and you will meet some of the most amazing people you will ever know and learn more than you ever have. Community college may seem like a step back after you have worked so hard in high school, but know that once you make it to a four year school you will be better adjusted than you ever thought possible. Community college is a good way to start college, it is the perfect transition between a four year university and high school. Many of your friends will go away to school and be too overwhelmed to sustain themselves, by attending community college you save yourself from the stress and hassel of leaving just to come back. Do not be disappointed in yourself, instead be proud that you are doing all that you can to ensure success.


If i could take all the knowledge I have now and give advice to myself when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself to seize every oppurtunity to better myself that comes my way in college. I would tell myself that it is going to be a lot of hard work but that along the way you can also have fun too. I would tell myself to prepare to meet people from all walks of life, and to try to learn something from every experience and person that I encounter. I would tell myself to get more involved in my last year of high school and to continue that through college, because it is the best way to meet people and make the most out of your time in school. I would remind myself that academics are the priority, but with good time management & utilizing all the resources you have around you, you can also create a fun - filled time and great memories. I would tell myself that any struggles you do go through are all learning experiences and shouldn't be dwelled on. It's a once in a lifetime experience, enjoy it.


Attending a four-year university is probably one of my best decisions thus far. College is not only about growth, it is about discovering yourself in ways that you can not even imagine. You may think you know everything as a high school senior but you don't. College is a challenge. All throughout your life, you have been educated on what to do and what not to do in certain situations, but unless you have been in them, then you really don't know what to do. College has allowed me to open myself up more, which I thought I would not do and by doing so I got into my first real relationship. It is not stressful, but just always stick close to decisions that you hold to heart. In the end, it is when you do such that you witness your maximum growth potential. There is such thing as peer pressure, but if you surround yourself by people with whom you are comfortable with, then you will not experience it as much. Do things that you were too afraid to do in high school, be spontaneous. Just remember to make decisions that you can live with tomorrow.


CSUN was not my first choice; it was my last resort. I had always envisioned myself attending a huge university, living in a dorm and being immersed in college life. However, it didn?t turn out that way. I was forced to attend CSUN, I live at home and commute everyday, and I?m not as involved as I?d like to be. If I could go back to when I was a high school senior, I wouldn?t coast through my last year. I wish I took more rigorous courses that would have raised my GPA and would have made me eligible to apply to UC?s. I wish I had the maturity level I have now. As a senior, I was more focused on my friends and the fact that I was graduating more than my future. Had I made college more of a priority, I could have ended up somewhere I wanted to go and I wouldn?t have been miserable my first year in college. To avoid history repeating itself, I learned to be positive and to make the most of my time at CSUN. Needless to say, I?m having a better time now.


If I could've gave myself advice that I've learned now when I was in high school I would definitely include SELF-MOTIVATION. This is key in order to get through college as a transfer student. This is because you are on your own without the hand of an adult. Your parents can't always be at school making decisions for you. You must learn to make decisions on your own using your parent's teachings as tools. You have to tell yourself that you are going to wake up and go to class everyday and do your work even when you don't feel like it. Basically my advice is you have to learn to be your own adult.


Save more money! Study hard, and try to earn needs-based aid at a private university.


I would tell myself to make sure I choose a school I am definitely sure about. A college isn't just a place to learn, but a home for the next 4 years or so. Also, to make sure I get involved on campus whether it is to continue playing sports from high school or joining a club or organization. The networking and social aspect is critical in college. Without a strong group of friends one can find themselves have the feeling of being lonely and not making it.


The advice that I would give myself is to basically start off at a community college first before transferring to a University. Community is smaller and there are more people who actually wants you to succeed and provide any additional help needed for you to reach you personal goals. Sometimes wanting to hurry and get away from home and trying to follow money instead of your heart could alter goals but most of all your life. Your mentality should be to always stay cautious of your finances, classes, grades, but most of all yourself, worth and ability. With these things in mind everything and anything is possible to accomplish!!!


While in high school, i knew that I wanted to higher my education and get a degree in something profound but i did not realize all the hard work it takes to acheive and stay on track. If I had a chance to go back in time and talk with my high school self, l would prepare my self more for the transition from high school to college. Talking to my high school self, i would give myself advice on the college life and the importance of being socially involved and advice on how to stay on track and prepare for all the work that was heading my way. I would tell myself to continue to work hard and do not let anyone tell me that I can not acheive in something because I am stronger than what everyone thinks. I would fully drill into my self the importance of not procrastinating and staying away from unwanted trouble. I would let myself know that even though it may seems like a huge change from high school to college and it may be rough in the begining, but If i continue to work for want i want , things will become eaiser.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would recommend that I take my general education classes at my community college seriously. I would encourage myself to concentrate on school and only work part time and not let my job determine my school schedule. That stabel job in the business world may not always be there and all the promises that were made to you if you work hard and put your education 2nd can go out the window in a flash. Concentrate on school so that I will have my degree to fall back on. I would also make sure to tell myself that it is okay to have fun as long as it was a reward for doing well in school.


I wish I had a better understanding of the Financial Aid and EOP&S system. I also wish I knew I could get my books ahead of time to avoid the crowed.


Work hard and keep going. Success is not a state it is a progress.


I would tell myself to work harder, and study more. To avoid procrastination and to always keep my body energized without the use of caffenine. I would tell myself to never give up on a goal although i might not be doing wel in it at the time, beacuse no matter what it may be i will be successfull in one way or another. Most important thing is to stay forcused and you will achieve what you put your mind too, never get discouraged and only look out for yourself.


Always do your best, and never procrastinate in anything. Apply for scholarships and financial aid as soon as you start your senior year, and throughout college so that it helps you pay for tuition and books. Also register for your classes as soon as you can and talk to your counselor and make a plan so you can transfer or graduate soon. Another thingnever give up, and the future will be bright.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to seek career counseling and explore what I wanted for my future. I would also tell myself to volunteer at a few organizations that matched my interests so that I could get hands-on experience that would either solidify or eliminate some of my future aspirations and help narrow my final decision. I would recommend to commit to the final education/career decision until it is accomplished and completed. If other interests are developed that are tempting enough to want to sway in a different direction, my advice would be to pursue it as a hobby but to keep my focus on whatever goals I have made until the goals are accomplished. If at any point after an educational or career goal is accomplished and I feel the need to pursue something different, that would be perfectly fine. The last piece of advice would be to consistently visualize the end-result to keep the passion and inspiration alive and well and avoid discouragement from any challenges along the way.


I would say try hard to think about what you really want to choose to do with your life rather than thinking you have plenty of time to figure it out.


College, wow! I know that word seems really scary and intimidating; however, college is right around the corner and despite your preconceived notions, it's not that bad. Actually, college isn't bad at all. You might lose a few friends from high school, but that?s just part of growing up. I promise you'll make new friends, maybe even a life long friend or two. You'll learn so much, more than anything that they taught you in High School; it?s truly eye opening. Remember, you?re in the driver seat now, you are responsible for your own success, and nobody but you can determine how much or how little success you achieve. This is the beginning of your life, seize it. You'll make a few mistakes here and there; like who you befriend, you might flunk a few classes, or you might even change your major a few times, but never regret anything. Remember, everything you do is a learning experience, and as clich? as it sounds, you really do grow from your mistakes. You'll do great; you have what it takes, you've gotten this far, right?


To be completely honest, I would tell myself to go to community college for the first two years- which is what I did. Then my next word of advice would be to get a job, start working full time, and move out of my parents house fully able to support myself. Then I would tell myself to possibly go to college once I could afford. I am 21 years old and have about $25,000 in debt solely due to school. I do not own any credit cards. On top of that, the budget crisis has now raised tuition and cut our classes. I had a very difficult time getting all of my classes needed to graduate. I know some students who have had to push their graduation date off because of the classes that have been cut. CSUN is a great school and a beautiful campus but the cost of college needs to be more affordable.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior there would be so much to say. The most important thing I would have told myself is that it is okay to fail, but not okay to give up. There is so much I thought I had known. I thought moving out of the house was the most imporant thing. I thought being independent was all iIwanted. Now all I would be able to say is those same people you want to be independent from are the only ones who will be for you in the end. Also that being out of my parents house wasnt all it was cracked up to be. Being independent is HARD! Times are hard and money is short. It took me moving out and failing because I could not make it on my own to learn that. Also that friends come and go, its all about the memories and what you learned from that person that matters. The last thing I would say to myself would be to LOVE. Love everything, love the good times and love the bad times because the bad times are what really make you appreciate the good ones.


If I were to go back in time and give myself advice regarding college transition I would just say to apply for more scholarships on time and save more money just in case the scholarships don't follow through. I would say academically, stay on track. But you will never know when college tuition will increase. So, save a little money here and there just in case for a rainy tuition day.


The advise I would give myself as a high school senior about to begin college would first be not to be afraid of a new environment. The new environment of college is a completely different from one of that in high school but this new environment will bring to you new paths and opportunities. Unlike high school teachers, college professors are very helpful and truely care about you. Professors will take the time to help you understand what you cannot comprehend. Indeed college will be ten times more challenging then high school but it is nothing out of this world. College is a new environment that will allow you to grow as a person and most importantly you will become an independent thinker. Therefore do not be afraid only new and exciting adventures await you.


The advice that i would give to myself if i was a high school senior is; not to marry without finishing school an getting an education. It is hard now days to be a single parent for 3 children and continue an education. It would be best for me if i would have finished my career before having children. I would be enrolling to college more faster and do full time to finish fast my career. I would aslo advise myself to think that education is my high priority and not having fun with friends wastin time.




To use the counseling services, to take school one day at a time and to get organized. To spend more time making friends that I thought were interesting and to care less about what others thought about me. Also, to develop specific goals and work toward achieving them rather than thinking that the future was so far away.


I would tell myself to make sure I am making enough time for myself with all the things I am involved in. I tend to invest so much in other people and don't leave time for myself. I would also put in place better study habits and get into study groups. Its hard for me to read the textbook. I just never comprehend when I read. I would get help from the career center and counseling center much sooner than I have in the past. If you deal with a problem soon after it surfaces, its just better for everyone. I would also go and get massages at the health center more frequently. I always feel so much better after and they are really relaxing. Eating and sleep are very important. I would make it more of a habit to get between 6-8 hours of sleep a night so that I can properly function. And above all else I would make sure to have fun. I would go out every so often and let loose from all the stress.


The advice that i would give myself as a high school senior is that I would tell myself to enjoy my experience and to make the best of what is given to me. To find a good Club and or Organization that will help me get to know people so that I can break away from my shyness. If that does happen to not let myself get influenced by them and to keep myself focused on what is importantwhich is my education. but above all to experience college life to the fullest.


college is a huge transition for people. most people go to college not knowing what to expect of themselves as well as others, to even have an idea of sitting in the classroom listening to the professor lectures on a random topic, that actually correlates to this society on what college really is. some people believe that going to college is about getting away from your parents and do illegal things in the dorms because your independent. An elite few people believe going to college is to define yourself and what you want to become or what do you want to change in this society to make it better for the next generation. college is an experience that can not be told but seen for people that could have different outlooks on what advice that should be given to high school senior. my advice to give to high school senior is to practice time management, be organized, and prepare yourself for the real world, and never be afraid to ask question you don't have answer to because in the end a person will always ask the same question.


apply to more schools, more options are always better.


I would go back in time and tell myself ?Stop worrying. You are going to love college.? I would explain how wonderful college is and how exhilarating the freedom is. I would try my hardest to convey the beauty and rush that adult life brings. On a more serious note, I would remind myself that college costs money and that I need to stay financially savvy- no matter how cute and appealing new shoes can be. I would also urge myself to come out of my shell and make more friends because unlike the community I grew up in, no one is going to judge me here at CSUN. Finally, I would assuage any worries I had about the workload I was facing by reminding myself that high school teachers always exaggerates when it comes to the horrors of college work and that as long as I attend my classes, stay interested and always pay attention, and do my work to the best of my ability I will soon be experiencing the very best years of my life.


The only advice i would give myself is to have seriously pushed for a job to pay for an apartment, and to apply to other schools because while I love the one I'm at, there's always a better institution somewhere else.


I would tell my high school self to be more active in class with the teachers and the students. Getting help through people is much more effective in learning than through books or lectures.


Have fun, but dont get yourself too carried away from your goals and happiness


Work hard when u get to college, dont let anyone think you cant do the impossible!


To take advantage of all the financial aid/scholarship programs out there.


Don't let procrastination get to you. Whatever you do make sure to always stay on top of your work.


To concentrate on the professors I am picking moreso than the class I am taking. If the class I am taking has a bad professor than I will not learn anything and do bad in the class anyways. Join groups and sororities and organizations from the beginning. This helps to make new friends and also it helps with networking opportunities.


1. Drinking blue slurpees may result in blue tinted feces, diarea, delusions of grandeur and accomplishment, extreme hunger, paranoia, temporarily becoming a dirty stinkin' liberal, and talking to inatimate objects. Consult a doctor before drinking blue slurpees from 7-11. Pregnant women are not advised to drink blue slurpees. 2. Barking and barring your teeth at dogs do not actually intimidate them. 3. Kung-fu Cooking for the Disgruntled Urbanite is NOT a major or a club provided at CSUN. 4. If a woman asks for an apple and you give her an orange, she will act like it came from Jesus Christ himself and say it was 'thoughtful'. 5. Styrofoam and gasoline does not actually make effective napalm. It just emits toxic fumes. No, the fumes cannot be practically harvested to be weaponized. 6. Avoid people named Bubba. 7. Women are expensive. Buy beef jerky instead.


The best advice for a student looking for the right college is to talk to many different types of people who are currently attending the colleges that the student is interested in. Books, websties, and counslers can only give an opinion of how they believe the students on the campus are living like. On top of that, schools are everchanging entities and only present students can give you an accurate understanding of how the school is. The need is ask different types of people is based on the fact that every different type of student has a different view on life at that college. Students who want to get the best college experience, they should get involved in school organizations early. I am currently the Director of Finance for CSUN's student government, a Resident Advisor, one of CSUN's Small Business Consultants, and a member of the Business Honors Program. I am taking advantage of all the opportunities available to me and from personal experience I can assure a new student that there is no better way to upon the college experience than to get involved; A student will contact to every aspect of a school through being involved.


Visit as many schools as you can. Don't base your choice so much in the whole "CanI see myself here?" idea remember to balance that with the actual academics aspect of it.