Calvin College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to be open. Calvin College is incredibly diverse, so there are people from all over the world with different cultures and opinoins that one is exposed to. Coming from a small suburb of Chicago, I was never exposed to a diverse group of people. When I came to Calvin, I was able to step back and expand my worldview. Calvin offers so many opportunities to get to know others and hear differnt opinions that one can learn a lot from being here, I have.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would inform myself that even though college is scary, it will become my home. I would reassure myself to take deep breaths and know that it will all work out. The people are friendly, the food isn't bad, and I won't be judged by the way I look. I'd tell myself to walk into it with the biggest smile on my face and with my heart on my sleeve. I'd advise myself to be way more outgoing and to accept everyone for who they are. Most importantly, I would tell my high school self that she is beautiful and that she is loved because being insecure will prevent you from being who you truly are.


I would tell myself to figure out my career path and stick with it. The challenge of college is that there are too many options for you to pursue and each time you switch your major you are wasting money. I would also encourage myself to work as much as possible the year before college in order to have fewer loans. Another piece of advice would be," Do not go in thinking you know everything, because you will be proven wrong". Make many friends and do not expect your roommate to be your best friend. Be confident and do things that you believe are important . Also, do not let others like advisors or classmates deter your career path, if you are set in a career than stick with it. Speak up in class and chat with a professor because recommendations will become important. There can be many set backs, but as long as you have a goal in mind then fight your hardest to achieve it. Sometimes living away from home can be brutal, so keep in touch with family and friends. If you are struggling use all the academic resources avaliable and/or minimize your class load.


Keep looking ahead an see who you are becomming. You can’t live to your fullest until you let go of what’s holding you back. There’s a lot to learn and a TON to experience. Take courage and walk ahead into a new phase of your life. It’s full of challenges and struggles, but it is also full of great experiences, opportunities, and sheer FUN!! 1. Stay true to yourself – It’s easy to let others shape you or to become who you think others will like, but stay YOU! 2. Experience outside of a classroom – Get out and do something you thought you’d never do or might be uncomfortable doing. Get involved on campus! 3. Be willing to alter your opinions – You will be challenged and will run into situations that will really test what you thought before. Take all opinions into account and learn to change for the better. 4. Study – But don’t stress about getting everything perfect right away. You’re going to do fine. 5. And don’t forget to eat and sleep! Don’t be afraid to jump into the unknown…you never know what you might discover.


Overwhelmed. Nervous. Hesitant. Terrified. Those are words and familiar feelings I know are flooding your brain as you make this next step into a new season. But don't be afraid: college is NOT like high school. Sure, you will still find jerks and partiers and people trying to cheat their way to the top. But that life doesn't have to be for you if you don't want it. People here are serious about their future, and want mature friendships that last a lifetime. Professors want to give you individual help or simply just chat and get to know you. The upper classmen aren't looking at you like a little freshman to devour; they want to support you and treat you as an equal. This is your chance to take chances and really live life to the fullest before you are truly an adult in the real world and things are 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} your responsibility. Take advantage of the relationships, activities and the world of opportunities you're offered, and Don't. Look. Back.


I would tell myself “ Listen life starts once you get that diploma. This isn't the most important time in your life. You won't remember 99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of these people. Don't be so eager to graduate while not making any plans for college. I know you think you want to take a couple years off but don't, its not worth it. When you get to college, organization is so important. Don't think you can be successful with doing what you're doing now. Stop wasting time, you never know when adult life creeps in and you have more responsibilities. Think of college as the gateway to everything you’ve ever wanted, but never could afford. Think of college as a way out of electricity being cut off,living check to check, and living in shelters. Look at your mother as an example of what happens when you don't take college seriously. Yes she did the best that she could, but she spent her college years having babies. Make better decisions than that. You have a chance to change the next generation. Stop accepting mediocrity and take a step towards excellence.


Don't ignore your instincts. Follow your heart. Listen to that inner voice, it is God changing directions in your life. Enjoy every aspect of college life, it goes by way to quick. Take a lot of pictures. You'll need them later to remember who is who and why they were important in this time of your life.


Do not take drugs or drink too much, associate with those students who are pursuing success, and balance fun and school work. Of all the people in the world, about 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} will not like you, no matter what you do. So, be true to your convictions, and accept the fact that there are some people that will not like you. Start saving money for college because your parents will not always be there. Follow your heart. Do what you love. Don't just look for jobs that pay the most money. In order to be happy you must find your purpose. Knowing your purpose will help you survive the most difficult time you will ever go through. College is not life. Life is what happens after college. Take what you learn in college into your real life, but be willing to toss out what college taught you in favor of what works.


When I look back at myself as a high school senior--loaded down with AP classes, fretting about which college to go to, and worrying about the future while trying to enjoy my last year of high school--I wonder how I can have learned so much in just one short year. I've learned plenty of lessons the hard way, such as the importance of sleep and the necessity of actually reading the textbook once in a while. Other things, such as how great it is to get to know your professors, or the wonders of a united dorm floor, took longer to learn. If I could go back in time, I might reiterate these lessons to my high school self. But when I think about it, people did tell me those things. I had plenty of advice to work with, but certain lessons can only be learned through experience. A huge part of college life is making mistakes, then growing and maturing through them. Perhaps the only advice I'd give myself would be: Stop worrying. Don't take life too seriously. Live one day at a time, trust God, and don't be afraid to make mistakes.


Never pretend to be somebody that you’re not. A lot of people come to college with this idea of starting over fresh by trying to become somebody else, but they end up burning out after a few weeks. Don't be afraid to have confidence in yourself. Nobody is expecting you to be perfect on your first day of college. You won't remember the name of everyone you meet, but neither will anyone else. Every freshman is in the exact same situation that you are, everybody is nervous on that first day. Just breathe, and remember who you are. People will like the real you a lot more than than person you think everyone wants you to be.


I have gotten the tools to be a productive citizen in society. I have learned ways to love God through my vocation and lifestyle. I have also learned how to appreciate and better communicate with people of other cultures, and belief sysems.


I am learning alot of new things. It has been hard coming back to school after 15 years but I know I must continue to make a better life for me and my four children. I intend on graduating from this course and hoping to find a good job in the workforce. I then intend on furthering my education. Knowledge is a very good thing to obtain plus it is beneficial to you in the workforce to secure jobs.


A high education has only been in huge demand only in the last 20-30 years. You can say that many grandparents and even my own parents weren't turely in need of a higher educaiton back in the 1960-1970, simply because they could have lived a comfortable life doing industrial work or apprentership. Yet, things have changed in the present and our world has skyrocketed into a golden age of inventions and techonology unlike ever before. In a every growing world and economy, higher educaiton isn't simply something for doctors, proffessors, or researchers, it has become somthing needed by nealry every one in every walk of life. Going off to college has become a mile stone in every teenagers life in nearly every modern country through out the world and has become the stage for individuals to grow out of adolecense into adult hood. This has been what I have learned maturity. If I have learned anything at all during my time here in college it is that college has not only taught me a major for my future career, but is giving me the tools for a better life.


I haven't gone to an expensive university, but I have been taught by the teachers of expensive universities. Though I have gone to a community college for the last two years, I feel as though I have gotten the same education as friends who went to higher-end schools. Many of my teachers have worked, or still work, at those same schools that cost so much more to attend. They bring great experience to the classroom, and learning from them has taught me more than just the subject they specialize in. While I've been here, I have learned more about other types of people than I can say I ever did before. I have experienced the plethora of personalities attending the school, both from up close and from afar. The relatively low price of the college allows for more diversity than many universities could ever attain. People of all races, religions, and social standings come to one place to achieve a common goal: education. The experiences I've had at my school are irreplaceable, as are the people who make up those experiences.


I have gained the knowledge of hard work as well as awareness of American culture from my college experience. Before college I did not work a job but currently I have two. Having to search for jobs and manage my won money that I earn from it has taught me the true value of every cent. Living in Grand Rapids, I have learned quite a bit about culture in Western Michigan. Though things are different here from other places I have lived I have enjoyed discovering that there are people who are passionate to learn about other cultures. This year I joined a group called MSAB, the Multicultural Student Advisory Board. On this board we discuss issues of culture and race and attempt to spread awareness about other cultures through various on campus events. Through this group I have learned what I believe to be at the heart of American culture, the belief that one individual can truly make a difference amongst a larger group.


I came to college to become the best person I could be, in all areas of life. So far I have not been disappointed. In my first year I've matured and learned valuable life lessons from experiences with peers and through the various assignments given by faculty members. I've really been able to come alive like never before and be who I was meant to be in this world. I don't have a career path yet but I've learned how to look beyond a career at what is really important in life, in how to interact with others and serve the needs of those around us. My worldview has been impacted and this is what is most valuable, because no matter what career I have, my changed worldview will influence the way I approach and execute the daily tasks of my future path.


My college experience has shaped my life in unbelievable ways. I am smarter, more confident and prepared, and independent. At college, I have gained a deeper understanding of current issues that will be affecting the United States for many years to come. One of the most important outcomes of college attendance is developing knowledgeable opinions of current issues. Before college, I didn't understand or have an opinion on most important issues, but now, I am able to articulate my thoughts and defend my beliefs. College is a time to learn about the world and find direction in life, and I believe that my college education has done both.


Senior year was the best, as cliche as it sounds, and the decision of where to go to college is going to be one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. I have two important things to say. Number one, and I want you to think about this carefully: YOU CANNOT MAKE THE WRONG DECISION. No matter what you choose, you will find new friends,and new ways to use your gifts. You will always have people that love you. There is no wrong choice. This took me so long to realize. The second thing that I want you to know, and this won't be fun to hear, is that this isn't going to be easy. You won't instantly take to college life . It will be hard. At first, you will feel all alone. It will be scary. It won't be anything like you imagined, in both good ways and bad. As much as you will hate hearing these words over and over for the first year, it will take time. It will get better. With patience, you will grow into a new life and a new you that will be better than you imagined.


You will figure out your perfect study atmosphere after trial and error, but once you figure it out monitor your progress so that you may add or subtract things to make your study time more effective. An effective study atmosphere will help you immediately initiate studying and avoid procrastination. During first semester I learned that self-talk has a huge influence on our beliefs about our abilities and self-worth. When you do not understand something, do not shrug your shoulders and avoid asking questions. Seek out professors, peers, and tutors if you need to and do not be ashamed that you do not know everything, because nobody is perfect. When you receive your first mediocre grade on a formal paper, do not become discouraged. When you see a professor do these things make sure to highlight that section of your notes or the quote they recite because it will definitely show up later either on an exam or as an essay prompt. When you are intense about learning you can acquire more information and retain what you have learned much better. Do not simply write down notes verbatim because you will forget small details that are usually very important.


The advice I would give myself is to enjoy high school and to not wish it be done so fast. I would tell myself to make great friendships that will last, and find someone you can always count on.


I would have a lot to say about transitioning into college if I could go back and talk to myself when I was a high school senior. I would first talk about time management. Freedom and responsibility come with college. Many people abuse this freedom by not attending class, partying more than studies, and slacking off. One has to balance their time wisely. I would tell myself to make careful decisions because the decisions made in college will decide one?s future. What I would suggest is making a calendar and writing in what needs to be done every hour throughout the day. Also, once you start an assignment, FINISH it. It is easy to say you will come back to it later, but that rarely happens. Not only should you use your time wisely for studies, but you should also have fun! College should be fun, so allow yourself time to exercise, hang out with friends, and get involved in different activities. One final piece of advice I would give is to be yourself! College is a place were you can express who you are so do not be afraid to show the real you :)


Dear HS Senior Caroline, Don't worry about making friends. I know this is your biggest anxiety. Once you move in to the dorms, you will be constanty surrounded by fellow freshman. Remember you are all in the same boat. Relax, and be yourself. Be patient, and chose friends who accept you for who you are. Listen to Mom. Get the drying rack and the iron. You will use them Save money. You don't need to save up for DVDs or TV seasons anymore. You can borrow them from your friends or the girls on your floor. Save for brand name snow boots. You will definitely need them. Don't expect Spring before May. Talk to your professors. Go visit them during their office hours. Listen to their advice and marvel at their post-it filled anthologies. You may leave humbled, or you may leave encouraged, but both are important steps towards progress. Plan your time. You will be so busy that you won't have time to miss home. But remember where you came from, and call Mom and Dad on Sundays, before they nap. Work hard, and never take anything for granted. good luck! College Caroline


Everyone seemed to sugarcoat the "transition" to college when telling me what to expect. Needless to say, I was shocked when I became homesick within the first few hours of arriving on campus. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that the first few days will be hard, but slap a smile on, and go out and meet people! Almost everyone is going through the same homesick feelings, and trying to figure out where they fit in. The first few days may also be when you meet some lifelong friends, so don't hide away in your room expecting people to come find you! Also, make sure to make personal contact with your professors early on in the semester. It will make it easier to go talk with them when you need help later on. Make at least 2-3 good friends in every class, so you have people to study/share notes with. Most of all, keep your priorities straight, but allow time for fun! Yes, you are here for an education, but some of the best memories you make will happen during this time in your life! Make the most of it.


Hey! This change you are about to make is a huge one. All those ideas and expectations you had about college? Forget them. Every illusion you have will be shattered once you come here. The whole roommate thing? Yeah, sometimes it can suck and sometimes its fantastic, but remember: you only get as much as you give. If you want it to work, you can make it work. Classes and homework? Welcome to all nighters, resistant professors, hour long study sessions, and realizing that the human body can phsyically function on zero hours of sleep and 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} caffeine in the bloodstream. And the weekends? Yeah , the parties are there complete with the sterotypical frat parties including copious amounts of alchohol and shady characters showing up randomly. But there are many other options besides that, including local venues, campus activities, and all sorts of other things not including alchohol. The positive experience that will find you is the friendships and relationships you form here. The people you meet will change your life and you will never be the same. You will learn, love, lose, and grow incredibly as a student and a person. Remember: this experience is what you make it.


I would tell myself that just about any college that I looked at would be able to give me a good education. So instead of worrying about the school's reputation, talk to the students about what they like most about living there. The majority of your time in college will be spent outside of the classroom, so what kind of a living environment do you want to find yourself in? In preparing for college classes, start figuring out how you can better manage your time. If you arrive on campus with good discipline and study habits, you will already have set yourself up for success academically. Finally, I would advise myself to take a hard look at my core beliefs and values. College is a chance for a fresh start. As soon as you arrive, you start to become the person that you will be for the rest of your life, so know who you want to become. If you start thinking about what you believe and what you value before you leave home, you are more likely to hold true to yourself when you are on your own.


I made the transition to college rather easily. I thank the Orientation Committee and the Residence Life staff at Calvin College for that. The reason why the transition was relatively painless was because I got involved with my dorm activities immediately. My floor had numerous floor activities and brother-sister "floor dates." These events helped me ease into my new community and get to know people on my floor and my brother floor. Furthermore, I got involved with extracurricular activities where I met more people. If I could go back and talk to my senior self, I would tell myself to first take my schoolwork seriously but also to be sure to make time for fun with friends. At the beginning of my first semester, my advisor said, "Kait, it is important to work hard. However, it is just as important to take the night off sometimes and have some fun with your friends." That was the best advice I ever heard. I would tell myself to get even more involved at school because that's where memories are made.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I will tell myself, to make sure your ready to have good study habits. Although college is a place where you can have fun, its also a place in which you need to grow and develop your skils for your future. I would asl tell myelf, to form good friendships with people that are looking out for your best intrests. Friends that you can really have authentic relationships with. I would also tell myself to surrong myslef with Godly people, and to stay away from the things that are not going to bring me closer to God, and closer to helping me benefit my future


Even now as I think about how fast these past few years of college have come and gone, I still have a hard time believing that I am graduating in a year. Coming quickly to my senior year at Calvin College, I sometimes feel like I just made my college decision as a senior in high school, but now, instead of a college decision, I am making a career decision. When making a college decision, the choice of where to attend was easy. Moving from Tucson, Arizona to Grand Rapids, Michigan to attend college was a positive growing experience for me, but I wish I would have made a list of realistic goals I wanted to fulfill in college. When looking back at high school, there are things that I wish I would have tried out or been involved in and I do not want to have those same regrets when looking back at my college experience. Calvin College has so much to offer when it comes to groups, community, extra-curriculars, and volunteer opportunities, and having an idea of what I wanted to experience when I first came to college would have assured me of fewer regrets.


In order to succeed academically in college it takes hard work and in order to thrive socially it takes participation. That is how I would summarize my adivce to myself as a high school senior. College courses take much more time and effort than high school classes. It is important to keep up with the homework and show up to class in order to get a good grade. While the focus of college is learning and academics it is also important to have balance. One should also participate in extra-curricular activities. Joining a club or sports team forces balance as there is a responsibility to participate and redirect one's focus from academics. Having a social life is not only about balance and taking a break but it is also for fun. In order to enjoy the college experience one must participate in the college experience, not sit on the sidelines and watch. Hard work and participation, those are the two things that I would advise.


The best advice I could give about college life is to look at your problems from a different perspective. College is a whole new big world, and you will not always have everything go the way you planned. Your schedule may get mixed up, you may get a few bad grades, and the dorm room next to you may play music so loud that you wonder if you actually have hearing damage. Instead of agonizing and worrying over your problems, think of them as a medium to make yourself better. Fix your schedule so that it is better than it was originally. Use your bad grades as motivation to work harder and more efficiently. Listen to your neighbors? music, and learn to appreciate new and different aspects of the culture in which you live. Often times in life, your biggest problems will end up being your greatest tools towards learning.


When I was still in high school, I was often told that I should enjoy myself because those years were going to be the best ones in my life. Truth be told, that terrified me. I didn't have a miserable time in high school, but if everything was going to go down from there, it was not all it was cracked up to be. I never had that feeling that I was where I was supposed to be. It would not have been a big deal to me if my family had picked up and moved at any point in high school, not even half way through my senior year. At that point, I wish I would have known that as soon as I moved in to Calvin College I would know I was supposed to be there. If I would have had the knowledge that a strong sense of community was waiting for me as soon as college started, high school would have been easier to get through. It would also have been nice to have someone tell me that the best years of my life wouldn't be ending when I graduated; they were actually just beginning.


College has been a great experience which has forced me to stretch, grow, and think in so many ways. For the most part, high school got me prepared; however, if I could go back and and talk to myself as a senior in high school there are certainly a few things I would have warned myself about. First, I would have told myself to take different AP classes and not to stress near as much about them. Second, I would have told myself to take the opportunity to take the internship class offered and get some experience working at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago doing what I wanted to major in. Third, I would have told myself to have more confidence in who I was. College has definitely been a change of pace compared to high school, but the adjustment went pretty smoothly overall.


If I could go back and give myself any advice it would be to not be afraid, try new things, and forget about what others think of you. I would tell myself that you only get four years at college and it is up to you to make it one of the best expereinces of your life. I would remind myself to be my own person and be a leader, but never step on others or take the spotlight away from others. Relationships matter, and label jars not people. Take chances and work hard for what you want. Remember the only regrets are the risks you didn't take.


Stop stressing! I know you're really worried about missing family and old friends, how tough college will be, whether you'll make new friends and good grades, whether you'll be arch-enemies or best friends with your roomate, and whether you'll spend your freshman year so completely lost on campus somewhere that none of this will even matter. Well, stop. Even if any or all of these things happen or don't, it is not the end of the world. Life will go on, just like it does now. In fact, if you let yourself, you will learn so many new and fascinating things and meet so many strange and fascinating people that most of the time you'll be having so much fun laughing and marveling at the wonders of college that you probably will forget you ever even worried about those things. There's only one thing you need to be thinking about right now: applying for scholarships. I know all those forms are annoying but hopefully they'll be worth it. And even if they're not, (You guessed it!) life still goes on. So take one day at a time. Breathe. And enjoy.


I would tell myself to not overload with classes. To take one day at a time, and that college is not this big, scary unknown. You can do it, and there are plenty of people around here who have been through it before and are more than willing to help. Make new friends, get outside your bubble, participate in those dorm activities, go downtown with that friend from class. Life is an adventure-live it to the fullest!


Relax and do the work required and everything will be just fine.


Hey Claire! It is me from the future. I have some advice for you. Don't worry too much about school. It is better just to do the work and not worry. Stress is bad. You are human. It is ok to make mistakes. The friends you make in college are going to be the greatest friends you have had so far. Although they will be your greatest friends so far, don't let yourself think they are any better than you. They are amazing, and so are you. Don't take what they say as wisdom. They are wandering college students the same as yourself. They don't have anything figured out more than you do, even if they have been going to school a couple more years than you. They might have figured a few things out, but not everything. Education does not make you smarter, all it does is make you more knowledgeable. Don't look down on people, and don't look up to people. You are all equal in God's eyes. Lean on God, never give up that he has the best possible life planned out for you. Be at peace with yourself.


Don't worry.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would say not to worry. College isn't quite as crazy as the movies make it out to be, for the most part, and yet sometimes - at the right times - it's even crazier. I would let myself know that I'd meet my best friend within 24 hours of coming to campus, and that it's okay to let high school friends drift away; more friends are just waiting to be made. My younger self would be reminded not to get carried away with the social scene, because college is really for academics. Most importantly, I would tell myself to follow my heart, and find my own happiness. I picked the right school and the right major, and there's nothing to worry about. Have fun, younger me. You're in for one hell of an experience.


If I could give advice to myself as a high school senior, I would probably want to warn myself about the very high expectations that college professors have when they give assignments. They expect you to take their assignments seriously and they can tell when you don't. But beyond that, I would want to tell myself that college is not all about grades and doing well on every single assignment. I would tell myself to spend enough time studying and working on schoolwork, but also not to be afraid to spend more time building relationships with those around me. Twenty years after you graduate from college, it's not going to matter what your GPA was, but it is going to matter whether you built lifelong friendships during your time in college.


Keep opinions to yourself and date more.


If I were to go back, I would tell my-self to not worry so much. Yes, the transition is tough, but there are so many people in the same position. Living in the dorms, you are bound to make friends. Don't worry about school as much. Yes, take it seriously. But you don't have to stress about every little assignment. Making friendships that will support you is just as important as graduating with a good GPA, so make sure you make time for your friends too.


Looking back, I think that the most important thing in making the transition to college can be summed up in one word: balance. Learning to balance studying and socializing, balance the healthy food at the dining hall and the dessert, balance the late hours and the early mornings, balance stress and relaxation. College is meant to be a place where you can enrich yourself academically, but if all you come away with is book knowledge and nothing else, then you've missed out. Trying new things, having new experiences, and growing as a person are an important part of being at college, and when these things are balanced with the academic challenge of college, that is when the transition will go smoothly, and that is when you will have the best college experience possible.


Visit a lot of colleges, and talk to the students there. Not just the tourguides, who are paid to make the college look good, but the random students walking by. See if you fit in with them.


I would advise that when looking at colleges the student should make sure it's a good academic fit first, for example, that it has a major in the field or fields he's hoping to go into. My second suggestion is that he takes the location into consideration, for example if it's in the middle of the city or in the middle of nowhere the student might feel out of place. My third suggestion is that he visit the college and talk to students, faculty, staff and pretty anyone assosiated to the college or on campus in order to get a feel for the social life and expectations, because he will have to live and work in that environment for as long as he attends the school.


When I started looking at colleges I had a hard time deciding what I wanted. One of the mistakes I made was not taking enough risks when applying. For students and their parents who aren't so sure about where to go, it is a good idea to apply to several schools with varying qualities: city v. college town, large student pop. v. small etc. Even if you are sure of where you want to go, apply to an additional school or two just in case. In regards to making the most out of the college experience, the most important thing is just going in with an open mind and an attitude the wills you to try anything. Even though, this does seem incredibly scary, everyone is in the same boat and the more you can get involved in, a better time you will have. Just have fun and use the opportunity to meet new people and see new places in the world.


First, I would recommend that the student researches colleges. There are so many out there! Each are unique and offer something different. I would also say to not pick a school based on friends going there or comfort. Get out and try something new. Make sure to check that the school is doing its best to help you succeed, through academic services and professors.


I think it is really important that the student have one aspect of college life that they really love. For me it is my sport and my team, for some it is dorm life, others music etc. Once you get to college you are exposed to lots of things, not all good, as parents you need to be sure your child is ready to make those choices. And you need to be aware of what kinds of choice your child will be asked to make at the college they are interested in. Some of the huge public universities can be overwhelming so if that is where your child chooses make sure they are prepared to make good choices. My choice was for a smaller school because I didn't want to have exposure to all of that. It's important to know your child and know the school . My school has a Liberal Arts Core and that exposes you to a wide varierty of subject areas which I think is good. I know of kids who changed their major based on a core class, you never know until you try right ! I reccommend looking for that in a school.


If you are an incoming student, its really important to get to talk to a couple of other students who aren't part of admissions. The things told through admissions representatives and current students are sometimes different. I also think it's important to familiarize yourself with the campus and campus life, if there is a possibility to stay on campus for a weekend or during the week, an incoming student should take up that opportunity to learn first hand what it's like to study there. I also advise to never give up searching for the right path when choosing a major. To fully get the maximum college experience a student must not settle with a major that he or she is only somewhat interested in. I advise to choosing a major that really interests a student fully, and always ask questions from counselors, advisors, and even professors.


I would recommend that first the future college student really look into what field they would like to study. Many colleges are excellent, but most of them are only exceptional in particular fields. The student should decide how important academics are to them and rate the colleges accordingly. Another important factor is the social life of the campus. Regardless of the difficulty of a school, there will be spare time and it is important that you enjoy the same things as the majority of your college peers. The general religious and political beliefs of the student body are also important, especially if you are of an opposing view to the vast majority. After narrowing down your choices the final step is to visit the campuses. A love of the city or country vastly affects where you will want to spend your next four years, and it is important that you are comfortable on your campus. Not do you want to find a campus that you can be passionate about, but it is also imperative that the area surrounding the campus can provide the kind of entertainment you enjoy, whether that be malls and movie theaters or countryside for outdoor sports.