Central Penn College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend this school?


People who think dress code is good and who is going to follow dress code because it perpares your future job. People who plan on attending class everyday and are perpare to learn something new. People who are going to be doing their class work and homwork. People who are perpare to study for their test and quizes. People who are not looking for fights and parties. People who are going to follow the no beer and drung policy on campus


Central Pennsylvania College is a school that allows people of all ages, races, and sexes to attend. In my current classes I am able to work with a variety of different people which allows me to become a well rounded person. It also gives me a chance to collaborate with people who have different personalities, beliefs, and goals in life.


This college is very unique. It allows people who traditionally come out of high school, but also some untraditional people. A person thinking about coming to this school should know that there are three different environement that they would have to get use to. An online class, a day class, and a night class are the three environments. If a person thinks they would be able to complete any of those in any order would be a great fit for this college.


Central Pennsylvania College is an ideal choice for someone who wishes to complete their education part-time while working. The College offers accelerated, year-round classes with many options. One may choose to attend classes traditionally; online from their home computer; or at night. The diversity of the student population and the majors makes it appealing to a wide variety of students.


You should attend Cental Pennsylvania College if you are looking to be a business major. This school is mainly a bussiness college. It helps you expand your knowledge in the professional business world as well as in your specified degree. Central Pennsylvania College offers other majors such as Criminal Justice, Physical Training, Computer Technonogy. If you are a driven student in any of these areas and are looking for a college taht will push you to be the best you can be then this is the right college for you to go to.


I believe that individuals who are interested in a "real-life" professional education experience should consider attending Central Penn as the focus is on professionalism and business. The dress code and code of conduct prepares students for the real business workplace while they are continuing their education, therefore providing an edge when they graduate and move into the real work force. Thats not to say that individuals who are unsure of their long-term business goals should be discouraged from attending, but rather that they will be better prepared for any professional work force upon graduating.


Someone that is not afraid of a diverse culture, and if they are white, who is not bothered by being the minority. A person that has an interest in becoming a professional, acting like one right now, dressing the part. A person that can be on their own and know how to behave and who is focused on what they are at the school for.


A busy individual with a full working schedule or family to take care of would find Central Penn a blessing. Central Penn offers many online classes as well as blended classes to fit the busiest person?s schedule. I work a full time job and a part time job and find Central Penn's flexible classes the most sensible part of my daily life.


A determined individual should attend this school if he/she is serious of their education.


Any kind of person can attend Central Penn. Its welcome everyone from all over the world.


The ideal person who should attend this school is someone who isn't perfect, someone who may not fit in, and someone who just wants to be theirselves.


A person that is willing to focus and finish College in a reasonable amount of time. Someone who wants to actually experience the professional life in their career before they actually get to it.


I feel that anyone could attend Central Penn. They are very open to new students and the faculty is great! I absolutely loved the college, and I feel like it was the best choice for me. If someone is interested in the programs that they offer, I feel that they are a perfect candidate for Central Penn!


Anybody can attend Central Penn College. It is especially useful for someone who wants to get a degree in a short amount of time. Somebody who is a hands-on learner should attend Central Penn because there are many times we are doing hands-on things in class. Somebody who likes one-on-one time with the professor should attend Central Penn because the professors are friendly and smaller classes allow the student to have a closer bond with the professors. Lastly, somebody preparing for the business world should attend because the appearance policy gets you ready for a job.