Colby College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Colby is populated almost entirely by white, upper-class students. If you come from any other background, epxect to feel out of place. I am white, and yet feel no connection to the good-old-boys, prep-school atmposphere that dominates Colby. I can only imagine the struggle for students of color. Basically, if you come from the wealthy WASP world, and went to a fancy prep-school, you'll feel right at home. If you didn't, be prepared for a battle.


I'm the type of person who stresses out about school a lot. So I wish I knew that Colby really is a down to earth place, and that everyone truly wants to help you succeed. While everyone is smart and brings something different to the table, no one is cocky or arrogant about grades or their high school accomplishments. Because this is a selective school, I wish I knew the competition died in high school. Yes, that would have saved me a lot of worry in August while working on my "first class" orientation assignment, or homework in general.


There's nothing major I wish I'd known - I'm pretty satisfied overall so far.


I wish I had known how much drinking was really incorporated into the social life here- even in school-sponsored activities. I'm really not that into drinking, and while I don't mind being around other people drinking, I don't like the fact that there is nothing much to do here that's interesting if you're not drunk on the weekends. I don't believe it would have affected my decision to go here, however- my friends and I are skilled at amusing ourselves on the weekends =)


That I would love it so much - I would have applied early decision if I had to do it all over again.


That it feels like many of the people are here not because they are brilliant or ingenious on their own, but because many of them come from backgrounds that expected them to attend a 'good private liberal arts school'. I feel like I tried too hard in high school sometimes...


I wish I had known just how under prepared I was for the vigorous academic demands.


I wish I had known what an idiot the swim coach was.


nothing , i am very happy


I wish I had realized how cold it is. I'm from Boston and have experienced cold, snowy winters, but nothing can prepare you for your first Maine winter! Everyone gets through it, though, and you become super close with everyone in your dorm.