College of Charleston Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


College represents a transitional period in pretty much every student's life. Whether their major is Undecided or Theoretical Physics, each student is fighting a battle, and each student has to reforge both the way they think and the habits they keep. No one is over your shoulder to tell you to attend class or to complete your homework. You are the only one held accountable for your errors. My advice is to make damn sure that your interpersonal relationships don't interfere with your ability to achieve your goals. Friends, lovers, and the like aren't there to hold you back, but the momentary reprieve they offer can quickly send you down the path of being unmotivated and slacking off. You must find a balance between your academics and the time you devote to your friends. If you fail to do so, then you'll wind up dropping out and effectively wasting a few years of your life.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself the following things: find a study plan that works for you, try harder on the classwork that you have, find plenty more scholarships than you applied for, and take more AP classes than you did. Studying is an every day thing in college, as soon as you are out of class you will be doing homework and studying. If you would have tried harder (even though you tried really hard) you could have gotten slightly better grades and had more chances at more scholarships. You will be about $10,000 down in loans if you don't look for more scholarships, that might not sound bad now, but it is more avoidable than you think, so find more scholarships, and apply until your fingers hurt from typing those 250 word essays. Take more AP classes, it helps your GPA when you pass and you have the potential to pass the exams that give you college credit, and I promise you will want that in the end. Most of all listen to me, you will thank me later.


I would definitely tell my high school self to be more open new things. I would say to give the sorority life a try, try to be more involved in clubs from the beginning, and talk to more people. In high school I was pretty unsocial and I stayed that way. I really wish I had opened up sooner so that I would have friends. I would also tell myself that college is a little harder than I expected. High school should be the time to learn how to study and not stick with the old ways of winging it. School is hard enough class wise, but it's also going to be hard to pay off. Look for scholarships sooner! I also wouldn't want myself to get tied down to a guy as quickly as I did because I feel that I would have been more open to new people that way. The last thing I would say is not to room with my high school best friend in the dorms. It is not the smartest idea because the relationship goes away and the opportunity to live with a new and unfamiliar person is taken away.


Looking in the mirror today, I like what I see. My reflection shows a strong, ambitious, and beautiful person. However, it was not always this way. If I were back five years ago, the reflection staring back at me would be desperately searching for help. I would see it in her eyes, a story within each tear. If I could speak to her I would tell her that, even though she doesn’t believe it, she is beautiful and life will get better. I would hug her and let her know that her pain will turn into strength. I would open her eyes and her heart to the passion she will develop. I would remind her how big her heart is, and I would let her in on a secret: her heart is going to take her on a wild journey. I would tell her that, even though I don’t know how the journey ends, I merely know the beginning and it is already worth it. For even though there will still be heartache, she will be much stronger. The insecurity that she holds so firmly will eventually be let go, and that she will learn to love herself.


"Take your school work seriously." When I was in high school, I was bright, but I did put any effort behind what I already knew, so though I could ace and exam, my grades were still a train wreck because I would procrastinate with projects and papers and even skip homework all together. When it was time to apply for colleges I found colleges that fit my supposedly level of intellegence and was shocked when I didn't get in. I realized my problem when one of my teachers said to me, "You want more than you're willing to work for." I will never forget that. And the moment I entered college I was and still am an entirely new person. I made the deans list this past semester and tutor other students in my major. I truely have a passion for the science I study and enjoy learning it. I would tell my former self, to jump threw the hoops. Do the worksheets that seem pointless because you will learn from them in the long run and get the grades you need to go where you want to go. To the best Medical School!


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, then I would tell myself to apply earlier and apply to scholarship earlier becasue I missed out on some good ones. I would also tell myself to learn how to code during high school, so I can make money while working at the college for a back up plan if I need it. I would tell myself to get things done earlier and not annoy my mom about the stuff and be pacient.


A pep-talk to my high school self... Don't be so prideful! As a high-schooler, you thought you had my life all planned out and that you knew everything there was to know. Boy were you wrong! Humility is a quality that will get you far in life. Being able to admit when you're wrong and take the advice of those who are older and wiser than you is an invaluable quality to have. Listen to the advice of the people who love you and who want you to succeed. However, don't be afraid to follow your own heart and become your own person. Just make sure you use your head as well. Finding the balance between heart and head is crucial to your success. We were given both for a reason and you must learn to use both wisely and maturely. Both will offer you help and guidance throughout your life. You need to learn to balance the advice you get from others, what you feel in your heart, and what you know in your head. And make sure everything you do is coupled with a good dose of humility!


If I could go back and talk to my high school senior self I would tell myself to make sure that I was making choices based on what was best for me. Being in graduate school now, I would tell myself that it is important to have fun in college but it is also important to work hard. People always say, work hard play hard, but I would tell myself play hard, work harder. I had a great time in college and I would assure my senior self that she will have a great time but I would instill in her the importance of thinking ahead and honestly doing the best you can. If you have an "easy class" make sure you get that A, and if you have a hard class, work even harder to get that A. It really does pay off in the long run. I would also tell my senior self to not worry so much her first year of college about what her major was going to be. It will click and all fall into place. She will end up where she needs to be.


Take advantage of every oppertunity for scholarships and AP credits. Get involved in as many clubs as you can and have fun. Hang out with your friends and make new ones so that even if you go to a college that none of them go to, you will have lots of practice making new friends. Try not to worry too much about the future and continue to do what makes you happy throughout college and take in as many new experiences as you can. Have fun and study and be yoruself because that is what really matters, you can be the smartest, most successful person, but if you aren't being yourself it isn't worth it. Be happy because you made it to your senior year and be excited because you're going to college and take it all one day at a time.


I would give the following advice to myself: 1. GO ON A STUDY ABROAD 2. Don't get in a committed relationship so quickly. 3. You only live once, live it up responsibly. 4. Take a roundtrip with your friends. 5. Get more involved with clubs you care about! 6. Don't worry about the little things, or drama, it will all work out in the end. 7. Make a difference in your community! 8. Pick a major that will get you a job, and take electives that you find interesting. Majors like Art History, will not get you a great paying job! 9. When choosing classes, chose it baed on the professor not the time it is held. Great professors don't always choose the best times. 10. Make sure you do an internship with a great company-They may give you a job after college. 11. Don't eat late at night- you will gain weight! 11. Take advantage of the fitness facillities on camus. 12. Pay interest rate on loans, and get a job before you take out a loan! 13. Hunt for scholarships- don't be lazy!! Free money is always best!


If I could go back to when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself not to stress. I would tell myself this because I stress over the littlest things. It does not even have to be about me and I will stress about it. I would also tell myself not to procrastinate because in college, it is much worse when you have more guidelines to follow on a paper and have to have five sources cited. Also, I would say, to be involved in activities on campus and have that interaction with the other students because as of right now, I am only involved in one activity besides attending my classes and sometimes it gets very boring therefore I would tell myself to become involved in some activities. Overall, I would say the most important thing would be not to lose who I am in attending a large school because I did fall of my sophomore year. I lost who I was because I was stressed out all the time and did not have a clue as to what was going on around me. Keep true to yourself, do not procrastinate, get active, and do not stress!


First and foremost I would tell my younger self not to ever doubt myself and know that only I can dictate what I can and can not accomplish. College is all about finding yourself and exploring so don't be scared to go out on a whim, the worst that can happen is you might fail but you can always try again. I would also tell myself to be comfortable with who you are, don't try to be someone else. Although its hard to see in the moment, thing usually work out for the best.


I would say to focus harder in high school with you studies, take harder classes so you do not have to take them in college. Make sure to fill out as many scholarships as possible. Be active in your community, help out with charities and be active in your school. Join a lot of clubs and try to be open with many peoples views. Life should not be lived alone have friends and family there to support you through the good times and the bad times. If you want something bad enough you will work hard at it to get it. ALways save money because you never know when you might need it or when you will have an emergency.


Don't ever give up! This is the last step to make it to the start of your future. Tests may seem and feel long, months you could honestly say are years. Though, in the blink of an eye, you will look back, and you do not want to see a list of regrets. If your highschool life was great, make college even better, work even harder. Remember to breathe. Or, if you look back, and see "if only's" this is your clean slate, a fresh start! Take it for everything it's worth. Your past need not define you, let it shape you into the person you want to be. It seems like just a day ago you work in pre-K, hold on to the good, improve on the bad, and remember to treat each day like your future depends on it. Create strong habits that will be hard to break, and know that you can handle anything life throws at you, be strong. You know you can do it.


Jarrett, you need to take some time and think. You have 1 year left until you are the decision maker. You need to get a part-time job and save up to get a new car and laptop. You need to make sure your taxes are in so you can fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. You can't keep putting off your education that is the reason you have a 2.7 grade point average in high school. You have to buckle down so you can make something of yourself. No one wants to hire an uneducated person that has just coasted through life on the expectation of doing the bare minimum. It’s time to simply grow up.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there would be several words of advice I would give to my younger self. I would tell myself that it's okay to ask questions, no one is going to criticize or ostracize you for asking questions. More importantly, I would tell myself to have the courage to follow my dreams. If you are passionate about something, though the road to success may be a difficult one, your passion will advance you in the direction of your dreams with much haste. Ultimately, your dreams will come to fruition and your passion will become your life.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitely give her some advice as to how to make the best out of the transition into college. First of all, I would tell her to get general education courses out of the way first! I would tell her, "Don't be so set on what you 'think' might be your major--you will find that things will change, and you'll wish you had not wasted class hours." I would also tell her to not feel pressured into finding a boyfriend her first year in college--that even though that you feel like that is what is expected of you, it is NOT important to your well-being and happiness as you are transitioning into adult life. I would tell her to be open to change. Going into college, I didn't realize the amazing truth that people were telling when they said that you change so much in the four years you are at college. I would tell myself not to be caught up in thinking I wouldn't change, and to just embrace it, knowing that it would be for good.


Even though academically I was fully prepared for the rigors of college academics, there are many other aspects that can go overlooked. I would advise myself that in order to stay within the confines of a specified allowance I should carefully and thoughtfully keep a journal of any and all purchases. It is easy to forget about all of the small and what appears to be insignificant purchases made throughout a given month. It is only after the month is over when you receive your statement that you realize you have spent much more than you could have ever dreamed. If you keep a journal, you can see what needs to be removed from your monthly experience and focus on the necessities so you can control your errant spending. I would sit myself down and explain the importance of planning out meals over a seven day period. Visiting the grocery store only once a week with a specific menu in mind will enable you to purchase what is actually needed. You may not realize this now but going to the grocery store several times a week while hungry will only encourage overamitious purchasing. Lastly, I would say stay calm!


I would have told myself to take psychology and to enjoy high school more thoroughly and to take chances more often; I would say this because I make friends by talking to them rather than by hoping someone will talk to me.


Life is about making mistakes and learning from them. No one expects you to be perfect in fact, your hardest teacher will be you. You will meet a lot of new people and you should not try to impress them by putting on airs, be yourself and you will meet others who will appreciate who you are. When taking on a class, follow the teacher's advice, there is a reason why he is the teacher. And in the end, have fun with everything you do, it makes a difference in the quality of your work. The work that you enjoy doing is going to be better than the one you forced yourself you do or the one you hate doing.


If I had to go back to my high school senior self, I would first tell him about time management! That is one of the most important things about college. I would tell him that he would not have to be at every party because there are plenty of them that will happen later on. There will be other times to have fun than on a night you have a 10 page paper or a presentation to write up. GPA is more important to have than a drink or drugs at anothere party. Another thing that he must truly know is about the life of a greek. After I became apart of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., I saw that it was not just about the partying and girls but the business that needed to be done. We are highly involved in the community and also helping out around the school. And last but the most important, ALWAYS fill out financial aid on time! When you don't fill it out it seems as if your life is at an end, and money is nowhere to be found.


I would tell myself to not be so afraid about, everything. College is all about experiencing new things and broadening your horizens. I would tell myself not to waste any time being afraid of life and trying new things. I would also tell myself that its okay to start random conversations with people you don't know. Every person you come across is just one moere opportunity to meet someone who can introduce you to something unexpected. They just might also end up being your best friend in the world. The last thing that I would tell myself is that its okay in college to be the smart one. You don't have to be afraid that someone will mistake knowledge for arrogence and if you know something, share it! In college you will find people who know about things you have never even heard of and the same will probably be said for you so start up a discussion, get your ideas out, and never apologize for being yourself.


It isn't as big of a transition as everyone makes it out to be. The people are different, but just remember that the entire freshman class is just as new as you are. Everyone is trying to adjust to the new year and after a couple days, it doesn't feel new at all. Also, make sure all of the paperwork is filled out way in advance. It can cause really big issues if you do it last minute.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice it would be to listin to the people around me. I would tell myself to fill out scholarships. School is expencive and you will not be able to afford school in the upcomming years. I would also advise myself to study harder and to take the classes in the order that the school suggest.


I would tell myself to make more friends. Academically, I did everything right; socially, I failed miserably. There were many times that I chose to stay home and study instead of going to the movies with friends. I have always been good at making friends but I have always had trouble keeping them. Typically, my friends would get tired of my obsessive quest for perfection and find other friends that would actually spend quality time with them. My four years of hard work paid off; I graduated as the Co-Valedictorian of my class. I graduated without any friends. I tried to be a part of the group photos after graduation, but I could tell that no one wanted me in them. I was alone; isolated by my success. I have made many amazing, lifelong friends in college. Now, I balance my social life and my academics. I have learned that life is so much sweeter when you have people by your side to share it with. As a high school senior, I wish I would have realized the impact that others have on my life. I wish I would have showed my friends how much they meant to me.


Go to community college and take courses that you think that you're interested in.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself be okay with who I was, because I now have a better understanding of the parts of me that cannot be changed no matter who I meet and where I live. I used to think that after I left for college I would suddenly be worried about different things, have a different sense of humor, and want a different type of friends. But I don't. I love having friends that are silly and want to spend the weekends playing frisbee in the park instead of laying in bed hung over. I would tell myself to be okay with being silly, worried about my classes, and obsessed with downloading music magazine. I would tell myself to not be worried about not finding people interested in my music and going to concerts, so that I could be more excited about going someplace full of new people that I have learned from.


I would tell myself that college is not a completely new experience in education, it's just grade 13 with dorms! Most of the people that you spend your Freshman year with are as new and nervous as you are. Be yourself and you will make friends, find your way around, and also find that it is not nearly as daunting as you now think. If you are a committed and excellant student now, you will be the same person in college. DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!!!!


I was homeschooled all the way through highschool so I have never actually been inside a classroom until I got to college. I was extremely intimidated at first. The classes sizes were so small and the teachers were so nice that I quickly conquered that fear. I believe that I would not have been able to deal with that fear and the fear of public speaking if I had not gone to college. I wanted to get a good job that pays well but that is not possible unless you have some sort of a degree. I chose a degree in the medical field, Radiology. It is a fulltime program so I cannot work. My husband has sacrificed so much for me to be able to go to school. When I graduate I want to be the one to pay the bills while he furthers himslef as an individual. My goal is to be able to help my husband provide for our future family. That is not achievable unless I have a degree. If going to school will allow me to be able to help my family and others, I believe that is the most valuable decision I have made.


I never thought that I could actually grow as much as I have in a manner of a year, especially from all of the rumors I've heard about community college. I took what I had, however, and managed to make the best out of my experience. I now go to local middle schools and inform the students about college, study habits, and time management; I also tutor and mentor them. I am doing things I wish someone would have done for me before advancing to high school. I now have a desire to impact lives and stir up change. I believe that Prince George’s Community College helped me to plant that seed, but I believe I will be able to further myself and blossom at a four year school. Time away from home is the best way to mature into the person you are intended to be. I had to stay home and learn a lot more about myself before gaining that knowledge. The lesson I have discovered from this new path I am on is that one must humble themselves, accept change, and do the best they know how in the situation given to grow and mature.


My college experience has given me many opportunities to explore ideas and topics that I never thought of before. My mind has been expanded through the various classes, instructors and students that I have been able to interact with. I work full-time and attend school part-time and honestly can say that having a full plate makes me perform better at my job and has taught me the great importance of balance in my life. I have learned great lessons while going to school and working and have become a better person because of it. Not only am I learning new and exciting information everyday, but I am also able to apply it to my job and my life outside of school and work. Some people work best under pressure and I have to say I believe I am one of those people. I am very blessed to be able to blend these aspects together so well. I am honored to continue to learn, grow, and develop my potential as best as I can while balancing all the other elements of life.


I have gotten a new appreciation for the experiences which college has offered to me. Expecting to maybe make a few friends and study a little for my classes, I came to the College of Charleston with an idea of how my time would be spent here. Pleasantly surprised, I have found my life enriched by the many things Charleston has to offer. The restaurants and shops scattered throughout the city provide a fun alternative to cafeteria food or a boring Saturday afternoon. Marion Square offers a clean, green area to play sports, study, or simply enjoy the weather. It seems every time I go out, I find some new treasure of the city waiting to be discovered. I enjoy the college life the most when I am experiencing it with my friends. The friends I have made here have become my closest confidants, and we have formed a stronger bond by actually living with each other--putting up with each others quirks and pet peeves. The life skills that I have acquired so far--including learning how to cook, clean, socialize, etc.--have really shown me that college isn't just for studying: it gives back so much more.


Attending college has all sorts of benefits, but they do not all have to do with school work. Of course, my classes have been interesting and invaluable, but I have learned many things that apply to my personal life as well. I have learned to be independent and responsible for myself. Before I came to college, I relied on my mom for too much; now, I can take care of myself. I realize now that college is not only about learning skills for my future career, but for learning skills for my entire adult life.


the knowledge that the skills i learn here will support myself and my family in these uncertain economic times. along with the ability to push myself to accept new and foreign ideas that allow me to solve problems in a more creative and efficient way, i have come to respect how the sacrifices made today will pay off in the future.


Not only have I gained valuable additions to my education, I have learned how to be self-sufficient and an adult. I did not realize that schoolwork was only half of what I would get out of my college experience.


Going to the College of Charleston has led me to consider a future within the academic world. I have interacted with many amazing professors and it was with their guidance that I have developed my skills. I am currently applying to Ph.D. programs within the United States and several MA programs within the United Kingdom. I know that I am capable of the work that these programs would acquire from me, and I am truly excited about the chances that are in my future.


I will be 30 years old this year. I have been in the workforce for 13 years. I have seen first hand the importance of a college degree. Making the mistake out of high school not attending college, was a mistake that I am paying for. I appreciate the power of education and a college degree. I am so lucky to be in the situation, I am in to attend college at this point of my life. It has been a sacrifice for my three little ones and Husband. But will be worth it. I am finally excited about my future. I want to be the best student and make my family proud of me.


Last term I met an interesting instructor for my writing class. His last name was familiar, so I introduced myself to him. He happens to have been from my general rural neighborhood and was one of my father's students 15 to 20 years ago. So here I am at 50, taking classes from an instructor (half my age) who was a student of my father! He still remembered my father and how much he enjoyed his class. I think it is pretty cool that he decided to teach also. He is a great teacher and offers lots of support and encouragement. I have met kids the age of my own kids that are serious about their education - and a couple that are not really too fired up yet. Those I have tried to encourage. It is most valuable to attend because I am serious in changing my occupation. This is the only way to get that done, so I am persistently on task of the job on hand. I am excited to get my new opportunity going.


I've definitely been able to experience more things on my own. I've learned how to use public transportation effectively, how to do my own laundry and how to cook. I manage my money better and I've learned how to make a resume to apply for jobs. My navigation skills have gotten better as well. I don't get lost as easily. I've become healthier due to the exercise of walking to all of my classes and the meal plans offer really healthy options. My historic knowledge has gotten better not only because of history class, but because of how accessible museums are and how historic the city is as a whole. The beach is also really close so I'm forced to prioritize on a larger scale.


I have met some outstanding people who are all very different from myself. It has been so interesting learning about other cultures just inside my own country; apparently not everyone says "y'all," enjoys fishing, and wears ribbons and pearls! Additionally, I have learned so much about myself. Being away from the group of friends you grew up with and your family really allows you to be set free and discover who you are and what your true opinions and ideas are. Also, being around people who have different opinions from you and have different styles and personalities allows you to experiment and consider different things about life, allowing you to decide what works for you and what doesn't. I have really learned how to control myself and have self dicipline. You have to learn how to make yourself wake up for those 8 a.m.'s, and resist those temtations of going out instead of studying for a final. Also, I have learned to appreciate my family and my home. Graduating high school, all you can think about it leaving and never looking back, but once you're gone you see that there is no place like home.


Making the transition to college has been a mixture of emotions, experiences and milestones. From the first class, to the first night with a roommate, through the first year and first term grades, it has all been beyond what was to be expected. There is an immense amount of free time and managing that has been the biggest adjustment. Secondly, realizing that you?re all on your own was a huge realization. You can only count on yourself. Your professors expect you to exceed and want you to do just that, but they are not there to hold your hand along the way or accept your excuses when you slip up. College takes more courage than I expected. You have to learn to put yourself out there and get to know people, because they don?t always come to you. Despite the fact that it?s the most fun you?ll ever have, its also one of the most stressful times in your life. It?s living and learning on your own, as well as learning to live on your own.


"Any time gone by was better." Jorge Manrique With that statement I agree. Highschool was great, the friends, the work, the drama. . . sometimes. But all in all college is where life gets serious. It is the beginning of the rest of your life. Beginnings are always the hardest but without beginnings there are no middles or ends. So persevere through the transition, enjoy each moment and trial of life, and always keep in mind the purpose for which you are living. Do not rush through the years because if you do, when you look back, you will always wonder why all those great oppurtunities were missed. College is all about learning, so be willing and prepared to be the best you can be.


As a college freshman to go back and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to make sure to get into the good study habits now. In college your going to have not only listen to what the teacher lectures on but also to be reading along in the book. You have to understand information not only in a broad since but also the details of it all. I would also tell myself to enjoy the simplicity of senior year, don't think about how amazing it will be in college. Enjoy senior year because it flies by so fast.


Be prepared for an experience you have probably never been through before. Prepare yourself because you may find that you will grow into a more responsible person. Think of college as a long vacation away from home. You will miss being at home, but you will love the experience and will want to go back. But, also remember that college is a place to learn, not only about different subject matters, but also about yourself. As a college student, the opportunities are endless. It will be up to you to take advantage of the opportunities you are given. And, most importantly, it will be up to you to make the most of your life as a college student and enjoy it.


If I could go back in time, I would remind myself to not take life and experiences for granted. College has a wealth of students and professors eager to teach and learn from you. But it's also competitive. I'd plead for my past self to use every moment to the fullest, to ask questions, and learn from every success and failure. Nothing hurts me more now than knowing there was more I could have done in the past to prepare for my education.


i would try and gte as much help as possible .


If I could advise myself as a high school senior, I would have many life lessons to share. First, I would tell myself to focus on school and study hard to push through the last year. Many seniors get discouraged with school and begin to slack off because graduation is just around the corner, but I would tell myself to stay motivated because a few free days with friends is not worth throwing away your hard work. I did fairly well my senior year, but I did lower my GPA by skipping assignments, missing class, and not studying as hard. Another lesson I would share with myself is about college life. After being here at the College of Charleston, I have learned that it is sometimes hard to balance your schoolwork and social life, so I would tell myself to first study diligently, then become involved in campus activities, and everything else will fall into place. The last piece of advice I would give myself is this: "You can accomplish anything you want to in life if you give it your best effort and stay positive! Live your dreams."


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to really consider different colleges. As a senior, I was set on one particular college, and after spending my freshman year there I realized it was not the school for me. I had to transfer in the middle of my second year of college, which was a drastic and difficult change to go through in the middle of the school year. So, if I could go back I would make sure to let myself know that considering other options is a good idea because you never know what might happen. I would also tell myself that college is a lot harder than you think, so be prepared to study a lot more, and to learn to balance time. I had a lot of trouble with this, but as I got older I got better. These are the two most important things I would tell myself because these are the things that made me change my life.


The one thing I would be sure to tell myself would be not to be nervous or scared to put myself out there. Moving from home and living on my own for the first time was difficult. I found it hard to make friends at first because I was shy around new people. Over the past two years I have grown a lot and I think that I could let my younger learn a good lesson about being a more extroverted person.


If I could go back and talk to myself, I would first say to truly start thinking about my future. I would also tell myself to consider doing more volunteering because in college it really goes a long way. When it comes to actual dorm life, I would tell myself to be more open to new things and people of different cultures, because at the College of Charleston, there are thousands of students from all kinds of racial backgrounds. When it comes to classes, I would definely tell myself to learn proper studying techniques, because all though I have made it that far through high school without studying, I will need to study to do well in school. Just so I would have an idea of what I possibly want to major in, I would tell myself to possibly complete an internship or do some job shadowing.