Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


The school is known for it's variety of outdoor activities.


I would say they mountains!


CSU is best known for its high level of research development. It has research projects ranging from chemistry, physics, biology, to psychology, and economics.


Going green, small town feeling with big school effect


They are a great research university and have a good veterinary school.


The school is known for its agricultural program. Our school is named the Aggie for this reason. We also have our famous school maskot, the CSU Ram... its a beautiful and old long-horn sheep that you can see walking around campus on special occasions. We are also known for our environmental projects. CSU is associated with a huge wind farm in the northeast corner of Colorado.


Best known as a research school.


Probably the football team.


CSU is best known for it's environmental consciousness. Whether it be encouraging people to ride their bikes, replace their light bulbs with CFL's, or using alternative energy sources, CSU is on the forefront of teaching people the importance of caring for our environment.