Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


i think that i would better perpare myself with harder material in highschool


If I could return to my high school senior self I would tell myself that I needed to let go of Texas, where I used to live and embrace the college experience to the full extent. The summer I left Texas my parents moved overseas and I came to college in Colorado. I felt a little alone and I relied too much on what could have been if I had stayed for college in Texas. Life would have been very different, but I wouldn't be as happy there as I am here. I am very career focused and Colorado State University has allowed me to begin following the possibility that I could become a Veterinarian. I have always wanted this and it is very important for me to realize this goal. Letting go of high school and those ties more readily would have allowed a much easier transition. I would have been much further in my volunteering and involvement if I had had the courage to be who I am now.


College can be a very bitter sweet experience, because you can never be entirely sure what you're getting yourself into until you're already in the middle of it. The most important thing you can do to make the transition easier on yourself is to make sure that you're following what you're passionate about. Whether that be your program, the location, or the people you're with, make sure that you hold on to what matters the most to you. Don't stop being who you are just because you're in a new place either. Stay involved in the kinds of activities you've always loved, because it will give you a great opportunity to meet people like yourself and it will help give you the confidence you need to live on your own. Taking care of yourself isn't only about avoiding the flu, it's also about developing your ability to push yourself to be the best you can be. This is YOUR future now, it's up to you to make it what you want. No one is stopping you from your goals, you just have to find your way to get there.


Be involved in as much as you can be and keep your head high while searching for your goals and things you wish to accomplish. It may be hard to balance studying and friends at times, but remember to prioritize and still have a little fun.


Don't be afraid to chase things that are a little bit different than what you are used to. Sometimes not sticking with what you recognize will take you on a better adventure.


I would tell both students and parents that choosing the right university is not based solely on the academic ratings of the school. You have to take into account the surrounding community, the layout of campus, the sports offered to play or watch, the environmental issues the university focuses on more than others and of course where you see yourself reaching the most success and growing academically but also spiritualy, mentally, physically...whatever the case may be. Oftentimes when looking for the right place to go to school the only thing looked at is the ratings of how academically strong the school is. However without taking into account all of the other factors that play a role in helping you grow throughout your time at school is where many go wrong. I chose CSU because of the enthusiasm they display towards being a "green" university, the feel of the town and the school, the different programs they offer to make my free time more productive but enjoyable as well and because of the willingness of the professors to give up their time to help in any means necessary.


Search for the best college for you, try and find as much financial aid as you can!


Always make sure you research the campus and academics provided through the school. Even if you're not sure of your major make sure there are a lot of various oportunites for you to find what you truly want to do. If you can, try and go with a friend, it helped me tons by having my high school best friend by my side. Alot of times the school and strangers can't provide you with that strength and support that a really good friend can. Don't room with them! only if you wan't your friendship to end. My best friend and I made sure we got seperate dorm rooms and it brought up closer, later after getting an apartment did we move in together. College can be the best experience ever, you just have to open your self up to new experiences. Just because others are partying hard and drinking doesn't mean you have to do the same to have fun. Most schools have awesome extracurriculars, you just have to really find them. Find your niche, and college won't be as scary as it seems.


Visit the campus, as well as the town. Try and talk to current students and people in the town to get a feel of the culture. Reserach the background of the school and look at it's strong areas.


There are so many opportunities available, and they are catered to every different kind of person ion the face of this earth. But you have to be willing to keep an open mind and work hard to re-search out the opportunities, most do not just land in you lap. When I began school, I was determined to stick with my close friends, and in the end I really feel that it was the wrong choice for me. When I think about my college experience I find that most of my hardships could have been prevented by not being so determined to ?have it my way?. I find, in hind sight, that if I had really looked at my personality and needs as a student, I should have chosen, a smaller, more hand?s on university. Most important, do not underestimate the importance of affordability. Going to school and working is hard and it takes a lot of time away from your classes. Re search which universities will pay you to be there! Give yourself some time to have some fun and enjoy your college experience!


If you feel that you will not be able to succeed at a four year school like Colorado State University, Stop. I was told by many people that I would never get in and that even if I did get in I would never succeed. But if you took a look at me now I have a higher GPA in collage then I did in High School. I am near the top of my class and qualify and gain acceptance to many academic teams. I was diagnosed with a small learning disability that makes it hard for me to retain information. I was told that it would make it too hard for me to better my education. I more then concurred this disability. I have a full-time job in the winter and summer in the career field of my choice and going to school-full time year round. I will graduatewith a Major in Construction Management and Minor in Business. I have a job lined up as a project manager with a General Contracting Company and plan on owning this company by twenty-six. Don?t fall short of your dreams because of what people tell you.


Pick a college/career path that is going to help the child get an applicable job in the real world, not what they think would be "neat".


Take the time to decide and find the college that best fits you. Do some research and ask around. Also, visit the campus! You can't know if it fits you, if you don't visit it. Also be prepared financially. You can be promised money and never actually recieve the help you need, so be prepared for financial curve balls.


I think finding the right college is being at a place where you are comfortable at that's the right distance away, but where it's just far enough but not too far. For me it is being away from my family starting to grow on my own and learning from my own experiences, yet it's not too far for me to make the drive home and visit my family every now and then. Once you are at that right college it's all about what you are willing to put into your own experience. Getting involved with clubs and making new friends has been the highlight for me, and the experiences I've had in these clubs and with these friends are ones that I'll always have. I think it is important for a student to apply themselves and stay on top of their work in the classroom, but the experiences one can have outside of the classroom can be priceless. One needs to find that balance of scholastic work and participation in student organizations and social events to have the full college experience.


Make sure you're in a setting that you'll be happy in and the learning will follow.


The best advice I could give to prospective students would be to "follow your heart." Choose a school that you see yourself at for the 4-years and will enjoy! Don't be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. College only happens once, everyone should make the best out of every situation. The best advice I could give to the parents would be to let your kids figure out what THEY need. I know it is hard when your kids go off to college, but they will enjoy the experience more if they do what they want and know that you are supporting them. There is the perfect school out there for everyone, it just takes some research to figure out which one is the BEST for you!


Finding the right college is a tough decision. If you know what type of school you want to attend, for example a 2-year school for an associates degree or a 4-year university for a bachelors degree, start there. Also keep in mind geographical region. I wanted to stay close to my family so I chose my home state of Colorado. If you narrow your search down, be sure to set up visits with the schools. If possible, attend one or two of the classes to get a feel for them and the campus life. In order to make the most of the college experience be sure to branch out and meet new people. Talk to people in classes; join clubs that interest you. If possible, live in the dormatories for a period of time. You will meet some great friends there. Taking interesting courses will allow you to stay on top of them. Focus on your academic career but don't forget to spend time with your friends and family. You will enjoy college as long as you have fun and remember that you are there to get an education. It's the best time of my life.


I would advise any Freshman student that any expectations you have may change as your time in the institution advances. Your goals as far as time you would take to graduate probably are going to change. You probably are going to attend college at least a year longer than anticipated in the beginning.


Choosing a college is a huge life-altering decision. I have encountered many people who have chosen the easy route for school, and stayed close to family and friends. I think the best decision I ever made was to move states away from what I called home. By doing so, I was able to establish a sense of self far away from the direct influence of any family or previous friends. While it is still very important to keep those we love close to our hearts, it is crucial to the creation of our own being to separate ourselves from what we know to be our comfort zones. In this way, we can establish and develop who we truely are at a time fit for discovering.


First, look for a location you will enjoy, either close to family and friends or as far away as they can get. Look for the major you want to do or if you are not sure then look for a college that offers a variety of majors so you can pick and choose. You also need to look into cost, scholarships, and finacial aid. If you are going into grduate school, I would recommend that your undergraduate be in the same place so that you get use to the area and the school.


Everyone has their own needs and wants. Go with what you feel is the best direction for you; you can always change your mind if you realize you're more suited for another major. Nobody can say what's best for you except you, but remember at the end of the day, you're spending a load of money to get an education and a degree.


Someone once told me that if I find something that I love to do then I would never work a day in my life. I applied to Colorado State University in confidence that I would be able to find that passion in life and create a successful future for myself. I would tell people that any education will take you farther in life than those who don't decide to continue on with some sort of secondary education. I strongly feel that education matters. As to where to go though? I would say find a school that has some good programs that will help you succeed in whatever it is that you want to do. If you don't know what it is that you want to do for a career, then go to a school that will give you that general education and help you explore the various opportunities that are available. There is so much available to people nowadays and college will definitly help you succeed. But, there is no wrong choice for college! They all will help you be that person that you want to be.


Decide on what you want out of your college experience before you decide on a school. As hard as it may be keep your best interests in mind, and not those of your friends and family, though dont forget about them. When you get to college, dont take it for granted. Cherish every moment, even the really boring ones with just you and a few friends in a dorm room. These are the greatest and most trying times of your life. You're on your own now, dont mess up. And keep up your grades! You never want to start a semsester being behind.


Ideally, education would be organized in a manor such that all learning styles are effectively addressed. Such as the hands-on learners taking primarily laboratory courses and auditory learners take primarily lectures. But unfortunately, this is an idealized system which has not been proven effective in the university system. Schools tend to focus more on quantity rather than quality of education, therefore the lecture system is the primary delivery method. So, my advice is to find a University that offers a wide range of programs, in an area you would enjoy living for the next four years. If you enjoy your surroundings and have a sturdy social network, then really any school will suffice; and you will be able to bear the educational mediacracy instilled by the university system. Ultimately, your education is entirely dictated by what you want out of it, not what the school wants you to get out of it; hence, undergraduate school choice is not all that critical


Go where you want to go. Even if it's the most expensive school in the country! You'll enjoy your time there, your grades will be better and the experience will be that much more memorable. Financial aid isn't what made you want to go to college in the first place, so don't let it stop you from achieving great potential.


Visit the college before you make a decision! It will give you a feel for the school and an idea if the school is right for you. The little stuff about the college is what could make or break your decision to go to that school or not. Once you have picked the perfect college, your first year is for finding new friends and getting a feel for the school. Finding friends early helps with the entire college experience; the friends you make in college become some of your best and can help you out during the highs and lows of college. Also, joining a club will give you a different perspective of the university and you will meet people who have the same interests.


Look into what the schools biggest emphasizes are academically (art, science ext.) and what the program for your major has to offer. Also try to meet some of the students and staff at various schools and ask them what it?s like there academic and social wise? I would also explore the surrounding area of the campus and see if you could see yourself being happy in that town/city. It?s also very important to not only look at the cost of the school but the cost of average living there after you get out of campus housing (if that applies) just in case you decide you don?t want to stay living in the dorms. It might also be helpful to look into the clubs/extra curricular activities at the school to see what interests you, as this might be a good place to start social wise, not to mention look good on your resume.


Be prepared to change! Every college has a feel for it, and the only way to know if the vibe you get from the school fits you, is to go on campus tours. One will know right away, something just clicks. When it comes to getting the most out of that college experience, allow change to happen. Going out and participating in events is one of the easiest things to do to finding that path of who you are. Also taking courses that have always interests you, even if it has nothing to do with your major. Taking a foreign laugage class is also a good option for students. Not only is experiencing the difficulties of learning a new language worthwhile, but learning the cultural aspect as well will help you understand who you are more precisely. Finding oneself is the greatest experience of all!


Parents should have started a college fund and help their children with loan information.


Good atmosphere and energy with smaller classrooms is the best bet!


Make sure to check out several colleges before you apply. Tour big colleges as well as small colleges so you can be sure that you will be comfortable with the size for the one you apply at. Make the most of your experiences by going out and meeting people! There are so many people that you can get to know that have interesting stories to tell. Get as involved as you can in extracurricular activities and/or volunteer projects. It is a great way to meet people and helps boost your, its fun! Make sure to also take your studies seriously as well. It is essential you find a good balance between your social, academic and volunteering/extracurricular life.


Find a college and a major that your child wants to really do!!!!!!! I changed my major four times because I was doing what my family wanted as well as didn't read into what was best for my situation. My advice is to find a university/college that the student really wants to go to, not that is necessarily convenient. Take as many core classes as you can your first two years attending. That way- if you decide to change your major- the student isn't out a few classes.


Pick a school that allows you to keep your options open for the first 2 or 3 semesters so that you do not get cornered into one major. This applies particularly to engineering and physical sciences.


Talk to faculty on campus. It doesn't matter who it is, but phone conversation is so important. Communicating with prospective schools by email can't give you nearly as much information about the atmosphere and attitude on the campus as phone conversations. Everyone from financial aid to advisors in specific departments will reflect the personality of the campus as a whole. It also gives you an idea of how helpful the faculty will be throughout your academic career.


My first recommendation is to do RESEARCH. It is very important to study each school you are considering in depth, whether that means researching them on the internet or visiting them in person. Once you become enrolled in a particular school, there are several things you can do to make the most out of your college experience. Although it may have been said many times, get involved! Join clubs and form study groups; even if you just make an effort to work out at the recreation center on campus, you will feel like you are part of your campus community because you are working up a sweat around fellow students. Also, get to know your teachers; talk to them after class when possible, and visit them at office hours. Almost all of my teachers have said that they get lonely during office hours, so at the very least you are getting on their good side by keeping them company! To me, knowing that I have a good relationship with the teacher always made me feel comfortable when taking tests and sitting through lecture.


Wherever you end up, you'll be fine. Just work hard, don't be afraid, and make the best of the situations that you're in.


Before you send you kid off to college, make sure they have an idea of why they are going to school. Without a plan, it is easy to get off track. College can be a waste of money and time without focus. Don't be in a rush to send your kid off to colege. If they don't know what they want to study, let them take a year's break, work, make money, and learn a little more about themselves.


Get involved as soon as possible, those 100 level classes can ruin your GPA if you dont take them seriously, and if you buy the textbook you might as well read it.


First of all, determine your intended area of course study and choose your institution accordingly. Some Universities have much better programs in certain areas than others. Don't just choose a public university because it "has everything." Go where you feel comfortable. You are going to spending years of life there so make a decision on what you want. Don't be overly influenced by others. If you're not a very sociable person, maybe choose a college were you have acquaintances. Take advatnage of opportunities. In college, opportunities are everywhere, literally. They are just just waiting for people like us to take advantage of them. Travel with the college, become a club officer, participate in club sports. The possibilities are endless. Get the most out of your college experience. You're paying a lot money to attend. Don't just cruise by with a 2.5 gpa. Perform highly and get involved. GET INVOLVED


I would say to be prepared, be open-minded and be enthusiatic about this opportunity to attend college because there are so many people who don't get the chance to further their education. Also, enjoy every bit of your college experience because it doesn't last forever and these are some of the best years of your life. I personally believe you grow the most as a person in college, so make the best of it and work hard, but don't forget to have some fun as well.


Get involved.


The point of college is not only to get an education that prepares you for your chosen career field, but also to grant a life-altering experience. Students find their passion(s) in college. Their gpa may not always reflect it, but life lessons are learned, bonds and relationships are formed, creativity is encouraged, tolerance for others is increased, and students become more cultured, which is important now more than ever. A student should feel at home on campus. They should enjoy what the college has to offer, as well as the city it is located in. Picking the right college should make students desire involvement with it; clubs, sports, concerts, events, jobs, volunteering, you name it. The options should be there. Students will spend their best years at the college they choose. Choosing wisely may not be as important as valuing what your choice offers. Don't take anything for granted, never wish a week to end, and participate in everything you can; all too soon it will all be over. Make memories wherever you go.


Finding the right college includes considering a culmination of factors such as school size, diversity, academia, and variety of majors available. Students should be comfortable with the school they choose, because they will be attending for four years. The right college will have the major the student desires, be focused on their academic success, and be large, small, or medium in population, depending on what the student likes. The feel of the school and its social life is also important. A student who makes the most of their college experience will want to get involved in clubs, fraternities, sororities, or athletics. Depending on the college or university, there will usually be many clubs and organizations to choose from. It is also important to utilize resources such as tutoring, libraries, and professors' office hours. Attending a college or university can be a very rewarding experience. Students have the chance to expand their minds and opinions, as well as have opportunities to study abroad and participate in internships. The best way to go into the world of work is to go to college and get an education. Make the most of it!


Your college experience is going to be something that you look back on for years to come. When deciding where to go to college, try not to let financial issues make the decision for you. If you really want to go the the most expensive school, that just means you're going to want to look for the most financial aid. Not choosing the shcool you like the most will come back to bite you in the butt. Make sure that you get involved with the school, it'll give you something to look forward to after a long day of classes. Also, try to break out of your shell if you're shy. Make new friends and make sure not to judge people for anything, they could be completely different. Try lots of new things and obviously try hard in classes. Everything you do ends up paying off.


I would advise parents and students to look at the smaller colleges and universities. Not only do you have smaller classroom sizes, but it gives the student the opportunity to be more involved and known at their school. The competition is less, you more oppotunities to do a wide variety of things, and at the end of it all, your resume will look better than someone who went to a large school and didn't get those opportunites.




Even if the school is very convient for the parents and students because it is close, make sure that it is the right school you want to go and you feel comfortable going to


Money is always an issue but it is important to go to a school that has many different perks as opposed to a school that is simply affordable. For example, Colorado State is very expensive out of state however, if Colorado is where one would like to spend their time there is a good chance that student would be more focused and excited about being at that particular university.


When I first walked onto Colorado State's campus I automatically knew that I wanted to go there. It had something that I call "the feel". I highly advise any newly graduated high school student to pick their future college campus by visiting the campus grounds. It's completely different than looking in a picture book. Something comes over you, the student; you step onto campus and automatically feel like you belong - like there is no other school you would rather go to than the one you are standing on right then. Take a tour of the school when school is in session. That way, it would be like a normal college day instead of the campus being completely deserted. That isn't a real experience. The student should know a little about what they want. Weather, size of campus, dorm size, extracurricular programs they want to participate in, and if they want to go away to school or not. My last piece of advice is that every student should go away to college. It helps the student have a sense of "dependant independence", and really find out who they really are without using their family as a crutch.


First, the student needs to be comfortable on campus and feel safe. Also, the student needs a size that can hold their personality. Some super shy students get lost in larger universities, while boisterous students will tend to step on a lot of toes in a smaller university. A University that will allow you to talk to a professor or a department head without making an appointment, no matter the size of the University, will be a place that the student will get the academic and personal attention they will need to really become a sucessful adult as they go through their college years.