Columbia State Community College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known the work required to pass a college level class, so I never would have left Pepperdine.


My biggest wish is that I would have known to make sleep a higher priority. Sleep is a huge factor in whether or not I complete my assignments on time, feel energized throughout work, and if I will do well on assignments and tests. I cannot do well in all of my classes or at my job if I have not slept well. I totally wish I had known how much sleep affects my learning and daily function; I shoul have better prepared myself for this type of stress and activity by sleeping more regularly.


I wish that I had known all of my course options sooner. I didn't check the availability of hybrid or online courses in the beginning. If I had I could have been finished sooner or at least closer to having my degree.