Columbus State Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Go to a real college, its well worth the extra money.


To keep up the good work, service, commitment and dedication to academics. Do not feel discouraged, and always be optimistic no matter what.


What if I told you that you will spend the next 17 years working harder than your coworkers in order to prove you’re not an idiot? What if I told you that you'll get paid half what others make in identical positions? Well, that's your future if you don’t pursue your education and get a degree. Sure, you can get by without one. And maybe you are smarter than many college graduates you’ve met. But they have a ticket to a good job that proves their abilities…and all you have is your big ego. The whole “living-it-up while you're young” mentality lands people in either rehab or jail, so don’t buy into that lie. Don't even dabble. Grow up so you can have a future you will want to live full of memories you will actually remember. Think about it: “making ends meet” isn’t a goal. Being proud of what you do by using your talents, coming home to a supporting family, and being financially secure are all goals. You can have these things and more if you don’t hesitate. Get up, grow up, and go up.


Hey kid, get your head in the game! You need to be applying for scholarships and coming up with a financial plan to pay for college right now. Graduation is right around the corner, and time is running out. You know it's expensive, so why not do something about it? You have all the resources in front of you, just apply yourself! Trust me, you will thank yourself later. But all this stress about the financials is going to be worth it! You are going spend the best years of your life in college; you'll make friendships that you will take with you for the rest of your life and learn the important skills that will eventually land you your dream job. However, you have so much to learn, not only academically, but about yourself! In college you can be anybody you want to be and people will accept you for who you are. In addition, you will meet all kinds of people from all walks of life, and along the way you will discover your own personal identity. Enjoy the ride but be prepared to test your limits and don't forget to challenge yourself every day.


If I got the opportunity to go back and stand in front of "me", I would tell her: You will definitely have a share of goals, losses and triumphs before or right in college. Life would get more difficult if you lack of independence. Moreover, without the knowledge of rules, such as the criteria for your college entrance, ahead of time, you would be like a soilder who entered the battle field with ignorance, in wait to get shot. So you should armour yourself ahead of time. In another word, y no matter what catastrophes you ought to be faced with, I shall never give up my hope, given it's the easiest to lose and the hardest to survive without. I have few friends, but all are the good ones. I was forced to delay my college years due to the immigration and financial stuff, but I gained a longer transitional period for me to well-prepare until I could enter my real battle as a stronger warrior. It's my faith that I will never lose again.


I would definitely tell my younger self to never give up on education; to go to college. Even though family is important, so is an education that a college can provide. I would emphasize to not wait till future children are out of school to start college. The time is NOW, not later! Lastly, I would tell my younger self that she is not stupid and will do very well in furthering her education. It’s worth the time, effort, and expense. I would tell my younger self she IS worth it!


DUDE! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? These kids you're haning out with aren't worth it. Stop cutting class, stop focusing on your work and focus on High School! One day you're going to want to be in the Ohio State marching band and your skill will let you, but you will have to work a full time job because you're living on your own. Get scholarships now so you can afford to go to college! Get your grades together and focus on what you can learn this year! Anything you can learn will save you hundreds of dollars and hours!


When I was a senior in high school, my life fell apart. My mom lost her job, we were having huge money problems, and I had fallen into a deep depression by the end. If I could go back, I would tell myself that college will be the best thing that I could ask for, and just to not lose hope. The next few months will be rough, but you will pick yourself up. When you get to Saginaw Valley (my first university), go into it with eyes wide open, and take care of yourself. Don't be as judgemental with people (including your roommates), and don't be afraid of classes. You will be a great student, but really consider getting tested for ADD early. It will save you a lot of pain. Be yourself, you will eventually find your group of friends in unexpected places. Great things will happen to you in the next few years. I know things are looking bleak right now. Trust me, I've literally been there. These few years have been hell. But listen to me when I tell you, you will be a stronger person at the other end of this journey.


I would tell myslef this: "Hey, I know you don't have a father figure around, zero friends because you moved, and you are not pushed at all to reach your full potential, but I am here to be that father fugure and tell you that in about 4 years from now, you will be getting A's in Calculus so this 'D 'that you got in geometry does not fit with what I know you are capable of. High-school should be 'easy as cake' for you right now; all you need to do is study. If you don't take my advice, then in 4 years from now you will be acing Calc. and other courses, but unlike the education you are getting now, it will not be free and you will be in thousands of dollars in debt! Be mentally tough and push through the lonliness in order to get scholarship money upon graduation becasue that is the time when the greater lump sums of money are offered towards your education if your gpa is high. Good luck and stay positive!"


I would tell myself to get a head start on scholarships and preparation for college. I would tell myself to exercise myself in responsibility and that no one is going to hold my hand like they did in high school. I would emphasize the need to try my hardest to get the best possible grades that I could to pave the way for my future. I would tell myself to think about my future, to really consider where i want to be in the next 5,10,20 years in terms of education and career. I would tell myself to seek out as much advice as possible from academic advisors and teachers in regards to what to do and where to go. Above all, I would remind myself to see college as the privelage that it is; what a blessing it is to have the opportunity and money to get a good education.


Listen Amber, I know that high school seems hard and nothing is turning out right but that will all change when you go to college. College is so much more than high school, with high school you're treated like a kid but with college you're treated like an adult. College is a stepping stone to the next level of life that is when you get to plan out your future, learning how to balance out finaces. Applying for finacial aid getting tips from adivors on what's the best plan for you. Amber you will be doing a lot on your own because college is giving you the chance to grow and letting go of your hand. I know now that you have to take your time when it comes to college because college is a big responisblilty, knowing what major you want, knowing how long your going to stay in school. Always keep those grades up if not then your going to have to pay for that class. This transition has not been smooth but when the roads bumps start to striaghten out things will go good and the blocks will fall into its proper place.


Dear Jonathan, I know it doesn't seem real now, but soon, and much sooner than you think, your actions today will determine where you will be next year. Your daily grind focuses on preparing your body for the future but you will not be able to use these skills if you loose focus on what counts most. Please give your grades the same intensity you give your opponents on the court. Defend your arguments on your papers, like you defend your home court. Work on Goverment, like you work on your outside shot. Work harder, do more and give it your all both on and off the court. No one will know the great player you are and can be if you don't ever have the opportunity to fulfil your dream. And remember, the game isn't over until the buzzer, so don't quit, give it your all and leave it all on the court. Good luck, Jonathan


I would tell my younger self in high-school to "DO YOUR WORK!!" Don't let the fact that you are being bullied and osctricized by your peers influence your future(family move).I know the lonliness is tough, but instead of leaving school and talking that easy 10 minute walk home, stay and learn because in 3 years you will be acing Calculus; even if now, you are getting a D in geometry. You have the potential to do math in your sleep. All you have to do is apply yourself. I will be your father figure. Public high-school is free! In 3 years, if you stay on this path, you will have to withdraw loans and be in thousands of dollars in debt simply because you were forced to start out in remedial courses resulting from not having the knowledge to place into anything higher. Get it? You have to take about 7 unnecessary, very low-level math courses before calclus in order to " build up your math skills"(even if you could probably do just fine in a calc 1 course at the time of placement).


Stop procrastinating! Deadlines are sooner than you think! Start planning on what you want to do so you are not stuck at home working at some dead end job while your friends are applying themselves at some big name college. Keep working hard becuase it does pay off. It is not as scarey as it seems and you will meet some really intersting people along the way. Life is a journey and going to college right away is just part of your first steps, four years may sound long but in the long run you will find they were not so long after all.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would be in a very different place today. First and foremost I would tell myself that no man should ever influence my educational decisions. It is a decision I learned the hard way and this poor decision resulted in me taking two years of school at my local community college. However, I have turned a negative into a positive and made the most out of my community college experience and will be transferring to Missouri University of Science and Technology in the fall. If I could go back I would also tell myself to take an extra math class and not to settle for the required number of math classes. My last piece of advice for myself in high school would be to enjoy the last moments in high school because too soon you will be wishing that you could go back.


One advice I would give myself is to continue college and get a degree to get a good job in the future. It is important for me to have a job which I like, since I will do it my entire life. The medical field has interested me for a long time. That is why I am pursuing my dream and getting my degree.


I love college not only because of the knowledge I gain in class, but because I know that knowledge is a bridge to a better life later on. I think every american wants to provide a better life for the next generation, and now more than ever, a college degree is imperative to achieving that goal. I live in a single parent household, with a mother that works very hard to provide for me. She does not have a degree, and I would be the first in my family to graduate from college. With a degree I want to make sure that my kids have more opportunities than I did, and mabey even get a new set of wheels for my mom, she could really use a new car !


Out of my colllege exxperience, i've learned how to see the good out of bad situations, to take life seriously, learned to become indepent, and also learned things about myself that i hadn't known about myself through a writing class i took at this school. When I first started attending Columbus State, I was very nervous. The first day I had butterflies in my stomach and was excited yet worried at the same time. Once i made it through the first week, those butterflies slowly slipped away and I began to make new friends and ggrew fond of my instructors. I knew if i wanted to succeed, I had to study, study, study. And I did, and I received a GPA of 3.6. I've always told myself I that i was a terrible test-taker, and my principle former principle told me it was in my head. She was right. I've managed to do well on all of my tests. It's been valuable to attend college because I took a course that helped me to become a better test-taker. I found that all things are possible if we try to reach our goals.


College has been the single most valuable experience in my life. Because of college I have a self esteem that is bolstered by proof of my ability to express myself intelligently. I have proven to myself that I am smart, witty and quick to reach the more appropriate answer. I learned and now know that I can learn new concepts and master them in a short time. I have become an adult because of my college experience. I entered college for the first time 12 years after graduating from high school. I went off to travel the world and learned much about local customs and history. Nothing prepared me for the sense of accomplishment that my first 100 on a math test gave me. The awe and wonder of the sunset in the Sahara was much easier to express and far more realistic after I fine tuned it in my Communications 101 course, also garnering an “A.” Learning at the collegiate level has become a requirement in my life that I cannot neglect. I love College!


My experience at college has not only given me the academic and professional knowledge I need to succeed, but has also helped me develop emotionally and mentally as a person. College has given me time to grow in confidence and become more truly myself than ever before.


Throughout my life, my parents have enstilled in me a strong sense of giving back to my community. Upon attending school, it was important to me to figure out a way to continue fulfilling this goal. During my undergraduate studies at Bucknell University, I found great interest in the psychology department, focusing on children and how to best provide them with a healthy sense of self, safe environment, and how to best deal with any developmental disorders they may have. Through my years at Bucknell, I eventually became inspired to pursue a Masters in Education, to learn all I can to best help , understand and teach children. I wouldnt have chosen any other educational path for myself, as each class that I have taken and each professor I have learned from has played a unique part in my learning experience and the discovery of myself and how I can best serve and help to improve my community.


My advice to high school seniors is to focus on your grades and make sure you apply to all the scholarships you can. When you start looking for schools always have back up options. Also ,think real hard about your options map everything out, it may be better to start at a two year college first to get your general classes out of the way it helps a lot financially.


Study harder on your math, reading and biology. Because in the long run you will need to know these subjects. Try your best to keep your GPA up, so you can get in a better college. Follow your dreams and don't let no one get in your ways. Succeding now, can lead to your success, later.


Since I am now in my third attempt to attend college since I graduated from high school, I would love to go back in time and give myself a good shaking! I could have done better with my high school grades and worked harder to get scholarships. Not having a college degree has held me back, and if I had applied myself back then, I would have graduated over ten years ago and my life would be a lot different. While I believe one should never stop learning and it's never too late to go back to school, things could have been easier for me if I'd just given my future a thought while I was still in high school. I would advise myself not to give up so easily and not to allow other people to make those important life decisions for me. I had the brains and the talent, and I should have used them. But better late than never, right? Right!


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life I would tell myself to not worry so much about what major I was going to pick. I would urge myself to simply take time to enjoy the college experience such as expanding my knowledge, developing new ideas, meeting a variety of people from various places and discovering myself more in depth. It seems so much emphasis can be placed on having to make a decision on what one wants to do for the rest of their life that the whole exciting experience that can bring so much personal growth and discovery is lost. The result of this sometimes pressured decision is often either "choosing to choose" or even worse being pressured into a field by someone else. So I?d say "Let go. let live, and take some time to discover things about yourself that may entirely change the direction you thought you were heading before being in college! Don?t panic if it takes you awhile to figure things out, after all the best things in life are worth waiting for!"


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would encourage myself to pay more attention to my long term career and personal goals. Spending the time to research all available majors and their intended career paths would have helped me choose a career that made sense for me professionally and personally. I would also strongly recommend participating in internship programs. These are an excellent way to expose yourself to the day to day activities in a career, and get your foot in the door for future employment. The better connected and exposed you can become to your career in college, the better your chances become of obtaining a position at a premier company in your field.


If I could go back to high school and give myself advice, after knowing about college life and the transition, I would tell myself three things: enjoy your time with your friends, be studious and finish well, research and plan ahead for college, taking into account location, tuition (and debt), and quality of education. First of all, make sure you enjoy each minute you have with your close friends, because soon you will all be in different states or countries and getting married - and months of scarce communication will fly by without you even noticing it once you graduate. Secondly, finish well. Don't let "senioritis" get to you academically. Finish your last quarter with good grades and attendence. Lastly, but very importantly: plan, plan, plan for college. Sit down and budget. Know what debt you'll end up having to pay if your tuition is sky high. Find the best quality program for the best overall cost. Research the area in which you'll be living to make sure you'll like it. Save up and find scholarships. I would share these three important things with my high school self if I could.


Being a highschool senior all we could think about was getting our of our terrible school, away from these immature kids, and have our own way of life. But in reality it is just the same thing over again but with more immature, rude people. I would tell myself that I need to slow down in high school and really pay attention to what I was doing or being taught. I should enjoy the years I had with my fellow classmates because once I got out into the big world things just got worse. I would let myself know that the first college I went to was the worse choice and I should only make the final descion for myself and not what my mom or the volleyball recruiter wanted. I would have done more research finding the best suiting college for myself. The majoy thing I would tell myself is do this for you, this is your life, your future, you are the only one that can determine it. With that in mind I know that I would have started off on the right foot instead of learning the wrong way.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to prepare for a great change in my life. I would tell myself about some of the differences between high school and college such as the testing differences, the professors, and the expensive books! I would tell myself that I really need to take college serious and work as hard as I possibly can. I also would tell myself that there are many different types of people who all learn in different ways and that I should use this to my advantage because the greatest way of learning is from someone else. Last I would tell myself to never give up because that is not the way to finish, I have explore my life and really figure out what I want to do with and in my future.


Do not wait. Life still happens when you don't plan for the future. As a senior in high school I was returned to my mother after living in a foster home. I made some unwise decisions and graduated high school pregnant. I decided to work instead of attending college. I had no idea it would be ten years before I would find the time and energy to return. The transition was not an easy one. Being a single mother of three children made time a luxury I could not afford. After years of working two jobs to support my family, I decided I needed an education in order to break the cycle of always working. I wish I could have known how hard life is without an education. I would like to go back and show myself how hard my life would be without the neccasary skills to advance in my career. I now have a great example for my children as to why they need to go to college. I wish I could go back and show myself.


If I went back in time to 2004 and visited myself as a high school senior, my former self would probably be quite shocked that I am still in college, especially as an undergraduate. I would explain I would change a few minor details but my journey would be the same. If my former self asked me what I would do differently, I would tell her that I would have taken post secondary classes at the community college to save money, and I would have spent a little bit more time studying freshman year. However, I would still choose Ohio University and the brick paved streets of Athens, Ohio, the books of the History Department and the debates of Political Science. I would still pledge a sorority and study abroad. People say that college is about getting a job upon graduation. Since graduation I have decided to change fields and pursue a nursing career and am attending a community college, but those years of college were not wasted time. College was how I finally figured out who I am, and how to pursue my dreams. College is a journey, not just a destination.


Since I was in PSEO for my senior year I would have to start when school had just begun. First I would tell myself not to take any online classes since I learn better by hearing and need the structure. It is always important to consider how you learn best when deciding on what form of classes you are going to take and how you are going to study. Second would be to work hard and not slack off since all years of high school are important. It is also important to take the big classes like calculus in high school so you do not have to start at the bottom levels in college. Take a 4th year of High School science whether you're required to or not.; ti pays off. Remeber to treasure what time you have left. When you start college you have to start worrying about life as weel. It is best to have a job already and are saving up money for the school, book and other costs. Finally apply for every scholarship and grant you qualify for. You will need the money and unlike a loan you don't have to pay it back.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take college slow, to ease into it because as much as it may not seem like a huge change, it is. I would tell myself NOT to cut class in college, because even though you won't get in trouble, it'll come back and bite you in the butt when you get your grades. I would also tell myself not to overwhlem myself by taking too heavy of a course load because college can get very stressful. I would reccomend taking 1-2 online courses because as long as you have the discipline, it creates a nice balance. Lastly, I would remind myself to get there early each day, because parking is one of the most stressful parts of college life.


I would tell everyone DON'T WAIT. Go as soon as you graduate it is that important. It all is fresh in your brain abnd you are still in the school habit. There are alot of people that think that you should take a break after school but that isn't the case. You need to go as soon as you graduate go that fall and get it over with. Don't wait like I did and now regret not going when you have the chance.


To give my heart and soul to my education. There would be not one thing that was more important than my education. To help strengthen my country's future I should put everything I have into this education. There is no greater joy on earth than to be greatly educated. In order for America to compete in this world we must become highly educated.


I have gone back in time to talk to myself in my senior year about the things that I know now about the transition from high school to college. The first thing that I would tell myself is to start filling out college, scholarship applications, and start preparing letters for grants. The longer you wait the longer it will take to get responses. College is the start to your career path and if you don?t take it seriously you are going to miss out on so many things. Going to college will make it a whole lot easier when it comes to getting a job. Now you may already have a job but think about how much money you are making. You?re a cashier at a grocery store making minimum wage which is at 5.15 an hour. Now imagine having a job making 11, 15, or even 25 dollars an hour. That is enough money to start a family. Well my time here is coming to an end I just wanted to leave you with a parting thought going to college is the path for you so you don?t have to struggle to make ends meet.


If I could go back to the past and talk with my senior self, I would of told my self to be more prepared. Now that I am paying for my classes and taking out loans, I would tell my slef to research more about scholarships. Not only that, but also research different schools. I know at that time I didn't know how to do all these things, but that was what the high school counselor was for. She was there to help you with all the college related questions. It didn't matter if I went to her office every day and asked her many questions, she was there to help me, and I should have used her knowlege on college/scholarship search. If I would have done that, I might have been able to be living a better college life today.


Patty, Listen to me and learn. Do not wait till your out of high school to start thinking about your future. The future slips by without us even realizing it. Start planning your career and educational goals as soon as you get into high school. Keep your grades up and look into types of funding early. Talk to your school counselors and listen to their advise. Become active in your school and community. Don't just waste your time away sitting at home doing nothing. Be open to new things and people. I know its hard for you to be around new people, but you should work harder to come out of your shell. College will offer you many opportunities to be active with others. Coming out of your shell now will make it so much easier. I know that the whole process can be a bit over-whelming if you wait and try to do everything that needs done all at once. So start early so that you can break the process down into easy to handle steps. Lastly, remember that you have many people willing to help you, LET THEM.


As a highschool senior back in 1995, I recall the reasons I chose not to move away and attend college. I was accepted to Temple University and had an opportunity to attend Syracuse University. When I learned of the college costs in attending Syracuse University, I felt it was an impossible to afford the costs with attending college. I still remember the one commercial with the young man who couldn't afford to go to school and his little brother gave him his jar of coins and dollars. This was an advertisement for the military. What I didn't understand then was the financial aid and scholarship process. No one educated me on this as I did not make sense of it until years later. If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to worry about the college costs and just go for it. I would have educated myself on the financial aid process and applied for as many scholarships as I could.


The advice that i would give myself is that highschool is not the same as college. In college you have to work harder to achieve great things in life. All you have to do is do the best you can and dont be lazy. All you have to do is believe in yourself.


Well I wasn't a very good student in high school and I would constantly get into trouble. I struggled alot in that school because of the way I acted. In my junior year (but was still considered a freshman because of the insufficient amount of credits that I had) I got some advice from my father and mother telling me to get my act to together to start a new and if I don't I would be in high school for 6 years. Then it dawned on me I would be in high school for more than 4 years! So thanks to my parents and some friends that were pulling for me to get caught up I decided to go to summer school and take all the classes I failed and to go after school and recover my credits and study really hard. By the end of my senior year I graduated with my class, but I still had a very low GPA and couldn't apply to the college I wanted to go. If I could go back in time I would slap myself in the past and tell myself to get my act together or else!


Stay in school. Don't grow up so fast. Don't always e in such a hurry to get somewhere. Stop smoking while you still can-now! Don't even think about drinking alcohol. Take only a summer off, then start right back, so you don't lose your edge, willpower, and nerve. And don't let anyone tell you that you can't.


Knowing what I know now about college life, I would advise my high school self to study more, and to complete ALL of my homework assignments. Also, I would tell myself to worry less, and to realize the most important thing about school is the knowledge I accumulate to propel myself to the greater success of the future.


The advice I would give is to make frequent visits to the school counselors at the high school and even at the colllege/university that's in interest. I would advise conducting research by gathering all the info necessary of making logical choices on a major, financial aid opportunities, and being involved in mentorship.


I would tell myself not to worry and not to feel overwhelmed. I would tell myself that I know that it seems like your future is so long from now and that the time it will take to accomplish your goals seems entirely too far away. I would tell myself to remember that the time that you spend working through your degree depends entirely on yourself and your ability to work hard. Remember that anyone who has ever amounted to anything got there through his/her dedication and hard work. I would also tell myself that if you just be yourself and keep your goal in mind, then nothing can stop you from accomplishing your dreams. I?d remind myself that completing your major is not impossible, it isn?t even improbable, but it will not be easy.


I would tell myself to continue pushing yourself to the limit. Do not give up and give it your all to better succeed in life. I believe that the motivation I would give them would really help him out and I would become a lot better off that what I am doing today with my struggles and hardships I have had to deal with from school to family to even the workplace. I want to be successful and I would tell my past self to always go for it all so in the end he wlill be successful in the future.


If Icould go back in time to the days where I was a high school senior I would've told myself to take more of the advanced classes, such as KAP physics or AP classes for they would help me more in college. I would've told myself to study more and to make a list of things I needed to accomplish before starting college, that way I would be more prepared and have more of the things I needed at hand, instead of trying ot get them now while I'm in college. I would've told myself to look into every possible career imaginable that I would be interested in and see if its something I would want to pursue. And finally, I would tell myself to be mentally prepared for college. For soon I would be an adult and would have to start taking care of myself and my business so I need to be prepared for the real world.


I would tell myself to calm down and relax. no one really knows what to expect when leaving a place that has been so comfortable. i'd say that things don't change as much as you think. You will love college. You will love the feeling of knowing you have the choice to decide your own future. You will love how many people you meet. Your expectations will be met. I'd tell myself to keep up with my studies, listen to my professors, and learn as much as you can. I would tell myself to be comfortable in my own skin. There are so many other people around and things will go a lot smoother if you are comfortable with yourself. I'd say to remember to have fun. My last words would be to enjoy myself, and my life is in my own hands!


The best piece of advice is to not quit, it may seem like it can be too much to handle but they are advisors and tutors that can help you. Once you start school do not let any one tell you its a waste of time and you don't need it, that is a bunch of crap. A college education will take you so far and the earning potiential is much more than that of a high school grad. Go for your dreams it will definitely be worth it in the long run. Make sure you make time to study and review classwork, at least an hour of study for every hour you are in class, it will help with tests and you will remember a lot more that way than trying to cram for finals.


To go the cheaper route in college, especially in this economy. It is very hard to get student loans especially if you don't have a good enough co-signer. Find a job, work part time, go to school full time and start building up your credit for the future. Save money for emergencies in the future. This economy is something you have to plan for. Have back-up plans and be able to keep going forward and not backwards in life.