Community College of Rhode Island Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


There is not one person who should not attend this school. Anyone can and should apply to better thier lives.


A person who isn't serious at all.


I see many people who seem like they're going to school because they "have to" not because they "want to." If your just going to school because that's what your parents expect of you, then most likely you're not going to put your full effort into getting an education. I feel strongly through my experiences if your not ready for college enough to take it seriously then you should try getting into the workforce and see if you can succeed without an education first. Most people can't. However, not everyone has that important first hand experience.


Those people not serious about their education should rethink attending CCRI. This school is serious about preparing you for life and four year colleges and universities. Those people registering for class thinking they can skip out on assignments or class and still graduate are taking away from those people who believe in hard work.


Someone who has an attitude that "It's only a community college, I won't take this seriously".


Even though it is a community college I beileve that a person should be a serious student.


The Community College of Rhode Island is a good fit for anyone who is seeking a life worthy of their unutilized promise. People with a clear goals can thrive in a place that offers structured paths to realize them. Likewise, people who simply persue knowledge for its own sake may also find themselves excited with a newly discovered subject. With four campuses statewide, there is no excuse why ANYONE should not think of attending CCRI.