Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could give my high school senior self advice, I would tell myself to develop a conscise plan for a career. Planning is the most important step of the process because there are so many things that happen that aren't expected. Planning the most important things allows for more fluid travels as the road unexpectedly becomes bumpy. I would also advise myself to plan for a career that is enjoyable. Too many people look for careers with high pay and become miserable late in life. There are also self doubts that such a job would be sustainable. I have come to learn that will is the strongest driving force, and with it, there is little that is impossible. I would try to convince myself that it is important to first decide the passion that you exhibit and to fly with it. With will and confidence, the goal set becomes so much closer.


In the event that I were to go back in time to see my high school senior self, I would let myself know that it is not a walk in the park. First off I would tell myself that there is a time for partying and a time to be serious but college is no joke and it isn't cheap either. I would have myself take a day or two to do some financial aid and scholarship applications so money would not be an issue while in school. Next, I would tell myself that what I really want to do is music and to go to the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences sooner. I would also give myself a vision of how by now I would have my financial obligations in order and halfway through the first year and with the money saved I might of had a better car by now as well.