Cornell University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Visit the colleges; not during the most beautiful times of the year, but during the most ugliest. If the student can handle the ugly, then they will be happier with their school. Don't be afraid during your freshman year. Meet new people, try new foods, andtake new classes; you won't regret it!


My advice about the selection process would be to first make an initial list of schools based solely on academic fit and opportunities, and then to visit as many of those schools as possible and choose one based on where you feel most at home. You go to college to receive an education; it would be a shame to graduate with only a degree, and no knowledge to show for it. At the same time, you cannot succeed academically if you are unhappy, so make sure the school you choose isn't too big or too small, will provide you with a sense of community, where you can make friendships based on common interests, and where you will be able to do the sort of activities you are accustomed to doing. When you get to school, I beg you to work your hardest and do well. Come with an open mind and try new things. Don't be shy, and introduce yourself to as many people as you can in the beginning. Remember that your parents sacrificed a lot to send you to school, so make them proud. Most importantly, learn a lot but have fun doing it. Make memories!


Try to create as clear of a vision of what you want our of your life and do it to the best of your abilities until you don't want to do it any more. Be active in your campus community as well as your academics. You will get the most out of your experience when you know what you want to get from it, wheter thats an active social and extracurricular life or a 4.0, do what makes you happy.


Its all about finding the right place for YOU! Don't choose schools from an all star list made by some companies that are clearly just trying to sell books/periodicals. VISIT THE CAMPUS! Talk to current students at each school you're considering. Finding the right school can be one of the most daunting tasks in your life. Make sure you end up at a place you chose... not your parents.... not your girlfriend.... not your firends.... because when it comes down to it, you're the one living there and doing the work.


Finding the right college isn't only about finding the best college academically or the best party school; it's about finding a balance. Location is a primary factor in determining a good school for you. Location not only determines how cold or warm the area is but also what the students do at the school. Visit the school during summer and winter and make sure there are things you enjoy doing in the area. You might also want to look into the student groups on campus and make sure there are some that match your interests. Additionally, remember that college is meant to be fun but it's also about preparing you for a career. Going to a party school isn't going to help you later in life. All schools have parties, pick one that will also help you in the future. On the other hand, attending a school simply because it is academically strong is not a good idea either. If you don't enjoy the people and the area, your college life will not be pleasant. To make the best of your college experience, join student groups and meet people from diverse backgrounds.


I would tell parents and students to go with their gut feeling and not put too much pressure on the situation. So much emphasis is placed on choosing a college that will determine th course of the rest of your life. I believe that it is possible for students to be happy at nearly any college they choose. That being said, there seems to be a "gut" feeling that people get when they visit the school that is right for them. If you are able to picture yourself walking to class, living in the dorms, and generally spending time around campus, you have probably found a school that would be great for you. Take some of the pressure of the situation and go with your instincts. They are usually right.


It is very important to find a college suitable to your wants. Afterall, this will be your home for the next four years. If possible, try to visit the school or speak with students in order to see if the school is what you are looking for. Also, do not underestimate a school's location. Are you someonne who needs to distractions, or someone who needs to get away every so often?


The best advice anyone can give you about the college process is to breathe. There are hundreds of choices out there, and while it may seem overwhelming, just remember that this is a good thing, it means you have the power to choose. There isn't one "perfect" school - you're the one that makes your school great. When I was drawing up my list of colleges, I was obsessed with finding the "perfect fit" that everyone told me existed. But the "perfect fit" is nothing but a myth. I was sure that I could only be happy at a small school near the city, no more than an hour from home - today I attend a large school (Cornell University) in the middle of nowhere, 8 hours from my house, and I could not be happier. I love my classes, my friends - everything. The point is, as long as you go into college with an open mind, you will be happy. So stop, breathe, take a step back, and remember that you've got four amazing years ahead of you, no matter what!


I would tell students to choose the school that most interests them and suits their needs. While I believe that financial situations should be taken into consideration, I also feel that being happy at the school you chose is very important. Students and parents should look at all levels of school: community college, state schools, private schools, to really broaden a students options. College websites do provide a lot of information, but talking to students at the schools and going on college visits is ultimately the best way to get a realistic picture of each college. In terms of making the most of the college experience, being open is key. Everyone comes in from so many different backgrounds and you have to be ready to adjust and try new things or else you'll be the same person that you were when you first came in. There are so many opportunities available at college and you have to be willing to go after them.


College is an important transition from adolescence to adulthood. It is a time where students discover their life passion is botany, or ten alcoholic drinks in two hours may be too many, or maybe the girl living on the floor above will be the woman to marry. Some memories will last a lifetime, and others will be brushed under the rug. However, it is important to make those memories. Put yourself out there. Attend a lecture given by a world renown psychologist, go to that sustainability club meeting, go talk to that professor about a research opportunity. The possibilities are endless, and the only way college will be a positive experience is to delve in whole-heartedly. So look for that school where you feel at home, where you know that when you walk around campus you will feel comfortable finding the adult you want to become.


I think that it's important to ask a variety of students about the college experience. When you go on a tour of a university the tour guide will most likely be trying to sell you the school. Other students may be more likely to give you uncensored responses to the questions that matter the most to you. It's also nice to hear a variety of answers so that you can form your own opinion. Once you decide on a school I think that the most important thing to do is to take advantage of as much as you can. Don't be afraid to talk to professors - they are there to help. Sports teams and clubs are great ways to make friends and take a break from academic commitments. You only get the college experience once, enjoy it.


If you know what you want to do or what major you want then research the schools that are known for that. However, it is most certainly alright to be undecided- many people do change their majors. If you don't know, then make sure you apply to schools where there are many areas of study that are prestigious for that institution. Also, it's important to look at what extracurricular activites are there- the more variety and expecially those you can interact with like-people, can open doors for you. Networking is crucial, it will help you get you what you want, be it jobs or internships, help with school work and advice on courses and things around campus. Not sure what your interests are? Neither was I, so as a first year student try things out and step out of your comfort zone- it's OK to figure things out as you go, your interests may change. Don't spread yourself too thin though, it is wise to stick to at least one thing where you can take on a leaderhip role- it helps with applications, interviews, and etc. so you can provide insight and showcase that passion.


Location is crucial. Be near your potential job placements. Go to where you will thrive, not necessarily the best school. Discouraged, depressed students are plenty in Ivy Leagues. People lose steam when put into a competitive environment. Pick whats best for you, not whats best for your resume.


College is a great time to find out what's important to you and set down the priorities that will guide your decisions for the rest of your life. While grades are important, so are making friends and maintaining relationships. It's all about finding a good balance. What is really important is that you choose a school where you can feel comfortable, but also have opportunity to grow. During the application process, don't be afraid to apply to schools you might not get into or be able to afford. As someone receiving a great deal of financial aid, I understand that cost becomes a big part of the decision process. However, I stongly recommend that you consider value instead of cost. Although I realize that I will be in debt for some time after graduation, I still feel like it's worth it. I'm making an investment in myself, so that I will be able to do what I love and make a living. My happiness is worth whatever Cornell wants to charge me.


Look at and think about the campus and the surrounding area and make sure you can envision yourself living there.


have fun


Want to learn.


I think that people tend to limit themselves when choosing a college by what they want, and fail to consider where they want to be when they graduate. I turned out to be very lucky with how things worked out for me at Cornell, but I think that it probably does not work out so well for others. I grew up so much during my time there but did not fully consider how the campus would shape me: my hobbies, my beliefs, my feelings about the environment, and mostly, my ability to interact socially with so many different people. I would encourage students looking at colleges to avoid finding what would make them comfortable, and encourage them to pick a place that will not only challenge them academically, but socially and emotionally as well. If you are from Texas, don't be afraid to go to a liberal school in the Northeast. If you are from Vermont, don't be afraid to check out a school in the south. Character is shaped by adversity, and your character will be strongest if it is constantly challeged through new experiences. Ultimately, do everything in your power to constantly gain perspective through experience.


College application should be all about finding the right program in the right location. Academics are of the upmost importance, but once students have found the colleges and universites that boast the best programs in a particular field, it is important to consider the student's preferences. Campus size, campus location, class size, diversity, and extra-curricular activities/campus life should all be considered with as much seriousness as academics. Students applying to college should not apply to the "best" programs, they should apply to the programs that best fit their intellectual and emotional needs. Once accepted, visit. Once enrolled, take full advantage of the campus and the world that extends beyond it. Do not stay in one department: explore the variety of classes offered in your elective time. Do not stay in one place: explore extracurricular activities, the odd corners of campus, the surrounding city. It can be difficult to get comfortable, but again, envrionmental and emotional satisfaction are just as important as academic success. One can't exist without the other.


In terms of finding the right college, visiting the school is KEY. I prejudged Cornell and felt that I didn't want to go there at all, but after visiting, I left really hoping that I would be accepted. A major is a good thing to have in mind when you apply, but it's not crucial, because students are able to explore different areas of and ultimately switch majors if they want. At school: it will be an adjustment. It's okay to feel uncomfortable and stressed in the beginning; every semester and every year gets better and is a learning process; school begins to feel like home more and more. Appreciate what you learn and strive to understand it; you'll end up seeing the value of the money you put into your education, and you'll graduate feeling a more knowledgeable, well-rounded individual. And of course: have fun and balance the work and play. Learn the surrounding area of your college!- it really helps the area feel like home.


You need to take into consideration all the factors that apply to you. If you can afford it, i suggest you apply for the college that's most different from what you're used to. You can allways transfer, the one you get into isn't final. So go for quality and what strikes your fancy. Enjoy!


Go there. Visit. Find out as much as you can about a college. Don't go for the one that is necessarily "the best," rather the one that FITS you the best. Of course college is a time of discover, so you might not necessarily know what is your best fit. In this case, write down your interests. Consider various directions you could see yourself following. Trust yourself and enjoy the journey. Be daring and willing to find out what bores you, what annoys you, and what delights you. You're full of surprises you may have never considered. Trust your instincts about your interests and the appropriate fit of a school. You'll learn so much about yourself on the way.


Try everything and do not let financial needs be a hindrance.


stick it out during the summers; a little independence gets you a long way in the so-called "real world"


Finding the right college is like deciding on whom to marry. It takes a lot of thought and consideration and one should not be lax about making this decision. When I was looking for a college the main things I focued on were location, prestige, and cost. However, my ultimate decision was based on my gut instinct and I ended up following my heart. I knew that the college I go to now was right for me. In a weird way it seemed like it was my destiny to go to Cornell University. Therefore, my best advice for finding the right college is to follow one's heart and do what you think will be right for you. As for making the most of one's college experience, I can only say keep an open minded and stay focused. Keeping an open mind allows one to experience all the different things that college has to offer and meet different people from a variety of places. Staying focused, which is the hardest part, allows one to do well in college so that they do not regret any decisions that they make. College is what you make of it.


Go to some of the campuses of the colleges you think you might be interested in. I went to 5 or 6 campuses before I decided that Cornell was the best choice for me.


Everything works out in the end. Make sure your kids are happy, and that you are happy too, but most importantly, your child has to be happy where they are and with what they are studying


not to worry, but it all works out in the end. and hang in there for the sake of your interest!


No one should choose the college for the student. It is okay to make suggestions, but ultimately, the student knows best not only what he wants, but how well any college will suit his needs. Definitely visit a college before deciding to attend, but don't necessarily judge the college based on one particular visit. First impressions are not always completely telling. Lastly, after deciding on a school, learn as much about it as you can. Find out everything: all the academic departments; all the harder and easier classes; the services of the academic and career advising officies; all the places to eat, study, hang out; or even secret hideouts where you can relax. And try EVERYTHING within reason, especially during your first year. Widen your comfort zone and challenge yourself. You will truly be maximizing your college experience, broadening your horizons, and learning a lot about yourself in the process.


Any undergraduate degree will give you a new perspective in life. However, I recommend finding a school where one can try many things, both academically and socially, within the first few years, and then be able to focus in on a certain chosen lifestyle and career. This type of academic setting will allow one to learn not only about culture, industry, and academia, but also about him or herself. Find a school that will allow you flexibility and if desired, anonymity. Many students focus on being the center of political attention and a school should provide that opportunity. It should also, however, allow privacy for those that are less extroverted. In summary, the optimal institution is one that allows a student to mature, find out who he or she really is, and accept them for whoever they may turn out to be.


Whatever the guidebooks say, the number school in the nation will not make you a happy, successful person. The prospective student should be the one to make the final decision, and only after a visit that lasts a few days. Rather than looking for a university that ranks highly, look for one that is well known for the field that the student wants to study, or if the student is undecided, it's better to find a university with an enviornment that matches him/her well. The most important thing I've learned in college is that you only have one chance to do it, so do it well. This is the time to discover what get's your blood racing and fight for it with all you can. Speak out and ask questions, because this is the only time in your life you're expected to. Never think you are too young to start making a difference.


Look at many colleges and get opinions from actual students


Don't choose a place based on prestige. Also, talk to students on campus to get a feel for what it's really like to go there! You can't trust tours and such because they will always spin the school in a good light.


If you find a place that matches your interests and style, try your hardest to make it work financially. It will benefit you in the long run! And once you're in school, find a few friends with similar styles and standards, as "fallbacks" and someone you can always go to. Also branch out and befriend people who interest you, even if they're extremely different. Try new things, and be willing to accept new points of view and ideas. AND HAVE FUN!!!


Do all the research you can do about your school. Take multiple visits if necessary. to ask faculty, staff, and students about your questions and concerns. I visited Cornell three times before I matriculated. Also, make sure you like the school's environment.


Please keep an open mind about where you might want to attend. Its also very important to ask REAL (and current) students about their experiences. Don't just pick a school by its name or because your friends/family have gone. Try new things when you get there- and Good Luck!


When approaching college, it is important to keep yourself focused on your future. Take ACT/SAT until you get the score you would like, but don't be disappointed if you don't achieve what you would like to get. Many other things can make up for lower test scores. In your last year of high school, take on or excel in extracurricular activities in which you have a passion for and are preferably related to your academic concentration. This will a) give you an opportunity to showcase your skills and passion, b) give you something to write about in admissions essays, and c) make your last year of high school productive and fun. Whatever you do, don't allow your grades to slip. If you put in effort on the ACT/SAT, focus on important extracurriculars, and keep your grades up, you will have no problem getting into a school which would prepare you for your future and have fun along the way.


Go for a college with a strong alumni network and is generous with financial aid


The first thing I would tell parents and future students is to look at and visit every school you can, even some you don't think you are interested in. This might change your mind. I took one visit and even though I made the right choice, I regret not seeing other schools. Next, the future students should take as many classes as they can their senior year of high school. This will help prepare them for the tough transition to the college academic experience. Once the students get to college they need to go out at least once every weekend. This will help them make friends and set up a network of possible opportunities for after college. And finally, while get straight A's is everyones dream, it is highly improbable at many colleges. Don't get worked up if you get a B- of C, there are worse things that can happen. The prestige of the school is not how well students do, but the amount of work that the students need to do in order to sniff a B-.


When you consider which college to choose to attend, think of yourself as a total person, not just a student. Before you make this life-changing choice, you should talk to real people. Go to college fairs and speak with the representatives. Talk to your counselors, teachers, and family friends. Often these people will be full of advice and since they know you, they may have specific reasons for recommending a certain college.When you think about schools, you need to consider what you really want in an education. A key question to ask colleges: How does the college rank in the major you want to study? Universities are stronger in some areas and weaker in others. The social opportunities on a campus are also extremely important. No matter how strong your college is academically, if you don't like the social scene, you won't be happy at that school. Be sure to consider the "big picture."Ultimately, you want to pick schools that meet your needs. Keep in mind that your college education is one of the most important investments you will make and it's worth spending the time to make sure you make the right decision.


Enjoy it.


The advice I would give to both parents and students about finding the right college is to take into consideration every aspect of your lifestyle and make sure that it is compatible with the school you are choosing. Picking a school based soley on what occupation you want later in life is not always the best way to decide. You may find that basing a decision soley on that will put you into a situtation where you hate the school you attend and may be deterred from completing your studies there. If you consider your lifestyle needs, from financial to religious beliefs to study habits to the types of people you like to associate with, and pick a school that closely matches or satisfies those needs, then your college experience will be enjoyable and successful.


I would say to look for a school that has a good program in your major. If you don't know your major, to look for a school that has many majors and many extra curricular activities to choose from. If a school is large, you should definitely do activities outside of school to find a small grup of people to connect to. Do things just for fun and do things to help the community your college is in. Also, don't get stressed out over grades - it's not worth wasting your college years being stressed during the week and relieving that by getting drunk on the weekends. Don't try to do too much, but focus on a small number of things.


With our society so focused on perfection in all domains of life, it comes as no surprise that the institution of higher education that an individual chooses is of paramount importance. With this in mind, I must say that in order to truly benefit from a collegiate setting, an individual must choose a school that matches his or her interests. Parents should not force their children to apply too the top, Ivy League schools. In fact, in some cases, Ivy League institutions are quite lacking in some departments, i.e. education, whereas smaller liberal arts schools have great programs. Also, note that schools that are highly research oriented tend to push their students to research as well. This is something to consider. In sum, don't get caught up in rankings! College is what you, the student, makes it. As for making the most of college, it is easy to focus solely on grades and forget about the things in life we take for granted. In order to stay sane, take a walk around campus and enjoy the surroundings, join clubs and make friends. After all, you are there to work hard, but you are still entitled to happiness.


Choose a school you like, not one based on name recognition. Also, students shouldn't be too quick to run away from home; having that support network can be very important during the trying times of your collegiate career.


I think the most important thing in deciding which collegeg to go to depends on if the student feels comfortable there. I would reccomend visiting the colleges severall times before deciding. Students should also spend a night or weekend at the school without their parents to get a feel for the actual social scene at the school, since taking tours during the day can be a much different experience than what the school actually is. Of course, academic programs are important, and students should choose a school that will challenge them, expose them to a variety of fields, and adequately prepare them for a career in their chosen field. To make the most of the college experience once there, students need to learn how to budget their time. If that means making an hour by hour schedule of what will be done on a certain day, so be it. Without this, students can find themselves spending all day in the library with no free time, or spending all day partying and not finishing their work. Also, get out there, join clubs or student groups to expose yourself to the world and meet new people.


During your college search try to keep in mind that you will be living in this place for the next four years of your life. Do an overnigbht visit see what the kids are like and if you fit in. The truth is that eventually you will find a college that is right for you and you will end up in the right place. There are so many schools across the country that the college search process should not be a stressful experience but a fun one. If you do not like where you end up at school transferring is always an option. The most important part of making the most out of your college experience is having as much fun as early as possible. At most schools the first month is not difficult at all so go out and have fun because when the tests hit you will be swamped. Remember you are at college to learn but an enormous part of the college experience is going out and being a part of the social scene on campus.


After going on your forth or fifth college tour, you start getting the funny feeling that you've heard this all before. The info sessions all seem to be telling you the exact same thing - the school is diverse, gives you so many wonderful opportunities, has a great atmosphere, provides so many different classes, etc. Obviously, both tours and info sessions are trying to promote that school and will usually only tell you the best things about it. First, you definitely need to visit the campus - online pictures don't give you a "feel" for the campus. Once at the campus, spend some time walking around not with a tour group. Talk to students - they usually love to talk about their school. If they don't, then maybe it's not such a great place. Also, check out the school's Facebook group - see what students really think of it. In the end though, your attitude is what matters most. If you don't get into your first choice and go to a second choice thinking that you won't like it, you won't. Go in with the attitude that you will like it, and you will.


Disregard what movies and television series might have influenced you to think college will be like. Go there expecting anything to happen. You might find that not having expectations as to what college should be like will make your days there more fun. Also remember that you, the student, are there to pave a road to realize your dreams someday and perhaps your time in college is such that you can realize what you want that dream to be. Therefore good luck and don't disregard any possibilities, keep an open mind.


Visit the college before you make a decision, and choose a college you feel comfortable at when visiting.