CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would have been much more careful about choosing which college to attend. I really didnt think about what woudl be the best move for me. I went away to school for the experience, even though I kind of always knew i wanted to be in business school in the city. Also, I wish i had realized then how much easier it is to dedicate your time and effort to your studies while youre young and have minimal responsibilities. If I could have given myself advice as a senior in highschool i would say to really try and figure out who you are and who you want to be, and then figure out the best way to get there. Choosing the right college for you is very important in being successful in accomplishing your goals.


If I can go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to prepare well for college. This preparation would include: (1) learning how to study best, (2) improving my reading and writing skills, (3) be more onfident in presentations, and (4) learn how to organize myself in a better manner. High school students don't realize how much different -- how much more self discipline -- college requires. Start practicing; you cannot turn it on with a switch.


The point of college is not a degree but a form to facilitate yourself to become a better person. As long as you approach every class, essay, book, and homework as a chance to become a better person and grow, you will succeed.


I would tell myself to study harder in high school to be prepared fot the competative college students from all over the country and even world because of the international students. Otherwise, I will do good in college so keep doing what you doing.


If I were to go back in time and give advice to my highschool senior self, I would tell myself to work hard and set my priorities straight. There was a time in my college career where I would put my internship and club activities before my school work which made my GPA suffer. I would tell myself to be more involved in the college community more and join multiple clubs even though I was part of a club for two years. I would tell myself to better my leadership skills and engage in more group discussions earlier on in my college career. Last but not least, I would tell myself to not be afraid of doing things and take chances.


First thing’s first: lose the fear of college! As big and scary as college seems, it is not the horrifying place it appears to be. Alright, maybe the professors are a little intimidating at times, but they are only there to help not hinder your college transition. There’s something you have a lot of now that you must learn to organize: your free time. Forget about Youtube, Facebook, Yahoo! News articles and other distractions that help you procrastinate. Stop pushing your study time to the last day before tests so that you won’t flunk. You can kiss your dream of a 4.0 GPA goodbye. Don’t worry! It’s alright to not get perfect grades. As one of my professors advised, if you get a business idea, take it and run! No one makes it in life without taking risks. Last and least importantly, if you actually want to make any friends, join a club! Friendships made within classrooms will diminish after the semester ends. Important tip: deactivate/permanently disable your Facebook account.


hello, me i know you're tired and upset and worried about whats next and guess what its gonna get hard. really hard. the hardest thing you've ever done- but you're going to shine like you never have before you're going to thrive you're going to love work it will all be worth it.


I would tell myself to take advantage of speaking with professors after class hours because I think that is a great opportunity to make the most of your education. Often times as college students we are too eager to leave class that even if we are confused on a subject matter, we refuse to ask for help. In college settings, education is delivered on a less personal basis unlike grade school or high school. There aren't always steady homework assignments or active class participation in all classes, especially large lecture classes which are common especially in the first few years of college. In these types of large class room settings, students tend to lose their train of focus and thought which leads to further confusion in the course's content. However, professors always set up personal office hours where students can receive tailored advice or help on exactly what they are struggling with. Most professors are more than happy to do that and it also shows them that the student is taking initiative in their education.


When I was a high school senior I was lost. The world seemed like a giant force that was constantly pushing against me. With family and money problems I never thought I would accomplish any of my dreams; especially college. If I could revisit myself in that confusing time I would have a lot of encouraging advice. For example, I would tell my stressed-out self not to worry. I would remind her that even though everything is upside down right now it will right itself eventually. I would also caution her to stay in school and graduate. I would tell her that I regret the decision to drop-out now. However, the most important instruction I could give would be to try and get into college. In high school I canceled myself out before I ever had the chance. I would tell my high school self that there are so many funds for need based students. The future student would advise her to take the ACT and apply herself. I would prove she is smarter than she thinks by showing her our current GPA. Finally, I would explain how much I have grown in only one year of college.


This is the best time of your life. Use your time wisely and remember that this is where you gain your independence. It is up to you to make wise decisions and know that whatever consequences you face they are based on your own actios. Have fun, be smart and think before you act.


I would've told myself to try and get an athletic scholarship instead of going to the school that I thought was the "school of my dreams." However, if I didn't get a scholarship for athletics, I would have told my self to start off at a community college and really think about what I wanted to do. Also, I would have taken classes that pushed me a little more in order to get ready for the harder classes that I would take in college.




I would tell myself to stay diligent and maintain a steady supply of optimism on hand at all times. What I mean by that is that during my senior year in high school, I began thinking of all that I probably could've been had I applied myself more with academics because many of my peers going went to 4-year institutions right off the bat. UC-this, CSU-that, I even knew someone that made it into both Harvard and MIT. Nevertheless, my decision to go to a 2-year college kind of made me feel discouraged. Luckily for me, I was wrong. Going to a community college has helped me understand the workings of college education (ex: study habits, social life, etc) for a fraction of the cost of a university. Another encouraging factor, for me at least, was seeing some friends of mine come back to community college after initially deciding to go to a 4-year school. Plus, as I'm getting my GE done, I'm learning more about my identity and how I should approach the future. In turn this has made me more hopeful for what's to come; a gift in itself.


I would tell the high school senior to take advantage of every opportunity there is in undergrad because you only get to experience it once. College and universities have so much to offer and we will never know unless we intentionally expose ourselves to it. The only way to gain the full college experience, students must be active in a variety of clubs and organizations, attend internship and job fairs, network and make as many friends as possible because they will last a lifetime. If students have self-esteem issues that cause them to shy away from campus life, it is highly suggested that the student learn to step out of their comfort zone for once in their lives so they wouldn't regret their four years. Students must find a circle of trusted friends to encourage and help them in academics as well as growth in all aspects. If the student is unsure of their future career, college is the place to experience a wide-range of opportunities.


Oh boy, that would be a long trip! I graduated from high school in 1973, at the height of the Vietnam war and protests, drugs, and rock concerts. I would tell myself that its okay to have little fun, but you should listen to your parents when they tell you how much potential you have. They are right, you are very smart and if you would apply your smarts to your schoolwork and get better grades, you could probably earn a scholarship to college. Think about how much you love to dance and how you could make a career of it if you go to college, and you would have the support of family and friends to encourage you to follow your dream. I would also tell myself to slow down when it comes to love and not marry your first love when you are 19, instead of going to college.


I remember being surprised by the level of maturity of new students my freshman year. Despite my held assumptions, every person that I met introduced themselves with great humility. All of BaruchÂ’s students seemed eager to make new friends, even if it was with people they might not normally spend time with outside of school. Although I made friends quickly at Baruch, I believe there were other opportunities to meet new people at the schoolÂ’s clubs and events. I would provide my high school self with two pieces of advice before attending college: First, I would challenge myself to be more outgoing when meeting new people inside or outside of school. Second, I would encourage myself to explore and participate in clubs and school events, simply for the sake of trying something new. Often times think we donÂ’t like something before we actually try it. And when we do in fact like something thatÂ’s new, it is a wonderful revelation. As I progressed through college, I learned from professors, students and sometimes by chance that exposing oneself to new people, places and ideas fosters greater intellectual and social growth. To this day, I continue to apply this idea to all contexts of my life.


When I think about what I am benefiting from attending college is an education. Not only am I receiving an academic education, I am being educated on the lessons of life and self. I have learned to be conscientious, responsible, tolerant, and optimistic. I have learned to adequately manage my time and live up to my responsibilities. I have realized that my words, thoughts, and actions not only affect myself but others around me. I believe the most important lesson I have received from attending college is that learning and education are lifelong processes. I’ve acquired the ability to believe in myself and my capability to achieve any goal I set. I am now conscious to the fact that I am as intelligent as I allow myself to be. I have learned to be me. One component that came unexpectedly and I see as a bonus is that now when I talk to my children about school they look up to me as if I now have validity in this matter.


I would tell myself to be in as many activities as possible. You get a wider background of everything you learn in all of the clubs you would be in. I would advise myself to go to a junior college for the first two years, because it is an easier transition. Classes are small and you can have one on one time with the teacher. I can't imagine going from a small school, like mine, to a 4 year university. I would tell myself to live in the dorms instead of off-campus. You meet a lot more people and get more involved in the activities the Resident Assistants have to offer. It is also much cheaper, because your meals are included. I would make sure to tell myself to study on my free time during the day, and not get too caught up in the partying. I would tell myself to make sure I went to class. It is way easier to lower your grade than it is to raise it.


Scholarships, Scholarships, Scholarships!!


Do the best in every class (straight A's) and do not work fulltime while going to school.


I was able to figure out my passion from my college experience and that is why it has been valuable to attend. From working as a counselor in the student counseling center, I found my passion for helping others and was able to pursue a psychology degree and am now in graduate school studying to become a professional counselor. I had mentors guiding me towards success in school, these being my professors and supervisors, and I wouldn't be able to have such support if I didn't attend college. In addition to finding my passion, I have made life long friends that I met in classes and I also met my husband in my last semester of college. I have gained maturity, confidence and critical thinking skills from the variety of classes I have taken and I know I am a better person because of my college experience. College has helped me in so many ways both personally and professionally and I wouldn't change my college experience at all. It has shaped me into the person I am today and I continue to be grateful for the invaluable experience I had in college.


I have learned what life is all about in college and the importance of being educated. College has made me see the realities of what my future could look like if i could only concentrate and persevere long enough to make it in a male dominated world where few women hold high status. College has taught me to be self assured and unapologetically bold enough to stand on my own and face the world head-on. It has been valuable to attend college because i want to leave my mark on this earth by being an example to other young females like myself and to be able to garner respect from peers and also to achieve what few people have achieved so far and that is to make a difference in as many lives as possible. I want to save lives and build faith in individuals who have giving up on life and who's outlook on what could be has been lost. It's been valuable to attend college because i know i can only achieve those goals by being educated and self dependent.


Based on my college experience, I have experienced some of the responsibilites as an adult. I have not fully encountered what all adults go through but the number one on the list is responsibility. Many professors do not remind me that a deadline is imminent because I usually receive a syllabus with all the required information. As a result, I have to rely on myself to make sure I do the work and follow up on the professor. Otherwise, I would fall behind. Taking on this responsibility after I have graduated from high school was hard to follow since I normally relied on my teachers for reminders. However, after awhile I grasped onto the college life. This has been a very valuable experience for me as a step towards adulthood.


I definitely feel that going to college helped shape my mind set towards things. I have teachers that opened doors to new questions that I wouldn't have thought of asking before. Especially when you grow up in a society where you are taught not to ask questions. Luckily, living in America, you can ask question like who wrote this, who is it benefiting, who is it hurting? Now I understand why these questions are important. Now I can't even watch a commercial on TV without asking these questions. Reading the news has become more of a research project, then just a leisure activity. I want to know the truth, education helps you find it.


College can be defined as an instution of higher learning that offers specialized skills and instructions through a degree. So far, being a student for almost six months I have came to the realization that I have not acqured any particular skill that makes me superior to any other student who is not attending college. It would be helpful if highschoolers sought out to clearly find where their intellects, interests, and goals lie and stick to their plan. It has been valuable to attend a community college to get a better idea of who I see myself as in the future, and what fields will be open to college as soon as they graduate.


I got to know my friends and learn that in life nothing is certain. The most valuable things that I can learn is how can I deal with the uncertainty.


Upon graduating from Salinas High School in California, I was fortunate enough to receive a full scholarship to the University of California at Santa Barbara as a Dance and Dramatic Arts major. After two full years of full-time undergraduate study, I moved to New York City with a 3.49 GPA to pursue a professional dance career, thinking that a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts wasn't completely necessary as a new full scholarship to the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center would more likely further my artistic and professional aspirations. I can now confidently advocate, that although ceasing and ultimately postponing my academic education brought immediate satisfaction and accomplishment as a professional, internationally touring dancer, it limited my universal perspective and instigated a inner sense of intellectual inferiority. I am happy to now say that these insecurities are falling away as I finished my first semester back in college in pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration to promote and develop the talent management company I created over three years ago. Therefore, my advice to myself as a high school senior would be "Trust in your education. It is truly a gift."


If I could go back to high school and talk to myself as a senior regarding college life I would explain there?ll be late nights studying and doing term papers. Don?t wait three weeks before your assignment is due to begin them, pace yourself. College life will be overwhelming; you'll be pulled in many different directions, but stay true to what you want to accomplish. There?ll be hard choices you?ll have to make about whether you should study or go out with friends. Study! You?ll have time to go to parties after the semester is over. Transitioning from high school to a young adult in college won?t be easy. You?ll want to hold onto your old ways of being part of a group, hanging out with girlfriends who decided not to attend college and saying goodbye to negative influences. Let them go! Find organizations which will make world changes, make new friends and meet people who?ll influence and encourage you to the next level. Your first time in college only comes once in a lifetime enjoy this experience and don?t be afraid to make decisions on your own. Trust YOURSELF!


I would tell my younger self to do the research necessary to pick a college to attend. Just because the school is good on paper does not mean you will enjoy that particular school. I would also tell my younger self to try and apply for more scholarships. Trying alone is at least giving yourself the chance to either win or lose but not trying takes you out of the opportunity all together. College life isnt all about partying and having fun. It is the process of learning more about yourself and growing as a person. I would just enlighten him that its not all fun and games. Hard work is necessary to do things in this world today. Senior year is when everyone relaxed a bit and slacked off. I would have told myself to keep working hard in every and all classes. In college you cannot choose which classes to do well in and which ones your not. To get a solid GPA one must committ to the love of learning and tackling every challenge that awaits him or her. That is what college is all about and what I would tell my past self if I could.


There is nothing to be afraid of. Things may seem a little overwhelming. Each professor will tell you what they expect, and some professors will be more demanding than others. Your ability to make friends has always been your strong point, and when you go to college friends will be very helpful, so don't be afarid to start a conversation. Studying has never been my strong point, my advice would be to read topics or chapters that the professor assigns prior to the next class. Passing the class will not be very difficult compared to the finals, so remember to study, study, study for the finals. A bad grade can seriously drag down your GPA. Don't take ANY finals lightly.


The transition from high school to college is sometimes misconceived as the transition from restrictions to freedom; I believe it is the opposite. The freedom to ignore responsibilities no longer exists in college. Instead, students have limited comfort and must take the initiative to get things done. This means that success is determined by the habits one possesses. If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would reinforce this belief, pat myself on the back, and say ?good job!? Before I came to college, I displayed habits that would help me in my college career. I used time management skills to balance my home work, my job and my personal commitment to run ten miles a day. I also used a fine tuned budgeting ability to separate my checks into their necessary fractions. I would say ?Rey; you?re right on track! Thanks to you I made the Baruch cross country team and I know how to pay my bills on time. I can manage my internship, running, and my studying in a comfortable way. Your ability to be responsible will bring us many rewards. Keep it up!?


So, Anam, you?re about to start college. This is it; time to build your future. My advice to you, and this is the best possible advice I can give you after a semester of college, is just read your textbooks on time, okay? Nothing sucks more than to have three incredibly boring chapters of political science to read the night before a test. And make sure you go to the admissions office and submit your AP English scores, because taking an intro to college writing class is like sophomore year of high school all over again, and you do NOT want that, trust me. And one other thing, kid. Don?t lose your head. Don?t stress too much. You have it all in you to conquer anything, and it?s just a matter of willpower. You make things difficult by avoiding them, so stop doing that. You?re intelligent and diligent, and you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. You owe it to yourself to work hard and have a good life. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Do it for us.


Real life and the economy has changed from when I graduated high school. I entered my first choice school, George Washington University, as a freshman in september 2007 with the world still as I knew it from my birth. And then came my sophomore year, september 2008, which coincided with the collapse of the stock market, job losses, businesses closing. As a result, unfortunately, I was asked by my parents to transfer to a more affordable school. So I spent much time that year filling out applications once again. After getting over the disappointment of having to leave friends and a city I came to know, I came to accept my new fate. Now I am a transfer student at City University of New York--Baruch College, making a new transition. For literally a fraction of my previous tuition, I have found that my classes are of the same quality, and the professors accessible. My advice would be to not close your mind to just one school. Being adaptable and accepting of situations out of your control are good attributes to have. More than one situation can be the right one for you.


College is about choices. You are in control and in charge of your own destiny. Get to know your college professors. They are your guides into infinite knowledge. Their job is to impart their experiences and in turn they learn from you. Remember that life full of great adventures. Grab a hold and go for it.


College is not a goal. College is the way to your goal.


think more carefully about what college you want to apply to.


I would give myself the advice to take as many college level courses as I possibly can, to experience the extent of college work. I would also tell myself to maintain good time management with work, extracurricular activities, and homework. And most importantly, I would tell myself to save my money, rather than spend most of it on shopping sprees. I made too many mistakes that I cannot go back in time to fix. However, it's better late than never.


Research a major and stick with it


Okay Felix, I don't care how annoying and boring your AP English and Calculus classes are but you better start being serious about it cuz it'll help you alot in the future, trust me... Oh yea, good job with the college now courses they really helped you should signed up or more so you can graduate on time or earlier. Dude I know I mentioned this before but I know your ass is stubborn and you won't do as I say but trust me you got to pass the Ap Calculus exam because this thing is gonna kill your college GPA because the class is just soooo boring. If you plan to do anything wild and stupid this is your time because in college they don't tolerate that shit also apply for more scholarships you idiot...


The advice I would have given myself, would have been to go to college right after high school. My biggest regret in life is waiting until I was 38 to complete my advanced degree.


I would tell myself to consider my family and take my future into consideration. The importance of choosing an affordable school and being able to maintain a job that can "bulk up" your resume is extremely important. The fact that attending a four year college does not guarantee a successful job right after graduation means extra work and preparation for the real world which a lot of schools do not prepare their students for. Being in an urban setting and living at home foreshadows what will come next in my life because I am learning to be financially and personally responsible for myself.


"Alex, its you from the future. I know this might sound crazy, but I've come to help you decide on what to do for college. Yes, I know that this is a huge decision, and I think you should be better informed than I was back when I, we, were high school seniors. Take your time to decide, visit these schools. Don't just look at your financial situation, look at the experience that you will or won't have at a certain school. Leave room open for those schools that you're waitlisted for, who knows, you might get into one of those schools. Do ask others where they're going, and how much they're paying for all of it. Ask around for financial aid, sit down and discuss with your parents, but don't focus solely on money. Your parents can get by physically without you, it's true. Don't stay in the city even if you feel obligated to, you can still go to a school that's relatively close by and visit them if you need to. Go explore, experience some new things, and most of all, never forget to have fun."


I would have done better in high school. I would also try to find out my interests as it helps to determine which schools to apply to. Some schools are better in different subject areas, so it would be good to get into a school that excels in the subject area in which you are interested. I would have definitely done better in high school.


Pick a college where you can dorm. More fun. Don't worry about money. Pick one where there are more choices than just business. You might be interest in something else beside business.


Possibly tell myself that need not afraid to meet new people and start networking!


If I could have the ability to go back in time I would tell myself to take more AP classes so I wouldn't have to take them in college since now I'm overloaded with unbelievable amount of work. I would encourage myself to apply to as many scholarships as I could because current economic turmoil has been showing its weight on my parents' pockets. I would also tell myself that college involves hard work and I should start figuring ways to manage my time on studying. Now I know so much more than I did before. High School doesn't prepare students for college and the sudden change is overwhelming: no more guidance councelors who make my schedules, no more familiarity with teachers - students get lost within large numbers of other students, no more playing around - almost bussiness-like approach: I have to do well because I pay for it and failure will cost me dearly. It's a grown-up world where I had to adapt very quickly. If I knew those things ahead of time it would allow me to prepare myself to difficulties ahead.