Cypress College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


If you are looking to get in and out of community college immediately, cypress is not the best school for you. Lots of students have issues getting the classes they need, and as a result, are required to stay longer than two years.


Anybody who is fast paced and wants to jet through college should not go here because classes are very limited and impacted. Your luck to have a full load of courses with decent professors is very difficult.


anybody that doesn't want a education and have other things on their mind.


Trident University International is a college for working adults that have a difficulty balancing time between work and family. Designed around the U.S military, TUI enabled me to earn my bachelors while on deployment serving our nation.


Computer Science majors should not attend this school because there are not too many transferable classes.


I think all people should attend this school. If your a student that isn't serious you wont succeed in ANY school.


Honestly, anyone who is not serious about their education should not attend this school. With the rise in unemployment, more people have resorted to completing their education. Unfortunately, with a high number of students and limited classes it can be difficult to complete your intended degree in a timely fashion, as there are so many people desiring to take the same classes. Anyone not serious would only serve to hinder the progress of those wishing to succeed by taking available spots and dropping the class later.


School is for everyone, and people should attend school to obtain their college degree for better life in the future. However, if the person doesn't show interest in school and learning thus distract everyone one in the class and on campus, then this person should not attend school.