DePaul University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?


Too many people who don't deserve to be there.


The little school spirit.


It's under staffed for it's size, especially since it is expanding it's population


It is expensive, and financial aide services are not very helpful.


Commuting to the school.


The school seems to care more about making money and being the ost diverse campus than actually taking care of students.


The lack of support for the Jewish community. I have felt out of place and isolated in that respect.


The winter/spring academic quarters. It is very difficult to go from a long summer break to intensive academia, then into another six week break. This only leads to the subsequent winter and spring quarters, with only a week between the two. This is intense education from the beginning, straight into the middle of January, with only a five day break. It can really wear down a person


There isnt a lot of house partys, its mostly bars and clubs. I wish there was more of a close relationships between students.


The worst thing about my school is the money. There are expenses for everything, which is inevitable. However, sometimes it really breaks my heart to have to grow up so quickly and take out loans, knowing that I will be in a tremendous debt after I graduate. Paying for school is the most difficult thing for me because I am working my butt off to try and stay afloat. I know that in the long run it will be worth it, but right now when the tuition due date roles around this is the worst time for me.


The worst thing about DePaul is their need to show how technology helps run the campus. When you go in an office to ask a question about seeing an advisor or in relation to your tuituion the last thing you want is to be told to go online to get the problem solved. DePaul tends to forget how impersonal online help feels to a student.


The worst thing about my school is their on-campus housing policy. Only freshman and sophomores are allowed to live on-campus. The upperclassmen have to find apartments in nearby areas that are sometimes expensive.


The worst thing about my program at DePaul University is that I can?t nor have the time to really interact with others students outside my major. It?s very irritating and frustrating because I?m use to being around a wide range of different people and with my program I?m extremely busy and can?t join clubs/organizations at DePaul. I feel like I?m spending all this money to attend this university and can?t milk it for what it?s worth.