Duke University Top Questions

What's the hardest thing about freshman year?


Just generally finding your niche here, and also finding a study method that works in college


The two most challenging aspects of the transition to college are residence and study skills. Most high school seniors have lived at home with their parents for 18 years in a row. That means that living independently and away from home will be an entirely new experience. To deal with the new independence (and potential home sickness), it's best to stay busy, find something new, and make a ton of friends. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the experience is a new one for every freshman. The level of study skills required for college classes can sneak up on you. Many high school students considering a college like Duke think, "Oh, I did amazingly in high school, college will be the same." In fact, almost every student at a school like Duke did well in high school. That means that the game has moved up a notch. Succeeding academically in college truly takes self-discipline and advanced study skills. Put in the effort, and those will develop naturally over time.