Eastern Kentucky University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


In my opinion it would be key geeks.


Honor's Program Greek Life Fraternities Sororities, Student Government. Volunteering Community Service


Wildlife Society meetings in my department. Football is a big attractant, as well as basketball. Lots of students work out.


Football is a pretty big deal at EKU as well as basketball. There are tons of other clubs however.


There are like 200 clubs on campus and you can always start your own! Everything from religious organizations, wakeboarding, greek life, student govt, etc. There are lots of dance/theatre productions, and small music concerts. There are big performers every year too... OAR, Corey Smith, One Republic, etc. They always have something going on for Thursday nights at Powell... like bingo, movies, and more free stuff. On weekends I play in intramural events (Dodgeball, soccer, flag football tournaments), greek life stuff, and work. If you put in the effort, there is no way you won't make friends... just don't sit in your dorm alone all the time. One thing I do wish that was different at EKU was school spirit. Athletic events are free, and we still rarely fill the stadium. The football team is actually decent, but my favorite is Hockey games! They play at midnight on Saturdays against like UK-UofL.


SUCKS... besides when Ghost hunters came.. that was alright....you have to go out of your way to meet people if you dont trust that the university will give you a decent room mate or PAY for your friends via frats/ sororities.