Estrella Mountain Community College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


If you are lazy and truly want the "easy way out" when it comes to education, then Estrella is not the school for you.


Really any type of person could attend this school. This school is very good about keeping the "community" in "community college"--it really supports relationships between people. Anyone is welcome and anyone who is willing to communicate with the other students will do well.


People that shouldn't attend this school are the lazy students that think college will be easy. There is plenty of help in this school which helps alot in many different classes. Professors are difficult but are very pleased when a student is doing an excellent job. There is no excuses why a student should receive an F because proffesors and tutors who have taken the class will help tremendously with homework and studying techniques for future tests.


People who should not attend this school are people who are looking for a very social college experience. This school provides a great education but not much of a social network because students do not live on campus and there are not any sports programs.


There isn't a student who should not attend Estrella Mountain. The school works with everyone extremely well. They have a wide array of stations around the school to help students with any problems that may arise during their academic journey.


Like any school if one is not willing to learn and do the work then they should not attend this school. Another type of person who should not attend this school is one who thinks that just because it is a community college they can get away with anything there, it is still an institution of learning and should be treated as such.