Everest University-Pompano Beach Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


You get to take as many courses as you want to at a time as long as you can handle them.


What is unique about my campus is that I do not have to attend the campus to get my education. I am fully engaged in my classes with little to no interruptions which allows me to have focus and concentration while I am attending my classes.


The unique thing about my campus is it is my living room, dining room or whatever room I choose to study in since all my classes are online.


Flexibility! That is what is the most unique thing about Everest Online. You can still live a normal life without worry that you have to be in a class at a certain time or day, you have 7 days to complete the work for the week allowing you to do it when it is convenient for you.


I get to do my classes online while being in the comfort of my own home. I also have the books right in front of me for tests, discussions, and teamwork assignments.


The unique thing about my campus is that its my own home. I study online- where in the comfort of my home.