Forsyth Technical Community College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of this school?


Forsyth Tech is a great community college. It is better than most around my hometown, that is why I drive 30 minutes away to get there. I could easily go to a college 15 minutes from my house but this school provides excellent learning experiences and helps assist me in anyway possible. This school was a great starter school it was not too big or small and it was easy to navigate around campus. Most people tell me that it sounds like a very good college to attend, but for some people who grew up in my hometown can not drive that far away. The best thing about this school is that the teachers and advisers will work with their students as much as they possibly can and if they can't help more there is free tutoring for all courses. The most frequent student complaints is about the grading scale. The grading scale is very strict at this college.


It is a great community college. It is better than most around my hometown, that is why i drive 30 minutes away to get there. I could easily go to a college 15 minutes from my house but this school provides excellent learning experiences and helps assist me in anyway possible. This school was a great starter school it was not too big or small and it was easy to navigate around campus. Most people tell me that it sounds like a very good college to attend, but for some people who grew up in my hometown can not drive that far away.


It is a great community college. It is better than most around my hometown, that is why i drive 30 minutes away to get there. I could easily go to a college 15 minutes from my house but this school provides excellent learning experiences and helps assist me in anyway possible.