Fort Lewis College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I were able to tell my senior high school self, advice. It would be "Don't be afraid to take chances”. Which I know sounds over used, but it’s true. I took one year off from school after I graduated and although I am thankful I did. The reason why I did was because I was afraid. I was afraid of attending a school that was not suited for me. I was afraid of starting fresh, making new friends, and leaving my comfort zone. I had realized that if I did not attend college, I was making a huge mistake. Knowing that I at least tried I would live out my life much happier, than waking one day after turning 40 and realizing I wasted my time. I could be a sophomore in college right now, but I am a freshmen. There is nothing I can do about that. Today, I take that advice and use it for my everyday life. If I hadn’t, I would not be typing this essay.


During high school all my classes were seemingly a little too easy, even though I was taking advanced courses, and studying was a nonexistent term in my vocabulary. College is NOT the same! Even though some classes may be easy, you cannot get away with not studying. I can't stress the importance of this and you need not neglect it. Your professers are more than willing to help and accomodate you, and with the rather small student-to-teacher ratio there really should be no excuse that would make sense if you fail a class other than you're just super lazy and have become the king/queen of procrastination, which is possible. Be responsible and manage your time well, and I promise you'll be a success in college, also, pay attention in class.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice now that I have been in college I would definitely go to right before my freshman year of high school and tell myself not to waste my potential. In high school I was not the best student, only because I didn't apply myself, which is the complete opposite of what I am now, and I regret that now more than anything. I pay for my own college, my own car, my own food, and my own rent, and it is extremely rough and I wish I could do high school over again so that I could get a 4.0 and not have to worry about money while I am here at college. Aside from college, I race bicycles professionally which doesnt pay very well, but it gives me some scholorship money, enough to pay for books, anyway. The training alone takes up 20 hours of my week so it is extremely difficult to work. I think if I was able to go back in time and give myself that advice my life would be very different because of the scholorships I would have received.


Get serious about your goals. Don’t just state your goals, plan them out. Do at least one thing everyday that will bring you closer to accomplishing your goals.Use your time well. Make a schedule, and get organized. But don't forget about creativity.Do more math. It’ll just make everything easier. Trust me.Don’t take a chemistry class in college if you can help it, because you suck at it. And you never took it in high school so why would you think it is a good idea in college?Don’t spend all of your time studying or preparing for college. Don’t postpone spending time with friends or starting a new hobby. Studying will follow you to college, your friends wont because they have plans of their own. Expect to get homesick once in a while. Ask for help if you need it. Don't worry too much. Stay positive and things will work out.


I woud save a lot more money so that I wouldn't have to stress out about how I am going to pay for college as much. It would help me be able to enjoy the whole process and life experience.


Foucs on your professional skills. Social life is important but find friends who will help you become a professional in your field. Focus on doing something everyday to excel. Time in college goes by so quickly. When you first enter you feel like you have all the time in the world but you blink and your coming close to your graduation. Being prepared for that moment you graduate is very important because it will propel you in the future you have worked hard for. Do not stress to much. It will work out as long as you stay consistent, persistent, positive.


You can do this. Seriously, you have made it this far, you have four more years...and you're done! Take every oportunity you can, live a life you deserve. Do not overthink college, it is just school, but now you are just in classes that you enjoy. Please learn to study and keep being organized. Oh and make sure to save a lot of money.


I would tell myself not to worry. I worried a lot about the transition to a college so far away. But now I know that colleges are aware that the transition can be hard and really try to eliminate that fear. I would also tell myself to not forget about my family. Even though they are far away, it doesn't mean I can't still talk to them. Family is a great solid foundation that I forgot about and realized I needed way later in the year. So I would tell myself to call them more often, just to chat. The biggest thing I would say though, is to stay true to myself. While it is good to try new things that are outside of my comfort zone, it is also important to realize why I feel that way and stay strong with my own morals. I would tell myself to stand out and not get washed away with everyone else; because it is important to do what feels right no matter what others are telling you. Most likely, you have that gut instinct for a very good reason.


I would tell myself to apply to a four year college. I would say not to worry too much about what type of career everyone else says I should have and go after my dreams. I would also tell myself to not be shy, but to be myself and have fun. I would say to make sure I give myself plenty of time to study, but also time for friends and family. But, most importantly I would tell myself to enjoy every moment because life is too short to have regrets.


What advice would I give my past self? After the years I have spent in college, the most important lesson I have learned is to not worry. I would say to myself, "Don't worry, younger me. Life is better and things seem to work out more if you choose to have a good attitude going into college...and the rest of your life." It's true. Having a positive and upbeat outlook on life do wonders for a persons "luck" in life. For me, I seem to do better in classes, at work and my relationship with others imporves. All aspects of life, especially college, are dramatically improved. "Don't worry, younger me. Just try your best and don't worry about the rest."


If I could give myself any advice as a high school senior, it would be to take the college application process more seriously. I was very sure on where I wanted to attend college but I never considered the price difference being an out-of-state student. My advice would be to apply for scholarships and do everything I can to pay for college without my "out of pocket" money.


College is more expensive than you think, especially since you want to leave home and, therefore, will have to live on campus. Mom and Dad aren't going to be able to help you at all financially, so you are going to have to go VERY far in debt to get an education. Save all the money you make. Once you get to college, don't be spending money on eating out or anything else you can live without. Don't accept more loans than you absolutely need, even if the leftover loan money will seem appealing. Also, learn right now that you are going to have to be flexible with everything. Classes, roommates, friends, boys, money, and everything else you think is important will not go the way you want. Life will be demanding and stressful for the next four years, but don't give up.


I would tell myself that college is not as hard as everyone said it would be. But the biggest piece of advice I would give myself would have been that I did not need to start at a community college, that I could go straight to a bachelor program.


If i could go back in time and talk to my self as a high school senior I would tell myself to study harder and raise my grades. I had been lazy in high school; so raising my grades has been a hard habit, for me, to gain. Knowing how much harder college would be I should have prepared more in high school. So if i could go back in time to give myself advice i would tell myself to work harder.


It may sound a bit backwards to some people, but I would tell myself not to stress so much about the grades, and to actually socialize and have fun. I did great my freshman year and each year of college, but I studied beyond what was necessary, and hid in my dorm room. I felt like a little kid who was too scared to try and meet new friends. The strange thing was, I was in the friendliest town and state I’ve ever seen. I’d tell myself to enjoy what I could, and to focus on getting as much life experience as education. A lot of times, we don’t get a second chance at things. As a graduate student, I’ve been given the chance to repeat being a freshman at another college in yet another state. This time around, I’m determined to enjoy it while still accomplishing my goals as a successful veterinary student.


From my time at Fort Lewis I have valued the extreme diversity that we have at our campus. Although everyone comes from different backgrounds and may not agree on every issue, we can put that aside and just see the person for who they are. I have also had so many teachers that are truly dedicated to my education and are willing to help in any way possible. Our campus is small, but I feel that it makes us into a very tight knit community. Everyone is connected in some way, as in life.


I would have been killed if not for my enlisting in college. As an energetic young man, and therefore a bit deficient in self-restraint, I believed that a life of adventure would be the key to experiencing the world as richly as possible. After the events of 9/11, when so many of my countrymen were doing the same thing, I joined the Marines. We were ordered to Afghanistan after basic training. My youthful desire for adventure quickly soured as I learned the realities of war: hardship and deprivation and the real possibility of untimely death. Yet the bonds that form between men under such pressures are very strong and when my obligation to the Corps ended I felt myself inclined to re-enlist. However, I still had many questions about the war, the United States' place within world affairs, and simply life in general. So I decided to enroll in college instead of joining up with my old unit, in order to pursue a deeper understanding of the events of our time. I was mid-way through my first semester of college when I heard that an IUD had killed the man who had taken over my job.


I have experienced, in my opinion, a different, one of a kind, and beautiful, place. I come from a reservation called, the Pueblo of Laguna, where all you see is dirt, sun, and rain and went to a place where I saw green grass, trees, and up to 5 feet of snow. I must say that was an experience for me. I got to learn about others and how they grew up in other parts of world, I met people from Alaska, Japan, Britian and even Africa. The biggest experience that I had to overcome though was what life would be like without any family or friends. Although the drive is only 3-4 hours away from where I am from, it's still pretty hard at times. All of these experiences though have become valuable lessons to me, so has the college, it has been valuable in a way that I got to meet other Native Americans that are just like me. I've learned about how they grew up, what they were taught, and even a little of their language. My first college experience was unforgettable.


Well I would've told myself that I should have already had my plan for college laid out in my junior year. It is hard taking out loans. I would also would have told myself to come visit the school more and find out a little bit more about the school. In conclusion, I would have told myself to get the little more expensive, more comfortable dorm room rather than the cheapest, smallest one.


I would make sure I put more time and effort into selecting courses and roommates each year of college. I would do more planning for travel and housing between semesters in school. I would talk to more of the high school teachers about college planning. I would use my time more wisely in high school and get better at taking care of my money for living expenses. I would be more open with my parents about money and goales and opinions. I would try different sports in high school that would transition to a college setting. I would definitely study harder senior year.


The advice I would give to myself as a high school senior would be first and foremost don't forget where you came from and the people who were your life in high school. Yes, it is time to move on and become the person you want to be and make lifelong friends here but those people are important too. You will miss them & your times together and once those bridges are partially burned it is really hard to rebuild them. I would also tell myself to work harder, save my money and actually look for more scholarships- you never know what is going to happen in life, like your parents going into foreclosure or rescuing a dog, or the economy failing & how hard it is to find money to study abroad or support yourself on your own. Paying bills, renting a house, feeding yourself, going to France are expensive and as much as that dress looks cute, it is better to save that money for tougher days or for once in a lifetime chances like studying abroad. Lastly, don't be scared- Fort Lewis and Durango become home and you become who you really are meant to be.


First of all, I would tell myself not to follow my friends, or go to college becuase it cheaper. Secondly, I would get the point across that applying for scholarships is very important, becuase your money will run out and college is very expensive. It is hard to reaize how expensive it really is until the bills are in your hands. Scholarships are free money and are worth the time. Last of all, I would tell myself to change my major to zoology instead of engineering, becuase after going through some of college i realized what i really wanted to major in.


It is amazing how quickly life changes when you shift from depending on your parents to being the captain of your own ship. If I could go back to myself as a high school senior I would explain the importance of staying organized. Staying organized, not only with school work, but keeping priorities in order as well. I would also have told myself not to follow in the paths of others but to forge my own path regardless of their reactions. I would have warned my high school self to save my money for the storm that is sure to come, and that if one is too nice to people in the dorms one will seriously be lacking in privacy. Living without regret is important, however so is learning from the mistakes that one makes. In the words of John Lennon, ?with every mistake we must surely be learning.? My first semester of college was one of the biggest learning experiences of my life; I allowed myself to be sidetracked by the freedom but have learned to resist any distractions and barrel through the obstacles in the way of pursuing my goals.


I would tell myself that even though everything at first is so overwhelming and new, and seems like there is no way you will fit into this new life, your path will unfold perfectly and you will slide right into where you belong. I would assure myself that this experience will be one of the most beneficial changes that can happen in your life, and to embrace every opportunity that comes your way. Life presents highs and lows, its best to go with them and learn as much as possible from each experience.


I changed a lot personally from a senior in high school to a college student. As a high school student I did good in school, but not well enough to get into a University. Now, I really would have liked to have had the option to attend a University and have that experience. I would tell my high school self to focus and study a lot more and that my grades really do matter to my future. That the social life of high school is not important to my future. I also would tell my high school self to be proactive and apply for more colleges and scholarships. Instead of just focusing on finishing hish school, I should have focused more on my future after high school. I would have told myself to not be scared to go after what I really want. I would reassure myself of what a strong and smart person I am and that I can do better than just the average and go much further than what's expected of me.


If I had the capability to travel backwards into time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not procrastinate college matters and truly reasearch and make rational decisions that are going to lead to the best education that I could possibly get. Instead of rushing through things at the last second I would tell myself to do more research so that the first time around I would have landed myself at the college I truly wanted to attend instead of transfering schools later on.


Due to the polar opposites of enviroments of college versus high school, one is needing to stay disciplined and stay focused, in order to be a complete success. I would also suggest, more academic assistance in Math.


"Hello Katisha Stipe. My name is Katisha Victory and I am your future self. Yes you did get married but try not to focus on that part right now. I would like to take this time to discuss some very important information with you concerning you future. You're preparing for college but there are some important tips I want to give. Maybe if it comes from me, I mean you, I mean us, anyway maybe you'll listen. First thing I want you to know is that college life is a whole new world. You will have officially become independant and there will be no one to tell you to go to class , get up on time, or ask where is your homework. Don't let this freedom be such a suprise that it takes you off course. Make sure you network, especially with your professors. You can use them for job references, to be mentors, or for future academic endeavors. Join different sports, clubs, and school activities. This will help to form lasting relationships with your peers and helps to boost your self-worth. One last thing, take advantage of the school's resources. It's your lifeline."


As a high school senior I wanted to be out of school. I felt pretty progressive in that I knew I wanted to attend college in the future, but was able to recognize that I was burned out on school and should take time off before enrolling full time at a university. To an extent that was a good decision, but I failed to come up with a productive alternative to school, preferring instead to wander and find my way as I went along. Well, that didn't happen. I travelled Europe, and I toured parts of America, and without a real plan of action the most I accomplished was to just spend my money and see new places. Traveling is lonely and hard and, I found, pointless without a real goal. I still plan to travel, but I know now to project a destination or objective to be fulfilled in order to capitalize on my time. I do not regret doing these things, because I learned the above through real experience, but if I could go back in time and tell my high school self something, that would be it, and thus save myself lots of money.


I wouldn't give myself any advice, really. I think that by following the course of life I have experienced thus far has enabled me to appreciate the opportunities I am presented with in terms of what kind of education I am and will be getting from this institution. I would, however, tell myself in the past to not worry about what my friends and family think I should do in terms of education. College is a wonderful environment to grow socially, intellectually, and most importantly, personally. But, I think everyone has different timing for this type of growth to occur optimally. The hiatus between leaving highschool and entering college provided me with time to get to know myself better, and an objectively view of my goals and ambitions in life, and ways to achieve them academically. I think I'm on the right path. Time will tell.


Jenny Low, this is your future-self speaking to you, so listen up and listen good! You have to stop worrying so much about miniscule, petty things like will my roommate like me, will my teachers like me, did I chose the wrong school, will I make any new friends? All of these daunting questions are only making you insecure with yourself; when in reality there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You have to stop worrying so much and start to enjoy the thought of college life. Trust me, you will have a smooth transition into school and you will start to branch out and make new friends. You have absolutely nothing to worry about Jenny; college life is amazing! So stop fretting about simple things that you can?t even control and start visualizing how amazing a new start is going to be for you. College is what you make of it so dive in head first with a positive attitude and a happy heart and your college experience will be utterly amazing!!!!!! Trust me I'm from your future.


To my eighteen year old self, ?Start by going to a community college to get some general education classes done. This will save you thousands of dollars and afford you the opportunity to explore different topics without spending too much. However, some of these classes won?t challenge you enough and will leave you unprepared; do extra work and read more than assigned. Go out and be active in the community. Show up early for class and sit in the front of the room. Say ?yes? when invited out by classmates. If you are in school for three semesters and you still don?t know what you want to do, take a semester or two off to work and travel. Build a relationship with your local librarians. Make time to exercise three times a week. This is more important around midterms and finals for stress relief. Check the oil in your car weekly, change the oil every 3000 miles! Don?t go home for Thanksgiving break or Spring break. This is a bonus week, two or three weeks before finals, which can be used to get ahead; friends and family do understand and will not be too displeased. Have fun!


Time is of the essence are the words that would echo in my ears and mind. A road not traveled is a road of unexplored opportunities. Not going to college as soon as I graduated from high school is a mistake I have suffered from for many years. It was a road that I was afraid that I didn't have the capability to travel. Now that I am down the road quite a bit I see all the years of opportunities and fun that has been left behind. I would tell myself to have fun and make lots of life long friends. Travel to different campuses and learn about different towns and cultures. You never miss what you don't have until you have it and see what you missed. Don't leave any door unopened or any challenge unmet. Be carefull and don't loose sight of what is trully important. Which is your future and the future of your one day family. Be true to yourself and your convictions because time lost to drugs and alcohol is time you can never regain. Live, love, learn and have a great time doing what you want.


The Top Eleven Words of Wisdom from your Future: -Find your own path, but don?t forget how you discovered it. -Don?t be afraid of the future, embrace it. (Change your major if you want to!) -Life has so much to offer, take your time and enjoy the beauty of the world. -Take pictures, you will need evidence to remind you of all the good times, late nights and great friends. -Accept the challenges that will come your way, with determination you can accomplish anything you desire. -Fight for the things you believe in, even if others don?t agree with you. -Help others when ever you can. -Take risks, but make sure you calculate the consequences! -What ever you do, don?t get more than one credit card, save your money for traveling. -Take the most ridiculous class you can find, such as ?The theory of puppets?, you will laugh about it for years! - Don?t forget to breathe--- take the crisp air into your lungs and know that wonder lies ahead of you. Now go, make a difference in the world! The possibilities are endless and this is just the beginning of an amazing journey.


Don't worry about finishing college as fast as possible. Take your time, take all the classes that intrest you, and enjoy the experiances that come with the journey.


If I were able to speak to myself as a high school senior, I would have three pieces of advice for myself. First, carry your syllabus with you to class each and every time that you go. It tells you exactly what is going on and what is due. Second get a head start on any paper that you do, and back it up. There is nothing worse than completing a paper early, then have the file deleted when you go to retrieve it on the day that it is due. Lastly... don't worry so much about everyone else's drama. You cannot make someone stop from acting in a self destructive manner. Make your worries known; however be there for them in the long run. If you are there to support them there is a greater chance that they will choose to leave their destructive life style.


Dare to go out of state! I know its scary, but its sooooo rewarding! You will have the oppurtunity to experience something totally different, don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone!!!


I would reccomend using your current living environment as determinant of what you want in a college and living envirionment. What are your likes and dislikes about where you live (location, population, infrastructure, etc)? What do you wish was more accessible (malls, wilderness, metro area, ski resort, etc)? What characteristics of your town do you like or dislike (ethinic diversity, culture, etc)? Think about your classroom experiences and what you liked or disliked (class size, lectures, discussion, involvement, etc)? Make a list of things you want and things you do not want in both the town where you would attend college and for the college. Then start researching! If possible try to go and visit each school that really interest you. Always remember that college isn't only about the school you chose but also the balance of life and experiences you have. Find somewhere that will keep you academically engaged and successful but that will also satisfy your soul. Whether you love hiking or shopping, find a school located where thoes opportunities are available. Most importantly, be an active member of your campus and community. Take away more than just a degree from college!


Trust your intuition. Know that it is about the process- the journey. Try to pick a school that is aligned with your ethical and moral motivations in life such as a school that will nurture you spiritual aspirations, social goals, academic stature etc. A big name and a big bill doesn't always mean a better academic opportunity- it is up to you to make the most of your experience. To students, procrastination may seem neccessary to the creative process but staying on task is less stressful.


There are many things that you should consider when choosing a college, Your likes and dislikes, your priorities, what field you want to go into, what kind of learning environment fits you best, and what you can afford. Do some research, but when you go visit the schools, don't ust take the tour, stop and talk to the students and professors. Try to see what the town is like that you'll be living in, and make sure it is a good fit. Once you get to college, don't forget about your goals and priorities. It is easy to get wrapped up in partying too much and not doing you schoolwork, but remeber why you are there at college, and get your work done before you go out and play.


Visiting the school and interacting with current studies as well as talking with faculty members of your area of interest.


Decisions in life are rarely black in white, especially when it comes to where you will spend the next years of your life getting an educatio, mine definitely was. Although it can be a lond an rduous process, college searching is fun. My advice is to see all that you can see before making a decision, take as many tours as you can, talk to as many current students and alumni as possible, because they ar the ones who will give you an impression either way as a group. Many student at my school really enjoy it, and that was the number one deciding factor for me. Think positive, get educated, and put in the search time, because finding the right school is worth it.


Always visit the campus before you decide to go there. You can tell a lot about the school from the students that go there. Also, I would suggest talking to some of the students other than the ones that give you the campus tours. Look at the facial expressions and demeniors of the students, this will show you if the student body seems more or less up beat. When you speak to the financial aid consultants make sure that you talk to them about the additional costs like parking stickers or having to pay for meals on the weekends.


If you are looking for a school it is best to already imagine yourself being there. You already know yourself pretty well by this stage in your life. Take a look at the school's web page and get some information. If you can really see yourself fitting there then one of the best things you can do is a campus visit before you commit. Seeing the school first hand and a little bit of how it functions can be helpful in the decision making proccess. All that aside, know that no matter what you think you're in for in college, the experience will be more than you can imagine. College really is a great time.


works for me.


Finding the right college is a tricky process. The advise I would give college seeking students would be to visit the college. Take advantage of the college's recruitment programs. Visiting the college gives the student an idea of what the atmosphere feels like and may indicate his/her preferences. Small universities and large universities have both possitives and negatives. When one does decide on their college of choice, it is very important for the student to become involved. Join as many clubs as possible. It not only prepares you for life after college, but it allows you the opportunity to interact with your peers, peers that may become life long friends.


To find a school that will best fit what they want out of school, that will work for them finacially and academically.


I would say, do not underestimate the smaller campus. It is important to remember that without the large campus, there are fewer students, hence better education opportunities. It is easier to meet people in such a situation, and you feel like you are part of a community, rather than just a faceless individual within a huge population. More important than the size of the campus, I would say make sure that you are in a location that you like, and that you will be able to persue the degree of your choosing at your college of choice. Make sure that the location is congruent with a location that you would enjoy living in. A great education is important, but also remember that you must choose an environment in which you will be content and succeed.


The prospective students should really look at the school they're thinking of attendingas well as the town and surrounding area rather than just scanning it quickly. Also, keep in mind that if you study and do your homework during the day, you can hang out with your friends all night without worry.


You'll know if you've found the right school. It just grabs you with good feeling and contentment. Finding the right school for your personality and individual needs is absolutely key. Find a school that offers good academics yet has a great campus and town life....being in the pristine outdoors really makes things nice too when you're in need of escape from school.