Freed-Hardeman University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Make sure to consider all of your options when trying to choose the right school, but honestly, you will know when it is the school for you. As for making the most of your college experience? Don't limit yourself to a certain group of people or a certain type of interest. College is a time for widening your horizons and it is a great way to find out what you might like, or to make new friends!


Blah, blah, blah.


When searching for the right college, parents and students should visit each campus they are considering and talk to a number of people there, staff and students. A person can learn so much more about a situation through actually conversing face to face. I would also encourage them to sit and observe the campus and how people are interacting with each other. After choosing a college, it is important to make the most of the experience. BE INVOLVED! If a person is paying to attend somewhere, he/she should get his/her money's worth. By being involved in the available social activities, he/she is not solely paying for an education but for an experience of a lifetime! Being socially involved allows for alleiviaton of some of the stressors in college. Who wouldn't want to be less stressed?


Make sure that you pick the school your heart is telling you too. If you aren't happy there it will affect your whole outlook on life. There is no reason to pay all that money for school and not enjoy where you are.


The advice I would give those looking for the perfect school would to be to find a school that fits them. You shouldn't look for the best programs or the type of place that has the people you want to be like. Those things to not determine happiness and overall success during a student's college years. What is important is feeling like you belong. Go visit the campus and spend some times there. Talk to the students. Go to the classes. Look to see if you feel comfortable in the surrounding and the social enviornment of that school. Nothing will make your college experience worse than realizing that you made the wrong choice, and being too late to do anything about it. My advice would be to find a place that will not only prepare you for a successful carrer, but will also prepare you for life.


Make sure that when you choose your college, you stay on campus for a few days and see what activity is like during school days AND on weekend. This place needs to be somewhere that the student enjoys 24/7 7 days a week!


In order for a student to find the right college for them, one must first determine what they are looking for in a college like student/faculty relationship, average class size, extra curricular activities, sports teams, cost, location, values, etc. Students will be able to make these decisions through recommendations from peers or alumni, visiting the campuses, being put on admissions' mailing lists, visiting their websites, etc. Basically, one should apply to all the schools that one has a half an interest in and let the school sell themselves to him. Parents that are a part of this process would of course be more concerned with the college's location and cost as well as their acredidation. Parents can easily find this out by visiting colleges with their child or visiting the colleges' websites. A student can make the most out of their college experience by maintaining a balance between school-work and their social life. Academics are importante because, ultimately, the student is there to get a degree toward their career choice. In addition, one's social life should be maintained because college can also be an opportunity to make life-long friendships and meet one's potential spouse.


i would tell them to choose a place where they feel they belong. Choose a place that shares the same values you and your family share. Choose a place that is right for you.


Start early when searching colleges, study them. Take your time, it's a big decision. And when you get there, get involved!


Find a place that makes you comfortable, where you can be yourself. Don't go to a school just because that is where you friends are going. What I and my friends in highschool did not understand was that even though we were close friends when we graduated, we would go on to find new freinds in college with who we would be closer. So, I believe that it is important to find a place to truely be yourself, where you can make friends who are compatable with you.


smiply trust God


Parents need to realize that the choice of where their child attends college should be made by the child. This is a huge step on the road to independence and success. Children need to realize the responsibility of such a decision, and understand that their parents will always be there for them, but do not need to be their crutch. Children must honor their parents, and in turn parents need to respect their children as their grow and learn from their own choices, their own mistakes, and their own revelations. The child must find a school that they can feel comfortable and excited about attending. Parents should fully support whatever decision is made, and always be available to lend a word of advise when asked for. If children are ever going to learn to experience life as their own individual, they need to step out there and just do it! Yes, it will be hard. Yes, they will make huge mistakes. Yes... they will gain perspective and a deeper wisdom of the world around them. Live life. Love all. Give everything.


My advice to give to students that will be going to college is to find a school that fits their personal wants and needs. Make sure you research a lot about the college, such as its academic programs, major fields of study, location, atmosphere, and social life. All of these aspects are very important: find what you are comfortable with and what you need in order to attain your desired degree, and to make college an enjoyable time. Remember that the reason you are in college is to work, but make sure you enjoy what you are studying for your major. Have fun, but keep a good balance between schoolwork and social life. My advice to parents is to help their students figure out what they want in a college, and encourage them to achieve those goals. Helping students find what is best for them will make success easier and more enjoyable.


Be prepared! Do your homework about all the schools you or your child are interested in. Be sure of campus security, that's especially important.