Georgia State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself the following advice: "Take the time to figure things out before enrolling in college. It is an expensive investment, and changing your major, even once, can throw off all of your financial aid. Apply to every college that catches your attention and take as many tours as humanly possible. Do not be afraid to apply to colleges that you feel are out of your league. Pay attention to your grades and do research about the administrative processes. They are sometimes hard to navigate, but you can do it! Fill out your FAFSA as soon as you can, and meet with financial aid personnel often to keep on top of your finances. Also, seek out scholarships every semester. Do not wait until you have all but tapped out your Pell Grant to get a scholarship. Be open to new experiences. Take classes that challenge you, do not cop out and take the 'easy A' classes; you'll feel much better having earned that A. Don't be hesitate to ask for help. Take advantage of your professors' expertise and connections”


Never give up. Take all AP and Honors courses available. Try to finish high school early and do not worry about petty things.


I would advise myself to study more and learn better study skills. I would also teach myself to observe and listen more in lectures versus trying to write everything down. I would tell myself to stay focused and not to get discouraged because college is hard, but it is a life changing point in my life. I would tell myself to look forward to what the future holds in my awesome career ahead of me.


I would tell myself to not wait to fill out applications and scholarships. Be proactive! Take initiative! It's not hard to do. I would also tell myself to also not be afraid to meet new people. Don't be nervous to make new friends because everyone is in the same situation as you. Also, it's ok to be diffferent and choose not to do things and it's okay to change your mind. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Do what is best for you. And what's best for you might not always be what is best for other people, but that is okay because everyone is different.


Do not slack off when it comes to your financial aid. Reach out and see what scholarships are availiable. Stay on top of your FASFA and make sure your latest information is updated. Reach out to your counselors and make sure you're staying on track to graduate on time. Reach out to teachers who are genuinely there to help you. Most of all; stop being so afraid of failing. Don't settle for that C or B and aim for the A. If you don't make that perfect grade, just be happy with knowing that you tried. Don't be afraid to reach out and partake in extracurricular activities that may open doors that you would never had known about otherwise. Be more aggressive and competative. Find out what you need to do to get things instead instead of waiting around and hoping someone notices that growing panic in your eyes. Don't ghost around through campus and wonder where everything went wrong as your approach your senior year. Own your experience. Make it all count. Oh, and don't take out that stinkin' loan! I'm still paying that baby off! Don't forget to smile.


Flash cards will help you. Make flash cards for everything.


What I would tell my former self is that I should have taken my education more serriously. Throughout high school all I did was skid by my classes, got mediocore grades and it just continued on and on. As a resullt, my reading skills are horrible, I have a hard time doing basic math, my study skills are non existant, and overall college is a stuggle for me. I always have to play catch up and it gets so frustrating at times because others in college can get good grades without even trying as hard. I have thought many times I might have a learning disibilty, but at the same time I feel like I have caused it on myself. I have tried so hard in the past year to better myself. I have read so many self help books in order to get me up to speed and so far they are helping, but if I would have just taken stuff more serriously in high school I would not be in the situation I am now.


Focus on the things that are important now, learn from your past mistakes and do not dwell on them, plan for the future without being distracted by where you want to be. Do the tasks that you are meant to accomplish each day and understand that the time that has escaped you now will never return. Do not mourn the time wasted wishing you could have done something else and instead turn this anguish into productivity by working harder than before. Work hard and make sure you set time aside to spend with those who love you because there is a chance that these friends will never be there again. Never procrastinate, I emphasize on time because it is always escaping us and each second spent is a second that could be used towards making the world better. Be considerate of others, you might not want to work to be successfull, but think of the goals you have to save innocent lives around the world. Every second counts, please use your time wisely.


The best advice I could give to my high school self is to mature gracefully and to be appreciative, two aspects that compliment each other exquisitely. Not only should one, at a younger age, be more appreciative of the extreme and extensive care they are given, but should also mature gracefully enough to stop demanding said care, and even begin to refuse it as the transition from childhood to adulthood becomes complete. In this way one never takes the good in life for granted, but never expects it, either. It is but something to be appreciated in the midst of a graceful maturation.


If I could go back and have a conversation with myself as a high school senior, I would have a lot to say. As a high school senior I was so bogged down by depression that there was hardly any life in me. I honestly did not think I would live past the age of twenty or so, I assumed I would be successful at killing myself before then. But if I could go to talk to that girl, that shell of a human, I would tell her that she is going to make it. I would tell her that it is impossible to fail as long as she never gives up. I would also tell her that the best times are ahead of her. College is a time for challenging yourself and confronting your own reality. It is a time for deconstructing your beliefs, examining them, and then either abandoning, adjusting, or reconstructing them. It’s a time for critical analysis of everything; yourself, the world, everything you want. This process is hard but exhilarating and profoundly rewarding. I would tell her it is worth every penny and heartache, and just to trust that she would make it.


The advise I would give my High School self is to stay focused, get every opportunity that's available to you and and stay well- balanced between school and friends. These things are so crucial. Without these three things college will be that much more difficult.


Hello Andrew, it's me from 8 years in the future. You learn quite a lot in the coming 8 years, but I'm not sure how much of that I can convey with 200 words. I'm aware that me contacting you from the future will affect your life in ways I can't imagine, so I'm just going to give some broad advice to hopefully send you on a fortuitous path in your alternate Universe. Don't go to UGA because you believe it will be fun; you aren't that type of person. In fact, plan on taking a year off from school and traveling- it might seem insane to begin this new phase by incurring a bunch of debt and spending time away from your friends, but the goal here is to discover a life you believe in. Do you really think you would make a good manager in the business world, suckling the teat of materialism? Forget the insecurity-shield of a personality you've developed here in high school, and try to rediscover your deeper nature. Some outside advice: "Stop feeling sorry for yourself and you will be happy".


If I could go back in time and tell my high school self what I know now, I would say this: Highschool is not "it". It is not all there is in life. Highschool may be a huge part of your life, but it is not the only part and your time in it is fleeting. What you did in highschool or who you were does not define you for the rest of your life; in fact, once you enter college your life is a blank slate and who you were in the past doesn't matter anymore. You have a chance to start over and be who you you truly want to be. You can go in with now goals, dreams, plans... So in conclusion, it does not matter if you were popular in highschool; this time will soon pass and your reputation will soon be irrelevant. Spend highschool in a manner that you would enjoy and do not be bent on pleasing others. Be yourself and enjoy this short time. Highschool isn't everything, so do not stress if your experience there wasn't the best. There are new oppurtunities and chances for happiness for you each day.


As a high school senior I was incognizant of the countless hurdles that would disrupt my scholastic advancement. If I could go back in time I would advise myself to apply for colleges in advance, seek tuition funding, as well as engage in extracurricular activities. Upon graduating high school, I was not proactive in applying to colleges. If I had I known the rigorous process involved, I would have applied at least one year in advance and organize the documents required for admission. This would allow for a smooth transition from high school to college. Although acceptance into college is exciting, paying for tuition is not. Fortunately, various institutions provide students access to scholarships. Receiving financial assistance from scholarships provides students with the freedom from paying out of pocket. High school is a crucial period to determine career paths for the future. Participating in school activities and volunteering is an exemplary means to develop life skills and it opens doors to further scholarships. The transition to college was not easy in my situation. If it was possible to reverse the hands of time, I would have applied to colleges sooner, request scholarship assistance, and partake in additional activities.


As a college graduate, I would let my high school self know that it gets better and that the opportunities from going to college will help to inspire something greater. I would say that everyone has their own path to take to be successful in college as everyone has their own path to success.


If I had a chance to talk to my high school self and give myself advice, I would have to write a book! I would definitely tell myself to not worry so much about friends in high school and more about my school work because those friends will go in their own directions after high school and 9 out of 10 of them won't keep in touch. I would tell myself to make sure and make as many connections in college as possible. College is no fun without soe good comapny through those stressful moments! The transition is definitely a big one, but I would advise my high school self to be extremely organized and keep my classes and work in order. College can be very stressful but the number one thing I would tell myself is to enjoy these moments and study hard!


I would talk to myself and say that dont try and rush things to prove anything to anybody, go at your own pace and work to the pace you feel the most confortable. Dont worry about all your friends and the parties and stuff and just focuse on being the who you are and dont change for anybody for anything. College is about learning things on your own and gaining your own experiences as well as learning


I would tell my high scool senior self to always go with your heart and make your own decisions. I would tell myself to not be afraid of change or be afraid of the world. The world may look scary at first but I know that I am strong enough to withstand anything that it may throw at me. I would tell myself that the transition to college will be easy and that there is nothing to worry about. Finally, I would tell myself to have fun doing what you love!


Dalton, coming from an experienced you, you're going to do great your freshmen year at Georgia State but don't become too wrapped up in the thrills of Starbucks. Yes, you got the position! Scream! I know how much you've wanted it. Remember though, you didnt come to college to be a Starbucks Barista making minimum wage. You came here to one day be the Surgeon you talk to everyone about. Yes, you're impulsive but very organized and you havent yet realized it. I know I know, you have no idea what your major will be but your more than likely going to choose Chemistry because its "prestigious". Dalton, choose what best fits your interest which I believe will end up being Biology for our love of life in itself. You're always rushing through life but the person you are right now is teaching me presently that time flies and I mean flies! I'm already about to be a junior in college and im just now feeling like things are where they should be. Forget the big picture and focus on the now, because the small unexpected things are what make life so great!


If I knew what I know now, I would tell myself to stay focused and join as many activities as I can. I also would tell myself to start applying to scholarships as early as possible. Get as much help as I can and never take no for an answer. I would tell myself to strive to be the best i can be and never good up on myself. Even though I went through a lot, I would tell myself to never give excuses as to why things can not be done. The sky is the limit, if I want something, then nothing, absolutely nothing can stand in my way. That's what I would go back and tell myself.


When I was in high school, I didn't see the big picture as well as I see it now. I fell into peer pressure and experimenting with drugs, while losing interest in keeping high grades and focusing on my goals which I hold so strongly to now. If I could go back, I would tell myself that most of my friends will either be in jail or in rehab, and I need to tighten up and become more confident in my own skin. I would tell myself the transition from high school to college is definitely hard but so worth it to help me become a better, happier and drug free person. I am now on the road to veterinary school, volunteering weekly at the local animal shelter and very close with a small group of friends and my family. I'd tell myself I am capable of a lot more than I think, and to not be afraid of losing what is comfortable, because the next phase in life is full of determination and joy.


College is not what you expected it to be. You were wrong for thinking you weren't good enough for college, and for thinking that it was going to swallow you whole. It has allowed you to see just how strong and able you really are. Going there was the best life decision you have ever made, and you did not need to doubt yourself. It is not easy, but those sleepless nights and hectic days pay off. Your success depends on the effort you put into your work, and you actually learn in college, it is not about making the grade. You will meet some of the greatest people here, and these people will most likely become life time companions. Keep yourself organized, give yourself enough time for all things, explore the city, give yourself a break when needed, talk to your counselor and ask for help when you have questions, feel free to strike up a conversation with anyone because most individuals here are open and friendly, and most importantly enjoy yourself and submerse yourself in college life because it will be over before you know it.


Be confident Be bold Ask for what you want Be involved student organizations Challenge yourself (speak in public, become a student leader, etc) Know what companies you would like to intern at Time will fly, so enjoy college as much as you can


After thirty minutes of hunting for scholarships, I found two scholarships that I can apply for. I was also heartbroken as I remembered passing by the hundreds of scholarships that targeted only high school seniors. With the looming sting of undergraduate loan payments, I would strongly encourage my high school senior self to take full advantage of the scholarship opportunities made available. Teachers, counsellors, and speakers have preached on the scholarship opportunities we had as high school seniors. Knowing my high school senior self, I mainly focused on non-productive activities (i.e. playing video games). I would tell my high school senior self, “I am your future self; we will attend medical school five years from now. All the scholarships you can get now will greatly help us down the road. Apply for just three scholarships per month.” In saying that, I would get my younger self to build a great habit. Then I would follow up by whispering something that only myself would know. My skeptical high school senior self would trust I am from the future, follow my advice, and make a smoother financial transition through college. Who will doubt any advice their future selves give?


1) Don't be afraid to be somebody different than you were when you were in high school. College is rare chance when you can completely reinvent yourself. Don't feel pressured to remain the same, because growth and change can be a great thing. 2) Hit the ground running when you move in. Don't just sit around on your floor lounge and watch everybody else go out and have fun. Get out on those beautiful Atlanta streets and really experience the city. You'll have plenty of time to stay couped up in the lounge during midterms week. 3) Date around girl! You're not in college to get your MRS degree so don't commit half your collegiate career to finding "the one". Go on dates, get to know people, and just have fun. 4) Learn to live in the present. You will meet so many new people and have so many different experiences during these four years. Learn to enjoy the time while it's there and don't waste it planning the future too much. 5) Perhaps the most important: Just keep swimming little fishy. Life will get tough, but keep moving and smile.


I would tell my self to not be so selfish. If I could do it again I would choose to attand an in-state (Michigan) college even if that meant sacrificing my own happiness. Doing so would not only lessen the financial burden I place on my parents but also give my sister the chance to attend the school of her dreams.


Be open to change. College is where your eyes will really open. You will begin to see your friends changing or even yourself. Be ready to let go of some of the people who were once your friend in high school and make new ones. You may not realize it now, but these people you call friends might be holding you back from what's really important - your education. If you know how to adjust to change well, then college wil not be as big of an adjustment for you. Be open to joining different organizations and participating in activities on campus becuase this will help younetwork and may be beneficial to your future career path.


Knowing what I know about college life and the transition I would recommend to more seek college advice. because I did not have anyone to ask for help. For instance, take classes that transferrable to the school you want to go to. Another word of advice would be to listen to professors and read the book before each lesson. Also to seek advice from your peers who who have been through or are going through the same situations as you because they might have some pointers that may help.


The best advice I could give my past self would be to get a sense of humor. Looking back, I see how much pressure I put on myself to get the perfect grades or to have the perfect body, but now as I have matured, I have realized that nobody cares if you are not a size two or if you make a couple of Bs per semester. Life is not about the small things that make us stressed but rather the small things that make us happy.


Hey Jovan, I'm you from the future. College is right around the corner and you really need to get serious about it! I know that we're smart kids and figure everything will be okay. Academically, we really have no problem, but college is expensive. Take heed to your parents' advice and apply for much more scholarships. The 3 or 4 you've applied for are definitely not enough. Take every opportunity to make college easier for you. I don't want to scare you or stress you out, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. Afterall, I know what your current path leads to.


There are several things I could advise my former self about. I could warn myself about the freshman 15, or the amount of stuff I should have brought moving into the dorm. However, the biggest issue would be to not associate high school with college on any level. It is not the same. For instance, do not assume the same study habits in high school will result in the same high GPA in college. It didn't. In order to excel in college, you have to adopt your own habits and schedules. It will not be guided by the teachers. Studying hard and going to class everyday on time, despite the lack of attendance, will result in a high GPA. You have to put in a lot of work outside the classroom in order to exceed. Also, old social habits must also change. You do not see the exact same group of people everywhere you go, so you have to branch out. Try new things and join interesting groups. Talk to people; go to social events. Don't wait until you are bored to start being adventurous. Start right away. Time management between these two things guarantees your success.


Dear High School Self, Remember to study hard and take whatever measure to do your best in all your classes. It will definitely pay off later. Take those hard courses, because people are telling the truth when they say college courses are harder than high school courses. Keep your head up and embrace diversity early, college is a rainbow of people from all walks of life, all countries, and all shapes, sizes, and beliefs. But don't think you're all alone, destined to be the loner in a sea of differences. You're guarnteed to find tons of other people just like you! If you're shy now, you'll definitely throw that to wind soon after joining the college life. You'll have to in order to get those good grades, get those excellent recommendations from professors, and most importantly, to be all you can be in college. So High School Self, get ready. College Self is coming!


I would have told myself to be prepared for college by making sure that I had met all of the deadlines for college. I would ahve also told myself to learn how to study, because in order to do good in college you have to go over the information a lot to make sure that you understand what you are reading and what you have to do for work. I would have told myself to go to more tutorial during high school so that I could be able to understand the Calculus work that I have to do. I would ahve told myself to study for the SAT and ACT to make sure that I got high scores so that I would could have a better chance at getting scholarships to pay for college. I would have to myself to get a job to make sure that I had all of the equipment that I need for college. Lastly I would have congratulated myself just for making it to college because of all the hard work that I did during my last two years of high school to make sure that I am successful in life.


I would tell myself to try harder and to push myself so that I can plan and reach goals that I would like to reach in the future.


If I could go back in time and give advice to my high school self, I would tell myself to learn how to study. My lack of study skills made it more difficult in my early college years. While I could study the material, it seemed to take me longer than it should to get through material. In my later years of college, I have learned that studying correctly can not only make classes easier, but also save a lot of time. It is a lacking skill that I feel myself and many others should have, but did not have going into college.


Dear Highschool Senior, College life is a challenge that requires perseverance and tenacity to graduate. Don't be afraid to fail and learn from your mistakes. Study hard and don't go into debt to become educated. Don't be afraid to explore different life experiences to discover your unique talents and abilities as a contributor in this world. Get to know yourself and embrace your strengths and weaknesses. As you embrace your trueness and walk in self-confidence your life calling will be revealed to you. Trust the process of life and take a leap of faith, believing it will all work for your good.


Think long and hard about the career you want to pursue. Research the industry and ask several people for advice but do not rely on one persons advice. Do not be afraid to take out loans and invest in yourself. If it takes time to figure out what you want to do exactly then take that time. Do not feel like you are obligated to study something because everyone else is or your family is forcing you to. Think long and hard, I did not know what I wanted to do until I achieved my associates degree and started searching for a job. At the age of 26 struggling to find a job that fit my personality I finally figured out what I want to do in life. I enrolled at Georgia State University and started pursing a degree in CIS. I feel like I am finally making the right move and I am not afraid to invest in myself because I know for a fact this wil pay off.


High school counselors would tell me to apply for this and to apply for that, but honestly it was all too much to manage because all I could think about was passing all my graduation tests. I was very pressured because I’m the first in my family to get a scholarship and attend a four-year university like Georgia State. I am halfway through my freshmen year of college and I know more than I use to. I know how to look for scholarships that fit my profile and how to get help when I need it at the Scholarship Resource Center. One thing I regret the most is not figuring it out sooner because the help was heavily needed. I would go back in time and teach myself how to apply for scholarships. I would teach myself how to write a winning essay.


Dear Juan, This is your future self writing to you. I know that you have selected certain choices regarding your future and how you view your outlook on life. You feel that life is to harsh and that it is very difficult for the poor class to even think of going to college. I know that you may think college is to difficult and expensive and beyond your reach. You will by this time have opted to go to the military in the hopes of paying for college this way, you will also make a priority to try and get a vehicle before going to college. I am writing this letter to you to try and convince you otherwise. The fafsa will assist you with 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of your financial need. You will also be able to borrow funds through subsudized loans. This funds borrowed will be much cheaper then purchasing that vehicle that will break down on you in 5 years and will be unusable. I urge you my past self to change your plans and go to college right after high school as this will be the best course of action for you. Sincerly, Juan Benitez


I would tell my self to pay close attention to the study habits and ways of organizing notes because that's one of the main things that will help you be most successful in college. Also, buy an agenda/planner to help with the organization. I would suggest to myself to keep the same high school mentiality when it comes to being involved. Be involved in everything that you can, to network and make friends in all aspects because you never know who you may come in contact with, even professors get to know them too! Live on campus, because its another way to network and meet people as well as becoming familiar with the campus in ways other than commuters. Also, to attend as many college tours as possible and pay very close attnetion to the campus, the atmosphere, and the types of people that attend the school because diversity is key in your education as well. But lastly, when you do get to college have fun, enjoy yourself but also be able to balance the freedom and time management and don't go out if your homework and assignments aren't complete.


I would tell myself to look for more scholarships and to save the scholarship money I recieved instead of spending it all in one semester. Always look at your syllabus and put the dates in your calender on your computer since you're always on it. Read a little bit more and join some clubs. Do extra credit (there are no excuses.) And be yourself because your true self is the one people will always like best.


I if I could go back in time and talk to my myself as a high school senior, there would be a few things regarding college that I would tell myself. For instance, in college there is a lot of writing required, and being a 'college' student, you do not want your writing to appear as that of a high school student's or lesser. So I would advise my high school self to take writing assingments more seriously and not only go for just a passing grade, but work towards improving and perfecting my skills as a writer. Also, the last and most important advice I would give myself is to practice and improve on my verbal communication skills, which I am not very good at right now. Being that I am from a foreign country I sometimes find it difficult to truly have an in-depth conversation with the average american person. This becomes a real problem in classes were there are a lot of verbal discussions, where I occasionally either stumble over my words or not feel confident enough to engage in the class conversation.


To make sure that you have everything planned out and knowing that their is help out there when need. Ask more information about the school that your going to attend and to make sure you get everything set. Talk to your professor if you don't understand the questions or get a study buddy to help you out.


The advice I would give myself would be to save up all my money I made in Junior year of High School to pay for textbooks in College. I would also advice myself to start scholarship applications in the beginning of my Freshman year instead of Senior year of High School. Another thing is starting to look up colleges during my Freshman year as well.


You don't know everything so pay attention to the advice given to you from adults. Understand that all the money that you borrow for your education has to be paid back. In other words it is a LOAN and not free. Value the experiences that you have with your family because you will never know if you are in a possition to have them again. Never allow a hourly job get in the way of your current enjoyment. You have a whole adulthood to earn money dont waste your youth on working. Understand that anything you do at 18 years old can follow you in a negative or positive way for the rest of your life. So choose your decisions carefully.


Two and a half years ago I graduated from High School. I though thte day would never come. Those four short years seemed to take an eternity to get through and I couldn't wait to be done. I always knew that I would go to college but I was so ready for a break and some new experiences. Rather than take the traditional route and start college the next Fall I enlisted in the Nevada Army National Guard. I completed all required training and returned home in the middle of the semester. I put off starting school for another year to establish a full time career within the National Guard. I really shouldn't have waited another minute. If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that putting off my education was a BAD idea. I wouldn't change joining the Army but I would change how long I waited to go back to school. I wasted so much time and it's true, you really do forget so much stuff the longer you wait to persue higher education.


Find your passion. I see so many students around me that flounder and force themselves into career paths that they feel they have to pursue. They are unmotivated and simply do what is the minimal amount of effort required of them because they are uninterested. The result of this circumstance is unimpressive performance and a waste of the university resources that are at their fingertips. The advice and knowledge that is at a student's disposal is mind blowing, so take advantage of that while you have it. When you follow a career path that you are passionate about, you are more likely to make connections with other students and professors in your field of study, participate in related extracurricular activities, and be more active in class projects and discussions. These are the tools required to set yourself apart in the job market after graduation. If you are not passionate about what you are studying to be, you will not likely take the steps necessary to be competitive.


Tony, I know your heart is set on majoring in Sports Management, but when you start taking classes in college you’re going to be opened up to a plethora of new experiences. When opportunities are presented to you take them, even if you think they have nothing to do with what you want to do. Keep an open mind; you might be really good at teaching, or even engineering. You are smart enough. Surround yourself with people who challenge you. Learn from your mistakes. Also, you will be really good in Spanish.


If you do not know something, ask. In fact, you're going in to this not knowing very much, so you have no choice but to ask. Aside from saving your money for the future or any little mishap that might occur, you should apply for scholarships. It does not hurt to have extra money and if you do not get any then at least you tried. Make a few dependable friends in and out of school; you do not have to have many friends just as long as the ones you have are reliable. Once you log on to your University e-mail, never log off. Important information is sent there every day. It is your main source of contact between you, the University and your professors. They send you syllabi and tell you whether or not you will have class the next or current day. Learn how your teachers operate; find out if they are lenient or not. Participating in class is the fastest way to help you learn more about them. It also helps you stand out, so do it. These are the basics that will help you transition from a high school to a college mentality.


I would probably tell myself to acknowledge the fact that college is completely different from high school. Of course, there is the freedom that college brings with setting your own schedule and more relaxed rules. However, at the risk of sounding cliche, with great power comes great responsibility. Because no one is always on your case about attending a class or completely your assignments, it is very easy to forget your responsiblilties in the mix of socializing, extracurricular activities, and other things that come with being a college student. I guess the most important thing I would tell myself is to learn how to balance. It is completely possible to do everything you want in college (I have seen it happen before my eye). Its all about prioritizing. If your organize yourself right, you can be the president of you sorority, volunteer at least five times a month, maintain a 3.0 GPA, go to that amazing party your friends have been talking about, and still make time for date night!