Gonzaga University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would go back and tell myself to trust myself. I had a lot of doubts in making my decsion, but I was happy once I made it. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships before I left and actively research them because money plays a crucial role in education and that you can't take on this financial role alone. People out there want to help you get to your goal, but you have to seek them out. Be persistent and driven but don't be overpowering. Keep promises to your self and to others and remember to work with your parents and listen to their advice about college because they have a lot of background knowledge on college. I would tell myself to relax because college is very different than high school and to not have expectations and stereotypes of how college should be.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myelf that the opinions of others do not matter. Throughout high school, senior year included, I spent too much time and energy worrying about what other people thought of me. Arriving at college completely changed my perspective on this. I realized that I do not need the approval of others in order to be happy. Further, college peers do not judge as much as high schoolers. This realization has allowed me to be much more relaxed and truly happy with myself. Receiving this advice as a high school senior would have allowed me to focus on myself, my friends, and my studies rather than focusing on the thoughts of others who truly do not matter in my life.


Put a larger focus on scholarships. I am now very focused on scholarships, but when I graduated, I didn't take it serious enough, and now I feel like I am behind. If I could look back, I would have applied for more, and I would have taken my senior year in high school so much more seriously in general. I would have listened when experts came in and coached us. I would have listened when we were coached about the transition of high school to college, instead of learning the difference for myself. And finally, I would have listened to my teachers about how beneficial using the high school resources provided can help with financial need in college.


April 28th, 2014, the deadline I picked for myself to finally decide what college I will be attending. I'm sitting at the kitchen table staring at my college acceptance letters that I narrowed down to three. However, I can't convince myself to make the decision. I have a pretty good idea of where I want to go, and finally I work up enough courage to commit to my choice. I pick up the acceptance letter from Gonzaga University excited for what lies ahead of me but also slightly nervous to start this new journey on my own. What I didn't know that day was that I had no reason to be scared or nervous; only filled with the excitement to try everything and anything once I got there. I hadn't yet realized that every person there would be going through the same thing I was, and nobody was going to judge me. I wish I had known these things, and that I tried everything I could and went to everything available to me because college is about creating new experiences and learning who you are. So simply be you and it will all be fine.


There is one simple piece of advice that I would give myself, focus. I would tell myself to focus on what is important in life and to not be concerned with money, education, and what others thing. Instead, I would tell myself to focus on the things that make you happy and then decide on school and career options from those choices. I would also tell myself to slow down, not everything has to be done in gluttony and can be enjoyed as it develops. Finally, I would tell myself that no matter how bad you think it is, no matter how bad you think it will get, nothing is worth causing you pain and suffering if you do not have complete control over the situation. Be yourself, don't give in, and succeed in the only things that matter to you!


If I could go back to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to prepare for the biggest change in my life. I would tell myself to stop relying on my parents to take care of everything for me, to start managing my own money and buying the things I need instead of asking my mom to go get it. I would warn myself about how hard it was going to be to walk on a campus knowing absolutely no one and have to make a whole new set of friends. I would advise myself that I cannot be as trusting of people as I was able to be in rural Montana. I would explain to myself that I need to learn how to study because college is a whole different ballgame. But most of all, I would tell myself that everything was going to be okay. For the whole last semester of high school, I cried almost every night worrying about my future. I would reassure myself that I could do things on my own, that I could make new friends, and that I could be the successful student that I feel I am today.


As a senior in high school, I thought the world revolved around me. I was enbarking on a new adventure where I was finally in the driver's seat. I could do what I wanted, eat what I wanted, buy what I wanted. I was on top of the world. Me! Me. Me... But if I was to tell my high school self anything, it would be this: you can't control time. You can't speed it up, slow it down. It will move on without you, and it only gets faster as you get older. I wouldn't advise myself about the choices I would have to face, to focus on my studies more instead of going out with my friends, or not to eat that extra cupcake, none of that. Every choice I have made has brought me to where I am today and I know that I am a better person because of them. I would simply tell myself that your greatest limitation in life is time. Don't take it for granted because once it's gone, you can never get any moment back. Be present.


Dear Alex of 2013, I have one request for you- hold your breath. I ask you to hold your breath because one thing that I should have done was to absolutely submerge myself into the wonders of academia. You see, just because you are in the running start program at Bellevue College (BC) doesn't mean you can take classes at a glance. When you transfer, you will not only be transfering credits, but also your experiences to Gonzaga. Remember the Earth Space Science club you always wanted to join? JOIN IT. School Government? RUN FOR IT. There are so many opportunities around you, and to pass them up because "I'm going to be out of here in december anyway" shouldn't be an excuse. Stop living so much in the future, and live in the present. Tom Lehrer once said "Life is like a sewer, what you put into it is what you get out of it". At the end of your life, heck, at the end of the next decade, you won't remember sitting arround in the commons playing on your computer, you will remember the hard work you did to make you happy.


If I was able to talk to my high school self I would tell me to apply for more scholarships. I didn't take the scholarship searches as seriously as I should've back when it was scholarship season. So now I am going into college not being able to afford it and I am very stressed about the idea of drowning in debt for the better half of my life. So, I would tell myself to try everything, to really put all of myself into everything that I did, to try new things even though it was my last year, and to be proactive about my future because it definitely feels like it's a million miles away until it's knocking on your front door.


Keep going and never give up. Even if you are tired of studying and just want to work keep going. Don't settle for anything less then your best. Apply for all the scholarships you can, because your student loans will add up. Those first years of community college may not be very expensive, but it will feel like forever to pay for them if you don'thave any scholarships to help. When looking at scholarships use the shot gun method. Apply for as many as you can. When you are sure there aren't any more search again. The more you apply for the better your chances of getting a few.


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If I could go back in time I honestly don't think I would change a thing. The person I have become and grown to be from being at this school is one that I would never want to change. I am happy with the personal growth that I went through as I faced the new challenges college presented and I would not be the person I am today if I had not grown in the way that I did when I arrived at school. I have always been a driven and motivated person in school which has stayed with me at college but I have become more independent and confident in myself from being here and it is this growth of confidence and independence from the person I was in highschool that has gotten me to the place I am now and therefore I would not want to change a thing. This journey is one that I will greatly appreciate for the rest of my life and I wouldn't want it to have happened any other way.


Gladys, Your unique background and life experiences will continue to mold you throughout college, however; don't let your precedents be the only interesting things about you. Remember to keep having fun, build new charactersitics within yourself and seek knowledge and excitement. College isn't too hard, remember how you feared not getting A's in college? well, you get some and a couple of B's, but these are good B's because both the classes you recieved a B in were academically challenging and you always yearned for that. Call your mom every once in a while, she sacrificed everything to get you at the starting point of your future. Remain honest with yourself, you'll find youself being afraid or possibly ashamed of who you are and what you were raised in but trust me, your friends like you for who you are. So speak spanish, play Mambo, dance Salsa, continue being a person of service, humility, and eat your Mexican food because this is who you are and college won't change you or remove your past from you, but rather build you into the person you hope and strive to become. Good luck!


Initially, the transition from High School to College was an extremely satisfying experience for me. I was open to new experiences and new people, and steadfast in my moral beliefs. I felt supported and loved, safe and optimistic. But doubt came when my friends from high school began to exclude and critisize me, simply because I chose to meet new people and expand my horizons. I questioned myself to such an extent that for the first time in my life I became extremely self-conscious, depressed and closed off to other friends who truly cared about my well-being. As a high schooler I felt self-assured and ready to face whatever criticism anyone could throw at me, but I learned more thorugh facing hostility from friends who I believed would always support me. I know now that people show their true characters when faced with the unfamiliar. Despite my initial bitterness and frustration with my friends, I have learned that ultimately, my confidence must stem from placing my trust in my decisions, and not placing so much credence in the opinions of those who treat me poorly simply because they are not in the same place as me.


Although you have received many rejection letters and a few acceptance letters, do not worry. College is a matter of luck, but you will definitely go to college. It might not be your number one college, but it will be a college that you will succeed in. College does not define who you will become. You define what you want your college experience to be. Going out of state might sound like a big stepping stone, but it is the best decision one can make. It does not only allow you to feel what being independent feels like, but it also allows you to be grateful for your parents and their hard work. Seeing your parents work hard, will help you to work harder and be passionate of what your future career will be. You might always be their baby, but that baby will soon grow up to an adult.


I would tell myself "This is your chance for a new start. Don't be shy. Put yourself out there, talk to new people, be friendly!!!! It is so easy to make friends, because every one else is in the same situation as you, not knowing anybody else." Join a couple clubs, because this is how you make connections outside of the people you meet in your hall. Also see if you can be in leadership position in one of the clubs. This will make it so people are looking to you. Tests are the main portion of your grade be prepared and study in groups. Go into office hours, it shows teachers that you care, and they will remember you if you are 1{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} away from that A. The freshmen 15 is not a legend! It will happen if you snack a lot and do not exercise. Try to work out atleast 3 times a week and don't buy junk food. Junk food=snacking=freshmen 15. When you are feeling alone and lost look to your friends. Your friends can give you advice and even boost your self esteem.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior about the transition to college, I would stress the importance of staying ahead of your studies. Once you fall behind, it is extremely difficult to pull out an A or a B. Another thing I would stress is that the decisions you make in college will diretly influence the path you decide to take towards a career. It is not smart to put things off or miss an assignment or not study for your tests. It is also highly important to go to class and develop good study habits, because once you are in college, it is all up to you. No one will force you to do your work, yet it is vitally important to get it done. Going to class is also very important because if you are sitting at an 89 and you desperately need that A, your professor will look at your attendance record and if you showed up to all the classes, you have a better chance of that teacher bumping you up to an A. I would tell myself to study hard, but remember to have fun.


If I were to go back in time I would tell myself two things; study harder and value friendships more. High school was not difficult for me and I was able to get good grades with minimal effort. I thought that I would be able to do the same things in college which lead me to have a poor academic start and close to no study habits or skills. It has taken me three years to develop the study skills I wish I had had the first day. I would tell my high school self to listen to those around me when receiving study advice and to put more effort into my work. The second thing I would tell myself is to get more involved in extracurricular activities and value the friendships I made. I met so many people during my freshman year that I hardly talk to anymore because I did not take an active role in keeping the friendships alive. I have felt very alone at many points in my college career and I do not think that would be as much the case it I had valued the people in my life when I was a freshman.


If I could tell my high school self anything knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to study hard but have a life. I studied a lot in high school and I was busy with sports year round. I did not spend much time outside of the classroom with friends as much as I should have. Living in a dorm in college, I am surrounded by my friends all the time and it was hard to balance friend time with study time at first. If I had learned in high school houw to do both, I think the beginning of my first semester would have been a smoother transition. Also, I wish I would have spent more time hanging out with my friends in high school because now we have all gone our separate ways and it is hard to stay in touch.


Austin, college is a great opportunity for you to develop into the person you have always aspired to be. It is a process of learning to manage time, energy and resources. Something you will have to do for the rest of your adult life. College will prepare you to approach the world from a learners standpoint. I'll explain. College is designed to cultivate within all students the understanding that knowledge is not only power, but something similar to a gold fish. The more room you give your gold fish to grow, the larger your gold fish will be. The greater the diversity of information and ideas you take in at this stage in your life, establishes the ground work for your metaphorical pool of knowledge. Once you begin to limit that pool, the limits you set will be in place for the rest of your life. Leave every possibility open. Close no door to yourself. If something seems of interest to you, pursue that interest with all you have. Once you believe something to be impossible or useless the possibilities of that world are closed forever. I know what Mom says, but this time, leave every door open.


go to college it will help you to better understand and get a better job


Endurance, All the work that you have put into this point is nothing short of amazing. Hard work, perseverance and pressure from mom and dad were needed to fashion you into the person you have become at this point. College is right around the corner and with that is another world as well as another chapter in the book of your life. Trust me when I say this, college is the best time of your life. You know with all the things going on in your life, you should enjoy the time you have because when you get here to the other side of this letter you will understand why diligence is key. Look all the dreams that you have… never let anyone say you are not good enough to make it come true. The truth is that once you get to another plain of excellence one must take their talent above and beyond their limits and the expectations of others to not only succeed but the surpass the achievement of excellence. So I’m telling you now, from here on out no matter how hard it gets, “KEEP CHASING YOUR DREAMS BECAUSE THEY’LL RUN OUT OF BREATH EVENTUALLY”


The advice I would give myself is to plan ahead. The majority of the mistakes I have made, as well as observed, have been due to a lack of foresight that I have thankfully developed over my years at Gonzaga. Responsibility has been the key component of my academic success in college and in my professional career, and I have matured greatly since I have entered college, challenging myself in both the size and intellectual quality of my workload and hobbies. By planning ahead more, I feel like my transition from high school into college would have been eased by my expectation of absorbing essentially all responsibility for my success and well-being from then on. If I had been more knowledgable of the differences in demographic and socio-economic status that Gonzaga attracts due to it's high price, I would hope that I could have been better prepared for the shock I experienced when I initially entered Gonzaga. My last piece of advice to myself is to expect discouragement, but not let it ruin my experiece. Depression is a powerful emotion, but by refusing to let it impress upon my life, I could've improved it infinitely more.


Join things your are interested in, because one of the best ways to meet people and make the most of your college experience is to play an active role on your campus and in the surrounding neighborhood. It is important to focus on studying and getting good grades since school is expensive and you are there to get a degree. However, don’t study too hard! Participate in athletics, because there is no feeling in the world like going to a collegiate rowing national championship. Participate in volunteering because it is something you have done your whole life and the experience of working in the emergency room is priceless when studying nursing. Get a part time job in order to work on time management and to have some extra spending money. Dabble in as many interests as possible, but remember to leave yourself some down time in order to stay healthy. There are way too many awesome activities you can choose to participate in. It is important to find a balance that will not interfere with your studies, but will help you feel fulfilled after your four-year experience as a Gonzaga student.


To my high school senior self, I would give the following advice: "Just because high school is ending doesn't mean that your life is ending. Yes, the past year has been really fun and you've accomplished a lot. You have come a long way from that timid, nerdy kid in middle school. Now, however, it seems like all that you've accomplished is ending. That sweet little niche you've carved is falling apart. Don't worry. From your experiences in high school you've learned and developed much moral, mental, and physical strength. Take this and use it in the coming year. College is much different from high school, but you will still be yourself. Nothing can change that. As you go through the semester remember not to get bogged down by the drama, the work, the schoolwork, and the family problems. You will make it through like always. Rely on God even if it's difficult to. Call your friends from back home. It's always nice to hear their voices. Don't try to fly solo. The people who care about you don't want you to fail. This I promise. Good Luck!"


James, this is future James here to share a little insight into your next 15 years. You are still going to get to fly but it will be in the Army instead of the Air Force so dont beat yourself up over not getting an appointment to the Air Force Academy. On an academic note I need to strongly recommend that you dont rush into a 4 year program. Your high school has not prepared you for the math and science challenges ahead. You should go to the junior college to beef up in these fields and give yourself a little time to feel out your true calling in life; health and fitness. Once you have strengthed your science skills you should still attend Gonzaga but be sure to major in sports medicine or exercise science instead of Biology which will pay dividends later. From a life experience view point you should bypass Division I baseball and trying to get into the Knights. These programs are not a fit for you and only waste valuable time. Your athletic passions will be crew and triathlons so join the swim team now so you can learn the right way to swim.


Academically, I did very well, and socially I've always been very outgoing and have had no trouble making friends throughout my life. The one thing I could tell past-me is to not worry at all, everything will turn out just fine. I was nervous as to what I could expect from college, what if the classes are too hard, am I really good enought to go to this university, etc. STOP. They accepted you didn't they? Yes, your GPA wasn't as high as some of your friends, but you're darn smart! You worked your butt off in high school and you should be proud of what you've accomplished. You're a smart cookie and you'll be fine. Grades aside, God blessed you with the gift of being able to make friends wherever you go, you love meeting new people, so what's to worry about? You were made for the college social scene, people are going to love you and just be yourself and keep working hard and trust me, you'll have not a single problem in college. Take that to the bank.


If I had a crystal ball in my hands as a senior in high school, I would have seen what I thought was a sure-footed confident freshman in college. As the ball changed, the realization of the metamorphism that I was going through to witness would have stunned and bewildered me. I was immersed in a different culture, meeting so many different people. I soon came to have new friends and enjoy the different interests and food they brought. I was extremely proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and opening a new window to my world. I would tell that confident high school senior whose grades came easy, that balancing her course load and social life in college will not be as easy and will need some structure and priorities must take preference. Freedom of college life can be rewarding or it can be a dark whole that can consume you. I would tell her the most important thing is to surround yourself with good people and like her parents would tell her, make good choices. I would tell myself to always reach for the stars and make great memories.


The thing that most surprised me about college is that it is now "cool" to be smart and socially aware. I would advise my high school self to stop worrying about the judgement I may receive for being myself. I would say, "Studying is a good thing! It pays off, I promise."


I would tell myself not to worry about the money situation, because college is about the experience and financial aid is out there for those who look for it. Remember that most freshmen are in my situation and that I am not singled out as poor or strange or different. Keep family close and do not forget friends from back home. Get used to eating campus food, and relish Mom's cooking when you go home. Be true to yourself and you will find others who are like you; there is no need to change yourself in order to make friends, because those people are not your friends.


I would tell myself as a high school senior to make sure that you put forth the effort and become active. Become active in the clubs and activities that are provided by the University and if there isn't a club that already does what you're into, then start one. I would tell myslef to volunteer more, to not only develop relationships with my fellow students, but also with my professors. I would tell myslef that going through college isn't about survival, it's about enriching your life and the best way to do this is to become involved. I would also tell myself to trust more in your instinct. You may not know much now, but you do have phenomenal gut instincts so trust them and don't worry so much about being incorrct.


It has been valuable to attend college because not only have I been able to expand my knowledge but I have been able to familiarize myself more with the real world. I have been able to constructively give out and receive criticism as well as interact with peers my own age outside of a party scene. I have gotten a sense of responcibility out of going to college. I feel responcible for my own future because of college and I know that I am the only one that can make my future a succesful one.

I learned many valuable facts and imformation, but I also learned how to be the type of person I want to be. I was taught I to take the things I've learned and apply them to my set of beliefs and values. The service based a learning and rounded education allowed me to learn that I want help people, and my education can help me do that.


My college experience has helped me find out more about who I am as a person. Since attending Gonzaga, I've enjoyed many of my own personal life experience with my friends and my education. The friends I've met at Gonzaga are similar to me and serve as a constant reminder to me, about why I left Utah for Gonzaga. I've develped great relationships with friends at Gonzaga that I never developed in high school. Gonzaga has also helped me get closer to discovering a major I would like to undertake. By professors recognizing some of my strengths in my core classes and by me talking to my professors about directions I should go, I have been able to narrow down a few fields that I might be interested in going into. Gonzaga has also been valuable to me because it's challenging. During the last two years of high school I was able to get 4.0's easily and school became pretty meaningless to me. At Gonzaga I have had to struggle, fight, and not give up in order to regain my status of getting good grades, it's nice to have a challenge.


Thus far, I have learned the importance of managing my time. It is crucial to have a balance between any other activities or obligations outside of school. Moreover, I overestimated how much time I had to do everything required by my classes, so I saw fit for me to have fun, too. My discipline has developed through my studies, and from punctuality. I had several setbacks during this semester, which is almost over. My car needed over one-thousand dollars worth of repairs, and my job inundated me with the amount of hours that they were scheduling me during this semester. However, through these setbacks, they taught me that determination and longsuffering will eventually help me to reach my goal. It has also been valuable to attend my classes because the information I learned throughout this semester is information I can and will take with me in the real world. For example, my Speech class will make me feel at ease in everyday life because I have gained the skills and techniques to speak effectively in public. I now know from my Psychology 101 class that the brain is complex, not just mush that is there to think.


So far, I have learned that it if I need support, all I need to do is ask! The professors at Gonzaga are willing to help out and are super flexible, which has made the transition from high school to college much easier!


Because I have been attending a community college, I have had to get a job and commute to school. This, along with being on my college's Cheerleading squad, is a lot to handle. It has taught me the importance of hard work, of time management, and has made me straighten my priorities. Without going to a community college, I would not have learned to value the things I have had to work so hard for, and to be able to juggle so many things in my life. It has also opened my eyes educationally. Being a political science major, the college atmosphere is a great place to learn new ideas, and hear from another's point of view. In college, we are finally able to break free from our parent's opinions and search for our own, and this newfound freedom is so liberating in a college atmosphere. College is a wonderful time in adolescent life, and in the one and a half years I have been here, I have learned so much already.


Going into college is a huge transition in one's life; and can be scary, exciting and overwhelming. When I first said goodbye to my parents and family, and was actually on my own for the first time, I did not not know what to do with myself. I am now a junior at Gonzaga Univeristy, and I could not be happier. Thus far from my college experience I have gained a new knowledge of freedom and independence, new life-long friends and memories, as well as an education that will help me to succeed in the future. Without a doubt in my mind I would encourage all high school students considering college to, at the very least, give it a shot. College is where you continue to develop as an individual, and where you gain a new self-determination and confidence that is valuable in all aspects of life. College is a time to have fun, meet new people, and engage yourself whole heartedly. College is has been an excellent experience and is most definately valuable to attend.


Participating in an online educational program has been rewarding. I have learned a great deal about non-verbal communicaton and the value of self-motivation. While learning, I am able to stay at home with my children and fulfill my dreams. At the very least, my college experience has provided me with an outlet for self-expression. Because I am on my own, and do not feel as if I am in a competition with other students, I feel free to express myself in my work and found it to be satisfactory. In its unique way, my education has lifted my spirits and inspired me to dream.


I earned my GED believing that this was the highest educational accomplishment available to me. I believed what others told me about myself: that I was stupid, lazy, and worthless. When I took the scary first step of becoming a college student, however, I became a better person. I was terrified at the thought of taking math and science classes because I believed the subjects to be too difficult for me. However, my math and chemistry instructors, Mr. Jasso and Mr. Knutsen respectively, made my first attempts at algebra and chemistry fun. They alleviated my fears and instilled confidence in my abilities. I earned my very first 4.0 GPA in the first quarter I attended. I have since kept my GPA well above 3.5, making it possible to become a member of the international honor society, Phi Theta Kappa. I am the president of our college chapter of Phi Theta Kappa currently. The instructors at Green River Community College gave me the confidence to push myself, and the support necessary to believe that I can achieve any goal I set for myself.


I have never had such an enriching experience as I have at Gonzaga University. The clubs, the people, the sports, and the vast academic life have all offered me opportunities to grow and experience anything I could ever want. Already I have found new avenues of interest that I had never even considered before attending the university. I even have begun to play on the women's Lacrosse Team, and I have never played sports before in my life! History had become a my favorite subject thanks to the fun and interesting professors I have had, and math has never been better. I truly feel like I have become a more interesting person thanks to the people and events that I have been exposed to.


I am attending Motlow State Community College. I enjoy this college because the teachers and advisors really seem to care if the students do well. The thing that has made the biggest difference in me as a person is becoming a member of Phi Theta Kappa. I have started to be more of a leader, now I am the Vice President of the Fayetteville campus. I will be attending the National Convention for the honors socity. Going from high school to Motlow and the planning to attend a four-year college had made the transfer much better.


I think the most underrated and undersold component of the College experience happens to be the best part of attending Gonzaga. While the education in very deep and personalized fields of study here satisfy and create more hunger for learning, the Community we have developed rivals that of any community, college or not, in the United States. The value of my attendence extends, for me, beyond a 4 year job training experience. Instead, the classes I take, the social activities I participate in, and the friends I make all create a sense of personal development and fullfillment. I feel a more well rounded educated, spritiual and ethical person. We as a community have developed a sense of responsibility towards one another that is infectious. Whatever the issue may be, if its environmental, opression based, recession based, religious or personal, we can come together to make a informed and ethical decision that extends beyond the borders of our campus. People who meet GU alumni, I feel, can read our mission statement in our actions. As a member of this community, the value for me is that underlying responsibility for others I have learned and enacted.


The best advice that I could give myself would be not to procrastinate. Throughout much of my life I skated through my classes putting all of my homework off until the night before it was due. When I got to college it turned out that nothing in the real life works like that. You need to be focused and on not get behind on anything or else you will never catch up. Secondly I would tell myself not to sell myself short. I have always been one to doubt myself in situations where I should not, which sometimes hurt me in the long run. Confidence is an essential to have in today's world because it takes confidence to be successful in the world today.


If I could give myself any advice, the first would be financial. Know what your resources are, you qualify for more free money than you know. The knowledge of others can come in handy. Talk to counselors, professors and your parents. They've been there. They know what you're going through. Use their experience as a tool, even though times have changed, the basics of higher education remain. High school schedules were handed to you, College schedules are created by you. Don't over book. Signing up for alot of classes can help, signing up for too many classes can result in a burn out, low GPA, and frustration. And finally, time management. Deadlines can sneak up on you, but not if you make a time schedule, use your planner, and make yourself conscieous of your homework and responsibilities.


Ok, Kate. So high school isn't really your favorite thing in the world. Actually, you pretty much hate it. You want nothing more than to be out of that prison and bask in the freedom that is college. Whatever fond memories your mind may leave you with after you graduate, just remember that the mind is selective. You hate high school with a fiery passion. Sure you have loads of good friends, good grades, and good relationships with your teachers. You're the editor of your award-winning school newspaper and you have an awesome job. You have a lot going for you. But you still want out. My advice to you now: Be patient. I know this is the same advice coming from everyone else right now, but this time it's coming from me (you.) When you finally hit college, it will be more liberating than you ever could have imagined. You love your family, and I promise you that you will miss them going to an out-of-state school. But the knowlege and independence you gain will be irreplaceable. High school may not really be your favorite thing in the world, but college will be.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would reassure myself that the transition to college is easier than expected. Homesickness dominates the first couple weeks, but the key is to stay occupied with other activities. It may seem hard to leave your family, friends and home state but it is also surprisingly liberating. The newfound sense of independence is amazing. For the first time in your life, you have complete responsibilty for yourself and your actions. It can seem a little intimidating at first, but will make you realize your own maturity. Keeping an open mind is eseesntial, as you will meet many new people with different opinions and ideas. You should hold off on judgement because sometimes the people who may at first seem most different from you will become your closest friends. College may seem scary as a high schooler, but it will be one of the best times of your life. So don't stress yourself out; just enjoy the change and new experiences.


Dear Kelsey, Going to college is scary, but you are stronger than you think and you are going to be fine. Don't be afraid to look outside the Northwest. Can we say Hawaii? Don't rule someplace out just because it's big. You can adapt more than you think. Don't worry about what the people you're graduating with say about how much money you have for college or how smart you are. They are actually very insecure, and you are one of the most beautiful people here. There are going to be lots of people who are going to pressure you to do things you aren't comfortable with. If you stay true to yourself, you will get through everything just fine, and people will respect you more for respecting yourself. College is going to be hard, and you will be so proud of yourself for getting through. You will make best friends at college, who love you for yourself. Take pictures, play intramurals, stay up way too late at least once. Love, Kelsey P. s. You don't need to take all of your towels from graduation. One will suffice.


If I could go back in time when I was a senior I would change the classes I took and actually take school more seriously because now I know that it affects me a lot , especially with applying for jobs. I would take a business class because they open more doors for you when your applying for management positions, even though I wouldn't have the experience I have the knowledge to help me out. I would also take a spanish class because they also benefit some jobs because some jobs pay extra. I would also look into scholarships so by the time im in college I probably wouldn't have to get a student loan, or if I do it will just be a little. I also would have applied for walmart because they have better job opportunities and they allow you to transfer to another store if you moved. With the money I was get from working I would have put it into my savings account instead of just spending it on useless things. I know that we all mostly learn from our mistakes but these are really big mistakes that caused me to have a slow start.


Being the first to attend college in my family, I did not have any leads on my study in college. However, after being in college for about 2 1/2 years so far, enduring failures and success, depression and delight, friendship and love, I can safely say that if I was to give an advice to the high school senior of me, then I would tell him that he should do what he believes is right, because the future him does not regret anything that he has done.