Grand Valley State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


College is a place where a person can start to discover who they are in their personal and professional lives. The beauty of having a college experience is giving yourself time to experience relationships in new ways that have not been available before in high school, as well as giving you the practical knowledge of understanding a career. The personal life aspect is one of the most important because we start realizing who we are and how people view us, which will help us when trying to figure out what we want to choose as a career. I learned in my experience that being organized, focusing on my responsbilities, and learning from people are the most important. Through this I believe my work ethic has been enhanced with staying on task, as well as understanding that the most important part is to understand others and grow with them through the tasks of our job. I learned from both the positive experiences and the negative ones which, in reality, gave me a well rounded perspective of the future and where I wanted to go in my career.


My college experience has so far made me more responsible, as college usually does to a person, but also more well-rounded. Not only is it a liberal arts college, but it's also a unified campus with a high acceptance of everyone and everything they are connected with. It's taught me that no matter what, people should be equal-- if they play drums or sing in accapella, play basketball or spend their time studying, if they are black, white, middle-eastern, or anything in between, if they praise God or if they shy away from religion. Anyone can be in the same group, even if they come from completely different backgrounds or have different ideas and morals. I came here as a freshman, along with 3,000 other freshmen, all in the same stage of our lives. Together we have progressed and become different and better people in just over a semester's time, and sometimes I feel that's a unique thing to feel connected with that large of a group of people. These things define Grand Valley and I'm proud to be a part of it.


If I could go back and give myself advice about transistioning into college, I would have one maing thing to say. I would say that the most important thing you can do to ensure that you have a fun, enriching experience is to be open and go with the flow. You learn quickly that there are many things that are out of your control. By "rolling with the punches" you save yourself a lot of grief. By being open to new things, even if it makes you slightly uncomfortable, you will learn so much more and meet many new people. Don't compare college to anything else you have ever done. There will always be a million reasons not to do something: be what you want to be regardless of any excuses. Most of all, don't be afraid: take things as they come.


If I could go back in time to when I was a senior inhigh school I would tell myself to get housing on campus before the last minute. I also would say that scheduling 8:00am classes is not a great idea if you can avoid it because you never want to get up to go to class that early in the morning. I would tell myself to study more and do whatever it takes to get good grades. In making the transition easier I would advise myself to be more outgoing and try new things. Go out and meet new people because that's what college is all about. These are all things that I would tell myself if I could go back in time, knowing what I know now, and give myself advice about making the transition from high school into college.


First, I would give myself this advice...College is NOT high school. There is a reason why, when you go to college, you move out of your parents house and into dorms. You're on your own, but there will be plenty of people along the way who are willing to help. Call home every once in a while, let your parents know you're still alive and swallow your pride to ask mom how to do laundry. Now, to classwork. Professors will not tell you to follow your syllabus, that is up to you. You can choose to do the reading or not. They will not tell you if you have homework due, that is also for you to find on your syllabus and do. Most professors will not remember you name, especially if they have classes of 100+ people, so go to office hours and get to know them a little. NEVER be afraid to ask questions. Party, watch tv, go to the movies, or go shopping, if you want to, but remember, in the end you are the only one who can answer the questions on that exam. Have fun and live a little! Try something new.


I think the main thing I would tell myself would be to take a year off. When you graduate from high school you are debt free and basically free in general but you most likely don't understand the weight of financial debt and the responsibilities of life on your own. Also you have been in school for 13 years already and it's probably time for a slight break. These days, even if you head straight to college and get a degree, you aren't guaranteed a well paying career, contrary to popular belief. It is a wonderful idea to take some time off to figure out who you are and what you truly want. You may not find all of the answers after a year but you will most certainly be more aquainted with the idea of paying bills living without all of the little things that your parents do for you that you take for granted. You will also, hopefully, have a little money saved instead of jumping straight into college and coincidentally, depending on what school you choose, into lots of debt.


Assuming I would be given the chance to travel back in time and give myself advice I would advise myself to fill out the FAFSA early. I would also sit down and tell myself important study tips about how to stay ahead in class and to take effective notes. Do the homework the night you get it if at all possible and work on it as much as you can before the next class session. This frees up more time later as well as keeps all of the material more fresh in your mind. I would tell myself that I don't have to write down every word the teacher says, mostly summarize what they say. This saves times writing and frees up more time to listen to what they are saying. That way I can more actively listen and remember the lecture. I would also advise myself to get as active in plays as possible since I am focused on a theatre major, and always have been. Experience is invaluable. Before I left I would also strongly recommend myself to stick with GVSU and not transfer to any other school for any reason, it's a waste of money.


I would tell myself to try a little harder at the end of high school, because college is a lot of work and it is something I need to prepare for. Also I would tell myself to enjoy how easy high school is because after that it only gets harder.


If I could go back to high school and do things differently, the first thing I would do is sit with my parents and communicate with them my interest and goals for college and encourage them to support me by looking into different avenues to assist with college tuition and planning. Next, I would give myself a kick swift in the rear and make major changes in my priorities. I would take school a lot more seriously, take courses that focus on my college major, and immediatley become a student athlete; I'd play softball. I think as a student athlete I would stay focus on my grades, a positive attitude, time management skills, learn to be a team player and also build social skills in the classroom and on the field. I think being a student athlete would help me not only prepare for college, but also provide an opportunity for a sports scholarship to assist with my college education. If I could go back I would stand and believe that working hard while I am young will pay off when I am older; it takes financial security and stability to enjoy life and support life!


If I could rewind a year, I would tell myself to do as much as I could whenever given the oppurtunity because there are some things in life you may only have one chance to experience. The more you do in life the more you learn, and when you know more and have a good number of experiences under your belt it only makes the transition into college easier. I would have told myself not to feel overwhelmed and that yes there's a lot of changes I will go through in the first year -- but even when things seem tough and unbearable everything works out and falls into place.


I would tell myself to not worry too much about finding friends and things to do. Just by being myself and doing things that interested me, I was able to find campus activities that were good for me, and I was able to find friends with similar interests. I would recommend getting involved with some sort of club (I joined the rowing club/team) because that gives you something to do and provides a way to meet people. It also helps you to meet upper classmen, who can give you advice and help you out. I would also advise myself to test out of all of the introductory courses that I could, since I learned more in my high school classes than I did in introductory chemistry, biology, and physics. Finally, I would advise myself to maintain good study habits and be prepared for some very challenging courses. A lot of the courses here don't just teach facts, they teach how to understand and use the information in practical applications. These courses teach you how to think and reason. They are hard, but they are the best classes I took.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college, I would tell myself to put in a little more effort into my classes. Learning good study habits early on would help me succeed in college and make learning much easier, not to mention my better grades would have gotten me more scholarships and made it easier to pay for school. I would have also told myself to get more involved. Learning leadership skills would help me, not only in college, but in my life and future career.


In high school, I always worried about not getting an ?A? on everything I ever did. I was second in my class of eighty-three, and the pressure from family to keep it that way or make it better was always overwhelming. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to never give up, and to stop being so nervous and focus on all of the amazing opportunities that I am opening up for myself. I would tell myself to stop stressing about every little grade, because everything would be worth it in the end. In high school, I would get frustrated with my teachers because at the time, I never understood why they pushed us so much and made us work so hard. Now, I understand. My teachers in high school wanted nothing but the best for us. They knew that by challenging us then, it would make things easier for us when we moved on to college. I am forever grateful for their dedication. If I could go back, I would tell myself to thank my teachers, even if it didn?t make any sense at the moment.


The advice I would give myself is not to freak out. All throughout my life people have told me college is hard and scary, and it was for me too, my first day, because of the stories I have heard. I was an average student in high school and I worked just as hard maybe even more but I did get good grades. I would say that life is going to be more confusing because of all different situations hitting me, but that is part of the college experience to work with that, so in the future I have balancing skills. Also there are going to be a lot more people compared to where I grew up, so making friends is going to be just as hard, but once they are made its a blast. Overall, I would want to say to myself that attitude is everything, if I freaked out at every little situation, I would be everywhere, but I didn?t and had confidence when I went to college. With that said, lets not be overconfident either, that could result into a bad situation too


Dear Leah, Please make time to develop friendships during your college years. School is not only about education and finding a job. If it takes you five years instead of four to finish and you have made life-long relationships, then you have succeeded in what is important. School is not about grades and study habits. Your education should be expanded to what you can learn from other people who come from different religions, backgrounds, and ethnicities than you. Networking and relating to people is as much a part of your degree as accounting or management skills. Please take two weeks each summer to volunteer abroad or even in your own city. Remember how much you loved France for seven weeks? Take time to help others and yourself by forgetting the $300 you could make waitressing and go! Find children to love, women to nurture, elderly people to read to, and you will be more satisfied by doing these things than by earning money. Love, Your Older and Wiser Self, Leah P.S. Don?t let mom and dad talk you out of dating Vicente. You will marry him one day.


Only you can make your life happen. What motivates you? What do you like? What do you not like? Take classes and explore your interests, but also make sure to take as many core classes as possible to get them out of the way as soon as possible. Push your boundaries; once you start to feel comfortable where you live, or who you hang out with, then expand to add more knowledge. Be careful about who you hang around with and what you do-it would be horrible later in life to have the cost of poor choices as youth to inhibit us from qualifying for our future careers. Also, do what makes sense-do not be afraid to go "against the grain." There may be a time where no one reaches out to lend a hand to help another, but you will have to set the example! Finally, don't ever give up; life is too short to be discouraged if something does not go as planned.


College opens countless doors of opportunity once you step foot on campus. There are many aspects one might expect from college such as the food. But there are also some other aspects that I wish I could have been told of before coming to school. As a high school senior the first thing I would tell myself as the only child in the family, is to quickly get used to living with someone. Making that adjustment from being alone in a room to having two people is shocking. At the same time it?s an eye opening experience that no one should turn down. I would also tell myself to begin to learn how to set aside your social life and begin to work. ?Senioritis? stops on day one. College is the last stop before your career, why not excel to impress your future employer? In high school I prepared for tests the day before; in college that mindset doesn?t cut it. I want to go back and tell myself to pick up study habits, habits that I picked up on pretty quickly within the first few weeks, but the preparatory advice would have saved me from the stress.


I would tell my high school self not to be afraid of taking the most difficult classes I could. By taking more AP classes I would have been even better prepared for the level of material at the college level. Once you are in college your high school GPA doesnt matter to you anymore, so there is no need to worry about the difference between a B+ and an A if the B+ comes in an AP course. I would also tell my high school self not to be afraid of losing my friends from high school by going to a college where none of my friends are attending. I have met so many people, of different races and cultures, that any friendship from high school that doesnt last will be replaced by a dozen more with people who are just as fun and exciting. Its these new friends that make college enjoyable instead of a burden emotionally, physically, and financially. And the last thing I would tell my self would be to embrace every moment with my family before I leave for college. Once Im away from home, I miss every last one of them.


As you embark upon this next phase in your life, remember that you can do anything you put your mind to. Learn not to separate your dreams from reality by developing a mindset of a trailblazer. A trailblazer recognizes that anything is possible. It is one who is not afraid to make a way, even when it seems too hard. Your college career is an important investment, which you expect to receive a high rate of return. Get Involved! Ask questions and commit yourself to interact with professors, advisors, staff, as well as students gaining as many skills and as much insight as possible. Take advantage of resources available to you. Produce effective and efficient study habits so that you can make the most out of your time. Most importantly?do NOT worry! Many of us tend to worry when we are subject to change. Worrying will not add anything of substance to your life. Change in itself is inevitable. Embrace this transition with open arms taking hold of the opportunities ahead.


As a high school senior, I would definitely take as many AP classes in school that are available. Take high school more seriously, your grades do effect what schools you can apply to and attend. So your grades in high school do affect your future. College is a lot tougher than what I expected. There is a lot mroe homework, in every class, so you need to save a lot of time for doing homework and studying. Homework is consuming more of my time than I had expected. Be careful not to overload yourself with classes. College life is very busy and you need to be involved in extra curricular activities and groups. Being involved is the way you get to meet new people and make new friends. A good nights rest is very important, don't stay out late at night. And the most important thing to to save save save your money. Text books are very expensive! College is very expensive!


Over the span of my freshman year thus far, things have been extremely different from the way I thought they would be. If I had known what I know now, I would definitely have done things differently. During my senior year, I focused a lot on colleges that were out-of-state, completely ignoring their tuition costs; as a result, I was only accepted to one school in Michigan. But, over the summer, my family and I applied for loans, and were denied financial aid many times. Using Parent Plus loans, I was able to finance my first semester at the only school I was accepted to, but after attending, I knew that it wasn't for me. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the things I would tell myself seem obvious. Phrases come to mind like, "Go with what you're good at" or "Look close to home." But other things come to mind as well. "Don't stress out so much." Because after all, the college I am at now is immensily enjoyable and has thus far been worth every hardship I have faced.


Be open to new experiances and new people, but most importantly to new career choices... Do not fight what you naturally seem to move towards or gravitate towards in courses... Yes it's scary changing your mind, but when you find your niche, you'll know it, and theres no greater feeling than knowing that you're headed down the path you were meant to be on. Sometimes you will get lost, but theres aways a prupose behind the confusion, and you WILL come out more secure and confident in your future :)


If I could go back and talk to myself during my senior year, I would tell myself to not be so worried or anxious, and to be more layed back about little things that happen throughout life. Going to college is an absolute privileged that your parents did not get the chance to do. So take this time in your life to meet, and experience friends that you will end up having for life, and use the rest of your time to find out who you are and what you want to become. You can do anything you put your mind and effort into. No matter what anyone tells you, you are just as smart and pretty as any of the girls going into college. Last but not least live life to the up most fullest.


If I could go back to when I was a senior in high school and give myself advice, I would tell myself to not get too stressed because everything will work out in the end. I would advice myself to enjoy the time in high school because I would miss it. At the same time college is not as scary as it seems. College is actually a great and wonderful experience. In the end just relax and enjoy your life.


If I could go back in time and talk to the high school senior Me, I would tell myself not to fear the future. I would say to the younger me that I have all the tools I need to transition into college. I'd tell her that it isn't about how much math or science you know that will help you get through classes but the majority of college life is adjusting to the social atmosphere. Only a small percent of your week is in a classroom so knowing how to survive outside those 15 hours each week is what helps you survive inside society and a community.


Dear Britt, Hey, senior year is looking pretty good isn't it? You've sure got a lot of great things going on in your life right now; a beautiful family, basketball and soccer games, great grades, and lots of friends! But there are some things I want you to know before you fly through your last year of high school. Please don't throw away that University of Michigan application. You are capable of a lot more than you think, don't doubt yourself now. Start putting some of your money into the bank and don't get lazy in class. Remember to play your hardest in every game this year or you'll have regrets later. But mostly, realize that you've not accomplished this much and worked so hard in high school just to go off to college and party. Britt, you are going to make some big mistakes, but those same mistakes will somehow end up turning you into the person you always hoped you would be. Just keep your mind focused and your heart strong and you'll see, everything is going to be okay.


As a high school senior, I would have liked someone to tell me about additional ways to get college credits. Take more AP classes and many more CLEP tests because my high school counselors have failed me in this regard. It would be good to tentatively schedule classes (semester by semester in advance) for my time spent in college so I don't take useless classes along the way. Spend time researching the college textbooks you will need in advance of the semester and purchase them at greatly reduced prices.


First of all, relax. The transition from high school to college can be very overwhelming, but it really isn't that scary. Go out and explore the campus right away, and to branch out from your regular group and make other friends. Do not only hang out with the kids from your high school, but instead force yourself to be social. College is a time to make knew friends and find yourself. You don't leave with just a degree, you leave with life experience. This life experience cannot be learned by staying in your dorm room, so go out and have some fun. Last but not least, maintain your good grades and make your mom proud.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to have more faith in myself to do what I need to do for my future. I would tell myself that I did everything I could to be the best I could be to make something of myself. I would have more faith in myself to fill out and work for the scholarships that I want and need to make my way through college to be what I want to be. I would also tell myself that although commuting to school everyday will save me money for school, that it would have been best to live on campus to gain new experiences, friends, relationships, and freedom that will shape me into the person that I will one day be.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that college isn't all about "the time of your life". College is new and exciting, but if you get caught up in the wrong things, like parties and putting off homework, then you won't be in such a great position. College is completely different than high school and its a lot more self motivated than high school. If you schedule your time wisely, make wise decisions, and work hard then you will do fine. Don't get caught up in the freedom of college or it can severly backfire. Even though you are "on your own" you need to be responsible for yourself. Still make time for yourself to have fun and relax and college can be "the time of your life".


Giving myself advice from what I know now would have been a major help, but as a senior would I actually have listened to what I had to say. ?College me? trying to make ?senior me?s? life easier does not mean all the answers should be told. In that way, I would not have learned anything that I do today. I simply would have expressed my concerns by leaving ?senior me? in wonder by explaining discovery is the main key in growing up and experiencing who one really is in his or her life time. High school is a time to be with friends and have fun everyday because once college comes everything will fade away. College is a new atmosphere that one must learn to care for his or her self in times of desperation. When venturing from high school leave nothing untied, fix all lose ends with friends, teachers, or companions because the opportunity to see them may never come again. Finally, always welcome change and enjoy yourself while you can! PS?Pack lighter than I did..


There are a lot of factors that I didn't think about when preparing for college. While I had heard all the stories of tough transitions, I never took any of the warnings seriously. I knew I could handle moving away from my family and friends and make it on my own. However, if I could go back, I would tell myself not to assume anything. I would tell myself that college is a tough adjustment no matter who it is and not to push myself with the thought that I can handle anything. I would suggest paying more attention to the people I meet at orientation and not to cling to kids with negative attitudes. I'd also tell myself to get the phone numbers of people I talked to and call them up to do something as soon as possible. Mostly, I'd tell myself to give people a chance. Some of the best friends are people you never thought you'd connect with. The classes in college aren't the challenge, it was starting my life on my own that was difficult.


When scheduling classes make sure you don't have morning or Friday classes. Make sure that you make good friends in the dorms and to make sure you get your homework done and study for test. Your first semester follows you all through your college career and it is hard to bring your GPA up if you get off on the wrong foot. Stay out of trouble with the law and go to your proffesors office hours. This is a whole lot different from high school. You need to read your textbook BEFORE class! Buy your textbooks used from an off campus bookstore or online. The campus bookstore will steal your money! Enjoy your time in college. It is the best time of your life!


Hey Lauren, listen up! I've got a wealth of information about college and the transition from highschool. First off, get to know your roommate. Since you decided to go in blind, I encourage you to set up a lunch or something to meet your roommate prior to the move in date. This will let you both plan for what each of you will bring to the room and will make things more comfortable when you finally live together. After moving in, make sure you meet as many people as you are comfortable with in the first week. Anyone that you think could become possible new friends, make sure you continue to attempt hanging out with them. Attend the various activities set up by the university and try not to be shy! What you do the first week can determine the rest of your time on campus! Most importantly, have fun! Don't stress to much about homework and tests. Yes, they are very important, but stressing out actually makes things work. These are supposed to be the best four years of your life-so make them be just that! Go Lakers!


I would have told myself to slow down and take my time. By not rushing myself through my classes and trying to force myself into a mold, I could have saved myself a lot of grief. I would tell myself to take more time for relaxing and having fun. I wouldn't have worried so much about money issues because there is always a way. I would have told myself to jump on every opportunity that came my way because college is such an incredible time in my life with chances that may not come again. But most of all, I would have told myself to simple take each day as it came, focusing on the issues of that day instead of worrying about the "what-ifs" of tomorrow. I could have saved myself a lot of grief and stress if I had just slowed down a bit more and enjoyed more of the small moments of college.


As a high school senior, especially being the eldest child and the first to leave the nest, college life was a mystery. One I could not wait to solve. Leaning solely on the advice and experiences of people who had already been to college, I ventured into the unknown. Now, with 3 semesters under my belt there are many things I wish I would have known. I would have told myself to be patient in the humbling search for new friends. It really is a smart idea to not go home on weekends for awhile so you can experience all that is available on campus. Things like social gatherings, sporting events, and volunteer opportunities. Beyond the social aspects, I'd really make sure I knew how important it is to utilize a professor's office hours, making sure they know who you are. Additionally, getting involved in a study group with your peers can minimize stress. Overall, I'd tell myself to relax and soak up every opportunity that comes around. College is a once in a lifetime experience that will be with a person for the rest of their lives. The decisions you make shape the person you become.


The advice I would give myself is to choice a college that you are interested in and not a college where all of your friends are going or where they will be a lot of parties. I would also suggest taking just general education classes to start off with to see where you really want to pursue a career in. Also, I would tell myself that it is ok to change your degree more than once since that is typical for every college student, in which I told myself in the beginning that I would stick to just one degree. I would choose a college that has good reputation for their academics along with their extra curricular activites to allow outside free time to take your mind off of academics. Choose a college that you will enjoy and grow from. Take chances and meet new people, take different classes that you may not be interested in, and enjoy time with your friends and family. Be serious in finding a career that you will enjoy but, at the same time have fun doing it!


There are a lot of things that I would tell myself if I could go back in time, but I have two pieces of advice that are the most important. Firstly, I would tell myself the importance of deciding a major after my first year at GVSU. By keeping in touch with my academic adviser and commiting to a specific major I would save myself a lot of the stress and trouble that I'm currently dealing with. I would also be graduating this year instead of 2012. Secondly, and most importantly, I would tell myself to be strong. I may come from a relatively poor family that lives in a small farming community, but that isn't a limitation, it's a characteristic. Even the smallest and most humble person can change the world. I need to stand up for myself and reach for the stars because if I work hard enough at building my ladder I can climb up to even the highest star.


I would tell myself what major I settled on so that I didn?t have to waste time getting into the thick of it and give myself another chance to take electives that are more applicable. I also would recommend that I use that information to break up major requirements with some fun electives. I would point out that I forgot to learn how to study. I would tell myself to read my history assignments and given myself copies of papers and especially lab reports so I could spend more time organizing and making my paper better and less time watching the clock countdown to class time. I would tell myself to go to bed. I would tell myself to get more involved in activities at school. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships whether I thought I had a chance at them or not. I would urge myself to step out of my shell and make some friends.


If I could go back and give my senior self advice, I would explain how college assignments differ from high school homework and all the new responsibilities that becoming a college student entails. College requires you to rise to many different occasions, such as finding a way to pay for tuition and confront roommates to resolve problems. Homework is different when you enter college if it even existence. There are no daily assignments, readings are assigned and I would suggest staying caught up on these to reduce your future study time. Papers replace actual homework and you better check your syllabus twice because teachers are not guaranteed to mention due dates. College is an amazing experience, but always stay on top of the ball and keep your eyes open.


Knowing what I know now as a college freshman I would have did things very different in high school than I did before. Some advices I would have given myself is to move things I was learning in high school from short term to long term memory. To read and take notes more, so that I would have been prepared for college and wouldn't have struggled much my first semester. This way I would have been prepared for college sooner.


If I could go back and talk to myself I would write more college essays for scholarships and would have studied harder for the ACT. I was always a good student and maintained a 3.5 or better G.P.A but that's not going to get you into college. The ACT is extremely important when it comes to getting scholarships and getting into a good college or unviersity. I would keep telling myslef to write write write and study study study! College is very expensive and its important to do all you can to get scholarships and prepare yourself for whats to come.


Sannita, I know it's your last year in high school and you've already thought about what college you're going to and what you're going to do after high school, but don't let those thoughts of being one step closer of being free and just starting to live cloud your judgment. Senior year of high school does matter even if you don't think so. It's almost like your last impression you can make on the colleges you're looking forward to attend in the fall. Keep your grades up and don't start to slack off because you know as much as I do that once you're in that "lazy/slacking off" mode it'll be hard to shake off; especially with summer coming up right before school starts up. Take this time like every other educational time in your life serious and make a ginuine effort! Your future matters and you keeping a good momentum now will carry on into college and you'll surprise yourself with succeeding more than YOU ever thought possible! The fun is just beginning, but your future is hanging by a thread if you aren't serious!


I would retake the ACT an tryto score higher, I had received a score of 29 and should have tried to get a higher grade.


I would have taken more AP classes so that my freshman course load would be easier. I also would have found a roommate to live with instead of "going in blind" in the dorms.


The first advice I would give myself is to remember that I'm not a morning person and 8am classes are not a good time for me to be learning. Another tip would be not to freak out about scheduling. Councelors are always there to help you map out your entire time at college, which is good for me because I have to have everything planned out perfectly. If I cannot get into a class, all I need to do is talk to a councelor because everything is always possible. I would also reassure myself that being apart of the Laker Marching Band was a good decision and that it helped me make many life-long friends. I would make sure to tell myself that studying is the number one priority, but skipping the books for a couple hours to join some friends for dinner or a round of Mario Kart on the N64 is also perfectly acceptable. Getting good grades will always be important, but remember to relax and enjoy the ride. Finally, I would make sure that I knew that I was not going to get amazing grades and the world won't end because of it.


Honestly, I wouldn't tell myself anything different. By the time I was graduating high school, I had already told myself exactly what I would tell anyone starting college. Don't freak out, it isn't worth staying up until 4 in the morning studying for a test that is at 9am. If you don't learn anything, it isn't worth it even if you got an A in the class.


Not to be afraid to talk to others and make new friends. Most people are very open to meeting new people and I shouldn't be scared to talk to them.


Take your time when deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life. Do not take your classes lightly now because they are going to be way harder next year. Learn to take advantage of any oppertunity you can for additional help if necessary. Have fun in college, there is never going to be another time in your life like college. Take that spring break trip and go study abroad no matter what anyone else says. Just smile and be happy. Try not too stress so much, the people in college will be more easy going than these people in high school. Just be yourself as a senior so you are ready to be your own person in college.


I would tell myself to relax. The transition from high school to college is not as bad as you think. Just relax, and be yourself. Get out there on campus and meet people. Don't keep yourself locked up in your dorm room. Do things that are out of your comfort zone. Focus a little more on school, but have fun. Don't worry so much what other people are going to think about you, their opinions of you don't matter. As long as you're happy with yourself, that's all that matters. Finally, when you get the chance to switch roommates, don't do it. But if you do, do not invite your best friend to come visit. Save yourself the heartache.