Hampshire College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are a lot of groups and organizations, but they have a lot of the same people in all of them. Many other people dont really ever leave their room. People stay up very late, most of the campus is up until 2am on weeknights and 4am on weekends and you can count on the dorms being noisy for all of those hours. Last weekend I went to six parties and I drank, there arent many people who dont drink or do drugs to be honest, but if you are subfree there is no pressure to be sub-full, but there arent many events that are subfree.


Two of the best/greatest/most popular events at Hampshire involve gender-fucking: Drag Ball and the Mustachio Bachio. By far the greatest event is Easter Keg Hunt, which admittedly involves alcohol. Is looked at with ill-feelings by the administration. Is completely student-run, student-initiated, and in some ways a coalescing of secret meetings. But when else do you find young folks out in the woods, hanging out together, in the hundreds at 10 o'clock in the morning?