Houghton College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


My name is Jenna Munro and I am a current music education/vocal performance major at Houghton College. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to definitely work on note taking and better time management (not procrastinating on homework). I would tell myself as well that I can’t constantly be working on homework, that I do need to make time for myself and to go out and have some fun with friends. Another thing is that I would let myself know that I need to keep my priorities in order so that I can stay on task more easily. I would also like to have the chance to tell myself that my high school friends aren’t what defined me and that I’m not always going to have them around. One more thing that I would have liked to let myself know is that I can’t be so shy around people and that I have to go and make new friends.


Dear High School Self, Trust God wholeheartedly and just go full throttle for whatever He is leading you towards. Do not be afraid to let people get to know the real you. Sure, it may be difficult, but how can they love you if they don't know you? Reach out to others, because you don't know what their life is like right now. Be encouraging as much as possible. Pray about everything, instead of worrying. (Phil. 4:6) Pray for others even when it is hard or awkward, pray for your college adventure, pray for your nation, pray for your family and, most of all, pray for God's direction in your life. High school is difficult, I know, but college is an amazing experience. I'm sure you can't wait to get here! Being on your own is not as scary as you might think. Remember your family is always there for you and loves you, even if your relationahip changes. You know something that never changes? God's love for you. Remember that He is always by your side as you embark on this journey of "college life." You'll do great! Love, College You


While it is important to try your best in school and get good grades, college should also be about the friendships and adventures. When I look back on a particular semester, I do not necessarily remember a grade in a particular class or how late I stayed up studying for an exam. Instead, I remember that time I stayed out until 2 am watching movies and playing with my nerf gun in the campus center. I remember the night a group of friends and I skipped out on a campus activity and just talked for hours in the hallway outside our rooms. I remember the inside jokes and the hours we spent laughing at something utterly ridiculous because we were so sleep-deprived. My advice is to take in the positive memories and to stress less about doing perfectly on every assignment. Try your best, but make sure to take the time to invest in those around you.


The most important thing you can have is the right attitude. If you aren’t serious then you’re wasting your time. Second, asking the right questions is important. There are resources to help you find the right college and scholarships. Learning how to stand on your own two feet is what growing up is about, but so is knowing when you need help. Asking questions doesn’t mean you can’t stand on your own two feet. Knowing the balance between the two is what truly makes you an adult. Third, you need to learn how to schedule your time appropriately. You will need to make a schedule to go to class, study, work, join a club, have fun, and later find a career. You chose to waste time or use it wisely. You need to ask the right questions and make a schedule, but with the wrong attitude it won’t happen. Take the time to think and know what you want from college. Decide the attitude you will adopt and know you are not alone. There are people who want to help you and you can find them, because only you can begin walking toward your independence.


Laura, You're afraid of girls. We've always known this. You grew up with three brothers. You find girls scary, judgmental. Yes, Carmen wrongly accused you of "stealing her boyfriend" and turned an entire friend group against you. Yes, Sarah passive aggressively attacked you for years because she considered you competition. It’s true- Karissa told you she had cancer just to see how you’d react and later confessed she'd lied. All of this happened. But, Laura, you can't write off an entire gender. Now, I'm willing to negotiate. If you'd like to limit human interaction to females above the age of 18 then I understand, but don’t be a fool. You must learn to trust girls. Many of them are bitches, but many more are tender, thoughtful, interesting people that you need to meet if you are to become a person worth being. So go to that sleepover Nina mentioned. I promise you won’t regret it. Soon you’ll be on a female floor with a roommate and everything. And it’s great. It is. Don’t miss out on companionship, relationship, or friendship. It is a precious gift. Sincerely, Laura


If I could tell myself anything before entering my freshman year of college it would be that college requires a lot more of you than high school ever did. You need to realize that reading over your notes for a couple hours the night before a test will get you nowhere. You should make time for your studies first and then for your social life. Also, a good night’s rest is more beneficial than you might think. It is tempting to stay up late with your friends every night but sleep is extremely important when it comes to your ability to focus on your studies. Perhaps most importantly I would tell myself to remember the people at home. Just because a friend did not follow you to college does not mean they are no longer a part of your life. Make new friends but remember to keep up with the old ones. Mom and dad want to hear from you too. They make it possible for you to attend college and they deserve to know how you are doing. Never forget what they taught you because they love you more than anyone and have your best interest in mind.


You need to attend college to set a good example for your children so they always know that gaining a good education is important. Going to school will enable you to provide a more stable and healthy family life as a single parent of three children. Also, everyone should be able to have a career they are proud to say they are a part of. Finally, I feel that the gift of knowledge is something you should never take for granted and as long as you are able to continue learning, you should take advantage of the opportunities that are made available to you.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to take looking for colleges serious. I would also tell myself to start looking for scholarships and not to take anything for granted. Also, I would tell myself to study hard and try my hardest in everything that I may do in my future and to ask for help when you need it. Don't just stuggle through something and hope for the best because it usually doesn't end up with a great result. I would tell myself to take classes that will help for continuing my education. Don't just take the easy classes, take the college credit classes because that is one less class that you will have to take. I would also tell myself to get involved in the different groups/clubs in high school. They can be helpful to you later in your education or later in life.


You're almost there, so stop stressing. If you're not in love with a campus, forget about it and find one you do love. And don't worry about finding friends. Be yourself, because you don't want friends that don't like you for who you really are. My friends think Charlie the Unicorn is hilarious, and we have tea parties while listening to hip hop. If you're doing what you love in a place you love, people you (will) love are going to find you, and it's going to be absolutely amazing. So just relax.


Study, study, study! I never established strong study habits in high school. I always skated through with very little effort and still managed to achieve good grades. Attending college changed all that. It became apparent to me early on in college that my old study habits were not effective. First, I attempted to tackle the difficult material by reading portions of the text over and over again in order to memorize it. This did not work. Next, I tried to study in groups and use interpersonal interaction as a way to understand complex material. Many times these "study sessions" would progress into unencumbered foolery and distraction. Obviously, this was not a sound method. Nor was studying with music on, in public places or while lying down... for obvious reasons. After many trials and errors, I finally discovered that flash cards were my friend! I have a visual memory with a 'Jeopardy' trigger brain. Flash cards worked well with that mindset and the good grades began pouring in. If I had established this sooner, my grades wouldn't have slightly stumbled in the beginning. I am glad to have discovered this method as it makes test-taking a lot more rewarding.


While you sit there and fret about the decisions that lie ahead of you, your future will unravel. I know that choosing a college or picking a major seems like the biggest decisions you have made so far in your life, that they will determine your future; Do not fret, no matter what you decide, you will always have another big decision to make. Majors will change a hundred times before graduation, and as long as you keep your calm, it will all work out in the end. Don't worry, the right answers will come. When you finally decide on a school, put yourself in your parents’ shoes (maybe not right away, but definitely before they have to say goodbye standing in your dorm parking lot). Your parents have to send off their baby, the one they watched grow and mature and now they willingly give you to the world that they have so struggled through; they lose their ability to feel like your protector. Realizing how they must feel will make the entire transition into College easier. Remember to call them, and remind them that they will always fill a part of your everyday life.


Don't skip classes, even if they are at 8 am or if the professor does not take attendance. Just go and actually attempt to most of the coursework. Do not let your senior seminar paper fall victim to your procrastination, remember the feeling of utter terror when you first found out what you had to do. Remember that feeling, do not fall behind and talk to your advisor. Do not be so proud and stubborn, ask for help when you need it. Try to balance old friends and new friends, just because you don't live together anymore does not mean you should not spend time together. Relationships take time and effort, remember that. And don't worry too much it will give you grey hair and wrinkles.


Cherish the true friends you have now, and spend your time investing in those relationships because those are the ones that matter and will last. What you learn academically in school is important, but the life lessons you learn in high school from wise teachers, parents, and friends are the lessons you will remember for the rest of your life. Choose a school that will provide that academic excellence, but also contains students of strong charcter that will accept and love you for who you are and will challenge you to develop into the honorable man or woman you can become. True friends show you the good and bad parts of your character. They help you see the good and use it, and they challenge you to face the bad and overcome it. Invest in those true friends you have now, and seek a college that will provide those lasting relationships.


You have to decide everyday what is the most important thing you're are going to do that day. Make a commitment to your studies because the time you have to grow in knowlegde and understanding seems to get shorter as you age, get married and develop a family. You're a senior in High School now and it seems like your future is far off, but the next four years will pass like a blink of an eye. Discpline yourself to really learn, never be affraid to dream big dreams, and don't be affraid to ask for help. You've got a lot of talent, ability, and strength. Use it to your fullest potential future-you will be greatful.


I will tell myself to work harder in high school and if the teachers were not pushing me or didn't have any expectations of me, to push myself because professors at Houghton have high expectations that I was not prepared for. Also, I would tell myself to make sure that I built strong relationships with my friends and professors because they will always be there for you as a support system when life gets overwhelming.


Ambiton and determination are the key things to be successful in college and although I was ambitious in high school I never realized how hard living in the "real" world was. I would tell my high school self that I need procrastinate less, focus on school, and learn stress management techniques. Why would I chose these three topics? The reason is because now I attend school and work full time; yet I still have very little money and nearly zero time for myself or for the obligations I have to my friends, family, and boyfriend. Stress and Busy are two my closest friends but I'd rather be spending time with Relax and Ambition. I would beg and plead with myself to apply for more scholarships than I actually did because I cannot afford to attend the college I want to attend and I would also advise myself to relax and not be so easily overwhelmed. Although, I do not regret my senior year I wish I had known what I do now, but that is the past Now I must perserve towards a better future.


Dear Elizabeth, Ask to talk to your academic advisor before signing up for classes in the first semester. Also, do not wait until the last second to do so. Love, Elizabeth


I would tell myself to not worry too much about schoolwork, and to get better scholarships.


College requires a whole lot more work and dedication than highschool did. Here, professers grade harder and push you to do better. Here, papers include a lot of research, which means that you have to start them earlier than the night before they are due. In order to do well in class you need to be allert. This means that you should not stay up late playing computer games, talking to your boyfriend, or reading books. If you do this frequently, I can garuntee that you will come down with a whomper of a cold. Do not take on too many extra curicular activities in your freshman year. Give yourself time to get to know the campus, find friends, and test the academic waters. Load yourself down with too much stuff and your freshman grades will be abysmal. Try not to sleep through or skip classes. Class attendance and participation does have an effect on your grade.


If I could, I would tell my high school self to stay on the track that I was on. During my senior year, I made sure to mentally prepare myself for all that college would be for me: moving away from home, downsizing my living space, and being thrown into a community entirely made up of people I had never met before. I would get nervous that there was something wrong with me to be okay with all of these changes, especially when all my classmates were panicking and worrying about them. Turns out, I was right. I adjusted to college life much more quickly than my friends did. Though I had an idea that I was right then, I would like to be able to reassure myself that there was nothing wrong. In fact, I had done something just right.


If I had the chance to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would simply say, "The rest of this life is up to you. You will have to make choices and sometimes sacrificies. Know that you will always have yourself before anything and anyone else. Educate yourself, experience yourself, experience others, follow your heart, and determine your fate. Take time to study and don't worry about the larger things. Take things one by one. Go slow. But always remember, do things for yourself." I would say this because, so many people are caught up in the larger picture. One can rush through college, filling it with parties, procrastination, and drama, and in the end of it all be miserable. Rarely people stop and breathe, take in what is around them, take in themselves. One needs to have fun, but one also needs to find oneself, for the fun will go away, but forever they will stay.


I would go back in time and tell myself, if anything, not to worry. Friends will come easily, and the papers are rough, but it gets easier with everyday. Don't stress out about what other people think, they are just as concerned with their studies, social life, and gpa as you are. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, people will be more accepting that they seem. Take more art classes, it is where your heart is anyway. Don't brag too much, you are smart, but there is always someone who is smarter. Get more sleep, all nighters are fun, but not worth it! Lastly, the classes are important and you will learn, but the places you go and the people you meet will teach you more than any book you can find.


In the short while that I've been at College of the Canyons, I've come to truly understand that for evey earnest effort I give, I'm sure to get a return of it back in the form of respect from my proffessors and an increase in my sense of self worth. These subtle rewards I recieve from this specific venue of education assures me that I made the correct choice for my higher education.


I have learned that community college is not for everyone. When I was preparing to graduate, all of the influential figures in my life were telling me that it was going to be a wonderful idea to go to community college for my first two years, and then transfer to a bigger 4-year university after improving my GPA. When I got to Henry Ford Community College, I discovered that what people had told me was true -- community college, at least to an honors student who graduated in the top 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of her class, is just like high school. The classes did not challenge or engage me, and the only real difference I saw is that instead of taking classes with fellow young adults who were going through the same challenges I was, I was surrounded by middle-aged adults who hadn't been teenagers for a couple of decades. I firmly believe that my decision to transfer out of Henry Ford Community College after one year, rather than two, will make my college experience much more exciting and valuable for my future.


Last year, I was able to study in London, England through my university. Through this opportunity, I was able to gain practical skills in learning how to live in a foreign country, how to interact with people from another culture, and it also provided the opportunity to learn and study in an environment that was completely unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I gained a new appreciation for people from all situations and cultures through both living on campus and in London and also gained a greater desire to use my talents to help these people. College has also taught me to look at the world in a different way, to consider things from many different viewpoints and not just take the easiest way out when dealing with a dilemma. It has taught me that I will have to work hard and make sacrifices to reach my goals, as I have had to work hard to succeed in my classes and in London. However, hard work will pay off in the end, as I hope that it will after I leave college.


I began college thinking that it would be a simple "piece" of my life: a chunk of coursework, maybe some research and volunteering then, hopefully, a useful career. Instead, I gained a wealth of integrative experience in my field that has led me on to amazing jobs and meaningful communities. Studying sociology, I completed two internships which have led to jobs in the United States and London, England. The dedication of my professors to helping me find just the right study and internship opportunities made these incredible experiences possible. Outside of the classroom, my years at college changed my life as well. Houghton College is a small place that is great for growing close relationships and the friends I made there have remained close in the months since graduating. At Houghton, I found a community of artists and writers that continues to foster my creative aspirations even after leaving. I found people who cared as deeply as I did about issues of social justice and how to confront them. I found wise mentors to guide and support me as I wrestled over decisions of my future. None of these would I trade for the world.


Before I went to Houghton, my world was very small. I knew what I had been told, and I believed it. I didn't know what philosophy was, I didn't understand politics, and I thought I had all the answers I needed. Houghton changed my entire perspective. I learned how to think critically, how to find information, and how to be discerning in what I accepted as truth. (even if that meant questioning my professors or textbooks). Houghton provided me with the opportunity to go to London twice, pressed upon me the importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity, and taught me about the global community. Most importantly, my professors demanded more of me than I thought I had to offer because they knew what I was capable of. I'm now pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology, and I find myself better prepared for this work than many of my fellow students. I have Houghton to thank for that because all the important points my professors hit on - ethics, multiculturalism, self-care, philosophy of psychology, morality, congruence - I learned at Houghton. My undergraduate education was invaluable because it prepared me well for nearly everything I work and hope towards.


I've learned more about who I am and seen how far I can stretch and challenge myself. I've also learned what I am capable of if I apply myself and take advice from those who know more than I do.


I am not the same person I was when I walked into orientation. I've taken a round-about route to get through college, enjoying an honors program in the Balkans, a semester in Tanzania, and soon student teaching in Buffalo, NY. In the middle of my college career I took some time off to visit my family overseas. Because I didn't have a "traditional" college experience, I found myself often challenged to think about who I am as a college student and who I want to be when I graduate. I had to consider my place in international history and my identity when my friends and extra-curricular activies were not available for validation. But since I attend a "traditional" college I have also had to write papers. I have learned to ask questions, and find answers, and sometimes the importance of asking for help. I have learned that good grades are important, but not the end-all. I have learned to ask forgiveness and to offer grace. I have learned by making mistakes, and by narrowly avoiding them. Houghton is an academic environment but the lessons I've learned I have already taken into the "real world."


The most important thing I've gained from my college experience is direction. Before college, I was rather lost about what I was doing with my life. I was making pizza and going home to an empty apartment and not knowing if I would ever escape from that life. But, when I finally decided to go, I was overwhelmed by how many options life had for me. I was learning about things I wanted to learn about and could invest in. I'v learned how to trust others by making real friends, I've learned how communicate better than ever before and overcome my fear of public speaking. I'm still scared about what God has in store for me after college, but I know I will be much better equiped for the real world with my education and have a better understanding of what it means to have goals, and achieve them.


College is a big transition, from having a roommate to being away from your family, from knowing no one to making new friends. The biggest transition for me however was time, it was all mine. There was no one to tell me what to do or when to do it. And there seemed to be plenty of it. Several hours of classes a day with free time in-between or even an afternoon off. I could do whatever I wanted. Sleep til noon, stay up til 3, play WII, watch TV, or hang out at the student center. There's homework ofcourse but there's plenty of time for that. But the truth is, if you don't manage your time well, it's going to hurt you. You can't wait till the night before to do that paper and when are you going to do your laundry? The best advise I could have given myself was to develop time management skills because time is valuable and you don't want to waste it.


Individuals receive wise words of advice every day from their superiors, their peers, and their parents?but often do not follow through until they experience and truly understand the difference for themselves. That being said, if I were the one to give myself advice from the future, perhaps I would be more apt to listen and comply. Maybe that?s just it?I would tell myself to be a better listener. I would urge myself to look outside of my young state and realize that I have a mountain of challenges, opportunities, responsibilities, and journeys ahead of me, and that I have so much to learn! Ask the hard questions, ponder the unlikely possibilities, talk a bit less and be an intentional listener. Hearing and being certain of this, I am confident that as a high school senior I would open myself up to things I would never focus on for more than an instant. I would go into college with a fresh perspective, humility and an open mind, three things that no one can afford to leave behind!


Hey girl! You don?t know me yet, but you will soon. Remember that thing dad always says, ?There?s stuff that's good, and then there?s stuff that?s good for nothing. What kind of stuff are you filling your time with?? What you learned cannot simply be classified as either good or good for nothing; it?s what you decide to do with them now that will give them value or make them worthless. Your journey through college is going to define you. Take what you?ve learned and apply it to the challenges ahead. Surround yourself with people who are going to encourage, support, strengthen, challenge you, and pick you up when you fall. They?re out there, you just have to be willing to look. Believe me, I've been there. As you step out the door of home and into your new dorm room, remember this: true wisdom is realizing how little you know compared to how much more knowledge and wisdom there still is to unearth. Never assume that college is the end of your learning; instead, see it as the first step to your own personal journey. Love you and good luck!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself many things. I would tell myself to study hard and always keep up with my studies. In high school, I did not study as hard as I should have. I studied just enough to get the good grades that I wanted. Also, I would tell myself to enjoy every moment because time flies by so fast. I would tell myself to get involved as much as I can. Extra-curricular activities are a very good investment of time, and they help you stay motivated in your studies. I would tell myself to apply for college early and look at many different colleges before choosing one. I would tell myself to remain diligent in my studies but at the same time enjoy myself as much as possible.


College is alot of fun and also alot of work. It is so much time management that you really have to be disciplined or you will not do well. Good studying habits should also be developed or at least starting your senior year because im some classes there is no way of passing without studying correctly. The transition is not easy, and you definitely have to have patience with your hallmates and especially roomate. Try to develop relationships early and from that choose the right group of friends. Also don't take your mom's food for granted.


Be prepaired to work hard. You are going to pay thousands of dollars to go to college- do not throw that money away by partying every hour of the day and night. Spend time with your highschool friends- after this year you may never see them again. Enjoy your last year as a senior, but work to keep your grades up. When it comes time to apply for scholarships, good grades will definitly come in handy; most scholarships look for applicants who have reletivley good grades. It will take time to get used to dorm life. Right now you may be straining at the bit to get away from your annoying little brother, but after a couple weeks away you will find yourself missing even the most agrivating family aspect. Enjoy mom's good cooking. No matter how the food is at college it will never taste like a home cooked meal. Appreciate the time you spend with your family now. In the next four years you will only be together with them for small incriments of time.


To Myself: 1. Don't worry about taking out loans. If you really want to go to THIS college THAT much, than it's worth it. (By the way, it is definitely worth it.) 2. When you are confronted with a subject that is really difficult, don't ignore it. It isn't going to go away, and it is too frustrating to fall behind. 3. Make friends! Friendships take effort on both sides, so don't wait for everyone else to make the first move.


College is unlike anything that I imagined it to be while I was in high school, but in my own experience, it's even better than I thought it could be. I'm so thankful that I applied myself in high school and am especially glad that I took all the AP classes that I did. Not only did it help me get a lot of the general education classes out of the way (and put me as a junior at the end of my freshman year), but learning to do a higher level of work and having those expectations for myself while in high school saved me a lot of stress when I started college. If I could give myself some advice as a high school senior it would just be to continue working hard and trying my best, even as other people tried to tell me that I should just slack off because it "didn't matter anymore." I've also learned since then to regard my school work as learning for the sake of gaining knowledge and not just as a way to earn grades. It's not the grades that you remember in the end.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to look for a close-knit academic community. Many schools have rigorous academics and have the programs for which I am looking. But not all schools have the personal atmosphere I have found at Houghton College. Search for a school that has small classes, good campus activities, and a high success rate after college. The books you read in college can be found anywhere, but the professors and student body are unique to each school. Find a college community that fits you.


I feel that I was very well prepared for the college life. However, I feel that I made a lot of decisions in high school that helped to prepare me for the transition. During my junior and senior years of high school, I took several college courses. I was able to earn thirty-five college credits during my final two years of high school. This experience helped me to understand the demands of college academics. I was forced to manage my time well amidst my college courses, my required high school courses, and a variety of extracurricular activities. Although this choice made the end of high school very busy and stressful, I am glad that I made this decision. As a result, I have been enabled to participate in a wide variety of opportunities that my college offers. I am able to double major in two fields that interest me. I had the opportunity to study in Tanzania for a semester and travel to Eastern Europe as a part of the honors program. Without my previous college credits, this would not have been possible. Without fully realizing it, I prepared myself for college life exceptionally well.


I would tell myself not to expect too much from people and be more relaxed about the transition.


I would tell my high school self to take as many different types of course in the first two years that way I could see all my options. Also I would say to work and save more in regards to money so that during and after college it might not be as big an issue.


I would tell myself not to worry so much about making life-long friends right away. Everyone is afraid in college that he or she will not make friends right away. To be open and friendly is key. I would tell myself not to be driven by comparing myself to others. That is a path that leads to desruction, eith via poor self esteem or big-headedness. I'd tell myself to be open and honest with my professors and to remember that they want the same things for me that I do. They WANT me to succeed. There is power in that. There is freedom. Most of all, I would tell myself to believe in the journey as much as the destination. Learning should never be entirely about what you want at the end. it is a process that should be enjoyed and taken advantage of. These years will never come again. Stay focus and believe.


College is not going to be as hard as you expect. Also, don't plan on being 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} focused on school 'cause the lifestyle is so much better!


I didn't have any problems transitioning into college. Just make sure that you are motivated to enough to keep up with your work in college.


Be yourself! Don't go to college and think that you can change who you are just because you have a new audience. Being fake makes it very difficult to make true lasting friendships. When you are the real you, people will become friends with you. These friends ships are going to be real, lasting friendships, and you don't have to worry about always putting on an act; you can just be yourself! Also make sure you don't spend to much time studying or to much time hanging out. If you spend to much time studying, you can easily become stressed, and you most likely won't have a group of true friends. On the otherhand, if all you do is hang out, when it comes midterm and final time you will be stressed out because you never spent time doing the reading so now you have to do it all in a week. You need to find a balance between studying and hanging out. This balance may take time to find, but make sure you find it. It will save you from lots of stress!


I would advise myself to be better prepared to work very hard academically and not procrastinate on my school work. I would also want to be more aware of the difficult transition from living at home to college life-syle, especially with eating, study, and sleep habits. I would encourage myself to stay focused and remember the things that I like to do and to enjoy life.


Megan, Be prepared to have your life stirred up. Everything you ever thought you wanted will be turned upside down. College is by far the best experience you have had in your life. You are going to leave behind a lot of friends when you go, but you will make so many more. I know it sounds scary, but it is for the best. You are going to grow so much. Everything you think you are now is just a sliver of who you are meant to be. So welcome the unexpected and be prepared to become new.


Make sure to start your search early, preferably halfway through sophomore year. Look first at the academic proficiency of the school and weigh that against the price. Location should be lower on your list of criteria, but of course should be considered. If it's a longer distance, you may not be able to travel home over certain breaks. Never chose a school for its social life. I would reccomend completing an interview (in addition to an audition, placement test, etc.), as well as contacting and interviewing one or more professors. While at college (or preferrably ahead of time), discover your best way of learning and studying material and apply it to the best of your ability. Stay organized and be willing to work, but always make sure to break and have fun with your friends! The key word is "balance." It will take a bit of time to find it, but it is possible. Do not give up hope. If things fail to measure up, start researching again, and transfer if you need to, but not until all your other options are exhausted. Most importantly, seize every opportunity and enjoy your experience as best you can!


You should have thoroughly looked at colleges mainly throughout your junior and senior year. Take things one step at a time. If you need finacial aid, get as much as you can. Know the school that you are going to well and know that you can transfer to other schools. It is easier to accept transfer students. It also also easier and finalcially beneficial if you start out at a community college then transfer to where you really want to go. You have time to think about your major and what you want to do. There are many resources out there to help you figure things out with your college life. Have a good time at college and dont think it is all about the grades but do have your main focus on that.