Immaculata University Top Questions

Describe the dorms.


Immaculata offers five resident housing options. On campus there is Villa Maria, Marian, DeChantel, Lourdes and off campus there are the Marchwood Apartments. Villa Maria has one wing of girl's dorms and one wing of boy's dorms. The girl's side of the dorm offers a communal kitchen. Lourdes dorm is two floors of all girl's suites. A suite consists of two dorm rooms with two people in each that are connected by a full bathroom. Lourdes and Villa Maria are connected buildings. Marian/DeChantel dorms are the newest dorms on campus and are connected. DeChantel is an all girl's dorm and Marian is both a girl's and boy's dorm. However, the boy's and girl's are separated by floor or by a connector room on the floor. One of the floors in DeChantel offers a communal kitchen. For each of the dorms, with the exception of the apartments and Lourdes, bathrooms and shower rooms are located on each floor. Every floor of every dorm on campus offers a lounge that includes at the very least a television, seating, and a microwave. In Villa and in Lourdes, each floor has two washers and dryers that don't require quarters to run. Laundry is included in Room and Board. On the bottom floors of both Marian and DeChantel, large laundry rooms with multiple washes and dryers are offered. In all of the dorms, heating and air conditioning is available.