Immaculata University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?


We have a wide range of students at Immaculata. In terms of an overall stereotype of the student body, just like the university itself, many students are Catholic and conservative. Many students have gone to Catholic school all of their lives or at least have gone to one of the Catholic schools in the area. But that’s a very broad generalization of the student body. Just as with any large group of people, those who have similar interests tend to hang out together. For example, we have very impressive music program at the university, so we have many musically inclined students who sit on back campus and play their guitars and sing. Like any school, if one were to look at our lunch tables, for the most part they are separated into the jocks, the geeks, the partiers and all the other stereotypical groups that exist. But because Immaculata is such a small school, students tend to fit into multiple groups. A music major, who can be heard singing down the hall, can also be a member of a sorority and play a sport.