Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I have learned a lot and have made a lot of new friends. It has also prepared me for the real world.


I believe IUPUI is one of the best Universities in the United States of America. It has everything i was looking for in good University. IUPUI has not let me down and i believe attending IUPUI is one the best decisions i have ever made. There are many things i got out of IUPUI. My major is BS in chemistry. The way my teachers have prepared me for further classes in chemistry is just unbelievable. I believe i got so much information from those classes, that i will have a great success in the field of chemstry. Also, my teachers are so great that they give me the selfcomfort that i can do anything, and give me the feeling of never giving me up. They say if you believe in yourself, there is nothing you can not do. I really like IUPUI and its teachers, and i believe its impossible for me to not succeed with those teachers and counselors. It has been valuable to attend IUPUI because the teachers i have are the best teachers, and I believe i gained good knowledge and skills. It has been valuable because i feel strong, and believe i will succeed in chemistry.


Tasha, stay in school. Don't spend the next 23 years of yourlife working on your first degree by going part time, starting and stopping. Get your education out of the way now and life will not be as hard as it has been. You've earned a degree in wisdom, however, the cost of that one is much more than you wanted to be pay, kept you longer than you wanted to stay! Stick out the 4-8 years and get the degree now. Sacrifice now so you can celebrate later! It will be worth it. PS - Your smarter than you think, focus, don't get distracted, oh and your gonna be in debt one way or the other, so you might as well have the education to make the money to pay of the debt. Love ya Girl! Tasha, 23 years later (age 41)


I would definately make sure I knew that college wasn't cheap. I have been working so much to try and pay for it. I am still struggling financially to make it. Be prepared to study and work hard. There are going to be a lot of things going on socially but you need to just remember you can have all the fun when you are graduated and starting your new life. Do not revolve your life around a boy because he is not going to be the one to get you through college. Take mom's advice unfortunately she does know a lot more than you. It is going to seem hard and choatic and at times you are going to want to give up but you can't you'll make it. Just hang in there and do your best that is all they want from you is your personal best. If you can look yourself in the mirror and say I did my best then that's all we want. Keep your head up and study hard! It'll be worth it in the end!


Adam had just fallen asleep, after another long day of doing nothing. When out of the darkness he heard a voice say, "Hey buddy!! Wake up!" That was surprisingly enough to jar him out of his usual "near-coma" sleeping habits. Startled, Adam jumped out of bed and scrambled for the lights. After adjusting to the light he was shocked to find himself looking back at...well himself! he began to struggle to find some way to explain this perplexing situation. Finding none he simply stared back at himself in total awe. Now knowing his earlier self would have no idea what to expect he said, "its just a dream man, so pull yourself together! I have a few things I need to tell you about college and i only have sixty-one more words to do so!" Adam, having no idea how to respond, just intelligently muttered, "Uh, k"......" Well, first thing," he began, "is to work on your study habits, and use them often! Next, get yourself off to a good start and don't fall behind! And finally, and this is a very important one, PLEASE, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!! Because I'm tired of always being hungry!"


I would say "Don't be afraid of what's about to happen. There's a whole new door opening in front of you, filled with new experiences! The first step will be the hardest, but as you adapt, and learn how to work in your new surroundings, you will find that it can be fun. And, while it will be difficult, I know that you can rise up to the chalange and take control of the situation!


In talking to myself as a high school senior, there are so many things I could tell myself. To begin with, one of the most important things I could have learned in high school was better studying techniques. In college, you can no longer expect new ideas to come as easily as they did before. The classes are harder and just memorizing answers and then forgetting them after a test is no longer beneficial. You must actually read the text book and learn the information. Don't be afraid to ask questions. The professors are there to help you, all you have to do is ask. If that doesn't work, find something else that does. Experiment with new techniques to find out what is most helpful for you. There are always tutors, or people who can usually help. So overall, just figure out what works for you. That is what matters the most.


If I were able to travel back in time and give myself advice about college life, I would have an extremely long talk with myself. I would first tell myself to become a better student. To really, fully understand what it takes and means to be a student. It takes dedication and a strong motivational character to persevere through the difficult and strenuous tasks ahead. I would also add that there will be plenty of obstacles that may happen along the way that seem too difficult to hurdle, but that everything will be okay. There are people on campus that have the knowledge to help you and to understand what you are going through. Don't be afraid of getting involved, everyone is here to make new friends and learn different ways of life. Just be yourself, truly and genuingely yourself, and everything good will follow.


Do not quit college. Stay and finish and continue your education. Work hard in school and do not just do what you have to get by. Really involve yourself in a good education. However, do not attend CollegeAmerica as they will take your money and not give you an education; this will save you a lot of money and will be enough money to complete your Bachelors degree without having to go out and finding it. Instead get in touch with University of Phoenix and do on line schooling. This allows you to work the hours you need to work at your job and continue your education without conflict. Get more involved with your work and work up in the company. Be more assertive and less passive. And never allow anyone to tell you that you can never attain your goal. Work hard and persevere and it will get you far in life.


I would tell myself to take a little extra time to really research all of my college options; to compare them academically and financially. I only looked into a couple of schools before making my choice and I really wish I would have done things differently. I would also tell myself that I need to be the one that takes total controll over planning my schedule. I have been misled by my academic advisers and I could have prevented that by doing my own research. Lastly, I would have told myself to live in a dorm. That was probably the biggest mistake I made. Making friends and living on your own is a big part of college and I feel as if I missed out on a lot by living at home.


If I could go back in time and tell my high school self anything relevant about college, I think I would mention something about my major. Since I have been at IUPUI, I have switched my major so many times, making mehave to take useless classes. So I would just go back in time and let myslef know the perfect major so that way I could be ahead in my studies. I would also tell myself not to be ashamed of who he is, becuase his friends and family would love him no matter what.


This is an easy question for me, actually I am currently writing a short story where a woman goes back in time and teachers her high school self lessons to prevent future mistiakes. Based on the story I woudl tell myself to not only try to do your best but believe that you can do your best. For years I have been struggling but only recently I actually believe, and I my grades are now improving because of it. I would also tell myself that you are the person in control of yourself. Do not fear tragedies, bad luck or misfortune. You have the potential to become a great student. Also I would encourage myself to make friends whenever possible and learn to enjoy a spectrum of ideas, thoughts, doctrines, ways of life. That is what I would tell my younger self.


I know that you are feeling overwhelmed and a little scared in anticipation of what the future holds for you. You have applied to a few different colleges and you know the school that you have your heart set on going to. Just know that it may not work out just the way you planned. You have to be flexible and know that no matter what happens, it will all work out for the better. It is time for you to take responsibility for yourself. Your teachers will not remind you that you have a paper due, you should know that from reading your syllabus. You will have to do a lot of work outside of class and you will try to put it off until the last minute. Big mistake! Procrastination is very, very bad! Just work on a little at a time and it won?t seem so overwhelming. Just be thorough and make sure that you have all your bases covered while you are in school. It will get easier to manage your time, in and out of school, but until then, just fake it until you make it and you will be amazing!


As a college freshman and having lived through the transition from highschool to college, I would tell myself to be patient. College is a life changing experience, where you meet and experience some of the best times in your life. Some people rush to get to college, to move out of their parents house or to just be more independent. The truth is, you will miss all of the aspects from highschool and being with your family the majority of the time. The only type of advice I would give is just be patient. I am firm believer of, "Good things come to those who wait."


Well considering I havent been to college yet I dont really know the transistion to college itself, but I know the transition to working every day of my life. Going to high school everyday I used to dread, the teachers, the, people the lunch, everything about it, but now that high school is over, work at a 9 to 5 job is not anything to look forward to either. I will be attending The Community College of Rhode Island in the fall of 2010 to study dental assisting. I hope to get out of this a rewarding career and an eye opening experience on life. Going from a carefree senior in high school to a hardworking adult at work I know i had to grow up quickly hopefully going back to school will compensate for my 2 years off I took from school. I am very excited to go back to school but I know financially Im just not quite there thats why Im hoping for some scholarships to encourage my outlook on this whole experience on getting into college.


As a high school senior, I wish I would have decided to pick something to major in that I was passionate about rather than something my parents felt would give me the most financially-stable career. Last fall, I entered college as a freshman Biology major. Since I have been in college, I have learned that I am interested in biology, but there is no way that being a biologist would be a satisfying career for me. I have always been passionate about music, but my parents swayed me away from pursuing it any further than high school involvement due to its unstable job market. Since then, I have been so miserable without music in my life, and I realized that although my parents don?t want me to major in music, I know I need to do what is best for me and not live as what someone else wanted me to become. I need to live my own life, and although I may have some troubles job-wise having a degree in music, any set back I will encounter will only make me stronger as a person.


I would tell myself first off to not get on facebook during finals week. I would tell myself to work hard, and it will pay off in the end. I would say that college is a lot tougher, but you are smart and you can get through it. Also, don't take yourself too seriously, and get out and meet new people. The first semester has already flown by, so don't take it for granted and don't forget to thank your parents for all he do for you! I would say to make a lot of memories, because college life is the best time of your life!


I would tell myself not to slack off so much my senior year and still keep up on my studies, because the transition from high school to college was way different then i thought it would have been. I would also tell myself not to attend IU, where i went my first semester of this school year, I would have told myself to go with my gut instead of my heart. I would have told myself this because then i would have attened IUPUI my first semester and wouldnt of have to delt with the stress of transfering and I would have been a lot happier my first semester if I would have made this choice in the first place. That is what i would tell myself if i could go back in time.


I wish everyday that I could do this, and if I could I would say "follow your dreams"! Go to the school you want, live in the city you want, and DON'T let anyone talk you out of it! I let my family and my friends talk me into going to a state school instead of the Interior Design Institute I had been dreaming of going to since I was young, because they were afraid I wouldn't get a well rounded education. I listened to them and didn?t listen to my heart and now I am in my 5th year in my 3rd university and full of regret. If I could just go back and do what my heart was telling me to and not be so easily influenced, I could be a graduate in my dream job, living in my favorite city, and maybe a little more ambitious. This is my biggest regret and will do everything I can to share with and hopefully help as many students understand how important it is to listen to that little voice inside your head, it?s probably right and If you don?t you'll probably regret it.


I would tell myself to learn to be more focused and patient with myself, plus not to be afraid to be different or use my intelligence , talents and abilities freely and be openly honest to all despite causing some social isolation. I would want to be more proud of just being ME, not trying to please others. I would STRONGLY INSIST that I go to College IMMEDIATELY after graduating from High School instead of putting it off and settling for a miserable warehouse or office job. I would FORCIBLY ENCOURAGE myself to put off ANY and ALL romantic relationships until having traveled and studied abroad in Asia and South America, and graduate from College with at least my Bachelor's Degree.


Always look ahead to the future. Often times you will run into obsticles that it seems have nothing you can learn from them and no way to get past them. However, you just have to keep your goals in mind and work for them. No matter how pointless it seems apply to every scholarship that you can. Don't go into living on campus scared. It is a very fun experience and its true when they say you can't judge someone as soon as you meet them. Go to the social events until you get your bearings and have made a few friend. Likewise after you have made a few friend don't quite meeting new people. Lastly make sure that you make time for fun and not just stay in your dorm. Its easier to cope if you have balance in your life. College is about finding yourself, learning to spread your wings, and makeing a start to your life on your own.


I would tell myself to be more open to new ideas and to get involved in anything that sparked my interest. I would also tell myself not to be shy or afraid of trying new things, since I waited too long to get more involved, and when I learned how much fun it was, I was disappointed that I had wasted time previously. It is also very important to know that it's OK not to do an extracurricular activity that you do not enjoy. If you try the activity and don't like it, fulfill your remaining obligations but then find something else you would like more. There is no point to sticking with something that you do not like, not even to put it on a resume. It is much better to spend time seeking out something you will truly love doing so that you can speak about it with genuine passion.


I would tell myself to not be so wrapped up in trying to get away from home. I would tell myself to focus more on the purpose of me going to college and not the perks of college life. I wish I could tell my high school self that I need to do as many college visits as possible, because had I done that, maybe I wouldn't have transferred three times. I would let myself know that "everyday smarts" wasn't going to be enough to make it in college and that I was going to actually have to study and apply myself. I wish I could go back in time and start my college journey over, knowing the things that I know now. With this newly acquired knowledge, I believe my transition wouldn't have been so rocky had I known it then.


If I could go back and talk to myself I would encourage myself to get more scholarships. In high school, I would look at the scholarships listings that our counseling services gave us and most of them were for minorities and athletes or for the very poorest. It was very discouraging especially because my grades were so good. I felt like all that work was for nothing because others got in for being poor or being born black. I would have told myself to look harder because there are some opportunities out there and college was a lot more expensive than I realized because I didn't get enough aid from IU. I also would tell myself to listen to my parents and just stay home and go to IUPUI to save money. When you really look at it, the "college life" isn't worth the money. It's not about the social scene, it's about learning.


College is going to have it's ups and downs and you may not want to be there most of the times because things don't always go according to plan. However, you just have to remember why you're here and what you intend to accomplish in the future.


I would tell myself to continue doing well and trying my hardest. Do not slack off at the end of the last semester of high school. As hard as some of your high school classes may seem, college courses take much more time and concentration. It is not going to be an assigned chapter and answering questions at the end. It will be lectures and a lot of reading and studying on your own time. Rarely will you have assigned homework. And most important, you have freedom. No more asking to go to the restroom, or having mom and dad call in for you when you are sick. You will finally be treated as an adult. So do not slack off and when things get tough, just remember, it will all pay off in the end.


If I were to go back in time the advice I would give myself would be to study hard and stay focused the first 2 years of high school and get your basics for your graduation credits, and the last 2 years expose yourself to different facets of education. This type of early experimenting with education will broaden your exposure to careers available to you in the real world which will give you some idea of the direction you would like to pursue in college. Most importantly, when you commit to something, anything, stay focused and do your best to succeed.


If was could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are many things that I would advise myself on. I would definitely have to inform myself of the current financial situation that I am in, and to work as many hours as possible before starting IUPUI in the fall due to the lack of ability to work enough and keep up with my school work. I was always under the impression that I would be able to easily balance the two out, but that was wrong. I would also try to convince myself of exactly how much harder it would be, especially without making enough money to pay off everything that isn't covered by financial aid. I would make sure I was fully aware of exactly how much the textbooks would really cost, and what the fee's are like when you don't get tuition paid on time. I would also give myself the web address's for several of the scholarship databases that I have found so that I could get to work looking for scholarships earlier on, as opposed to when I have no money to pay anything with.


I would tell myself that college is extremely different than highschool. Also I would say that it's up to myself whether or not I want to achieve in all my classes, nobody tells me to wake up and go to class. It's very self disipline. I would also tell myself to start being organized and never ever procrastinate because that can hurt you in the long run. Always get your assignments done and study study study. It's not like highschool where you go to the class everyday, you have to be able to make sure you know the material and get help if you need to because you're not going to see your professor everyday. It's important to make sure you get to know your professors and ask them for help because that's what they want you to do. Also, apply for a lot of scholarships because tuition isn't a joke and so aren't student loans so make sure you get any free money people offer. College can be fun you just have to be on it with everything.


I wish I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior. I've always had such a plan for my life and when I realized that plan wasn't workin out for me in college, I forced myself to stick to it and I was truly unhappy my first semester. I have realized now that sometimes plans change and that's ok. It doesn't meen I made a mistake or that my future won't turn out as successfully. It meens I'm working on a new plan, and this one is making me happy. If I could talk to myself my senior year, I'd advise that part of college is about making discoveries and growing. You can't "plan" for every part of life, but if you do what makes you happy, then changing the plan and going along for the college ride will be an incredible experience.


I would give myself the advice to learn everything that you possibly can. Knowlegde is power. Also, I would tell myself to get involved no matter what your major will be. It will be essential to you in the future.


I wish I had a time machine to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. The transition to college would've been easier if I knew then what I know now. The first thing I would tell myself is "Kelsey, you need to spend time outside of class studying and reading." High school was a joke and I didn't take it serious because I hardly did any schoolwork outside of class. I still managed to get good grades. On the other hand, college is a totally different story. You have to earn your grade. It was difficult to sit down and study instead of go out with my friends. My hard work in college has paid off and my grades reflect on it. Another thing I would tell myself if I could go back a year would be to not procrastinate. I used to be the person that would stay up until three in the morning finishing a paper that was due the next day. I learned my lesson so now I'm on top of the ball. Knowing what I know now about college, I wish I could turn the clock back.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to fill out more scholarships. I know so many kids who are going to college for free because they filled out a million scholarships and got them all. I filled a ton out , but I didn't recieve any. My family really can't afford to keep sending me to the school I want to go to. I would also have to tell myself that I need to get involved in some kind of club so that I can meet new people and make more friends. Another thing I would want to say to myself is that I need to live somewhat spontaneously and not get stuck in a boring routine. The most important thing I would tell myself is that I need to discover who I am as a person while I have so much freedom and time to spare.


If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would tell my self not to stress out so much about the little things. I would also tell my high school self to be a little more flexible and take some fun classes along with the required classes, and if those lead you to changing your major to be happier with the degree you are going to get then so be it. I would also tell myself that it is okay to take a break from homework every now and then and have some fun, otherwise you might get burnt out on classes and that is a very unfortunate feeling. The last thing I would tell myself would be to stop being afraid to talk to classmates. Making friends is essential to getting through college.


I would suggest forgetting about friends, gossip, and popularity to the extent that I could concentrate on what is important. I would tell myself that Math is easy when you are paying attention, Science will be your passion, and that I would make an excellent teacher as I understand the concepts explained to me and express myself well. I would emphasize the fact that if I do my homework, pay attention in class, and do not worry about "boyfriends" I will be able to support my children in a much easier way than spending years at a time in the Middle East.


If I could go back and talk to myself I would say be selfish. I know it sounds weird but I wish someone would have said those words to me at the beginning of my college process. By be selfish I mean it only when making the descion on where you want to go and why you want to go there. In the beginning of my process I didn't realize that all the items on my list of things to look for in a school were to please others. As it got closer to my desicion deadlines I tried my hardest to avoid making a choice until I finally, I admitted I didn't like either school. So I took the semester off and this time did my college search based off my wants and goals. I decided on IUPUI and have no regrets! So if I could help anyone I'd remind them "Its your future,no one can live your life for you so take this opportunity now to better it based upon your dreams and goals because if you don't you have to live with regret not those who you tried to please".


As a highs school senior, I would tell myself of the intensity of the work load that is put on a college student. I would inform myself of how much is expected, to what importance it is keep on top of school work, and ahead of the game. It should be mentioned of all the extracurricular activities and groups that will help further your education into graduate school and beyond. The transition from high school to college can be made easier if one is aware of the expectancies beforehand. It's important to be well prepared for the start of college, and a goal in mind for your future. College is the time to shine, to show and fulfill the potential everyone knows you have, be able to meet the high standards of your own, doing so will make you more ready for success and brilliance.


If I could look back as a high school senior, I would tell myself 3 things. One take an initiative at looking at a different schools and what they have to offer. Ask people that you know that is older and have been to college so that you know what to look for. This really makes a difference in the rest of your life. Two do not let anyone else influense your decision. Even though your best friends are going to this school, that may not be the best school to go to for your major that you are wanting to pursue. Three stay relaxed but be proactive. Time is everything so don't waste it.


I graduated high school at 16, and because I was young for my grade I was still 16 my first day of college. I am now 34, and am beginning my 3rd semester as a returning college student. If I could go back and talk to my 16 year old self I would tell her that life is about to get tough. I would tell her that she is about to make decisions that will have a lasting impact on herself and others, and some of the hurts from those decisions will never go away. However I would also tell her not to change a thing. A life lived with regrets is a life not lived. Look at your mistakes and learn from them, but then let them go. Without those mistakes she would not grow into the person I am today. I would tell her that if here and now was the end of the story, that the ending would be a happy, triumphant one, but it isn't over yet. There will always be the next challenge to overcome, and through her tenacity, she will always struggle and overcome each test that life brings her way.


Keep your options open. Don't rule anything out too soon. Give yourself a chance to experience a variety of studies. That little voice inside your head is probably right. Nothing is ever certain, prepare for all possibilities. LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS AND TEACHERS! They are really trying to help you. Mistakes are not the end of your life. They are a chance to start over a little smarter. Get involved in campus life as soon as you get there. Don't be afraid to join groups and activities. Find your place in campus life and make a name for yourself. YES YOU CAN! (repeating what parents and teachers often said)


High School is almost over, thank goodness. There is so much to look foward to - I have a bright future; stay focused and you can do anything you put your mind to. I will be successful.


I would tell myself to enjoy senior year, I stressed so much about college. Everyone is different, and you cannot judge how you yourself will handle something based on someone elses experience.


learn better study skills now before entering college and learn to feel comfortable with socializing and talking to professors and advisors.


If I was able to go back into time and give myself advice on the college life and the transition, I would tell myself to not procrastinate. Procrastination is an issue with many college students and personally, I suffer from it. I have always suffered from it however before college it was not as hard to stay on track. The college life gives you more freedom and the instructors do not hound you to complete work as they did in previous schooling. Also, I would tell myself to get involved in on-campus activities. My freshman year at IU I failed to do that. This year at IUPUI I plan to become more involved with on-campus activities. Getting involved can help my networking skills which could do wonders for me in the future. There are different types of people, from personalities to cultures on campus, so it is always fun to venture out and meet new friends and associates. Some of the best friendships can be established on college grounds, so that is also a plus. Last, I would remind them to study, which also falls under my NO PROCRASTINATION rule! College is great if you approach it correctly.


Going back in time to my naive high school self I would simply advise "Don't be scared!" I would want to tell myself to set all my worries aside and just put yourself out there. Yes, you many be rejected by some people and you may stubble in your classes, but these are only minor obstacles that do not impact the bigger picture of college; to just live and experience life. There is no need to be self conscious, because everyone else around you is just as nervous and self conscious! Try your hardest in everything you attempt and do not give up easily! Many times a class is hard because they are trying to see who is truly committed. Most importantly self, stick to what you believe and your morals! There are many people out there who many try to push you into doing things you do not agree with, but do not allow them to make you stubble. It may seem very scary but it is nothing you cannot handle! Do not be scared!


If I could talk to myself in high school, I would say "Take the hard classes now". The one major thing I regret from high school is not take the classes I would need for and engineering major. I would also tell myself to take classes more seriously. It's not like I didn't take them seriously, but I needed to work harder. I would also suggest learning how to cook, do laundry, manage time, and I would have saved a lot more money.


If I could go back in time, I would let myself realize how important high school is, both the academics and extra cirricular. I would make sure that I would realize that learning everything I can in my classes, whether it is required of me or not, would be very useful in college. I would start researching and visiting colleges my freshman year of high school instead of waiting so long. I would get in the habit of studying on my own time, out of class. I would let myself know that "going above and beyond" will never hurt, only help, even if it is not immediately apparent. As with extracirriculars, I would be involved in many more activities in order to increase my social skills and learn to express my opinion. As with basic living, I would tell myself to become less independent of everyone, such as my parents, and get used to doing things such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and shopping on my own.


If I could go back I would tell myself how focused one really has to be in order to be successful. Setting goals for your future will help one stay motivated in accomplishing the goals that will lead them to a brighter future. Staying focused on yourself and your studies will make life so much easier once you are graduated. I believe possitive thinking will help anyone accomplish these goals. I would ask myself how bad do I really want to be successful, and what am I willing to do to get there. Late nights of studying, complicated finals, less social time and more studying time, these are all things one must be willing to do in order to accomplish their goals. College can be hard, but only if your not ready for it.


I would say you dont have to know what you wana be for the rest of your life before you start off because most people change their major 2-3 times. i know myself ive changed once and now i plan on proceding the major of photography. College is a time where you test the waters figure out who you really and truely find out who you really are as a person. It is also about getting an education and something that ive been learning over the years is you only get what you put into it. It may not be alot of studing but the knowledge that comes from the professors is life knowledge they have been in the world and they have been in your shoes just give them some credit sometimes. The last peice of advice would be "breath" take time to live your life college is the best years of your life but there are alot of challenges that you have to overcome, so take time to do something fun and enjoy it while you can. Your not grown up yet so you dont have work full time take time with friends!


I know what I want out life and for a career. I will stay focused and won't ever give up on my dream. I am smart and can do anything I put my mind to. I have overcome diabetes and have learned to live with it. It has taught me responsibility. I have lived through back and neck surgery. I have a great future and can't wait to move forward. High School is only a stepping stone, as is college, but college is going to be so much better than high school. College will let me put my own future in my own hands.