Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Dear SarahDon’t worry too much about community college you will do fine. You will find yourself enjoying new friends, new subjects and new ways of thinking. All the high school fads, friends and cliques will not be around in college. You will learn more about adult life and being independent. You are absolutely going to love college it is so different from high school. You will find that you will be responsible for getting your work in on time and if you don’t it will affect your grade. Your professors do not allow you to make up most of your assignments so make sure you apply yourself. By taking some courses you will learn about yourself and it will take you on an awesome journey. You will have a lot of fun in college and you will discover who you are. Just don’t beat yourself up or be too critical on yourself. You are going to do just fine. As a matter of fact you are going to be amazing!


The high school is so cool because we have not responsability and the fun is the principal. The classes are easy in the last year of high school. When i go to university is very different but we adapt to the new university life. We have the responsability to go to classes because dont have a ring bell to advise. We need to study more to have good grades


Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself the following advice: attend to this school very opened minded. There is a diversity of students with ethnical and cultural backgrounds that I did not grow up with. However this did not make my transition from a small town high school student very difficult.


Out of my college experience I cannot say much as it hasn't been very productive or interesting, yes I have learned a lot, yes I have met new people and made new friends but I feel this University is not the right one for me, I certainly belong to another kind of environment, one that is more competitive and challenging.


Considero que las experiencias educativas en mi formacion como maestra, me prepararon para desempe?arme como una educadora de excelencia en el sistema publico educativo del Departamento de Educacion en Puerto Rico. Mis estudios universitarios me prepararon para integrarme a el area educativa como un ser integral en la sociedad. Como ser humamo fomentaron en mi el amor por la ensenanza y el compromiso con los estudiantes que enseno. Actualmente estoy completando mi grado de maestria en el area de ensenanza en educacion elemental.


Hi, my name is Victoria S. Larrieux (from de future) Don't be scared, everything is going to be just fine. The college life is not easy, but you will survive. Taking this step, you will see the things different. I know this is a big transition, but enjoy it because is wonderful, don't be shy and with your head up, take the next step..."you can see so much more things from here" Ps: You will never regret it!


Knowing what I now know about college life and making the transition, the advise I would definately tell myself first would be to follow your dreams and goals on how you think you'll be successful. The reason I would tell myself this is because I would've chosen a better college to attend, especially since I studied my whole life in the U.S, but I had to move to Puerto Rico with my mother and didn't have a choice. However I would tell myself to do the best you can do and try to overcome all of the obstacles that go through your way, because you are the one in charge of your future and no one can let you go down unless you do so yourself. Finally, the last piece of advice would be to always be positive-minded with everything that you do, even if you think you may fail, just believe in yourself and you'll be able to achieve those goals.