Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell my self to study harder and to try to remember all the important details in class. To be prepare for the big change that is to come, and understand the financial situation my parents are in order to pay for my education. Tell me to be more grateful for all the things I have and had in life. Also, do not live in the dorms.


If I could go back to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to reach out to a doctor. I knew things were "off" and could never figure out why things seemed so easy for other people to accomplish, even though intellectually I was on par or could even qualify for gifted courses. Had I been confident enough to ask for help, and insist something was right, I may have received my ADD diagnosis sooner which would have made going to college easier. It was not until I was an adult that I was diagnosed, and once I began to treat my ADD, things became much better for me--like clouds were parted and I could finally think clearly. My biggest take-away is that it's okay to recognize "weaknesses" and that it's okay to ask for help.


Think about the end goal. As a highschool student I knew pretty early on what I wanted to study in college but I didn't know exactly where I would end up professionally. Today, I'm fully aware of the process of becoming a forensic psychologist but I seem to have brought some of my old habits with me. If something doesn't fit in with your long term goals--don't do it. You don't have time for that. Realize the importance of staying home to study for the exam, even if all of your friends are going out. They don't have the same goals as you, and that's okay.


I would tell myself that college is great! It's a fun time to grow as a person and get to know yourself and others. One thing that I did in college that I regret is not getting as involved as I wanted to and getting too wrapped up in drama. I really wish that I would have gotten more involved in school publications. I would have loved to be the editor of the school's fashion magazine and to be more involved with the event management club on campus. I think this would have allowed me to have a wider variety of friends and have more experiences to put on my resume. Another thing I regret is the cattiness that so often surrounds college life. I really wish I would have been less catty and chosen my friends more wisely in college. I ended up with very few friends at the end of college because I was so wrapped up in my boyfriend. Although I love my boygriend and want to marry him someday, it would be nice to have a large group of friends to talk about him with.


I would tell myself to look more closely at what at want, be more prepared. Apply to more colleges with a good history program and good internship opertunities. Work harder so you can get scholarships to fund the many years of schooling you are in for.


Try to make friends right away. Don't be afraid to ask for peoples phone numbers or if they want to hang out.


It is important to always believe in your accomplishments. Setting goals is a must! If you feel like your working hard, you can work harder. Remember that your future depends on all of the above.


This kind of goes back to the previous entry - that no high school relationship is meaningful enough or strong enough to withstand the whirlwind that is your freshman year of college when the aforementioned relationship is long distance. I went through something where I dated a girl all throughout high school - for three and a half years - and we went to schools that were only two hours apart. Within one semester I had learned she had cheated on me multiple times. It's cliche to say, but your freshman year of college will change you in a big way and that will likely spell the end of your high school relationship - one way or another. So save yourself the pain and trouble and end it before you go off to school.


Relaz, would be the advice I would give. College is a great time in your life, enjoy it. Dont over think it, dont stress out too much. Everything will work out for you.. it always does. Do not worry about the new town, and not knowing anyone. Alot of people are in the same situation as you. So just relax and enjoy the ride!


If I could tell myself one thing when I was a high school senior it would be to worry less. Moving into the dorms and not knowing anyone seems extremely intimidating but it's important to realize that everyone around you is in the same boat. Everyone is looking for friends and although it seems difficult, it's important to put yourself out there because you can make lifelong friends. I would also tell myself to study for exams more. My first semester I treated exams as if I was still in high school, and I've realized many freshman do. However, exams and quizzes are much more difficult in university and really putting the time in and studying is the only way to succeed. The extra work will be well worth it and you can learn a lot about your own work ethic.


"It's not the grade you make, it's the hands you shake." Getting all A's in school doesn't help as much as meeting people in the industry through internships, community service, or social events. Break out of your shell and talk to people. That random person at your job that you are making a sandwhich for might work at a big engineering school and could have some tips for you. The woman that you are in front of in a line might know of an internship. Making friends with other students is key, because most likely they are studying the same thing you are. They may have notes for you if you miss class, or you can study together. Maybe they have heard of a new scholarship that would apply to you. Networking is key to success.


Make your own path in college. Don't worry too much about keeping up with your highschool friends or going home every other weekend. Get involved on campus and start new friendships with new people.


One of my biggest struggles in college is studying. I would go back and tell my past self to quit being lazy and start studying. Although I was successful in high school with little effort, I never developed decent study skills. Another piece of advice I would give would to be ready to talk to people you have never seen before. You are going to a college that none of your friends are going to so be prepared to make friends with people you have never seen before in your life. The last thing that I would tell myself is that you can survive without mom and dad. After 18 years of depending on mom and dad, you will be able to adapt to independance.


Rachel, you do not need to panic about what is to come. Iowa State has so many opportunities that you will feel truly welcome. The music education program has many passionate and wonderful teachers who will come to know you personally. You don't need to feel alone because these teachers have your back. CALL MOM! She is going to miss you so very much now that all of her children are out of the nest. Please remember to call her often because she loves talking to you.


I would tell myself to learn to say yes more. Say yes to going to dinner with people on the floor, to trying a new club, to a person asking you to join them to study. This will get you out meeting new people and trying new things. You'll make new friends which will make the tranistion into college easier. By trying a new club you'll gain a new experiance that might impact what you choose to study. Having a study buddy is a good thing because you can learn from them and review information by teaching them. Even if the thing you said yes to doesn't work out you'll have gained a story to share and knowledge of what you do and don't like. College is about experiances and by saying yes more often you're more likely to have them.


If I could talk to the graduating senior I was nine months ago, I would tell myself to not procrastinate and not assume that college is simply another four years of high school, because it is not. In college, it is important to keep up with your homework, quizzes, etc. because once you fall behind, everything will continue to pile up and there will be no time to catch up on your academics. In addition to the advice of not procrastinating, I would tell myself to not be afraid to socialize with your peers and not be shy. In college, it is important to have a social life in order to balance out your academics and ensure that you are not always fully engaged. If you do not take a break from academics every once and a while, you will quickly overwhelm yourself.


The first thing I'd tell myself would be to not freak out. Yes, it's a very big transition from high school to college, but it's just a normal part of life. I'd tell myself not to worry about keeping in touch with your best friends from high school because they'll always want to talk to you first. Don't stress about your parents either, because they'll be just fine. On the plus side, you can see them on weekends if you'd like. Another thing I'd tell myself is to branch out and try different things. The ISU marching band really helped with this, but you could definitely do more things in your free time, like joining different clubs. Try to put yourself out there and make friends, because chances are your college friends are going to stick with you for a long time. Last but not least, always try to keep a balance between school work and having a social life. Many times you'll want to study inside and do homework a week earlier than it needs to be done. However, it's also important to have a social life.


I will tell you that packing light was a good plan. You can definitely have too much stuff in your dorm room so pay attention to any packing lists on the campus website. I would also say that the summer between high school and college might seem like a big deal, but it really isn't. You can see high shool friends during breaks and such. Also, be patient when it comes to your parents. Every parent will react to their child leaving differently so it is best if everyone can act like adults and avoid conflicts. One last thing, if you do not make friends right away, do not be concerned. You will meet tons of people throughout the first semester alone and these people are also looking for people to befriend. All in all remember that almost everyone is in the same boat as you.


As a high school senior, I thought I knew it all. I thought I could tackle college just as I tackled my way to the state playoffs. Looking back, college cannot be tackled with just your body, or just your mind. College must be tackled with both mind and body. The first year is going to be tough. It is going to tear you down becasue that is what college is designed to do. The core idea of college is not to graduate and have nice stuff. The core idea of college is to learn deeper than the books go. Go deeper than the lectures. There are many hidden life lessons in the next four years with one of them being time management. College does not give you time because you have to MAKE time. Make time for homework, social activities, and workouts. Life is not going to slow down and neither should you but break time is critical to time management. In conclusuon, most people go through college half drunk and get a piece of paper but if you want the most out of college, go deep and embrace every moment.


Cultivate better study habits earlier rather than later.


I would warn myself about always saying yes. It's a dangerous word that holds great power, and is so easy to use. It's important that no is another powerful word that helps keep you inline. I would remind myself that schoolwork is very important, and sometimes you have to say no to your friends to actually study for the upcoming test, or do the homework that is probably due tomorrow. It's so simple to just say yes, and forget about studying for that test because my friends want to play games. But that test is very important, it has the power to raise your grade from a B to an A, but it also has the power to drop your special B to a C- if you don't study. There is an important balance of yes to no answeres, and it is important to find it. College is about having fun, and meeting new people, but it is also about studying and making good grades to go onto medical school. It's a hard balance to find, but it is the most important thing to know, friends are fun, but studying is superb.


Knowing what I know now, I wish my high school senior self had spent more time doing actual in the fieldwork. In high school, my interests spanned the spectrum of careers. One month I was devoted to the runways of New York with sights in fashion merchandising and the next I was mesmerized by nutrition blogs with my prospects set on being a dietician. Now, in my second year of college as a pre-med student majoring in Nutritional Science, I am scouring the locals for job shadowing opportunities in hospitals, volunteer opportunities in food pantries and clinics, all in search of the spark I feel in the classroom. If I could, I would go back and tell myself as a high school senior to get out in the world and do something. Hold my future in my actual hands and test it all out. Go out in the world and meet the real deal in person. You can love what you learn in a classroom, but only when you are able to stand in the prospects of your future and put you hands in the your prospective work will you know truly what you want to do. Thank you.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to not worry about the future. Yes, college is a big deal; however, after experiencing almost two years of it now I would simply tell myself that I am prepared for this, and no matter what life throws at me, I can handle it. Change is one of the most beautiful things life has to offer, and I should embrace every moment of it.


All I could say to myself is to stay open minded and keep exploring. Don't get attatched to anyone particular thing too early because you will want to explore. Never be afraid of the variety and diversity but rather consider it an adventure. Find things you want to learn and then learn them. Lastly, wherever you go, friends will always be there to be made and support you through your adventures in college.


Study more effectively and complete homework in a timely manner. This is the advice I would give myself as a senior. I have realized, in my first semester at college, that if I had studied for my classes like I do now, I would have been so much more successful. Being lazy and slacking off seemed easy in high school. I should have worked harder and studied more. Those skills that I could have easily started in high school could have turned into habits that I could then utilize more soon in my college career, rather than struggling trying to adjust to college life. In all, my idea is a simple one, but even the simplest of ideas, can make the greatest difference.


Get involved with more things sooner! You'll have more free time than you expect, so go to clubs, work on hobbies, do something!! Don't worry about trying too hard with friends, they'll come soon enough. Most of all, have fun! There's so many things to do around campus, you should never be bored!


Learn good study tips! High school was very easy for me in which I did not need to study often nor did I spend a lot of time focusing on school. When I entered college I found it to be a bit challenging and I had to learn really quick how to study and what study habits help me learn most.


I would tell myself to get in gear, and get into a habit of doing homework much earlier than the night before it is due. College is a HUGE step from high school, and it is going to take much more commitment to have that 3.8 GPA in college than it did in high school. You might have once been able to do your homework the night before it was due and barely study for tests before big exams. But in college, you will have so much invested into your education that minimal effort is no longer good enough. You are going to really start focusing on your education, because your next 30 years may be decided by how well you perform in college. So suit up, and get ready for a wild ride!


In high school, thinking about the next year starting college seemed like a large feat in itself. Thinking even further into the future, as far as college graduation, was the last thing on my mind. In high school, I argued that I had four full years to figure things out before I graduated. However, knowing what I know now about college, I would advise my high school self to continually think ahead. To start thinking about study abroad a year before I want to go, to plan my classes two years in advance, to attend the career fair and start practicing for interviews long before I actualy apply, to start scholarship applications as early as October... In high school, it's easy to think only a few months ahead at a time. However, in college, there's no such thing as too much planning. Even though you can still get by with a short-term attitude, planning in advance sets you above your peers and prepares you for the next few years. The next four years may seem far away, and it may seem difficult to think about where you'll be, but don't wait. The future is now!


I'd tell my high school self to expect the unexpected at Iowa State. I'd tell myself to do what I did when I first got to college -- jump right in to opportunities and see if you sink or swim. If you sink, jump into the next opportunity that presents itself. But if you swim...swim as far and as hard as you can. Jumping into opportunities helps you discover what kind of person you are and who you hope to be by the time you finish college -- not taking advantage of every open door could, in all honesty, determine your future. Take those open doors seriously, but know it's okay to have a little fun at the same time. Also, know it's okay to close some doors after you've taken a look around and realized you wanted something different. Getting involved is also a chance to meet some fantastic people -- people you want standing beside you during important milestones in your life. There is no better way to embrace your future than getting involved with the limitless opportunities at college.


I would tell myself to make more connections with people in high school. I would advise myself to get more involved with sports. I would tell myself to try and be different and do things that would allow me to stand out. I would tell myself to go straight to Iowa State and not transfer from a community college. I would advise myself to apply for even more scholarships and save more money.


Stick with your strengths and don't go after a career that might have a higher earning potential. You'll just be miserable. That, and you'll wind up not going to class, which will result in having to take time off to figure out what you really want to be when you grow up. Happiness in a career is much more important than money. Besides you and organic chemistry do not get along very well! You're going to be a single mother trying to go to school, but whatever you do, DO NOT max out your student loans! I promise you'll regret it! You're going to get a good job after graduation, work for a while, get your master's degree, then work for a while again before going after your PhD. Make sure to save up, because you're not eligible for tuition assistance and will be paying out almost 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of your monthly salary income to cover tuition!


Keenan, Iowa State is definitely the school for you! The friends you will meet, and the experiences you will have are irreplacable. However, I know you are struggling with choosing your major. Your summer job at the Forest Preserve will be what you always dreamed of as a first job, and this is your passion! If you are truly stressed about completing a degree in four years, then get out of Civil Engineering. Do not pay attention to what anyone says, this is your life! Everyone will love and respect you even more if you stick to your guns, and follow through with what you love and believe in. However, your past will determine the person you are presently; not changing immediately to Forestry would afford you valuable learning experiences that go beyond academia, and extend in to your personal life. My biggest advice to you is to do what you desire, and do not have regrets. You will find what is right for you when the time is right. Sincerely, Keenan


Take more AP classes! It will help the transition based on the difficulty level that college brings. And also to be more involved in clubs or organizations so you can get in the habit of being involved.


The advice I would give to my past self would be to relax. I was so stressed out about what college would bring and its difficulties that I was not able to enjoy my first few days. I was so nervous not to make friends that I psyched myself out. College actually comes a lot easier than I thought. I had at least 10 new friends within my first week here at Iowa State which was more than I was hoping for for the whole year! Chill out Jessica!


Take as many college classes as you can in high school, so that when you get to college, you can focus on the classes directly related to your major. It also allows for more time for the activities college has to offer, such as the many clubs and student organizations!


As a kid in high school I was very independent and hard working so college was not that different for me. But I guess one thing I would say is that you will meet people that fit your personality traits that you will not find in high school. With your major you chose that major because of the kind of person you are and the other people in your major are very alike that personality as well because they chose the same thing for most of the same reasons. So don't worry about the transition it is very simple and not that different.


I would advise myself to look at other school options. Although Iowa State has proven to be a solid choice of schools, I still wonder what other schools would have to offer. Maybe Michigan or Ohio State or one of the military academies would have been the actual school for me... They're each definitely cool in their own way... Alas, I will never know what it would have been like to go to any school other than Iowa State because that is all I looked at.


Do what you think its best, always trust yourself. Don't look down at people for being different, that's what is magic about the world, the huge diversity.


The biggest lesson I have learned is that strong relationships are improtant but they can change no matter how perfect I thought it was before college. I learned this through my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I dated all four years of high school and he is my best friend. We had a relationship that I thought was unbreakable but two weeks into college I was proven very wrong. He was driving to visit me from his college in Minnesota and he never showed up. A couple of hours later, I learned that he had been in a car accident and a couple days after that I learned that he crashed due to being hungover. He lied to me and let me down, I carried a lot of anger with myself for weeks. Besides telling my relationship story, I wanted to tell what I learned from this. I wish that I would have known that people make mistakes and college is like a fresh start and can hinder new relationships or change the old ones. It is not fair to expect all relationships to stay the same with anyone when you or the other person are in a whole new environment.


I would tell myself to not change for anyone. Stay your goofy fun loving self. College is a tough but fun experience. You will meet so many amazing people who will change your life for the better. Stay true to YOU. Do not blend in with others, make sure you pave your own path, do your own thing. Don't blend in with the norm make your own style, stand out against the crowd. People will judge you but thats not any different from high school. On that journey make sure you discover yourself by being yourself!


Don't be afraid to try new things. Doing things that are outside of people's comfort zones gives people opportunity to learn more about what truly ignites their flames. If I could restart my college career, I would push myself to do everything that makes me uncomfortable (that is still safe and legal of course). More specifically, for example, I would push myself to move to the school across the country that I thought was too different from what I already knew and I would make an effort to get to know personally every industrial engineering classmate. Like ripping off a band-aid, challenging oneself is difficult, but it is absolutely necessary for personal growth.


I would tell myself to go into college with the most open mind possible. It is a time for self-discovery, self-improvement, and just re-creating yourself in any way possible. Take life seriously when preparing for college, but always remember to go with your gut feeling and go out there and get what you want. Iowa State will change your life in more ways than you can even imagine. Don't stress about the little things that seem huge to you now, because in a year you will be thankful for those experiences. Your best friends will be waiting for you at your new school, and it's just up to you to get out there and find them. The best years of your life are still ahead of you.


I am still so naïve. I am still learning so much and I am still needing all the advise I can get. But what I have learned over my first year at college could be summarized in one word: proactive. Be proactive in everything you do. First off, be proactive with finding scholarships. Every penny earned toward college is worth it. Earn a penny now and that saves you from having to pay three penny's in the future for that one. Be proactive in getting involved in your community. Not only does community service and work look great on a resumé and application, but it impacts you –the individual– more than you think. It builds character, it gives you leadership skills and communication skills, and it helps you meet more people that in the future may be your connection to a job. Your connections become so important when trying to enter the work force, so why not start making them early on while still in school because soon your teachers become your peers. If I could rewind, I would strive to redefine my work habits as a new word: proactive. Being proactive makes the transition stage much easier.


If I could go back in time to give advice to my senior self, I would have quite a bit of advice to give. First, save as much money as possible because the FAFSA does not give money to middle class families. Second, just because your mom told you that you couldn't rush, doesn't mean you can't. Rush because joining Greek life would be very rewarding and will help you make much better friends in the long run. Third, live in a communal bathroom dorm. It builds charater and helps you make closer friends. Fourth, fill out as many scholarships as possible. Fifth, don't be afraid to talk to your professors because they will give you some great tips and you will find out that they are actually cool people. I found out how to study for French exams, how to do statistics homework, and that my Introduction to Business teacher was a ballet instructor all because I went in during office hours. And lastly, don't be afraid to do anything. Learn how to live on your own, but ask for help when you need it.


Go greek freshman year!


Take some college credit courses, they really help take the work load off. also try and be even more prepared than you are because there are many changes that can happen to things you have planned for. Also, learn how to talk to others if you arent good at it because it will become important and so will learning how to manage your time.


I would advise myself to improve my time management skills, because it would have saved me many late nights and the unnecessary stress that came along with it during my first year. Apply for scholarships! In high school, you don't realize the harsh reality of taking out student loans. Four years of tuition adds up, and a few hours a week in high school can save yourself years of stress after college. Get a feel for different career paths. I entered college not having a good idea of what I really wanted to do. Althought I enjoy Mechanical Engineering, I wish I would have had job shadowing experiences in a few other fields to eliminate some "what-ifs" I have had throughout my college years. Work more during your summers, and save more money! Prior job experiences definitely help during interviews, whether it be for an on-campus job or an internship opportunity. It may be difficult to save that hard earned money in high school, but you'll have personal expenses in college you need to prepare for. It's great to have money to spend in case you need to unwind after a rough week of exams.


Get good grades. Apply yourself. College is super expensive and you need all the help you can get to get through this hard time.


Do not fall behind in any classes and get help as soon as you need because college classes do not slow down. The classes only speed up as the year goes on. If you need to get a tutor get a tutor because its alot cheaper then retaking a class.