Johnston Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to my high school self knowing what I know now I would say. Research you major find out what it is that you want to do. Save up money for school you have to be smart on how you use your money especially when you have to buy books and supplies. Get some of your supplies ahead of time. Always research the school of your choice make sure you know what programs they offer and what kind of services they offer for you as the student. You have to be smart and be careful with loans you don't have to take the full amount of that loan that they offer you you can choose the amount be you should remember that in the end you have to pay more back. And I would also say that if you are struggling in your classes don't hesitate to talk to your instructor in big colleges you need to know that your not the only one in the class and others are also pursuing the same degree so its first come first serve basis. Don't give up if things are hard keep trying.


When I was a high school senior I lacked confidence in myself. I felt that I wasn't prepared to face college-level coursework, nor an environment so large that I could be potentially numbered and not considered an individual with specific needs and personality. I let that fear get the best of me, and after failing my second semester of college, I took a year to re-evaluate my life. A year that was essentially wasted because I didn't have the guts to believe in myself. Now, I'm at the top of my game and I refuse to let anyone or anything sway my resolve to not only make my parents proud, but to be proud of myself. If I could sit down with the past Yahsheva, I would hug her and tell her: "I know you're scared, but you're going to get through it. Always remember who your supporters are, and draw on their energy when you think you won't succeed. And never complain when you know you didn't do your best. Last of all: make yourself proud. "


After the previous two years of my college life, I know I've gained enough experience and knowledge that would be valuable to myself as a Senior or anyone else preparing for college. I've learned not to waste time. Time management skills were my biggest weakness back in high school. In college you can't just wait and put off anything. The earlier you can get something done the better the results would normally be. Being aware of your surroundings and of what's going on is important for your future as well. I'd tell myself to start looking up deadlines and preparing things in advance. Everything changes in the college world, and you have to be ready for all of it. If I had known what all I would have to adapt to back then, perhaps the transition between schools would have been easier for me.


To do more in high school and to work harder!!