Lee University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back to senior year, I would tell myself to quit wanting to grow up so fast and enjoy all the growing pains of freshman and sophomore year. For me, I hurried myself to grow up to quickly freshman year to transform from an awkward first year to an upperclassman. I rushed getting out of living in the dorm to an apartment and went from hanging out with kids my age to older post-graduate students. I think that going to college is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to live, work, and grow with people of the same age as a community. While college is about recieving a degree to gain a job, not all the education you gain over the 4+ years is in the classroom. Dorm members, RA's, classmates all have something to teach you to help you become a better, wiser person and gain real life experience. If I could go back to senior year I would tell myself that college is an experience and I should not rush it because I could be losing very valuable life lessons along the way.


I would tell my high school self not to put making friends my top priority when I get to school. Making friends will come naturally; just give it some time. Put God and your schooling first. Also, when given the opportunity, be social. Do not spend an entire night in your dorm room when you could be meeting the girls on your dorm floor.


Lindsey: Do not rush the decision. The next four years will go by quickly, but they will also drag on. They will be filled with experiences from opposite ends of the spectrum--good and bad. You need to chose a school that will make you happy. It is about much more than just the academics, although that is the most important. The location, the people, the professors, the clubs, the dorm life, etc. will all be so different than life now; therefore, enter into this new chapter with an open mind. Grades are extreemly important, but it is more important that you chose a place you love learning at. Stay ambitious and reach for the stars. Try to keep your stress at a minimum and enjoy this time, for college life is an experience that does not happen again.


I would tell myself to write, to build relationships, and to be confident. Journal about your life on an almost daily basis, it will not only help you mentally process all these new experiences, it will also give you a written record to look back on for years to come; one which you will cherish. Intentionally take time out of your day to spend with friends. Grades are important, but the relationships you build in this new place, with both your peers and your professors, are going to carry a lot more weight into the future than your GPA. Be confident in yourself and the work you do for a class; so far the biggest mistakes we've made have been unnecessary worry and self-induced stress over the little things. Just take a deep breath, ask for help, and don't feel ashamed; we all need help and trying to be the exception to that rule only proves you need help as much as everyone else. Finally, college isn't the last stop, so never treat it like it is. You're gonna go on to bigger and better things when you're done here. You got this.


Transitioning into the college life will create some stress, but you will also discover your resiliency. Cry when you need to cry, but laugh when you need to laugh too. These next four years will be the greatest journey of self-discovery one can experience. Therefore, challenge yourself and take some risks! You have the potential to be great, and you will find that each and every class lecture, long night of studying, late night hang out, conversation with a classmate, and service project will build your character. Character signifies that you are a trustworthy citizen. Develop your character, and you will become an excellent young professional. Now, finish strong in this last year of high school because your bright future is calling you.


I would tell myself to go for as many scholarships and grants as possible; that the most difficult part about college is affording it.


As a high school senior I was beyond stressed to be leaving the comfort of my hometown and venture off to an unknown place 500 miles away from all I've ever known. However, its not as scary as it seemed. If i could go back and tell myslef what I know now things would have gone a lot smoother though. First of all, I would tell myself not to take the time i had left with family and friends for granted. I know it doesnt seem like it now but you will miss them, I promise. Secondly, I would tell myself to remember that everyone there is in the same boat as you are, or has been at one point. Dont be afraid to put yourself out there and meet new people. Yes it can be intimidating but its worth it. My last piece of advice would be to just let loose and have fun. College is one of the best experiences ever so dont miss out. Go to the events and functions and athletic games. Join clubs. Get involved and you will have the time of your life.


This is the time of your life. Standing at the crossroads between high school and college, childhood and adulthood, you now make the choices. As I stood in the same place a year ago I was reminded of the poem "A Road Not Yet Taken" by Robert Frost. This is one of the most important decisions you will make so look closely. Peer down each path as far as you can see, keep every option open, but never lose yourself. As you stand and chose I encourage you to drown out every voice full of expectations and focus on the subtle whisper of your own heart. Never walk down a path because of another person, this is your journey. Dare to escape the expected and take the road not all chose. This your life, your future. Begin early so that time is no issue and chose a path with your future in mind. This is your passion. College is a place for your dreams to become reality. Never chose on a whim or follow a fling for time is something you can never take back. So in the words of Frost, allow this choice to make all the difference.


If I could go back and talk to me as a high school senior getting ready fro university I would tell myself to enjoy the time at home I have with family before I leave. Being from Canada and moving to Tennessee is hard and it is hard to be away from your family for the first time and to be living on your own. You need to appreciate them and love them because they do so much for you. You need to not wish that day where you can leave will come sooner but don't dread it either. You need to prepare yourself for the big move but also spend time with your family before it is too late. Most importantly when you get to universty you need to stay positive because transitioning will be hard but it will be worth it. Everyone has a hard time transitioning and you need to be someone that they can come to to find comfort and encouragement. I would also tell myself that living with another person is hard and you need to be patient and care for their need before your own.


Dear Jessica, I know this might seem like a radical concept; but you do not have to be afraid. Every film, parent, and older sibling that has ever experienced university has told you the same thing: College is different than highschool. This mantra has been repeated to you so many times, it has lost its meaning. I'm here to tell you that it's true. Your experiences thus far in life have been tumultuous at best. I understand that you are frightened of this transition. I urge you to move ahead. Do not wait to begin college, as I did. This is a new chapter in your life, and you will experience happiness and a sense of belonging that you have never felt before. From this point on, your life is in your hands. You finally have freedom. Whether or not to attend is your choice. Whether or not you apply yourself is your choice. Whether or not you are happy is your choice. Choose yes, Jessica. Life is too short and to beautiful to waste. Go. Learn. Experience. It will be the best decision you will ever make. Love, Jessica.




Don't put things off as far as planning what college to attend and studying for the standardized tests.


Teresa Marie, leaving home and going to school is going to be harder than you think but you are smart and you can do it. It is an investment of your time and money so don't blow it! Education is never wasted so be sure to apply yourself and do your best in each and every class. Enjoy the social atmosphere of being on your own and making new friends but don't let that get in the way of your academics. Academics have to be the primary focus, friends are secondary. When you return to school twenty years after you leave to get married and have children you will find new challenges to the task but you will make it. You will have a greater appreciation for the time and cost involved in completing your college work, both monetarliy and emotionally. You are going to be a strong woman and you are smarter than you give yourself credit for. Do your best, that is all you can do, and that will be enough.


Going back to high school and preparing myself for college I would make it a key goal to let myself know to stay calm and chill. That being said, most people going into college that flip out and they do not realize that it is not as bad as they say, and everyone is there to help you, not come against you. Secondly, I would tell myself that I will have to work harder, in high school I really slacked off causing me a lot of grief when I tried to come to college mostly financially. I would really push myself harder, and devote more time to my studies seeing that it will eventually be my career. Lastly, I would pray more. I would seek guidance adn spend a lot more time with God in order to prep myself. Another reason I think that I struggled so much is because I fell away from the Lord, and not praying and seeking direction. That being said, I think that if I were to do that a lot more stress would not be in my life and way less financial troubles if I would have just pursued God more that I did.


I would tell myself to actually study and to try harder in school. School was never hard for me so i never studied or applied myself as well as i could, if i had i would've had more scholarship oportunities and would have graduated with a 4.0 GPA.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that nothing ever really goes according to plan, and that’s ok. I had planned on going to Michigan State to become a veterinarian, but that’s not how things turned out. Instead, I moved across the country to join a ministry and leadership program. I also didn’t attend a college campus; I became an online student at Lee University. Despite this being far from my high school plan, I am so thankful for how it turned out. It was at this program I discovered I wanted to become a psychologist. I fell in love with people and the human mind. I am now ready to join a college campus more than ever. I would tell my high school self that we never stop transitioning throughout our lives; college is just one of the many transitions! I am looking forward to this new transition in my life and believe even better things are to come.


Going back in time and changing what is already done is something that many of us wish we could do. If I were to go back in time, I would simply tell myself to enjoy college, take time to spend time with your friends, and remember to put down the books. Yes, college is about getting a degree- that's what we are paying money for. Yet, it is so much more than walking across the stage in a few years and grabbing a piece of paper. I would tell myself that it is okay to be vulnerable to those around me, let them in, you never know- they may show you something about yourself that you never knew. I would say to question yourself, what you believe and why you believe what you have for the last 18 years of your life- who are yo without your parents? Lastly, I would tell myself that college is so much more than getting a degree, it's about finding a passion for what you love, creating life long friendships, and making memories that will endure forever.


Hey Daniel! Open your eyes! The world doesn't revolve around you. Just because you can pass a class without trying hard doesn't mean that's the right thing to do. You will get a bad habit of this and it doesn't work like that in college! Read more books, for me, your vocabulary is pathetic! But, hey, keep being a good kid and focus on your school. Just because you are a senior in highschool does not mean you know everything there is to know. Trust me when I say you have plenty of time for fun. Pay attention here, I have some advice that might save you a lot of money: You're not invisible to the Police on the road! Slow down and keep from getting so many tickets! And also, don't drive so fast through the parking lot in mom and dad's Suburban! You could do a lot with those $500 you might save from that accident. One more thing: Don't listen to the "popular" kids. They have no potential. Being a "nerd" is the best thing that could have happened to you. - Looking out for you, Your Future Self


I would give myself advice to follow my heart and not let anything slow me down. I would tell myself that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to! I would also advice myself to prepare for college and get ready for sleep deprived nights and a low bank account, but know that it will all be worth it in the end! I am stronger, smarter, and more independent than I realize!


I am 47 years old now. If I could go back in time, I would tell my high school self not to wait coming out of high school. Your brain is still fresh and your hopes and aspirations are still in high gear. It has been tough to get myself back to that youthful mode, but I have, and it can be done. I would also tell my high school self to take all the prerequisite courses I could, and to take more time studying for assesment and placement exams. I would also tell myself to choose a career or interest early, that way I wouldn't be wasting time, energy or money once I got there. It has been a long haul at my age; an opportunity to learn anew. I am an A student and I am glad I chose to go back to school. It's never too late!


Senior year. The big one. The final year of your childhood. Soon you'll graduate, and life will change as you know it. You'll be thrown into an unknown world of independence, twelve-page long research papers, and ramen. A transition like that can be daunting, and I know you're nervous. What if you don't make friends? What if you fail all of your classes? You don't have to be scared, though. College isn't as frightening as it seems, believe me. You'll get the hang of classes, and meeting new people will get easier every day. Don't waste your time worrying. I know on some days you feel the opposite: you can't wait to leave high school and start making your own decisions. It's great to be excited about the future, but just make sure you enjoy the present too. Stay engaged. It's easy to get "senioritis" and not focus on studies, but college classes are more manageable if you didn't slack off your senior year. Plus, you'll regret not trying your best. Don't worry. You got this. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place.


I can see myself as a high school senior, and I wish I could go back and tell that girl that everything was going to be okay. As a senior she was dealing with her mother and father divorcing and although she did well in high school, she started making choices that showed she was losing control instead of maintaining it. I would tell this girl to stay strong and to focus on school and her sports, rather than bad influences. Maintaining this focus into college would help her be successful. I would tell her that the freedom she was looking for was in her books and her success at school could help her fulfill her dreams. I would also tell her that she can complete college and get the financial aid that she needed. I see her struggling to figure out how to close the gap between the sports scholarships and tuition. I would tell her to reach out to the staff at the admission's office and ask for help! In fact, I would tell her to stop trying to do everything herself and reach out to the staff at her college, they are there to help her!!


Simple Advice By Caitlin Reed My high school self wasn’t too scared of the concept of college. I did some dual enrollment at a local community college. I knew how to interact with professors and other students and it wasn’t that different from high school. My biggest worry was leaving home to live on campus. There is never any guarantee that dorm life will go smoothly. If I could go back to see my high school self, I would tell her that girls aren’t actually that mean when they grow up. I would tell her that she will become a dorm peacekeeper and work towards harmonious living. She would also need to know that people can still be geeks in college, and that she definitely will not be the only one. All my high school self needed to know was that she wouldn’t be alone.


If I could go back and talk to my high school self, my biggest piece of advice would be to avoid judging people by their appearance. I learned through the people I met at Lee from all over the country and all over the world, that amazing packages may be wrapped in rough edges or bad reputations. If I had lived that in high school, I may have been able to reach people I walked past, or befriend those who needed it. Transitioning into a college that accepts everyone as they are, and making friends with people I never would have imagined being close to in high school has changed me greatly. I look back on my senior year and wonder who I may have been close to, or who God could have used me to reach had I not been judgemental. Although I was friendly, it was almost hypocritical. While I am proud to say that I no longer have fake smiles and secret assumptions, I do wish I had learned this lesson while still in high school. So, in conclusion, the cliche statement "Don't judge a book by its cover" is filled with truth.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to work harder, and be less afraid. I was not a poor student, but I definitely didn’t apply 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of myself to my work like I should have. I made decent grades, but I didn’t always make sure that I was paying close enough attention that I could reiterate the information a few years later. I would tell myself to not let the fear of the unkown world that is college get to me, but rather to let it inspire me. This would have made my transition to college smoother, and I could have gotten a lot more accomplished than I did. In addition, high school is one of the most influential times of one’s life. If I applied more of myself at that time in my life who knows what kind of impact I may have had on my peers and those around me. Every chance I get I try to remind high school students to focus less on getting out of high school, and focus more on having an impact in high school.


Breathe. I was so stressed out and concerned about grades, GPA, and paying for college, I couldn't relax. The last year of high school goes by in an instant, and when you're that preoccupied with worries, it's easy to miss out on important things. If I could talk to my senior self, I would say to calm down. Enjoy this time. Cherish the last moments you have in these classes, with these teachers and friends. Take some time for yourself; have a pampering day. Believe and trust that everything will work out, and that no amount of worrying will help matters. Learning how to handle stress properly in high school would've been greatly beneficial for my first year of college. Just breathe, Kaitlyn. Everything turns out just fine.


I know you think college is going to be a wonderful experience. A place where you can get away from who you are at home. A place where you can get away from your depression (yes, you have depression. You just refuse to admit it). A place where you can get away from your co-workers and your not-so-friendly friends. But the truth is, college is not as wonderful as you think it might be. Don't go all the way to Tennessee assuming you'll be best friends with your roommate. Yes, you already know her. But she will change in ways that you do not like. Your so-called friends will backstab you. And you'll regret your entire first semester of college because of how depression will overtake you second semester. But don't dare worry. You'll find people you can go to about anything. People that are willing to pray for you and encourage you when you need it. Truly lifelong best friends. And you'll be angry at God and thank God for everything that happens. But don't worry. Just trust God and you'll be fine.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior getting ready to go to college, I would tell myself not to be so nervous about leaving home and meeting new people. College is not as frightening as I was expecting, and I wasn't the only one nervous on move in day. It is a new experience for everyone, but eventually you will get used to the campus and the way the school is run. I also did not realize, at the time, how much I would depend on my friends and family for support over my first few years in college. I would have tried to form better relationships with my friends before I left.


Alright kid, listen up. I know that you're freaking out because this is your senior year of high school, you're leaving home, etc. Don't listen to people when they say the workload in college is going to be the death of you. Do you remember how it was in your junior year and you had so many panic attacks because you had a ton of work to do? College is easier than that! In fact, you are going to be one of the few students who can actually get their work done efficiently and on time, and still get more than four hours of sleep. Please don't misunderstand me here, I'm not saying the workload is not difficult, but it is something that you can handle. You're the one who the teachers would always expect answers from questions because you actually know what is going on. You've got this chick. College is the time to just have fun. I will give you a heads-up though, when you go cliff jumping for the first time, don't think about the height. I hope these words of advice help you. Good luck. Have fun.


I would tell myself that even though I was very successful in high school that college academics require much more work and determination. I would alert myself to the fact that not getting a 4.0 grade point average is not a devastation, that grades do not define who I am. This would allow the transition to be easier and less stressful as far as academics are concerned. I would tell myself to enjoy my time more than I stress out over homework and to not put as much pressure on myself. Due to my dedication to school in the past and in the present, this advice would have really helped me to better transition into college life. Allowing myself to have fun with friends would result in having more friends that I could rely on when times got hard. I would also be less stressed about my schoolwork because a few B's would not make me a failure.


When I was a high school senior, I was so excited to apply for universities even though I had not made any thought to where I wanted to attend. After a trip to Lee University with my mother on a rainy day in October, I fell in love with the school. However, it was in a small town and the school was small. I was worried that I would become bored and want to transfer after a year. I still had my eyes set on a school in Chicago. I thought that a school in Chicago would provide me with opportunities that could not be found elsewhere, especially at a small school like Lee. After visiting there, it was clear to me that Lee was the place to go. After three years of being involved in the Music program, I would tell my high school self that opportunities are endless. I soon learned that Lee was providing me and others the most fantastic opportunities available. However, it was my choice to follow them or let them pass me by. Opportunities are what you make of them and no school is too small or big for you to not succeed.


If I went back to my high school senior year the major advise I would give to myself would be to not procrastinate. While being a senior in high school I tended to procrastinate most of the homework, projects, and essays assigned to me. I said to myself a lot of times, "Today for sure I'm going to start writing that essay for english", but the truth was that I always gave myself excuses to put it off until the last minute. I instantly became lazy from just thinking that I had an essay due by the end of the week. Then by the time I had finally decided to start and finish my essay for english, I realize that I still had another essay due for another class. Now that I'm in college I realize that procrastinating does no good and leaves more stress upon me. I did not learn my lesson in high school about procrastinating, but everything changed as a college student. Now that I became aware of how bad procrastinating is I would go back in time and command my senior me to stop procrastinating and get everything done without excuses.


Even though there is much more freedom because parents are not present, this is where time management and self-discipline play an important role in the future of the college education. This point may sound cliche, but just like in high school, people are not who they say they are. I would advise myself to find real and genuine people early on in the year, but yet learn from the ones who end up letting you down. I find that establishing a group of friends is just as important as getting school work done because everyone needs a break now and then. I also found that making plans with friends is motivation to get things done. To go along with the idea of school work, the first semester should be looked at as a new opportunity and a fresh start to try to establish a decent if not better than high school GPA. That way, if the courses are a little bit more difficult in the following semester, if one class does not go as well as planned, there is still a decent GPA to pull through in the class. However, that does not mean slack off by any means.


If I could go back and give myself some advice, I would tell myself to have applied to Lee University and to not have tried any other school. Then I would tell all about the amazing teachers that i would meet, that would guide me through this confusing time dealing with majors. I would try and make myself see that things might not work out like we want. I would make sure to tell myself, not to cry over finding out you won't graduate in the 4 years like everyone else, but to smile and carry on, because of where the journey would take you. I would say that I need to stop sitting aaround mapping out every semester to a science and realize that I am going to change as a person and to be ready for that, instead of graduating with 1 degree you will have 2. I want to tell my self to sit down, take some deep breaths, then hang on and enjoy the ride.


When seniors are deciding what college to go to, they look at colleges that offer the most money, or highest accredation, which are excellent reasons, but when making the final decision, above all things, look for the college that will help you not only acheive your dreams, but motivate and encourage you to get there. Look for the college that will make you the person you have dreamt of being your whole life. College is not summed but by a piece of paper received walking across a stage at the end of your 4 years, but by the things you experienced along the way, the hardships you made it through, the friends you've made and most of all, who those things, grouped together, have made you at the end. An education is an important things, but it is worthless in the hands of a person with not passion, no zeal to be the best they can be. Choose the college that makes you excites you about your future, that makes you want to grow and become a better person, that makes you want to excel in your career field! Choose the college that makes you want to live.


Hello, my Friend, You are about to launch into the newest stage of your life -- college. You will be on your own, but do not let yourself be alone. Much of the college experience is claiming your own identity, so be yourself. Smile and laugh a little more than you have been able to amidst the stress of your senior year. You are a good student, and you will excel academically, but never shortchange relationships (they will last longer than college). You will meet all kinds of personalities in your freshman year, and most of them you will really like. When you relax, your new friends will be more comfortable too. So forget about popularity; being genuine is always more attractive than being showy. Just focus on being a better you, a better friend. Wear your heart on your sleeve because being a little vulnerable will reveal the friends worthy of confidence. You change lives for the better when you forget what others may be thinking of you (they aren't), so look someone in the eye and get to know the soul inside. When your heart is right, everything else will fall into place. Sincerely, Your Voice of Experience


If I could go back in time, I would give myself this advice. You need to study hard. Grades are so important and it is worth putting all your strength into getting an “A”. Getting good grades means you are able to get more scholarships, which are a huge help in paying for school. Although, if you are just cramming for a test for good grades, but you fail to retain the information, it will be harder to remember it in a college setting. Playing catch up is never a good feeling when you are supposed to be at a college level. Also, another piece of advice would be to get involved in athletic and social events. They are a great stress reliever and help make you feel more a part of the community, while keeping your mind focused on what is important and knowing what it is you want to accomplish. Overall, stay true to yourself and keep your eye on the prize.


Take everything with a grain of salt. The most important part about going to a university is building relationships. Live in a community where you are challenged on a daily level by how you live. Honestly, roommates can make or break an experience so learn how to be a good roommate and how to communicate effectively through any conflicts that will arise, because they will come. Grades are important, but so is the social aspect. Learn how to balance and when to say no. Saying no is a must. In order to keep from being burnt out make sure to take time for yourself. Sit down and write out your goals. Stretch yourself and learn new things. Meet people you usually would not hang out with. Learn from those around you have and have the late night discussions/debates. Overall remember that this is the only time life will be this good. Enjoy it, but do not forget what your goals are and why you chose that school over all the others.


If I could go back in time and give my high school self any advice what would it be? I would tell myself to look forward to the college experience and be mindful that everything I had heard about college was true. I would need to study for two hours for every one hour of class and college really is one of the best experiences ever. But if I had to give myself one piece of advice, besides trying not to be a freshman, it would be this: college is great and you will make a lot of friends but try to remember that you are there to learn and not just to hang out with friends and waste money on late night taco bell runs. That is what I would tell myself: try as hard as you can academically and socially in college so that you do not get behind and have to pull several all nighters late in the semester. That is the best advice I could give my high school self.


I would tell my self to apply for scholarships more intensly, and to apply for fafsa earlier. Also not to be scared because it's all going to work out.


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I do now about college life and making the transition, I would give myself this advice: " Be careful how you spend your time." It is important to be careful of how you spend your time because it can quickly get away from you. The whole reason you come to college is to learn, not just socialize and hang out all the time. If you spend all your time socializing and hanging out with friends instead of studying and doing homework, you may end up failing the classes you are attending and being expelled from school. Also, you will have wasted all the money that you worked so hard to get through grants, scholarships, and and other means of financial aid. You will also have wasted an amazing learning experience. But if you use your time wisely and learn and do what you are supposed to in studying and going to classes, you will be a successful student and will be glad that you did what you could to see it through.


If I could go back, I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible. I would tell myself to learn time management, because it's going to be important, especially when I start working on the weekends. I would tell myself that I would need to practice taking notes in short-hand, because that would help during lectures. Most of all, I would tell myself that I would be making the right choice by going to Lee University, the college I currently attend.


Go to school while you are young.


I would go back in time and explain to myself how important it is to carefully pick what classes you will be taking at college so you can get the most of your education. I would also explain to myself the importance of school even at an early age because it will effect your college career. I would give myself some personal advice as well. I would say something like: Take advantage of what school has to offer you. Fulfill and expand on your education whenever possible. It will lead you to be a responsible individual who may reach any goal you desire. I would also say that if you follow the path you are going down, You will continue to achieve maximum potential.


Don't Procrastinate, Stay Focused, Ignore the Ignorant, and alway remember to follow your own lead. A wise man doesn't follow the actions of fools.


Self, Please self, Listen try hard as you can in sports and get all A's by trying hard as you can in every class dont slack off so you can go right to college right after high school. School is more important than you think and just have fun and enjoy every moment you have in high school enjoy being a kid. Don't worry about when other students or anybody else says you can't do anything cause yoou know you can. Also dont worry about what everyone else is doing because they won't be around after high school in this thing called "Life" with you. So stay focus keep playing football but try harder and keep going to the basketball gym after school and concentrate on your homework not girls. Show your teachers, principles and all fellow class mates with more respect and the coaches also. They're job is hard and they only want to see you succeed, so make it easier and let them know they are doing a good job and m,ake them proud by m,aking good grades and showing respect through the hall ways. Be the best example.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senio,r I would tell myself to enjoy living at home with my parents. Throughout college I have realized how much I value my parents' input on my life and that void is very evident while I am at school. In high school I wasted time hanging out with friends when I could have been spending time with my family. My uncle passed away in January of 2011 and since then quality time with my family has become very important to me. I realize now that time spent with family is precious and I should never pass up an opportunity to be with them. I wish I had come to this realization sooner while I still lived at home.


I would tell myself to be brave, and remember everyone else is just as nervous as you. To be myself and if I wasnt sure who that was to be open to what the world had to offer never settle. I would look into my high school pitful eyes and say "You are vaulable, God created you for great things never let anyone tell you any different."


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior I would definitely tell myself to not give up. Not that I did give up, but I gave up on scholarships. It just seemed so hard to find them or even get them. Then I got to school and realized my school would help me just to come here because they wanted me here. I would also tell myself not to be nervous. I was nervous because I did not know if I would succeed in college. I thought it would be a lot harder. In reality it was not hard. Yes you have the classes that you think are impossible to pass, but I made it through those classes. That was with the help of teachers and tutors. You have many more opportunities for help in school. Last but not least I would have told myself to let go of the old and bring in the new. I came to college with a boyfriend. If you worry about a boy back home it will make it a little harder on your freshmen year. You want to have fun and enjoy your freshmen year.


I come from a single parent home so my biggest concern through high school was how I was going to afford college. If I were able to talk to myself as a high school senior again I would definitely have put more time into finding scholarships. I have had the grades to make it into college but not the money, I knew from an early age I would need financial help. Once things atarted adding up and I saw the bill I had some struggles to find the money. I did get my freshman year paid down enough to where my summer job could cover the rest but these next years will be harder to cover because one of my scholarships was only for this year.