Lincoln Memorial University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that I should not be scared. I have a birth defect that has kept me from chasing dreams so many times. I would tell myself that this should never, under any circumstances, keep me from my dreams. I would make sure I knew that even though I accomplished great things and had beautiful children, education should not be put on hold. The world waits for no one, and it is time to shine. I would say that abuse should never be tolerated, and I deserve so much more from life than bruises and shame. I deserve to go to college and succeed. I will be a nurse one day and save lives, and good will come from the abuse because I will help others that are experiencing it. Nothing feels better than being proud of yourself.


Don't worry about the people back home. If they want to stay in your life, they will. No one will be harder on you than you. Just breathe and let yourself make mistakes; you can't be perfect. The world is truly yours to explore, so take advantage of every opportunity given to you. The studen body is very diverse, take advantage of it. Don't be afraid to go out on a Wednesday night. Be willing to share your life with your friends. Don't spread yourself too thin. Don't be afraid to say no, but don't be afraid to say yes, either. You're beautiful, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. You are here to get a degree, but also you're here to make friends for the rest of your life. Remember that these are the stories you're going to be telling your children when you're older; make them interesting, but keep them safe. Walk more than you drive. You might hate the hills, but you're lucky to be on such a beautiful campus. Never pretend to be anything that you're not. Love yourself, always.


I was an impressively introverted and awkward 18-year-old, whose optimism relied so heavily on A's, "Excellents," and any fleeting acceptance from my peers. Unfortunately, none of my grades, awards, or attempts to feel worthy of them prepared me for the reality behind one of the greatest transitions of my life thus far. Almost six years after first enrolling in college, I'm incredibly proud to delcare that I will be graduating in May of 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and ambitious post-graduate plans to pursue a vocation that means everything to me. I only wish I could've encouraged that 18-year-old to focus on what's become a central tenant to my perseverance and belated success : self-acceptance. To find something I love, I had to be someone I love.


Calm down, no one will judge you. you will have sinsere friends who care


As a high school senior, I would tell myself to prepare to be afraid and amazed. There are some scary things along the way, no doubt, but there are some absolutely amazing things as well. I would also tell myself to make sure I know what I want to do ahead of time, so I don't have to change programs so much to finally find one that I am happy with.


I would say that you need to pick a school that you would enjoy, dont go to one just for athletics. I would also tell myself to get on a decent schedule that you can balance, adademics and social life as well. The final thing i would tell myself is to get used to a sleep schedule that way i get qality rest while i have the ability to get up at early hours for class.


I would tell myself to look for more scholarships. I would tell myself that I am about to be forced to leave the college of my dreams because I cannot afford it. I would beg myself to please save more money.


If I could go back and give myself advice it would be know what kind of career you want to accomplish before choosing a college, apply to the program when you first start and to many school incase you don’t get in at one or so you will have more then on opportunities( this will eliminate unnecessary class and be less expensive because you are not paying for classes you don’t have to have), apply for all scholarships I could (because with no help and having to take out student loans you will end up in debt), and I would try to get a better score on the ACT because now I know how important it is.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself before making the big transition between high school senior and college student, there are many things I would tell myself. First and for most, I would say, "everything will be okay" knowing that everything will be okay is always comforting to any new student. I would also let myself know that it is okay to enjoy yourself. You should step outside your comfort zone, meet new people, go out, and be outgoing. College is supposed to be the best time of your life, so why not enjoy your time. I would definitely tell myself to be myself, have fun, and experience to new things. People will love you for you, if you’re not a hermit crab and you go places and talk to people. This would be the advice I would give myself if I could before transitioning.


College is not all fun and games. You will make terrible mistakes, but you have to make them to learn from them. Classes are not optional and friends will still be there afterwards. Drugs are stupid and will suck you in if you let them. General Education classes are boring, but the grades will matter in the future. When you get into your English classes, remember that they are hard for a reason. You will be a writer one day. Don’t get discouraged. It will happen because it is your destiny and destiny can’t be denied. Don’t expect writing to be fun. It will be painful, horrible, beautiful, exhausting, and rewarding. In your writing, you will discover who you are and where your destiny lies. In your quest to become America’s next literary giant, you will feel overwhelmed, but it isn’t something that happens overnight. Never settle for less than a lifetime of dedication to your gift. Even when you feel like a sliver of a blood soaked mirror, it will be put together and you will once again find yourself. Don’t be afraid to find yourself, you will like what you see.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college life, it would have made things go a lot more smoother. College is a complete wake up call. In highschool I had teachers that managed my time, but in college I manage my time. Also in high school I could count on my parents and teachers to remind me of my responsibilities. I have to take responsibility for my actions and face the consequences of my decisions. In high school i could get away with studying only for a hour for a test, but in college I usually study for about a good week. The professors in college are nothing like the teachers in high school. The professors care whether I fail, but honestly its up to me if I want the grade.In high school the test were short and to the point for the most part. In college the test are long and complex. I need to know the material inside and out if I want to do well in college. If I put forth the effort, study, and go to college for the right reasons I will go far in life.


Actually, I was never a high school senior. I dropped out of high school during my junior year and got my GED. In all honesty, I did not make the typical transition into college. One day I was working full time, and the next I was a full time college student. If I could have given myself advice at the time of my transition into the college atmosphere, it would have been to let go of my fear. My anxiety hindered my academic achievement in my first quarter of college. About half way through the quarter, I quit going to my classes. I passed one class with a D, and failed the other three. I took the next two quarters off, but finally decided to get over my anxiety and get back to school. Now I'm halfway into my second quarter back, and I have gotten all A's! If I would have gotten over my fear in the first place, I would be farther along in pursuing my education. I am relieved, however, that I was finally able to get over my anxiety and follow my dream.


I would take a day and just sit down with myself at a local Starbucks. While drinking our coffee, we would begin by looking over an outline of the semesters to come and the amazing people that are in her immediate future. The liquid in our cups will vanish and encouragement will arise. I tell her to preserver even when it seems like there is no end to the madness stress can cause. I would tell her to pay attention and seek guidance no matter what the situation or other students may think. Strive for the best grades that I would be awarded and achieve the unthinkable would be the goal I would set in front of her. Her future can never be overdone. She will begin to ask questions about boys that are involved in her life, and of course I must answer. "Take the most of every moment you are given; however, remember your teachings from your elders," I would say, "Always be forgiving and caring in every relationship God gives you. It may be your last." As the day comes to an end, she will hate to see me go, but know it is for the best.


So far out of my college experience I have learned that life, specifically education, is a complete learning experience. I went into my first semester with the mind set of a high schooler. Although I did not completely fail, I did not do as well as intended. Now I know that next semester I must study much more than I did in high school. A college education is valuable to me so I can be the best that I can be. I want to glorify God with my chosen profession and without proper training and schooling I probably would not do too well.


I have learned many great lesson from attending college. I have become much more independent and beginning to make big decisions for myself. I am living on my own, trying to balance and use my money wisely. It is easy to want to go shopping or go to the movies with your friends. Sometimes I have had to say 'no'. I had to find things to do on campus that did not cost any money. I have also met many people and made great friends. I am on the volleyball team at Lincoln Memorial University and the girls on my team are not only my teammates but they will be friends with me for the rest of my life. I have also made friends with other athletes and the people in my classes. I believe everything that I take from college will help me when I graduate. I want to be successful by getting a job, raising a family and enjoying myself while doing it. I have learned that I cannot trust every person and to keep my friends and family closest to me because they will be the first ones there to help me when I need it.


Going to a school seven hours away from my family and four hours away from my friends and boyfriend, really forced me to become independent. I have seen myself change into an adult in so many ways. I have taught myself how to study, keep things clean, become very organized, keep my priorities in line and how to approach and react to certain situtations. I made several mistakes, like putting studying for a big test off until the night before or throwing a load of color clothes together with the white clothes. These mistakes all taught me and shaped me into the person I am today. "You Live and You Learn", as the saying goes. This university has been valuable to attend for me because it really has taught me to grow up and stop depending on others for things. It's taught me to ask questions and never hesitate to do things or say things. Go for it all and never give up!!! Attending Lincoln Memorial University has absorbed me into a stronger person.


This year I will be attending my 10-year high school reunion. When I was in high school, I had very little self-confidence. I thought the most important things in life were hanging out with the cool kids and having a "good hair day". I wish that I had known then that I had the ability to achieve great things in my life. Back then, I really wanted to become a medical professional but I didn't have the confidence to pursue this. Now that I have experienced life a little, I realize that I really can follow my dreams, that is why I have decided to become a nurse. So, if I could go back 10 years, I would tell myself to not put limits on yourself, think of all the possibilities out there, and do what you want!


If I could go back in time and talk to myslef as a highschool senior I would tell myself to not overstudy so much. I would also tell myslef that instead of taking that Earth Science college course I should have taken a speech class instead. Knowing me, I probably wouldn't listen so I would have to shout it and say that I should have paid more attention in the Psych class that I took. Just because I was feeling sleepy and didn't want to pay attention was no excuse. I'm sure that if I had just gotten a sip of coffee I would have been fine. More importantly, I would want to let myself know that I shouldn't be so serious about matters that does not concern me and burying your head in a book isn't the answer to evrything. lastly, I would tell myself that I did good, I tried my hardest, and that I had a dreamand goal in mind and I was able to make it come true.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself in high school I would tell myself to listen to the advice principals and teachers give to students. Every time my teacher stood in front of the class and told us we needed to change our study habits I would tune her out and think about the weekend. I would tell myself that even though I thought leaving home for college was easy, I was very wrong. Leaving for college was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my entire life. I would tell myself to study more so I could get the better scholarships, so I did not have to take out loans to go to school. I would tell myself that I was good enough to go to college, that I could graduate from college with a degree despite my background.


I would definitely tell myself to look at more small, private universities in a bigger city, because a small city is not for me. I would also tell myself to look into more scholarships because college is really expensive. The books themselves cost a hefty bit. I would tell myself to be mentally prepared for anything. School work in college is a lot different from high school work. I would tell myself to be more organize and to make sure to have good time management.


During your senior year, please do not take it as a year to relax and enjoy. You need to be preparing yourself for new study habits, the kind that actually work. Also, remember who you are and what you love; I promise that you will find a major and/or a career that has something to do with it. College will be tough, but it is not as bad as people make it out to be. Staying focused is the number 1 priority. Although it is "just" school, it is laying the foundation for a career that you will love and enjoy for the rest of your life. Do not take classes and teachers for granted. Enjoy every piece of knowledge that you obtain, it will benefit you in the long run. Sometimes there will be stress, but rest assured knowing that someone will always be more than glad to help and that the stress will fade. The new people will turn into your new friends, don't hold back who you truly are. People are going to like you no matter what. Just stay focused, school truly is a gift.


I would tell the parents and the students to apply for scholarships and start researching the school of choice while the student is in high school. The student can start researching when he or she is a freshman in high school. It is never too early to start looking at the college campus. For the sake of the parents', never make the child(ren) feel under pressure to attend college or university. The decision is up to him or her. Another solution I would advise is to take practice ACT and SAT exams because universities look at these scores to determine whether one is a good candidate for their school. I would also suggest that high school students maintain their GPA because it also determines how academically strong one is for college.


The most important thing is to know what you want to major in. Then check out the school that you think you want to attend. Finally look at the sucess rate of graduates.


You may want to move away for college, but remember to not severe any ties with family or friend. And long distance relationships do not work.


Make sure the school isn't too big. A new student could easily get overwhelmed in bigger classes and then they don't get the individual help that they need. It's easy to fall behind when you're only one in a big number. Make friends! If you're shy and that sounds hard, then just do something to show others what kind of a person you are, such as offering to let people borrow movies or offering to study together. It will open you up to all sorts of people and before too long you will start recognizing people you see in classes. Also, get involved in campus activities. It's a great way to make friends and stay occupied while having a good time. And, if you're going far away and living on campus, make sure there are things to do close by and a store to get supplies at. You don't want to be stuck on campus with nothing to do for too long. It will get boring I promise.