Los Angeles Pierce College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?


That there seems to be a little unsafe due to crime. There were several lockdowns last year and there were also some stories of sexual assault happening on campus. The campus and parking lots get very dark and deserted at night, which is scary and unsafe, especially for women.


The worst thing about my school isn't necessarily about the school, but it's still legitimate. This is a rather dry answer -- it's the commute. Gas isn't exactly free, and traffic isn't the best thing in the world, and those two are one of the worst combinations known to man. Regardless, I wish the commute was a bit shorter but nothing will change that, anyway. We just take the good with the bad.


Many of the classes are not that stimulating academically. There are some professor who really do not care, or who do care, but still create classes that are intended to be nothing more than easy As. Sometimes I feel like I am not being challenged or simply being given a lot of busy work.


While the accessability of a community college is a good thing, it can also be a disadvantage. Sometimes it's hard to get into the classes that you need/want due to overcrowding.


The worst thing that pierce college has is the wonderful brand new buildings that are located right in the center of the campuse. They have not been able to finish construction on these new buildings, which is just upsetting because we could have many more class to offer and use these nice buildings.


The variety and availablilty of classes have decreased. It is difficult to fullfill all required classes when there are fewer classes and even fewer times.


The worst thing about Pierce is the staff (other than teachers). Most were not adequately informed about the school's programs or even general information. The only way to find out about Pierce's offerings is to research yourself.


I think the worst thing in this school as of right now is that they are still constructing new buildings and sidewalks because i wanted them to be finish by the time i start school and they haven't yet.


They have cut many classes at all community colleges so it will take much longer to tranfer to a university.


I would like to say that the worst part is the limited parking spaces. As a result students would get to their classes late simply because thare are no parking spaces.