Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


In order to find the right college for your children, you need to understand what your childrens likes and dislikes are. For prospective students, you need to understand where you are academically and socially before choosing a college. If you are a strong student, then go to a college that can offer different sorts of financial aid for which you can apply. For prospective students, go to a football game, or maybe just walk around campus before a home game to experience tailgating (Without Mom and Dad). Football games tend to bring out all the social networks, so if you feel that the atmosphere is one you enjoy, then you most likely will fit right in at the college. If football games arent your thing, don't go to school in the SEC.


If I had a younger sibling or was giving advice to a parent about choosing a college for their child, I would advise them to pick the college where they can see themselves sitting in the library studying, being active in campus organizations, and where they genuinely feel a passion toward their school's environment. Physical surroundings are very important and choosing a campus that offers bicycle paths, a lake, and a grassy quad are all features that maintain peace and comfort to a busy, over worked college student. Once they choose a college that is the best fit for them, the next thing I would advise them to do is it meet many people, attend class, not regularly, but every class, find students who share the same goals, and to not be afraid to visit a professor or actually get to know them. I feel I picked the right college because even though classes may get me down, I can walk outside of a classroom and find peace with the students and environment I am surrounded in. I have picked the right campus, the right friends, and the right major and I owe that all to Louisiana State University.


Look into the colleges, but also the communities. You need to feel comfortable in the city of your college as well. Make sure it is a place you feel safe. Make sure it reminds you of home in some ways, but also gives you a feel for somewhere new. If you're going out of state, look up ways to waive out of state fees (scholarships, ACT/SAT scores, etc.). If you're religious, pray about it. Get involved right away. Your friends may be your saving grace freshman year. Don't give up after one semester because it gets better. Realize that you don't get a second chance in college. Make the most of these days because they fly by faster than you know!


I would say that you should take a tour of several colleges before making up your mind about where you want to go. Also, you have to decide whether you want to go away from home, or stay nearby and live at home. Also, if you go away from home, do you want to be far from home, or do you want to be away from home, but close enough that you can come home on weekends if you want to . Try to take classes that you need for your major and don't just take classes to fill in with things you don't need. Talk to your advisor to stay on track, so you can graduate on time. Go to classes everyday (or whenever scheduled) . Don't skip classes. If you do what is expected of you by your professors, you should do fine. College is a learning experience, but, go and have fun and enjoy your time there!


Look around at more than one college or university. Do not settle for less than your expectations. Enjoying your college years is important and you do not want to deal with transferring or dropping out when you realize where you choose isn't what you wanted. Get involved in clubs or organizations once you get to college. It is a great way to meet friends and have something other than studying to look forward to.


First and foremost, parents and students should make sure to research their top choices in order to determine if the school fits the student. Also, they should plan to visit those schools that seem to fit and talk with current students (not just faculty and administrators) to get a good idea of how happy students are there. If the student ends up attending a school that he/she is unhappy with, then he/she should transfer as soon as possible. Good luck!


How many times have you heard, "college is the most fun you will ever have,"? Well I heard it all throughout my life. I could'nt wait to finally get to school. I had no idea how hard college was going to be. I was not prepared for the transition. Looking back I was so ready to be a college student and make my parents proud that I made a huge mistake. I studied and did well in school, but I let my social life become non-existent. I was so concerned about making good grades that I kept myself locked in my dorm room most of the time. I was extemely lonely. It was definatly not the most fun I had ever had. I was miserable. New students coming into college, relax. Don't let the stress of classes and schoolwork get in your way of friendship and some fun. While grades are important ,so is your happiness ,and I dont know anyone who is happy all alone in their dorm room.


My best adivce would be to go where you, or your child, feels comfortable. Ask yoursefl, or you child, where they can imagine themselves- not just in terms of the campus, but campus activities, clubs, sports, etc. Also, don't be afriad to make the most out of your college experience. Do things that are unconventional, and meet as many people as you can. The best part about college are the experiences you have and the friends you walk away with- whether a study partner or a sorority sister.


If you so happen to be attracted to a college and it seems too big dont let that be your deteran, know that there is a possibility to meet new people and the teacher always have office hours you will be fine. Make the best of the situation and you will be successful and do fine in school.




College is about finding who you are, what you want to be, and not giving up along the way. College is for students of all ages who seek greater education. It is important to find a college that fits your needs and even your wants. It is much easier to do well in college if you are happy and enjoying your life to the fullest. If you have a good idea about what you want to earn your degree in, it might be a good idea to do some research. Find someone who has your dream job and look into where they went to school. Go visit the campus. Sit in on a class. Ask yourself if you like the size of the school, the weather, where you will be living. Talk to a student at the campus. Look into more than one school. Speak to a financial advisor if needed. Once you have begun your first year of college it is important to keep your goal in mind. Do not let your first mistakes hold you back because you will probably make many. College is more than making good grades, college is a collection of important life experiences.


It would be wise for the prospective student of any college to not only visit the college campus itself; but the surrounding city area as well. For example: if you are the type of student that is easily distracted from school work, going to a college in larger city may not be the best decision. Keep in mind all aspects of your life and motivation when choosing your college- it will make a world of a difference to both you and your parents.


LSU is a large campus with a lot of students. If you are shy or not outgoing there are plenty of activities that you can join to meet new freinds. LSU is known as a party school and my group of friends love to join in the party. Football season is a the begining of each year and is an experience that you can only get from being a student at LSU. The dorm assignments at LSU are based on students intersts and majors. Most dorms schedule students classes together with other students that live in their dorm. This system creates a sort of mini-college with in the large university. I met friends living in the dorms that I will be friends with for the rest of my life. My current roommates off campus are my friends from the dorms.


Find a college that offers you multiple paths. I wouldn't suggest going to a college for one reason in particular, whether that be a certain major, people you know, sports, etc. In order to really get a great college experience, find a school that fits you in the long run, not a school that will be what you want in the short run. I give this advice because the average student changes their major three times before graduating and more and more students are taken five year to earn a degree. That's a long time to be stuck in a school that fit you at one point, but leaves room for wanting later in your academic career.


I believe it is vital to understand what college really is. Some go to college because a degree is vital to pursue the career of their dreams. Some go to college to socialize. Some go to college to fulfill their strong passion to learn. Most go to college to engage in all of the above. It's important to ask ourselves what we really want out of college. There are colleges out there for everyone. It's vitally important to understand that the upcoming years of your life will be molded by experiences mostly out of the classroom. Put in diverse environments and forced to think outside of the box, our beliefs will inevitably be challenged, but that adversity and questioning only enables us to defend our beliefs confidently while also being able to accept the beliefs of the rapidly globalizing world around us. A good college gets you a degree, but a great college gives you the resources to develop yourself as a well-rounded, healthy individual. Companies are tired of employees who, despite their outstanding test scores and GPA?s, lack the social and communication skills needed to excel in today?s workforce.


Be serious about it and dont party too hard


Know right off the bat that college is one experience you will never forget. Its a time to have fun but to also work hard. You don't have to have all the answers to your life long career goals right now, that's why you go to college; to find out what's right for you. If you have an idea of what you want to do start looking at schools that offer it. If you know you won't do well with hundreds of people in your classes, don't pick a large school. If you want lots of options for majors and things to do you might want to pick that bigger school. Know what works for you, not everyone is the same in a learning situation. Its ok to be you! Trust me you will find people that share interests with you. Don't worry about whether your best friend is going to be there. If they are that great of a friend, you won't lose them just because you went to different schools. College is about finding yourself, learning what makes you happy and having a little fun along the way! Be yourself!


I don't think it's up to the parents to decide, so to all the students: research colleges in areas you might want to attend. Don't settle on the closest college to home or the cheapest college to attend. You only one chance to go so you might as well go to a college where you truly want to be and where you can be yourself. If you do choose to stay close to home, live in a dorm your first year for the experience. Branch out and meet new people. Make friends with people in your major and outside of it. Diversify your relationships and be open minded to anything that comes your way.


Get involved. Find what you like to do and what interests you and do it. But just make sure you keep your school work and social life in a good balance.


Make sure you go to a college that has a lot of options, because when I first went to LSU my likes, diclikes, and dreams of what I wanted to be changed. You don't want to get stuck somewhere. Just be ready for the unexpected and be ready to work hard. Make sure you don't just become someone that sits at home all day and get out and be social because it will help you out in the long run. The more people you know they more help you can get when you need it. And don't be affraid to ask for help because people won't know unless you ask.


I would advise the person to think about what they want. If they want small classes where the teachers know everyone's name, then they should go to a small college. If they want a college with a laid back and not super competitive environment, then they should probably not go to a private college. Decide what college you go to based on what you want. The worst mistake you can make is choosing a college just because your friend or significant other is going there.


Getting involved on campus helped enrich my college experience exponetially. When you are a part of any campus organization, you feel more like you're part of your school. It helps you to meet new people, gain new experiences and viewpoints and keeps you motivated to do well academically.


I would say try and really understand what you are looking for in a school and often the best way to do that is to go visit. Sit in on a class, talk with an academic advisor, I went 1000 miles away to school after visiting with faculty and staff and realizing that this was a place where people had my best interests at heart and where I would be challenged academically.


One should find a college that holds interest on many areas of life. If a person desires to focus solely on academic aspects, then they should find a medium to small size college. The larger a college is the more opportunities to become distracted shall arise. Also, search for colleges that are known for their particular programs. When a prospective student is applying to colleges, he or she should first see if there are any good colleges nearby or in-state. To go to college out of state will cost ten times the amount as an in-state college. To make the best of one's college experience, someone should focus on school the first year. This will give their GPA a good foundation. For many who use TOPS in Louisiana, GPA is a constant worry. Once a student gets put on academic probation many fiancial aids are "cut off". After a student has created a good beginning in college, they can start to look for groups and clubs to join. When a person has multiple friends that share a common knowledge, it will be easier to acquire help. One can bounce ideas and borrow notes from a friend.


College is truly what you make it. I would advise students to go to an out of state university because it gives you a chance to grow and find yourself freely. The experience of meeting new people trying new things, talking to professors who have written several books is some of the things that makes college so worth while. College is the last time most people get a chance to let loose and live before they get into the working world and real responsibilities start to bear down on them. My school was not my first choice but once I saw the strong dedication every LSU student has to this school and to being a tiger, I couldnt resist. All in all, everyone has there own motivations for liking a college, but make sure you look deeper then just education when choosing the right school. A positive liberal atmosphere can do wonders for the mind.