Loyola University Chicago Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell my high school self not to stress out as much. I would also say things will not be the same, you will change, your friends back home will change, and even your family will change; and that all of that is ok and natural. Embrace these changes, day-by-day they are unnoticable, but at the end of the year everything is different. Your family and friends back home will still love you no matter what you decide to major in, or how many times you call them crying over a final. These changes are natural, and they are nothing to be afraid of. Take pride in your friends accomplishments, and strive to do better for yourself. Go to the gym when you want too, eat your cookies in moderation, laugh loudly and proudly and most of all, be yourself. College will force you to challenge yourself in ways you can't even imagine yet, it will be tough and scary at times, but in the end you'll be glad you stuck with it. Lastly, study more; you don't need to re-watch Grey's Anatomy for the third time. Have fun.


I would tell myself to live in the moment, and not spend as much time thinking about the future, but enjoying my life. I would also tell myself to make more mistakes and not be afraid to do things that scared me. I would tell myself that I have so much ahead of me, and not to be afraid to go after it. I would also spend more time cultivating some relationships so that they would last a distance and time.


Study hard. there is no rewind button. study hard and dont wait for something to happen. Get it yourself, noone will give you what you want.


I would tell myself to get involved with on campus activites as soon as possible. When I first came to Loyola I was nervous about what a big transition this was for me, and while I did get involved with one or two clubs, I wish I had done more. I think I would have benefited more from trying to be on hall council, or trying out for student government and taking a more active role in my community than simply trying to be a member in clubs. I would also tell myself to not take Chicago for granted, and to appreciate what an active and thriving city I live in. I would encourage myself to appreciate faculty and staff at Loyola, as they are a large part of my day that often go unnoticed. I would tell myself to do things for me, college is about finding yourself, and learning to love yourself when you're alone. Finally, I would tell myself to appreciate the expierence, to step back and be thankful for what a wonderful expierence this has turned out to be, and to be excited for what lies ahead.


Take everything seriously (but not too seriously). Explore, search for the truth, and get involved in the community in which you are attending school! Make sure to attend your classes, sit in the first two rows (it's okay to do that in college - you're not a "nerd"), and talk to your professors. Your professors are your lifelines to the material and at what other time will so many experts in a field surround you? Take the time to read the material assigned and think about the implications it has in your life. Make friends! Go to every goofy "activities fair," try out Greek life, and join something, anything. Learn a foreign language if you can, it will help you down the road. Most importantly, college is a time when you get to define yourself, free from the labels that you applied or others applied to you in high school. Take advantage of this time and savor it. You are extraordinarily lucky to have this opportunity, that many others would love to have, and you should remember that. Finally, have a good time and remember that what you learn is sometimes more important than grades.


Just act! Don't procrastinate on getting things done. College and scholarship applications don't fill themselves out, and in a few months, you'll find yourself surrounded by friends who know where they're going for school, while you feel panicked because you haven't even applied to any schools yet. It's okay that you don't know exactly what you want to do because no one your age does; they're just better at faking it than you are. Just apply to schools that provide things you think are important to you, like a variety of majors and a gym you'll never actually use. You're smart and resourceful, so don't fear rejection or picking the wrong school (which you unfortunately will do). You can always transfer or change majors; mistakes can be fixed, so don't be afraid to make them. As for your parents, they will always be there to cheer you on and support your decisions, even if they may not understand them; all you need to do is just act!


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to embrace the change of college life more. The first year everything is changing and while it can be stressful just accept the change and move on. I got stuck on trying to adjust to everything for way longer than I should have. I would also say to put yourself outside youre comfort zone more. There are so many different experiences and people you can meet and I would love to go back and just talk to so many more people instead of waiting to come out of my shell. Being more outgoing makes going to college so much more interesting and fun.


Stop worrying. That's what I would tell the high-school senior version of myself-- the one who was so nervous and unsure. Stop trying to make a plan for a life that will change a hundred times before you actually get there. Your parents are sending you to college so that you are able to get a good job and that's fine. But, you are going to college so that you can learn. Your major will not determine what you do with your life, only you do that. The point of college is not a piece of paper with sloppy signatures. Experience new things. Go new places. Become passionate about problems you didn't even know existed. Become aquainted with who you really are. A college is not a career factory. It's a place of learning: about a subject, about yourself, and about the world. So take a deep breath and be okay that you don't know where your going. The whole point of these next four years is to figure that out. Move in the direction of your passions and don't look back. College is your place to do that.


When I was in high school I did not know much about living an adult life and I always took advice from teachers and advisors. Unfortunately, I was not given good advice at all. If I could talk to my former self I would tell them the truth about the education system in the United States. In high school you have two options that allow you to succeed in life. First, you can join the military and you will get free food, housing, and clothing and after you serve your time you can go to college for free. This is a great because, you will not need to take a mortgage out on your education. The second, option is to major in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) these majors offer the highiest stability in their fields and are always needed as we advance as a human race. There are always scholarship opportunities available. These majors will also give you the opportunity to go into business after spending a few years in the field. These are the only two ways you have a sure chance of success in life. You will have a stable job and many job opprtunites available.


There’ll be plenty of sleepless nights, enough stress to leave you twitching, and times when you’ll feel ready to lay down in defeat. As you reach your breaking point, remember one thing: keep your goals in sight. Though our goals in life are quite different at the moment, what you must do remains the same. Whether you still dream of becoming a painter, or have turned your sights on physics or economics, pursue your dreams relentlessly. However, do not be afraid of change. The field of study you find most rewarding will be the one that will make you happy, not the one that comes most easily to you. Seek opportunities. You’ll be surprised with what you find. Talk with your professors often. They have connections, and you might need them later. Make friends. You’ll meet students who’ve been programming since they were children, others who grasp mathematics like Euler, and some whose skill in painting is not unlike Titian’s. Lastly, learn as much as you can. You are young, have nearly limitless energy, and a life dedicated to nothing else than soaking up knowledge. I wish you luck on your journey into academia.


I would tell myself not to get distracted by trivial things that I will not care about a year from that time. Stay focused on the ultimate prize and do not stop working to get there until you do.


Do not be afraid of the unknown. The greatest lesson that I’ve learned from college is that you must be brave and cannot be scared just to try something. The future looks abundantly brighter when you’re more open to new things. When you matriculate into you new institution, be on the lookout for the interesting clubs and activities that are available to you. Just have the initiative to devise a plan and run with it. Attempt an idea; failing is better than never trying. And so what if you fail? Learn from your mistakes, try something else, and stay positive. You have the skills and intelligence to accomplish so much in your future; you simply lack the confidence. Be optimistic and believe in yourself. There’s no limit to what you can do if you push yourself.


Ok, I only have 200 words to tell you but you are going to absolutely love college! I know you were kind of nervous about leaving home and moving away from mom and dad, but you will find once you are there that you can take care of yourself. Some advice I would give you, would be to get more involved in the things you know you’re going to want to be involved in. I know you signed up for like everything, but don’t do that. Please devote more time to finding scholarships to help mom and dad out; they are already doing a lot for you. And work hard on that ACT score, you are going to need it to be higher. Also, its ok to not go out every weekend. Some of your friends will try and tell you differently, but don’t listen. Do your homework, get some rest, and relax. Go out when you have free time. I know you’re pretty smart, but don’t be afraid to ask teachers for help and when you get to college, forming study groups will really help you and even telling people information is helpful.


Take your time. College is not a race; neither is life. Take your time to know yourself and how best to apply yourself. Do not compare yourself to others' progress. What you see on Facebook are the polished brags of your peers but never the raw turmoils you feel you stomach alone - you see a trophy case in which everyone has some superlative but you. Eventually, with your best, you will have something to gleam about too. High school is rough on the self-esteem. High school is an insular microcosm of an environment - the intense dramatic nature of academic pressures and cliques will eventually run its season. Your qualitative success is what is important, not quantitative time. Others may speed through their milestones, which is just fine. Know your personal pace. No one matters but you in this time.


If I could give my high school self advice, I would mostly tell me to just stop worrying about everything! Especially making friends, and finding someone you can safely call your 'best friend.' It takes a different amount of time for everyone. So what if your roomate finds her steady group in just two short weeks and you're still a loner. It will happen! Because guess what? I'm you, and I lived it so I can tell you first hand that you will find your best friend. So yeah it took a few months but that just doesn't matter. Things happen for a reason and whatever is meant to be will be. So stop stressing and take every opportunity good or bad as an adventure. This is your time now. Go explore, go make a bunch of mistakes, and go learn from them! Sucky things are going to happen but just take it as a bad day and move on. At least you've gained some more experience. The world is just a big adventure. And yeah you're on your own for now. But it's going to be worth it. I promise.


Back then, I didn't have the notion of what life would be like after high school. The moment I received my diploma, the moment it made it's way into the palm of my hands, I knew that my life had changed for the better. Little did I know that life would be throwing curveballs at me shortly after I've accomplished to reach a significant milestone. Here I was, a young man, unaware of all that I still had to learn. I thought I knew everything there was to know, but unfortunately, for me, I was utterly wrong. Had I been given a chance to speak to my future self in high school, I'd probably be a different person and sitting on a different set of problems. On the other hand, if I was able to give my younger self advice about this transition, I'd have said, "Embrace the changes coming your way because reluctance could only set you back. Face your problems the way your problems face you; with assertiveness, revelation, and an open-mind because that's probably the only way you'll be able to solve them."


I would tell myself to apply to many more scholarships so that I won't put my family though the financial burden that I am putting them through right now.


1.) Your GPA comes once. ALWAYS PRIORITIZE ACADEMICS. Yes, you passed high school at the top of your class and with flying colors, all while putting in very little effort. But the formula for attending class and paying attention NO LONGER means that you will do well. The system works much differently in college. Yes, you need to LEARN HOW TO STUDY - something new - but you must learn it nonetheless. It will be impossible to do well otherwise. 2.) Time: USE IT WISELY. It is the only way you will find success. 3.) You've always been social and very involved; keep it up. HOWEVER, don't let your heavy involvements in organizations get in the way of academics. Find a healthy balance. This will likely be your biggest struggle in college (FACT). 4.) Learn to LOVE learning. It'll be a process, but when you love it, you will appreciate it so much more. And academics will be far easier to manage. 5.) Don't wait to explore your career options! START IN HIGH SCHOOL! (Wish someonone told me this before.) 6.) Find a good group of friends that will keep you focused and sets HIGH expectations.


I would tell myself not to be so afraid of getting involved. It took me several years to get involved with things other than my classes and I feel much better after doing so, but I wish I took advantage of extracurricular opportunities as a freshman instead of just recently. Regardless, I now understand that what kept me from pursing those opportunities for so long was the fear that I would not be accepted by my peers or would be looked down upon for some reason. However, that was not the case; in fact, everyone here is treated nicely. Unfortunately, I did not know that until I actually made the effort to get involved last year. Now, as an incoming senior, I will be continuing my work as an undergraduate research assistant, helping with my student organization, working on campus and hopefully studying abroad. Furthermore, I feel more connected than I did as an incoming freshman. That is what I want my high school self to know - that there is much more to college than academics. Classes and grades are important, but extracurriculars can make the experience truly worthwhile.


If I could go back and tell my high school senior self anything it would be that life is going to throw you some challenges in the next year. You are going to be tested and tried more than you ever have been, but it is your passion and drive for the things and people you love most that will get you through. Don't let anybody or anything stand in the way of your dreams. Take chances and try new things. Meet people you wouldn't normall talk to and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Trust me, it will all be worth it in the end because the moment something good happens, the moment you find out you got into medical school or recieved the internship of your dreams, it's all that pain, determination, sweat, and tears that will make those moments that much better. I would also want to say I'm proud of everything you have accomplished in your life and don't let anyone tell you, you are anything less than you are. Now go out there and be amazing, I know you can do it!!!


If I could go back in time to give advice to myself, I would tell myself to prepare ahead of time and explain what that exactly means in terms of college. I know now that every action and thing I do is a way to prepare for a more successful future. I would have focused more on taking businesses classes & college courses ahead of time. Now, I am not allowed to take ANY colleges classes that are not directly through Loyola (which is extremely expensive). Therefore, I would continue to tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible. I would also remind myself to enjoy the time I was given. I had some of the greatest girlfriends in high school, & all’s I focused on was moving onto the next stage of my life—instead of enjoying the ride I was on. Also, I was very judgmental in high school & assumed the boys at my brother school, Marmion Academy, were mean and didn’t like me, so I thought my time would be wasted trying to meet new people. I regret that decision very much. It is even more of a challenge now to meet people in college.


High school life was a carefree life, I should have become more mature in time management during high school level. I must apply for financial aid as soon as possible if I would have studied in a high school in US that could have given me the opportunity to apply for many scholarships before I would start college as I am outstanding in studies getting straight A's. I should also get a part-time job as soon as possible to get along as a worker and save money for myself. Being a biology loving student I must consider what sort of field of Biology do I want study in University. I must keep my spirits high and sign up for JAA according to college policy. I should not let my guard down and focus on maintaining my academic progress.


I would tell myself to step out of my comfort zone. I know you may be scared but it's time to make my own place in the world and that your dreams are too big for this town. Also, don't to let the doubters get to you because their words mean nothing, and you will prevail. It's a big world outside of that small town and theres people who will welcome you with open arms or make you stronger. you have so much ahead and will face rejection but the moments that you overcome rejection will make it that much more satisfying. Along the way, you will reach others that you never thought you would and go to places that you never thought you would. you even prove yourself wrong, which with the teen angst is hard to believe. You will still be as stubborn as ever but put it to good use. You will use your stubborn tenacity to prove others wrong and stick with goals in the long run. You are so beautiful no matter what others say and listen to your mother more, keeping smiling and your head up!


Julio, you may feel like you are ready to fully tackle your major right from the start, but that is not the case. Take your time. Take a course in each of the general requirements of the school you choose. It is better to get a grasp of the basics first. I am telling you this because it will save you the stress of changing career paths. I hope you make wise decisions. Good Luck!


Advice that I would give to myself as a high school senior would be to take my classes more seriously. I took harder courses to prepare for college, but I used the level of the class as an excuse to not make better grades. I would definitely have advised myself to study more, partly to make better grades in my classes and partly because I still find studying to be hard since I never actually perfected the art. I would say that my future is certainly worth the extra effort to study and to do everything else necessary to do well in high school, and if I had known that then, I would have been much more prepared for college now.


I would tell myself to make the best out of any school that I end up going to, and place a lot of emphasis on getting involved. If you do not get inovlved with anything, you will most likely not end up meeting anyone. Work hard academically, but don't make school the only aspect of your college career. Try and have fun and work hard; balance is extremely important.


If I could tell myself anything from high school it would be to work harder because as of right now I do have a scholarship to atttend my dream school but unfortunately it is not enough. If I had strived for more I would not be in such a predicament. Also I would tell myself that there is no reason not to follow your dreams and to allow yourself the time to spend on guitar playing and performances to enhance those abilities. I would tell myself to stick to the same road that you have been on for so long and keep working hard to get that dream school with a great scholarship and excel in whatever material it is that you want to study for.


I would tell myself three things. First, I would tell myself not to smoke cigarettes. I have recently kicked the habit, but I have smoked the entire time. Smoking cost me thousands of dollars, the dollars that I could have used to get by, or saved to pay the rest of my tuition for a semester. I know that I thought I was invincable when I first got to school, but now, I would tell myself that I am not and not to smoke a cigarette. Next, I would tell myself to stop looking for a job. When I got to school my idea of a job is not what it is today. I spent hours looking for positions making minimum wage because I thought that was where I would make the most money on campus to live off of. Now, I would explain that an unpaid internship is worth more than any minimum wage job. Last, I would tell myself to follow my heart. I had trouble deciding on a major, but it finally came to me. I discovered what I am passionate about, but I wish I realized earlier so that I could have gotten ahead.


If I could go back in time knowing what I know now, I would give myself a few tips to make my life a lot more enjoyable. The first suggestion I would tell myself would be to start lifting weights. As a student athlete in college, never having lifted before, I had put myself that much farther behind the rest of my competiton. Being able to learn a year worth of technique would have made my success that much greater my freshman year in the sport. The second most important point that I could not stress enough would be to look for outside scholarship to pay for my tuition. My senior year I made a minimum effort to look for scholarships, and I am paying the price for it now. If I could put my full effort during the summer of my senior year into looking for aid I would not be so stressed between class, work, and athletics. The final words I would leave myself with is to be willing to throw myself into new and uknown situations. It's amazing the types of people you will meet and the connections you make when you leave your comfort zone.


When you get to college, at first it may be overwhelming but for you to relax, try to praticipate in clubs or sports, workout, study, and on weekends have fun, but always do your work. If you are not passing your class, don't be scared to ask for help either to the professor or student or staff. Lastly, if you stay on campus, talk to your parents and family atleast once a week and share things with them.


I would tell myself to relax and enjoy the years that I had in high school. Throughout high school I was very academically driven and took several AP classes and was constantly studying. Although all that hard work paid off when I came to college, I also regretted that I hadn't taken the time to fully appreciate the more laid back attitude of high school and have fun with my friends. I would also remind myself not to worry myself as much as I did about what people in high school think about me. The people in my high school were always so involved in each other's business and I constantly wanted to impress other people at school. Because of this, I didn't stay completely true to myself and I wish I could have done that more so that people could have seen the real me and so I would have felt more comfortable at school.


If I could write a letter to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not be afraid of meeting new people through clubs and school events. As a sophomore looking back on my freshman year, I now realize how many chances I passed up to meet new people simply by being too shy. While my first year at college was, with no doubt, the best school year of my life, I cannot help but think about all the people I could be closer with. This includes people living on my floor and in my classes as well as my professors. After all, how many people have made a difference in the world by standing around and observing others?


If I could give advice to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to enjoy senior year before it is over and to try not to have any expectations going in to freshman year. I spent all of senior year anticipating the start of college and imagining what it would be like. My senior year flew by and I barely enjoyed it because I was so ready to leave, and once I got to college it turned out to be nothing like what I expected it to be. Looking back I wish I would have lived in the moment and grew closer with my high school classmates, rather than counting the days until high school was over. If I had the chance to advise my senior self I would tell me to enjoy the rest of high school while I was there, because I would someday miss it, and to open-mindedly participate in my college experience as I encountered it instead of anticipating every aspect of it, because once I finally let go of my expectations, my college experience far exceeded them.


I was a high school senior once, well actually twice. I would like to inform you of some great advice. These words will help you understand what you should do, In order to get to the new college-educated you. Find out what it is that you think defines you, What job would make you feel important, inspired, and true? Now talk to the guidance advisor about your new find, They'll direct you to classes to stimulate your mind. You've got your new classes, go take some looks, Be sure to get all that you need, even books! The books are needed in order to pass your class, But they are very exspensive so save all your cash! Time is important for all of your college and success, So be sure to manage it with a great prowess. Be accountable for your actions; there's nowhere to hide, You need determination, and perseverance, and most of all pride. Now that these ideas have been stated, questioned, and said, Be sure to remember all these pointers you have read. Make sure you put these words of widom to use, I want you in college no matter what, no excuse!


Either you go all in...or don't go at all. Nothing in life is easy. If you think that college will be a breeze and you will just "float" on by, you're wrong. But if you want something bad enough...go for it. If you're not willing to die for your dream, for what you want to be, you're in it for the wrong reasons. Get a new dream. You have to want it. With every ounce of your being. Once you believe it you will achieve it. And once you achieve you will succeed.


The advice I will give myself is to always strive for the best. Stay in school and stay focused, and never give up because if it was easy everyone could do it. Set high standards. Failure is not an option. Believe in yourself even if no one else does. Proper preparation prevents poor performance. Knowledge is power. School is cool. Always stay open minded. Education will not always be fun but it will pay off in the long run. Don't chase these boys/girls they will be there when you are done. It's all about you. Major in something you would do for free. Embrace your mind. Get involved in school activities. Keep up the good work. Pay attention. Ask questions if you do not understand. Volunteer in the community. Apply for college. Apply for FAFSA. Attend College Tours, and network. Get involved in summer programs. Find a group of friends that influence you. Create study groups. Randomly go to different Community Colleges see what they have to offer. Attend a community college and graduate with your Associates degree, then transfer to a 4-year institution then focus on your major. Be different, but most important be you.


If I could go back to high school I would tell myself to get more rest and learn study strategies. This is because when I was in high school I never needed to study to get good grades and I always stayed up late and let myself become exhausted to the point where I was falling asleep in class. I imagine that I would have less trouble getting into a good sleeping pattern now if I would've tried starting it during high school. In terms of studying, I had no idea how to prepare myself for a test when I entered college. I was naive in high school and figured that my studies in college would be as easy as they were in high school; however, when I realized that I needed to start studying to get good grades I was stuck trying to figure out study strategies that were benficial to me. I wish I would've started these two habits before I entered college, that way I wouldn't be trying to catch up with everything all at once like I am now.


I would tell my high school senior self to stop worrying so much about the future. If you're willing to put in some effort and hard work, things have a way of working out in ways that may not have occurred to you. I would tell myself to soak up as much knowledge as possible during my senior year, because all of that information would actually be useful in a college classroom. I'd tell myself to really enjoy each and every day of my senior year because college is a completely different lifestyle, and quite a few more responsibilities to handle. Finally, I'd tell myself that the transition to college is not nearly as hard as I may have thought it would be as a senior in high school, and that all of the new experiences and the new friends that I would meet in college is completely worth the stress of preparing to start college and leave my hometown.


In order to determine what advice I would give myself, I thought about what I would have done differently while at college. Some ideas came to mind: not declaring a major freshman year, being more active on campus, taking summer classes, etc. After careful thought, I decided that the advice I would give myself is "Make mistakes." I would not change anything about my life in college, not because it was perfect but because it was not. I have come to realize that the best way to learn is to make mistakes and that it is better to make mistakes earlier rather than later in life. The mistakes that I made in college have prepared me for life more than any textbook ever could and have given me wisdom and a different perspective on life.


The advice that I would give myself is to take advantage of all the opportunities that you are being offered and to take each day of school work at a time. Also, that you spend your time being involved in clubs and organization, attend community events, join a sports club, take new interesting classes, and learn from the other diverse students around you. Also, to enjoy the ups and downs of the weather. and enjoy the campus lake and take time to medidate there.


If I could go back in time I would advise myself to listen to others when told not to overload on classes. Four years flies by but it's a terrible feeling to try rushing to beat others only to end up finishing last. I would remind myself of Bugs Bunny and the Turtle, "slow and steady wins the race". I'd return to my past to tell the high school me that magic isn't real and money really doesn't grow on trees, it is so important to use your time in high school wisely, keep your grades high and participate in extra curricula's. Most importantly, there are billions of dollars floating around in scholarships, I would've told the old me to stop being lazy, get up and grab that free money! On a more positive note, I would have told the old me that I had been lied to, high school isn't the best years of your life because it can't compare to college. It is the most rewarding, fulfilling, and challenging times in life thus far.


If I could go back in time as high school senior, i would talk to myself that college is an open gate for me to seek knowledge, to be mature and to have a good future. I would use my time in college to seek for new knowledge, to experience life, and to have the social connection with peers. Beside going to school, earn the good grades, being a good student, I should involve in campus and community activities, and use my time effectively to have a better education as well as to gain experience about life. I would use my years in college to prepare myself for my future carrer and my own life.


Hey Sabrina, You are going to have the best year of your life! The people in your residence hall are amazing, make sure to be friends with as many of them as possible. They will look out for you. You are going to do great in school. Try not to pull any non-academic all-nighters. Your relationship will end, and your heart will be broken. It will make you so much stronger. After this experience you will know exactly what you want in a man, and have a lot of fun. You might switch majors, it's ok. Do not be afraid. Be the best version of yourself. Work hard. GO TO EVERY CLASS. Around spring break, pay extra attention to one of your friends. He will be going through a rough patch, and will need your ear. Apply for every opportunity that comes your way to avoid the question of "what if". I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU. YOU ARE GOING TO BEGIN THE LIFE YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED.


If i was to go as a high school senior and talk to high schoolers about going to college, i would give them a few helpful words to get them through college. First, I would tell them use time wisely because going to college is a whole different lifestyle then what you think. It's more studying, listening, reading and also discovering. Second, I would tell them to consider more personal life options such as limilting partying, clubbing and things in that nature. College consists of more time doing homework, schoolwork and traveling. You will have spend more of your quality time at home doing school work. Third, Limit your friends. Some friends will become enemies and some will become will becomet your school friends because those that are seeing that you are trying to do better in life will try and put you down and also downgrade you. Others will help with school work,and become you best of friend. College is a big step once you start. There are a lot of responsibilites and homework involved with college. All you have to do is stay focus and strive for whatever you want and let noone tell you different.


Think about the size of the school more than the size of the aid package. Unless one school is basically free pick where you will be most happy in the long run.


My first piece of advice to myself would be to take as many Advanced Placement classes as I could my senior year of high school. Taking the AP exams and getting college credit would have made the load of work that I need to complete in these next years of college much easier. I would have had less core classes to take through the school. As a freshman in college this year I realized that there is technically no one telling you what to do next in your life. In high school I always knew that college would have more freedom, but actually living through this feeling really hit me. I would tell my high school self to prepare for an epiphany of a lifetime, especially in the first week of college. My future started the first day of class, and it's solely up to me to make something of it. I love the individuality, however it came to me as a sudden shock and it really made me think long and hard about what I want to do with my life.


My advice would be to continue to work hard for what you want and don't be afraid to reach for your goals. It's important to know yourself as well as possible so that you have a better understanding of how to deal with stress, failure, and other obstacles. Continue to see your goals beyond the obstacles and do anything you can in order to succeed.


More than anything I would have given myself the advice to research more. I would encourage myself to look at out of state schools more and to really research the atmosphere of the school not just the academics. The atmosphere of a school can make or break your attitude during college which will directly affect your school work. I would have also encouraged myself to be more open with my freshman year living situation. I would advise to keep your door open and meet the people you live closest too. I would also encourage myself to not harshly compare my experience with my friends during the transition. No two people go through the same things nor do they feel the same about what is happening. More than anything I would advise myself to make every single semester count. Do not go into college with the attitude that the first two semesters are a give away. Every single semester is counted towards your GPA and it is incredibly difficult to bounce back from a low freshman year. In the beginning it is important to take easy classes, but don't forget to give them the attention they deserve.


I attended community college during my junior and senior year of high school, thus I was already placed in the context of college life. Yet I did not understand how to take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy my education. I had severe health issues this past year because of academic stress's tole on my body. If I could go back, I would insist that I allow myself to enjoy the experience in college, rather than getting worked up about it. I would tell myself to prioritize my health over my worries on whether or not my professors adore me. Without a healthy body, you cannot have a healthy mind. I know that now, and am determined to find a way to balace straight As with inner happiness. It would have been nice to know that then, though. Yet we can only deal with what is at hand rather than looking backwards.


The first six weeks of your college life are essential in finding friends and getting involved. I encourage you to attend as many clubs or organizations offered on campus. This will allow you to see the array of oppuntunity, giving you the chance to find the place you feel most comfortable in. I ensure you that there are people with your similar interests and goals, but you can not waste time and you should always willing to search. Keep an open mind with the people you meet at a club, the neighbor you meet on move-in day, or the roommate you have a small conversation with each day. This may turn into the group you can always rely on, the friend you will eat in the dining hall with each day, or the companion you will learn to coexist with and discuss your dreams with as you both fall asleep after an accomplished day. I came to Loyola as a believer and it did not let me down. I am a single student in a big school and city. With the urge and longing for more success, opputunity, friends, etc., I will continute to look with confindence.