Lynchburg College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about your school?


The school can feel really small at times. Also, sometimes technologically the school seems to be slacking.


The amount of written materials in the library, could be a little better.


The nost frustrating thing about lynchburg college is if you are a full time commuter student with a job it is hard to make friends and attend school events.


The most frustrating thing about my college is the amount of money we have to pay to attend. For the last year and a half, it has been very difficult for my parents to pay for my education, and its been hard to accumulate more financial aid as well.


closed minds, lack of fun things to do on campus, almost zero tolerence for drinking.


The Lack on communication between professors and students about test, projects, etc.


We do not have a large venue for concerts nor do we have a football team.